Servamp & Witch - The One And...

By FallenAnge15

11.7K 353 25

(Y/N) was walking to school one day, when a hedgehog crosses her path. She picks up the hedgehog not wanting... More

A/N πŸ“‹
Story Notes πŸ“‘
A Hedgehog? πŸ¦”
Mum's Shop πŸ΅β˜•οΈ
Just Be Careful 🀨
First Date πŸ‘«
Your Performance πŸŽ™
Jayden Attacks πŸ”ͺ
Servamps, Eves and Witches πŸ§›πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ‘±πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ§™πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
Phone Call πŸ“±
To Be Or Not To Be ~ πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ™…πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
Killing Jayden 🏒
Mahiru, Kuro Met The Sins and Virtues πŸ‘±πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ±πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‡
Performance πŸŽ™πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ•ΊπŸΌ
At The Gym πŸ₯ŠπŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Όβ€β™€οΈπŸ€ΈπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
All-Father πŸ‘¨πŸ»
Daemon and Archangel πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‡
All-Mother πŸ‘©πŸΌ
Truth πŸ—£
Endless Corridor 🌌
Holidays ✈️
Charity Ball πŸ‘—
Power Transfer πŸ‹
The Day After πŸ˜ͺ
Witch's War πŸ§™πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ§™πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
Cute Moment 😌 {1K Views}
All-Sister? πŸ‘©πŸ½
Erase... ☠️
She's Gone... 😒
In The Rain πŸ’§
Three Years πŸ‹
Greed Grown πŸ’—
Greed Back Everybody! πŸ’°
How Did You Survive? ❓
Eternity... 🀭
Year's Later ⏳
Greeds Of Todoroki's Mansion 🏠

Appointment πŸ“…

796 22 7
By FallenAnge15

Walk straight from school to the shop, I didn't want to be late for the appointment.

Sadly no Hyde today, I guess Licht was able to keep him home. Which is a good thing, but I did miss the little guy. Oh well, maybe I'll see him tomorrow.

I heard the doorbells ring, "hello? I had an appointment at 4 o'clock."

I step into the shop, "hello I'm (Y/N)."

I look towards guy wow he was good looking. Blonde hair with brown streaks, red-framed glasses. Oh, his eyes blood red and so hypnotic. I hope he comes back after today. "I'm Hyd- Umm Lawless but you can call me Lawly. Or leading man, or whatever you want!" He kneeled took my hand in his, kiss it.

I couldn't help but giggle, "right this way Lawly." I showed him into the room.

I gesture towards chairs next to a desk. "You working alone today?"

"No my Mum just has gone out to do a delivery. She'll be back soon."

"I take it I'm in good hands." This guy making me blush, and I can't even hide it.

"Yes, my Mum trained me in spices and teas since I was a child. No need to worry."

He leans on the desk, "who said I was worried." I swear my face went a darker shade of red.

"R-right than. Mr Rosen said you needed a pick me up tea. So you're feeling sluggish, and tired? Do you drink any coffee or caffeinated drinks?"

"Double espresso, I'm far from sluggish nor do I feel tired."

"Umm okay, what do you feel than? That Mr Rosen thinks you need a pick me up tea?" I was a little confused, I was excepting a guy to be tired, bags under his eyes and sickly. But he looks perfectly healthy not like Lily did.

He turned away looking at the wall, "Lawly?" I place my hand on top of his, gaining his attention. He smiled brightly, but I could see something in his eyes. Like something was taken from him.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you a divine of beauty?"

"U-Ummm no, but thank you..." Oh gawd, is he trying to hit on me?

He leans forward on his knees, head down. "Crantz said that my brother Lily was in here yesterday. You could say we have the same problem but got it in a different way. He said he was looking better than he did before. I want to try what he's having, see if it works." Wow, this turn around pretty quick.

"Okay, I can make you the same tea. Is there a flavour that you like?"

"How about Mango? Or white peaches?" Another quick change in mood.

"Haha, I can make either."

I watched him think, "mango."

"I'll start making your tea. Your welcome to stay or come back. I should be done in half an hour."

"I'll stay with you, can't leave a beautiful lady like you all alone." Does he ever stop?

~~ Hyde ~~

Sat on the stool, I watch (Y/N) grind the herbs and spices. We mostly talked about her, about her work in the shop. And types of herbs and spices did what. I could listen to her all day. Really I wanted to know if she thought about me today.

"So has anything exciting happen recently?" She looks at me little confused, damnit I fuck up

"Ummm exciting? Well, I took a hedgehog to school, does that count?" Her giggle melts my heart.

