Chicago Love Season 4

By Paulinemartin100

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How will Kelly and the family cope ? Or will he have to? Find out in the next season of Chicago Love! Face cl... More

Part 1 "I died today"!
Part 3 Mayo all dayo!
Part 4 It's me, you little shit!
Part 5 "I saw you in heaven"
Part 6 "What the fcuk is it with water"?
Part 7 Water! Arghhhhhh!
Part 8 The Chapter with no title!
Part 9 "I for idiot"
Part 10. Just the two of us
Part 11 "I'm glad i'm not the only one who's been a bad girl!"
Part 12 Oh thank fu ... god!
Part 13 Well if it isn't Mark "I'm a d*ck" Hunter!
Part 14 "The wheels on the bus"
Part 15 "Don't you dare push me away"
Part 16 You're a heartless b*tch!
Part 17 Unreasonable behaviour
Part 18 "My Mom's gonna love you"
Part 19 "Summer Lovin" ?
Part 20 Mickey Mouse!
Coming Soon Season 5

Part 2 Little Magpie!

792 18 10
By Paulinemartin100

Kelly sighed out loud

KELLY: Don't remind me.  I hope i never have to go through that ever again!

BETH: It'll happen one day, i'm not immortal you know

KELLY: I wish we both were, I want us to stay together forever!

BETH: Kelly you're so cute!

While Beth was in the bathroom there was a knock on the door.  Kelly went to see who it was.  When he opened it he saw Gabby and Sylvie standing there smiling with blue teddies and flowers

GABBY: Hey! Were were dropping off a patient and we................

KELLY:  Come on in! (smiling)

Then both nearly knocked Kelly over as they barged past him

GABBY: Where's Beth?

KELLY: In the bathroom!

Sylvie was busy staring at the baby.

SYLVIE: Oh my god! He's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

KELLY: He has the Severide genes!

GABBY: The McGann genes more like! (Shouting)

KELLY:  Hey!

GABBY: He's adorable!  How's Beth doing?

Beth entered the room, Gabby took one look at her and had a worried look on her face.

GABBY: Hey, are you alright? You're so white?

BETH:  I'm just tired

SYLVIE: Get into bed and sleep some!

GABBY: Yeah! That's an order!

KELLY:  She died today! She was like out for a good five minutes!

GABBY: What! (shocked)

Beth got into bed after looking at her son

Gabby looked at Kelly for answers

KELLY:  Her heart stopped, god I never want to go through that again!

SYLVIE: What made you come back?

BETH: Kelly punched my chest in a rage!

GABBY: Sounds like you!

SYLVIE: Beth, do you want a drink of water?

BETH: Please, i think i need some painkillers too.  My head is thumping!

KELLY:  I'll go get a nurse

Kelly disappeared leaving Gabby and Sylvie sat on the bed next to Beth.

BETH: I haven't felt this tired in a long time!

Sylvie hand Beth a bottle of water.

BETH: Thanks Sylvie. 

GABBY: He's so beautiful Beth

BETH: I know! (smiling)  We need to give him a name

SYLVIE: I'm sure you'll come up with one soon

BETH:  This will be you soon Gabby!

GABBY:  I know! I still can't believe it!

Kelly came back into the room with a nurse who gave her a couple of painkillers

NURSE: Here you go.  These will last four hours or so, just let me now if you need more

BETH: Thank you!

Gabby and Sylvie stayed for a few minutes then Kelly hunted them away saying Beth needed to rest. 

BETH:  Are you staying here?

KELLY: You try and keep me away! I'm not leaving you tonight!  If he wakes up I'll give him formula, I'm not going to wake you, okay?

BETH: Okay (yawning)

DATE:  Wednesday 18th December 2019


PLACE:  Living room, home.

Kelly was doing all the running around while Beth was relaxing on the couch.  They hired a nursery nurse to look after the baby at night while they both got a sleep. They had visitors galore over the few days but still the baby had no name!

KELLY: Babe we'll need to decide on a name for him!

Beth looked down at the baby who was in her arms.

