De writerchick88

10.6K 242 16

What would happen if Charlotte Flair debuted in the Attitude Era where women were merely over looked and unde... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 13

278 6 0
De writerchick88

"Hunter." Billy nudged him, directing his attention to the back entrance. Charlotte was walking in with Ivory. They were laughing about something, but he couldn't hear. Relief washed over him. He'd called everyone he could think of looking for her without actually dialing her number. She'd wanted time, but he wanted to know she was fine. He never thought to try Ivory. Were they even friends?
She looked good. Her normally wavy hair was straightened and she had on one of her black tanks with the WWE logo. Usually she'd arrive in his shirts. She said she loved the way she looked in his colors. Obviously that had changed.
Walking past him, she completely ignored his presence and made her way to one of the locker rooms in the back.
"Damn, that was icy." Billy could always be counted on to point out the obvious. "Are you going to go get her?"
"Go get her?"
"Listen, I let this thing go on because I don't have the same things you had to lose. I don't care if someone thinks I'm some cheater, I get more ass when they think I'm unfaithful, but I didn't allow this to happen just to watch you sit on the sidelines and let her go."
"She said she needs space, I won't take that away from her. You weren't there, you didn't see what not respecting her wishes did. I'll never do that again."
"That whole scene was amped up and full of adrenaline. You've calmed down now. You're going to have to talk. Especially with people finding out about Stephanie. It's gonna spread, Hunter. You could get fired."
"I don't care about that. I don't want anything to do with Stephanie, she's clear on that, as for them firing me, I'm not worried."
"You make them money, but you know how they can get when they feel like you're closing in on their territory. Just ask Ric."
Stephanie had been telling the truth about Ric not wanting Vince to hire Charlotte, but it wasn't because he didn't believe in her. Far from it. He was one of those fathers that felt like his daughter could do anything. He just didn't want her mixed up in situations like these and being in unsafe environments.
"I know all this. I'm not worried about me. I'm thinking about what they could do to her once this all comes out. She didn't do anything wrong."
"She didn't. You jackoffs did. But you know that snake of a wife isn't going to let up. If she did all this you at least need to let your girl know how ruthless she can be."
"Stephanie can't expose me without exposing herself. She's always on thin ice with Vince."
"I don't know, Hunter, I just see this going a way you don't want."
"Too late for that. I slept alone for the past two nights. Do you know how hard it was to fall asleep?"
"Do you know how hard it is to sit here and not laugh in your face? You sound like such a chick. I get it, I'd probably lose sleep if I was next to that every night and suddenly had to be without."
Hunter rolled his eyes. He never really slept well before her, he'd find things to do until he was too tired to close his eyes, but this was different. Now he had to lay awake wondering where she was and if she'd ever be in his arms again.
"You wouldn't understand."
"I don't, I've never been with her. But hey, since you're going to sit back and watch her instead of speaking up, why shouldn't I throw my hat in the ring?"
"Billy." He warned.
"Oh, so you do exist in there? I was starting to think Hunter left the building."
"She's afraid of me. I don't know how to get past that. If she doesn't want me near her I won't be near her. It doesn't matter how I feel right now, it's about getting her to trust me again, to feel like she's safe with me."
He thought back to the time she told him she felt safe with Adam. She'd never said that about him. She never felt safe with him. He'd realized that.
"You would never hurt a woman. I know she has to know that after what happened when you were younger." Billy paused and put his hand on his chin. "Well, hell how can you expect her to understand you and how intense you get over certain things if you don't talk to her? She doesn't know about your cousin?"
"It's not something we talk about."
"That's the problem. You want to have all these little compartments you shut off because it makes you feel like you're past it, but you're allowing it to spill into the way you handle her."
"She doesn't need to know that about me. It cost my family everything."
"Hunter, you didn't cost anyone anything. You caught your father molesting your cousin and stopped him."
"I almost killed him."