"You have a hedgehog?" I knew the answer, wanted to see if she would lie.

"No sadly his not mine, he's my friend's friends. His name Hyde, and he's so damn cute. Yesterday as I walking to school, I could have sworn he was waiting for me." That I was my Juliet.

"That's Licht's hedgehog."

"You're friends with Licht?" She asked.

"Why yes, we are."

"So do you know Mahiru than?"

"Yes him and his cat Kuro."

The doorbells ring, "excuse me for a second. I'll be right with you."

Leaves the room, I had a bad feeling. I get up and stood by the door.

"Hello, how can I help?"

"Well hello (Y/N), long time no see!"

"J-Jayden what are you doing here? Y-You're supposed to be in jail!" I could hear the fear in her voice.

"Didn't you hear I got out on good behaviour." I heard a bang on the other side of the wall. No one touches my Juliet.

"My Love, where did you go? Oh, who's this?" I saw a guy had back (Y/N) up against the wall. She quickly ducks under his arm, ran towards me.

"Who the fuck are you?! Who is this guy (Y/N)?! And why is he here?!"

"I'm her boyfriend, and what do you think you're doing scaring my beloved?"

"Look pretty boy this is between me and her. Fucking move it!" He tried to swing at me. I may not have my powers, but I'm still just as quick. I move us out of the way, causing the oath to fall headfirst into the ground.

"You shouldn't swear in front of my beloved. It's quite rude of you." I gently push (Y/N) back into the room.

"I'm going to knock your lights out, pal!"

"You can try."

The idiot tried again to hit me but kept missing. By now I had enough, he's wasting my time that I could have spent with my Juliet! He threw another punch, this time I grab it. And squeezed down on his hand, causing him pain.

I lean in close so Juliet wouldn't hear. "Listen here Jayden I ever see you near my beloved. If I find out you laid one finger on her I will kill you. Make it look like an accident. Do you understand?" I could feel the fear coming off of him.

I didn't get an answer I push his hand back, "yes I understand! I'll never go near her again! I swear!" I let go of his hand, and he ran out of the shop.

I turn around, see my Juliet her eyes are red and puffy. "What's wrong?" I asked all I got was her hugging me crying.

I held her close, ran my hand through her hair. "It's okay (Y/N), he's gone now." I cooed to her.

After a while, she calms down, "thank you Lawly. I don't know what would of happen if you weren't here."

"What did he do to you?" She didn't answer, "it's okay you don't have to tell me now."

She stood back, "I don't know how I can pay you back."

"Well, could I get your number?" I smile at her, causes her to giggle.

"Sure, think it would be a good idea for my 'boyfriend' to have my number." Oh my, Juliet, you've made me so happy!

I handed her my phone watch as she types her number in. As she handed it back she put herself in as '(Y/N) 'girlfriend'. I called the number to make sure it was hers.

Her phone rang, hand reach for it in her back pocket. "Did you really think I was going to give you the wrong number?" She back to smiling.

"Just making sure."

- (Y/N) -

After Jayden had left I went back to making Lawly's tea. Can't believe he called me his girlfriend but was probably just saying it to get to Jayden. He didn't say anything when I called him my boyfriend. I wonder if this will go somewhere.

Not long I finished making his tea and told him how to make it. "How much do I owe you?"

"Oh nothing after what you did for me. Plus think of it as a trial, if you haven't noticed any changes let me know. And I can fix it up for you." His smile turned into a smirk.

"So does this trial extend to you being my girlfriend?" He did not just say that he did not just say that!

"A-A trial? You want to be my b-boyfriend?"

"Yes, I do." He can't be serious?

"Y-yeah sure, okay."

"Thank you for the tea, my love." He leans down kisses my cheek. "Till I see you again." He left the shop.

I raise a hand to my cheek, it felt tingly. "I-I have a boyfriend. And he kissed me!"

"I have to talk to Mahiru!"

- Hyde -

I got back to the hotel, went straight to the kitchen. "Lawless you're back, how did it go." I walk past Crantz.

"Very well."

I heard him get up, "what did you do?" Already suspicious.

"I did nothing, but defend my beloved (Y/N)." I started making my tea.

"Please tell me you didn't kill anyone."

"I wouldn't do such a thing in front, my love." I finished making my tea and headed to my room.

"She's your girlfriend isn't she, rotten hedgehog."

I didn't give them an answer, I just smirk and closed the door.

Sat down in my chair took a sip of my tea. "Have to say my Juliet makes an excellent tea."

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