Daughter of Garmadon

By LazyTigger

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(Cole X Character ) Most love stories are so amazing. With their ups and downs, romance, and heart break. It... More

MC Backstory (Id rd it)
Ch.1 (Surprise)
Ch.2 (Moving day)
Ch.3 (I'ts been awhile)
Ch.4 (ninjago day)
Ch.5 (school)
Ch.6 (something new)
Ch.7 (Losses)
Ch.8 ( This is Crazy )
Ch.9 (It's Time)
Ch.10 ( Friends? )
Ch.11 ( what now? )
Ch.12 ( Connections )
Ch.13 ( He's back )
Ch. 14 ( Awkward )
Ch. 16 ( Life Isnt a Movie )
Ch. 18 ( A different path )
Ch.19 ( A different path pt.2 )
Ch.20 ( decpetion )
Ch.21 (Long Live Evil)
Ch.23 ( Broken Beginings )
Authors note (plz read!)
Ch.24 ( Feelings Change )

Ch.22 ( Shes So Gone )

297 3 7
By LazyTigger

(Koko's POV.)

"Where are they?! Lloyd should've been back by now!" I say freaked out. I was so worried with what has happened to Rhi, and now Lloyd being missing I was going to lose my mind. A mother should not be put through these things.

"Koks it's gonna be ok." Garmadon says softly.

"Our son hasn't been home in 2 days!" I yell with some tears. All the parents of his friends were here at our house trying to figure out where they all could be.

"You don't think this could be because of Rhi do you?" Lou says.

"I don't know..I'm so worried though." I say sitting down by Edna.

"They wouldn't just run off and leave this long with out at least one of them saying something." Edna says.

"Cole hasn't even wanted to leave the house. Especially since after the funeral." Lou says quietly. I could tell he was really worried.

"I just hope there safe.." Garmadon says.

"Maybe we should call the police again?" Lou suggests.

"Yeah we should." I say dialing them again...

(Ghaz's pov.)

I was about to head into the room where Rocky was being held. I was needing some information that I don't expect to get easily. I was sharpening a knife getting it ready for the intarigation. Just Incase I needed it's assistance. As I worked on it my mind went to Rhi..I don't know what it was but she occupied my mind. I couldn't get her out of my head, no matter how hard I tried..It made me angry that I the one who's spent almost all my life learning and choosing to be alone would..maybe..start to develop..feelings. It was showing me that I was weak and that I needed to get back on the path I was originally on. Which is what I definitely needed to do. No more sweet talk, being nice, no more anything. My eyes flash there lion form as I walk off to Rocky...

(Rhi's POV.)

I hear painful screams from rocky in the other room as they make me wince a bit. Ghaz has been trying to get him to say where the Warrior Blade of Arei is for the last hour. When Ghaz first brought me back here that was his main priority at the time, but then once he saw my powers, the training happened and that got pushed to the side. Now..he seems to want that blade more then anything. The yelling stops and the only sounds are irritated huffs from Ghaz. The cell door slams shut as he storms out of there.

"Well?" I say with my arms crossed.

"Nothing..again. He's tougher then I thought." He says mad.

"I'm sure we'll get him soon..also what is the point of this blade?"

"My business.." He says bluntly.

"I'm your friend, I should know." I say why crossing my arms.

"You are not my friend! Your just an apprentice..It's my business. So stay out of it." He snaps.

"Fine." I say annoyed and a bit hurt.

"..Maybe you could try and get it out of him? It'd be good practice for you anyway." He suggests roughly.

"Alright." I say with a gulp. I walk in there and take in his appearance expecting to see the face behind the mask, but see the mask. "Hm.." His head slowly rises as I see his glaring eyes:

"What.." he says cold.

"I want information on-" I start but he interrupts me.

"Why are you doing this?.. I promise you this is not the way. We can help you more then he can." He says  desperate.

I glare. "How would you ever think that? None of you even understands my powers."

"But your forgetting the bigger power in you..Your Muisc elemental powers. The world needs them and you..You have so much to offer the world..don't through it away like this."

My eyes flash and I glare. He doesn't know me he's just saying this to benefit himself. "Stop! Ok! You have no idea what my reasons are and you don't need to know. NOW WHERE IS THE BLADE OF AREI?!" I yell and slam my fist across his face.

He grunts because I probably re-hit a spot Ghaz got to first. "W-We don't know..Once we found it Garmadon knew it was to dangerous to hand over. Besides Ghaz lost his leverage when he took away one of the most important things in his life..and mine."

My eyes widen a bit. "What.."

"His daughter..she's dead because of him." He says sadly.

"Why do you care!?" I snap. "It's not like anyone really cared anyway."

He looks up suspicious and angry. "How would you know!? You never knew her! And yeah people did care a lot! Especially me!" He says pulling at his restraints angry.