BETH:  I don't like any, I want Jamie as a second name though

Rosie was sitting on the floor looking at a book.

KELLY: What she we call the baby Rosie?

ROSIE: Baby!

Kelly laughed

ROSIE:  Teddy!

BETH: I quite like Jaden?

KELLY:  Put that on the list, i like it too!

Beth wrote it down on her notepad

BETH: Jaden Jamie Severide!

KELLY: JJ! Sounds cool

They both smiled at each other.

BETH:  At last!

Ellie had climbed up on the couch and was looking at her brother.

BETH: Do you think she's jealous of him?

KELLY: No, she's just curious.  Anyway, it's my turn for a hug!

BETH:  Good because I want an Ellie hug!

Ellie smiled as Kelly took Jaden from Beth. That mean she was to get hugs from her mom.

BETH: Come on then! (smiling)

Ellie put her hands around Beth's neck.

BETH: I love you baby! Love you Rosie!

Rosie ignored her

BETH: Love you Rosie!

Rosie was busy looking into her little bag

KELLY: Rosie, your mommy's talking to you

ROSIE: Ove you!

BETH: She has such an attitude! (laughing)

Kelly laughed as he looked down at Jaden

BETH: You look so happy!

KELLY: I am! (smiling) Everything is perfect right now!

BETH: Yeah, I'm not holding my breath!

KELLY: Let's have one happy chapter, huh? (grinning)

Maya and Rachel walked into the living room. They were taking the girls to the Christmas market at Millenium Park

RACHEL: Who's coming to get ready to see Santa!

Rosie jumped up grabbing her bag

BETH: I think Rosie is!

KELLY: Make sure they're wrapped up warm

MAYA: They'll be fine

Maya walked over to Beth to get Ellie but Ellie clung onto Beth.

BETH: Don't you want to go Ellie? You'll see Jacquelyn and the boys! (smiling)

KELLY: Let her stay here, she misses you

Beth gave her a kiss

BETH: You can stay here with me

She climbed into Beth's arms and closed her eyes

MAYA: She looks tired

RACHEL: And clingy, I hope she's not coming down with anything!

BETH: I hope not!

Ellie ended up going out with Maya and Rachel, leaving Beth and Kelly getting some quality time with Jaden. Beth was checking her instagram for videos and photos that Maya put up every now and again.

KELLY: Are you hungry?

BETH: A little

KELLY:  Sandwich?

BETH: Okay

Kelly put Jaden in his little crib

KELLY:  Are you staying here?

BETH: No, i need to move about more or i'll end up a fat blob!

KELLY: I'll wheel this into the kitchen then

As soon as they got into the kitchen Beth was digging around in the fridge.  She opened a packet of ham and gave it a sniff.

BETH:  This ham smells like fish!

KELLY:  No it doesn't!

He took the packet from her and gave it a sniff

KELLY: It doesn't!

BETH: It does too! The farmers must be feeding the pigs fish!

KELLY:  Don't be stupid, it's just your nose!

She made a face

BETH:  My nose doesn't smell?

Kelly laughed

KELLY: I think you'll find that it does! (laughing)

BETH:  Well I don't want any!

Beth thought about what Kelly had said then laughed.

BETH:  Oh yeah! (laughing)

KELLY:  You like bacon don't you?

BETH: Of course I do! But they're obviously from different pigs! Superior ones!

Kelly laughed again not believing what he was hearing

KELLY:  Superior bacon pigs! (laughing)

BETH: Obviously!

KELLY: You're serious?

Beth was looking in the pantry for tins of tuna

BETH: I'll have tuna instead!

KELLY: Make sure it doesn't smell like bacon! You know, in case the farmers are feeding the tuna pigs! Superior ones!

BETH: Don't be so stupid!

KELLY: Yeah okay! (laughing)

Kelly laughed as he buttered some bread

BETH: Are you laughing at me?


She stuck her tongue out at him, he laughed

KELLY: Go sit down, i'll make it

BETH:  I'm taking my baby with me!

KELLY:  Our baby! (laughing) Okay, i won't be long

When Kelly walked into the living room with a plate full of sandwiches, Beth was sitting on the couch holding Jaden.