"You didn't even know her!" I say feeling confused but don't show it in my voice.

"How would you know...You didn't know her either. And you don't know me." He says coldly.

I stop all things and stare at him. Something was...different. It was familiar..but different on him. I reach my hand out to grab his mask.

"What are you doing?" He says why trying to move back. "D-Don't take that off." My hand was inches from his mask.

"Did you get the information?" Ghaz says why walking in. I pull my hand back.

"We're going to have to find Garmadon to get the exact location." I stand back up straight letting my arm fall to my side.

"Then that's what we'll do." He turns and slams his fist across rocky's face knocking him out cold.

"What was the need for that?" I say a little angry.

"Just for fun. He spits at Rocky's feet and leaves the room. I fallow shortly behind..

(A little bit later)

"Do you know Garmadon's location?" He asks.

"No, knowing the situation they're probably not just lounging around. I think I know someone who does though...Lloyd would."

"Well then go find out." He snaps and walks away.

I sigh putting on my game face as I head to Lloyd's cell. I slam open the bars taking a few steps in. I look down at Lloyd seeing his ragged appearance. His suit was ripped in places, and the forest green suit was stained with blood in places making it turn brown. He kept his mask on for some reason I didn't understand as he leaned against the dirty wall in the corner..looking almost..lifeless..

"Get up." I command. I wait a few minutes looking at him but nothing happens. "I said get up!" I grab his arm and pull him up but he just falls to his knees. "Man up Lloyd!"

"Just shut it, Rhi!" He yells.

"Shh!" I say with Glare. "Don't say the name.." I say with a snap in my voice.

"Why?! Does it make you feel guilty!? Make u remember The days when you weren't such a Bitch!?" He yells glaring.

"How dare you. You know nothing of the situation! Or me!" I yell back. Tears slowly come into my eyes. It was always the hardest to talk to him.

He rips off his mask looking at me with tears rolling down his face. His bruised and cut face. "But I should know! I'm your brother! You can tell me these things..I'm supposed to be there for you..and you the same for me. He says standing in front of me looking me dead in the eyes.

"You see..you..the ninja, our family, friends. They think all they do is good. So when times come they can never see..Even when they think no one would know that they did do something wrong. They did. Because you all are so perfect and great. Well news flash hero your not! You guys honestly do more damage than good..And that's what you all did. You did something wrong that you aren't even aware you did. And you keep asking this question why Rhi? Why did you do this? Well you know why? Because you hurt me! And Cole, and just everyone! I never really felt at home there..and I never will. So. Get. Off. My. Back. Because you won't change my mind. I have nothing to go back too. Nothing.

I watch Lloyd's expression slowly change..His heart slowly breaks, and I did feel some guilt for it. But I couldn't let it get to me..That's what they wanted.

"Cole knows..He knows what he did. Even if he doesn't know you saw. He feels horrible..Literally miserable. He cries everyday for you. He misses you..So much. Don't you miss him?" He asks dumbfounded.

I feel like my heart strings were being yanked. But those words were a lie. They're all lies! "No. I don't. Now stop trying to change my mind by using my pathetic, old, stupid, "crush!". Because those feelings were all fake. They weren't real. I now realized that. So, you lost leverage..." I glare and shove him into the wall. "Now. Where would Garmadon be located?" I say firm.

He winces a bit from the bruises and cuts hitting the wall. "W-Well I know that's not true. You did, no you do love him. I can still see it in your eyes. And Probably still ninjago city.."

"Oh please Lloyd, You think I'll fall for that? And Answer me now." I release my claws and glare.

"I did. It's your best bet.." he says firm.

I look into his eyes trying to find any fault. But there wasn't. I scoff and turn to leave. "If you have lied..It won't be good for you. I walk out and slam the door shut. I quickly start to walk out to Ghaz, but as I pass where Rocky is I hear something..s-singing. Light, sad singing. To a song. I love. So much..I was surprised he was singing it too because..it was a Christmas song. It was the song Cole sang..to me. At Christmas. I glare storm in there.

"Why are you singing?! I snap.

I could tell he was startled by my sudden appearance. "I-I just..it helps me calm down.." He says in an innocent tone.

"But why that song!?" I snap again showing the returning tears in my eyes.

"Just because..It has a sentimental reason. Why do you care?" He asks.

"B-Because I hate that song.! If I hear it again. I will beat you so hard you won't wake up for days." I glare and quickly leave. I head to Ghaz and grab my retractable spear. "Let's go.." I says vaugly.

"Did you find out where he is?" Ghaz asks.

"Yeah. That's what let's go means." I say irritated.

"Alright just making sure." He puts his bandana around his face as we pass the barrier.

On our way there no conversations were started..Just silence...Once we approached the out skirts of ninjago he finally spoke.

"Sure you can do this?" He says with a firm voice staring down at Ninajgo city.

"Are you doubting me?" I say annoyed.

"It's been a very full week for you. I just want to make sure if we do this you won't do anything stupid and ruin the plan."

"I'll be fine. Ok.!" I snap.

"Well are you prepared to see your father, mother, Cole? Anyone you love like this?"

"It doesn't matter. Besides. Wouldn't I be if I'm standing here right now?! ..Now why don't you start worrying about your self then other people. Ok.?" I walk ahead.

He scoffs. "She's So difficult!" He mumbles.

We head down into the streets of ninjago climbing up onto the rooves of buildings.

"Where to first?" He says looking down as his hair blows in the wind."

"Check the House first. Just Incase."

He nods as I run ahead leading the way. Since we were closer to my step parents house I thought we might as well check there first. I jump across a few buildings then land on my apartment. I flip down onto my balcony and look in my window. I sigh seeing my old room. I missed it. I loved that room. I look around a bit eyeing a picture next to my bed..it was my favorite of Cole and I. It makes my heart hurt as I stare at it..It just looks like a forgotten dream I had..I shake my head and scoff as I make my eyes flash. "Forget him, Rhi." I say to myself quietly. I open my window and jump in walking out into the hall of our house. I quietly walked around listening for any sign of other presences. I waited..but nothing. No one was home. I sigh a bit annoyed and get back in the roof here Ghaz is.

"No one's here."

He huffs. "Do you know anywhere else?"

"Yes, lets go." I jump off to another roof as I run to Lloyd's house. It was probably are best bet to find them there. As we head there I start to slow down stopping across the street from Cole's house. I sigh. "I hate this city.."

"Why'd we stop?" He says.

"H-hold on." I jump down and quickly cross the street. I climb up the side of a building looking into a window. I stare into the window seeing Cole's room. No one was in there..it was all dark and kind of depressing. "Hm..". I jump down and go back to Ghaz.

"Let me guess..Cole's house?" He says with his arms crossed.

"Yes. I wanted to see if he was there. He's lucky he isn't." I release my claws and start back on our way to Garmadon.

It took us about 7 minutes to get there. When we approach we see the lights on as shadows of people inside. "I think we are in luck." I smirk. I walk up to the house and send a big music wave through the area making all the light flicker and then finally off.

"What's going on?" Koko says.

"I don't know.." Garmadon says.

"Bingo." I smirk when I hear th voice we need. Ghaz busts through the door and breaks it as I walk in with him. My tiger eyes glow in the darkness "Garmadon, we need to talk."

"Who are you! And what do you want?! He death glares at Ghaz.

"Well let's say I fooled you all." Ghaz chuckles evil and flashes his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Garmadon says confused.

Ghaz looks over at me. "Well.?"

I use my magic to make my mask fade as I untie my bandana around my face. "Hi Dad." I say vaguely.

"R-Rhi?!" They both say shocked.

"Yeah..Well anyway- They try to come and hug me but I block them back with my powers. "Sorry not in the mood for..well any of y'all."

"Rhi..what happened to you?" He asks with tear filled eyes. I could tell they both were shocked to see me. And are probably hurt by how I'm acting.

"What? Are you not proud that I'm like you? An evil..well not war lord but. Just evil. I smirk."

"No..I never wanted that for you or Lloyd.." He says sadly and almost guilty.

"Rhi come home..please.!" Koko says with tears running down her face. She was shaking and I could tell she just wanted to give me a hug. It hurt me a bit to see my mom cry..She never did anything wrong.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." I softly.

"Rhi, don't turn out like me. Your better. So much more then I ever was."

"Well! Your right about that. You didn't have the guts to stay this way. And I guess the evil just runs in the genes." I smirk evil. "Anyway. I need the warrior blade of Arei."

"Sorry Rhi, but that's not happening." Garmadon says.

"Oh yes it is. Hand it over. now." I death glare.

"That is way to powerful of a weapon. No." Garmadon says seriously.

"I will forcefully take it." I show my claws as my hands glow with an orange aurora.

"I will not fight you. You are my daughter. Please just listen to us..we want you home. We miss you so much." A tear finally runs down his cheek.

"It's to late for that now." I blast my powers at him as he is shoved hard into a wall. I use my music powers to hold him there in place. "WHERE IS IT!?" I yell.

"I'm not going to give it to you." He says calmly. I scoff a little bit stuck in what to do. I didn't want to hurt him..I hear a scream behind me as Ghaz grabs my mom and holds a knife to her throat.

"Tell me where it is." He says glaring and tightening his grip on the knife. I stare a bit wide at him mouthing "don't."

"Let her go!" Garmadon yells trying to get unstuck from my powers.

"Tell me where it is and she lives. I know Rhi won't do this but I will."