KELLY: You need to learn to leave him in his crib

Beth wasn't listening to him

KELLY: You'll be sorry

BETH: I was thinking about holding a last minute Christmas Party

KELLY: Here?

BETH: No, in a telephone box! Where do you think?

KELLY: Don't be that person! (laughing)

Beth laughed

BETH: Yeah, here! We could have it on Saturday night. The guys aren't on shift then.

KELLY: Yeah okay, that sounds good.

BETH: I'll get on it!

Kelly laughed

BETH: Has Capp got a woman yet?

KELLY: I don't think Capp's ever had a woman! Why, what are you up too?

BETH: Nothing! (smiling)

KELLY:   I don't trust you!

Kelly's phone rang.

KELLY: It's my dad

BETH: At last, try and get him to come over

KELLY: I will, Hey Pops! Yeah!

Kelly put the plate down on the table and stood up.

KELLY: Jaden, he's beautiful. Come on over!...... Okay,....... see you soon!

Kelly hung up

KELLY: He's driving down, he'll be here later tonight

BETH: Aww that's good.

Kelly sat back down next to Beth, he stroked Jaden's head. Beth noticed he wasn't wearing the ring his gran had given him after his Grandad had died.

BETH: Where's your ring?

KELLY: It must be upstairs somewhere.

BETH: You've always got it on

KELLY: I know, it'll show up

BETH: We'll look when we go upstairs. The girls should be back soon.

KELLY: You'd better eat that sandwich then before Rosie see's it!

The girls got home around 3.30PM. Beth was lying in bed so Kelly dealt with them.

RACHEL: Rosie tried to run off a few times!

MAYA: Ellie fell asleep so she might not sleep tonight!

KELLY: Great. You two can finish up now if you like, i can take over

RACHEL: You sure?

KELLY: Yeah! Haven't you got a a date with Geoff?

RACHEL: I have! (smiling)

KELLY:  You two are getting serious then?

RACHEL:  I think so! (smiling)

Beth got up in time to give the girls dinner and there bath.  Benny arrived when they were settled in bed.  Benny and Kelly were sitting on the couch when Beth handed Jaden to Benny and sat next to him.  Benny's eyes filled with tears.

BENNY:  He's beautiful, your mom would've loved him

Beth and Kelly smiled at each other. Jaden opened his eyes and looked at Benny.

Benny smiled down at him.

BENNY: Hey there little guy!

Benny wiped a tear from his eye

KELLY: You okay pops?

BENNY: As well as I can be I suppose

Benny kissed his grandsons head

BENNY:  Little Jaden Severide, I wonder what great things the world has in store for you?

BETH: Lot's of hugs and kisses so far!

KELLY: Too many!

BETH: You can talk!

Kelly laughed

BETH: Can I get you a drink Benny? A coffee?

KELLY: I'll go get you a beer!

BENNY: Thanks Kelly.

BETH: You staying for Christmas then Benny? I know the girls will be excited to have you here

BENNY: I haven't decided what I'm doing yet Beth

KELLY: You'll be here for Christmas, end of conversation!

BENNY: Well that's me told! (smiling)

BETH: Cool! I'll go get the beer, you want one Kelly?

KELLY: Sure!

Over the next few days Beth was busy organising the Christmas party and also finishing off present buying! The huge room next to the girls playroom was where Beth decided to host it. It was large enough for at least 300 people. The catering, bar, decorating and a DJ had all been taken care of thanks to Mary and Freya, seating and tables were the only thing left to finish.

DATE: Friday 20th December 2019

TIME: 1.30PM

Kelly and Beth were in the bedroom finishing off getting ready. They were going out for a spot of lunch. Beth noticed he still wasn't wearing the ring his grandma gave him

BETH: Have you found your ring yet?

KELLY: No, I've looked everywhere!

BETH: I've been misplacing things too, i thought it was my baby brain!

Kelly laughed

KELLY: Is that what you call it?

BETH: Very funny! A few lipsticks are missing and some jewelry

KELLY: Stolen you mean?