I see Garmadon start to panic a bit. He was stuck he had no other choice. "It's upstairs..In Rhi's room..in the secret drawer under your bed. I slowly release him as Ghaz puts the knife closer so he doesn't try anything. I quickly go upstairs and look in the drawer. There it was..I pick it up and run back down stairs.

"I got it." I say throwing it to him.

He shoves Koko away as Garmadon catches her. "This has been a pleasure." He bows all sarcastic and smirks evil.

"Rhi..did you take Cole and all your friends captive?" Koko asks quickly before we leave.

"No. Why would you think that?! There nothing to me."

"Well there gone..they disappeared about a few days ago..we have no idea where they are. Just..if you see them-"

"I won't ok.!" I scoff annoyed and turn to leave.

"Rhi, dont think we will love you any less now. We will always love you and you will always be welcome. So please..just come home to us." Garmadon says with a few more tears.

"B-Bye.." I walk out. I sigh taking a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I was really mad at Ghaz for threatening my mother like that. I looked around for him but spot him running to the jungle in his lion form.

(Ghaz's pov.)

I quickly ran back to the hide out as I my mind was sparked with worry. She said Rhi's friends disappeared a few days ago..that's when we took the ninja. There are the same amount of them as her friends and Lloyd is in their friend group. If my idea was correct..this was not going to be good for the plan..

(Rhi's POV.)

What the hell! Is he doing!? I was really mad at him now. Like really mad. I wasn't able to turn into my tiger yet but I was able to use the speed I have. It wasn't as fast as turning into the animal but it would have to do. I sprint off trying to catch up to him...


Ghaz only got there about 30 minutes before me, but his peace and quiet was sure over with now. I storm into the hide out trying to find him. I go to his room and see him there looking at th blade. My eyes form into a death glare. "EXCUSE ME! BUT WHAT WAS ALL THAT BACK THERE?!"

"I had to do what would get the job done.." he says vaguely.

"NOT IF IT MEANT HURTING MY MOTHER!" I yell as my face turns red from anger.

"I didn't did I? So it's fine."

"It's not fine! And what was with the running away, huh?!?" I cross my arms.

He cleans the blade not even making eye contact with me. "I had to quickly get this back."

"Still doesn't mean you almost kill my mother." I glare."

He holds the blade up inspecting it then goes back to cleaning. "I thought you didn't care about them."

"I-I don't. But it doesn't mean they deserve to die."

"Whatever.." He huffs.

We stand there in silence for a minute as I calm down, and he waits for me to leave. But I had one more question..

"Can I ask one more thing?" I say carefully.

"Yes.." He huffs.

"I uh had a realization there. Something my mother said put me off guard and-.." I sigh. "..and I don't know if it's true or not but...If it is i'm really worried..Oh gosh I can't even say it." I say sitting down.

"What is it?" He says folding his arms.

"My mother said that my..f-friends are missing..a-and it was about 2 days ago." I say why trying to calm myself.

"Yeah, so what."

"..That's when we took the Ninja..I know it sounds crazy, but. I've seen signs. Heard things. And it's kind of..adding up."

"What signs?" He stops cleaning the blade and looks at me.

"They were all too "affected" by Rhi's death..and, Rocky.." Suddenly it feels like a train hit me. No..it couldn't be h-him. "Oh my gosh.." I say stunned. My heart was beating 100 times faster. I feel like I might explode..

"What about rocky?" I see Ghaz shift a bit uncomfortably starting to notice a problem might be occurring.

"No! It cant be..h-him!" I say staring at the ground.

"Who? Rocky?" He asks confused.

"...C-Cole. R-Rocky said that he cared a lot about her..Rhi. A-And earlier today.." tears come to my eyes. "I heard rocky singing the song Cole sang to me at Christmas.." I sniff. "No no.. this can't be happening. It can't be him!"

I hear Ghaz sigh and bend down to me. "I doubt it's him. It's probably just a coincidence."

"It's to good of a coincidence though!"

"I'll go check..you won't have to. I'll let you know if it's him."

"No! I don't know..I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Listen. Even if it is him. You get what you wanted. A chance to show him what you truly are."

"Still.." I say why looking down.

"Well I still need to check for myself. It might change my plans if it is. So I'm going to check..If you want to know. Just ask.." he gets up and leaves.

(Ghaz's pov.)

I slowly headed down to where rocky was being held. I honestly was hoping it wasn't what we both thought..If it was, this was going to ruin my plan Immensely. I had to keep it a secrete..I take a little breath and open the cell as I walk in.

"W-What do you want?" He says giving me a death glare.

I walk up to him and rip off his mask. His head is hung low and shaggy black hair hangs down from his head. His refusing to meet my gaze. I put my finger under his chin, and lift his face up to be met with the face of Cole. He glares as all the bruises and cuts I made on his face now very visible..

"Cole Brookstone.." I say glaring back. "Nice to finally meet you."

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