BETH: Who would steal a used lipstick?

Just then Maya walked past the bedroom holding Rosie's hand.

BETH: Rosie!

Rosie turned to look at Beth. Her face was covered in lipstick.

KELLY: What's on her face?

BETH: Mac red!

KELLY: What?

BEYH: My lipstick!

MAYA: I don't know where she got it, i'm going to bathe her

ROSIE: Me No want a bath!

Rosie was holding onto her bag

KELLY: Hey, come over here with that bag!

ROSIE: Nooooo!

Kelly walked over to Rosie and tried to get the bag from her but she kept a tight grip on it. Beth joined him.

BETH: Rosie give daddy the bag

Rosie started to cry

BETH: Mommy will give you a bigger bag, come see!

Rosie dumped the bag on the floor and went to Beth. Kelly picked it up, opened it and took a look at what was inside it.

BETH: What's in it?

KELLY: What's not in it more like! Pens, lipsticks, a lighter, money, keys,  a tampon!

BETH: A tampon?

KELLY: Earrings! Oh and there's my ring!

Rosie was smiling at Kelly

ROSIE: Me want a big bag!

BETH: I'll go get you one!

KELLY: So she can steal more stuff! She's like a little magpie!

Beth laughed

MAYA: I'll keep a better eye on her, come on, let's go get you tidied up!

KELLY: We'll see you later Maya

MAYA: Sure

Beth gave Rosie a kiss

BETH: I'm going to the bathroom then we'll leave

Ten or so minutes later they both left the house and made their way to the restaurant in Kelly's truck. It was the first time leaving Jaden.

BETH: I hate leaving him

KELLY: You needed out of the house, and it's only for a few hours

BETH: The first time we left Ellie the bakery burned down

KELLY: Beth!

BETH: Something always happens!

Sitting in the restaurant looking through the menu Kelly looked up.

KELLY: There's Shaylynn

Beth looked up to see Shaylynn walking up to the table.  She sat down opposite them.

SHAYLYNN: I need you guys to leave!

BETH:  Why?

SHAYLYNN: Toward the back is a child rapist and murderer.  The little girl was found over an hour ago lying on her bed.  Better yet, Kelly I could use you to get these people out of here.

Kelly looked shocked at what Shaylynn had told them, Beth looked sick.

KELLY: What can I do?

SHAYLYNN: Use your Fire Lieutenantness and tell everyone there's a gas leak and they need to leave.

Kelly nodded to her. Shaylynn stood up followed by Beth

SHAYLYNN: I'll walk Beth outside before you say anything

KELLY: Alright

Kelly handed Beth his truck keys.

BETH: Thanks

KELLY: I'll be out in a bit

Shaylynn walked Beth out to the truck.

SHAYLYNN: Get in and don't come out, you hear?

BETH:  Yeah, I don't feel too good

SHAYLYNN: I feel sick to the stomach too Beth, but we'll get him, don't worry! 

Beth nodded as she got into the truck.

SHAYLYNN: Kelly will be out before anything goes down.

Shaylynn closed the door and walked away.  Beth sat in the truck and began thinking to herself.  What kind of a person could rape an innocent child?  She began to get upset so she switched on the radio to try and cheer herself up.  Beth was hungry and all she could find was Kelly's stash of chewing gum, putting 6 pieces into her mouth at once she began playing with it by pulling it in and out of her mouth.  Kelly got into the truck giving her a fright.  The gum ended up in her hair.

BETH: Kelly!

KELLY: How much gum is in your mouth?

BETH: It's in my hair!  Get it out!

The more Beth tried to get it out the worse it got

BETH: Oh no! Do something!

KELLY:  We'll cut it out when we get home

BETH: No! I'm not cutting my hair!

KELLY:  Oh for gods sake! Let me take a look!

Just then gunshots were fired from inside the restaurant.

BETH:  Oh my god!  Was that gunshots?!

KELLY: Stay here!

Kelly got out of the truck


Beth watched as Kelly ran into the restaurant

Beth had a bad feeling.........

Shaylynn belings to ronnasweeny

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