"And saved her in the process."
"Charlotte would never understand that. I come from those same genes. She's had men do things she didn't want, I can't tell her that my dad is one of those guys and that I almost killed him."
"Why can't you? You said it yourself, she doesn't judge." He shrugged. "Well, I have to get ready. Talk to your girl."
Billy left him, and he ran a tired hand over his face. Maybe he'd just say hello. That couldn't hurt, right?
He found where she'd gone quickly, her laugh led him there. How was she so unbothered while he was missing her like crazy? He'd been exhausted all night and the day before.
"Oh no you don't. Put me down!"
Hunter rounded the corner and found Charlotte kicking playfully as Edge had her over his shoulder. Trish and Ivory were chuckling, but all he wanted to do was take Edge out at the knees. He should have known he'd sweep in at the first sign of trouble.
"Charlotte." Hunter managed to remain calm while the air in the room just went stale.
"Give us a minute, please?" She'd requested the entire room for them, and he got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. She'd never minded them being there when things were about to go well.
She waited until they were alone and spoke. "I was going to find you later."
"I'm here now."
"I don't want this to get awkward. I don't want people to feel like they have to be in rooms with only one of us at a time. I want to keep it professional at work. As much as we can considering I'm the mistress to the boss' son-in-law."
"You're not a mistress."
"Not anymore."
Her words were meant to hurt, he deserved it, but it didn't make the pain any less. "You never were."
She held her hand up. "Professional, Hunter. You talk to me about work here. We talk about the fact that I'm about to be shoved into a storyline with you when it's clearly not what I want."
"Shoved? There was a time you couldn't wait for it. We trained for this. We..."
"Hunter, I can't do this right now. I have a match to prepare for."
She pulled out a box, opened it, and closed it quickly. "Not today."
"What is it?"
"Not that it's your business, but my dad sent this." She threw the box at his feet.
Hunter picked it up and looked inside. The box contained one of Ric's feathered robes. "This is nice."
"I was going to make it a part of my Royal Rumble entrance." He could tell she was fighting wanting to talk about it and telling him to leave her alone.
"You still should."
"I don't want it."
"He's just trying to help."
"I've had enough help to last a lifetime. I'll be fine without his robe. Is there something else you needed? Because I do have that match to get ready for."
He conceded, knowing it was what she needed. She needed this control over their fate. He'd give it to her.
"I'll be in the crowd."
"Do me a favor?"
"Stay backstage. I don't need the distraction. Ivory is coming out with me."
Now he couldn't even watch her matches? He'd usually show up in the crowd just letting her see that he was there. It used to give her comfort.
"Sure. Good luck, Charlotte."
"Thanks, Hunter."
The whole exchange was robotic, she didn't give him any form of emotion. Even her thanks was cold on arrival. Where she'd previously been laughing with her friends she was able to shut it off with him. She was truly closing him out.
Her match went on twenty minutes later, and with a significant crowd pop, she appeared with Ivory. He still wasn't sure what that was all about, but he did know that Ivory was one of the few people who was privy to his secret marriage. She never told a soul, not even Charlotte even when she claimed to hate her. He guessed she could have worse people in her corner. She could be clinging to Edge.
Watching her, seeing the fire in her eyes as she went into each move, Hunter was impressed. There was something different there, a new aggression. Where she used to hesitate on certain things she went with in with ease. Even her entrance was different.
Normally, she'd walk down the ramp and just enter the ropes, but this time she'd walked in, did a cartwheel and tossed her belt out of the ring. Ivory was there clapping for her the entire way. It was just then he'd wondered who she talked to in order to pull off bringing Ivory with her. It would have had to be cleared by Vince or Shane. Shane. He and Ivory had a thing going on.
She hadn't introduced the new moves yet, she'd done mostly her normal stuff with a few variations. Her chops were harder, her mannerisms more menacing. She was bordering on her heel turn, so he assumed she was just getting ready. If only the fans knew her heel turn was almost like life imitating art. The only difference was she'd have to pretend to be with him while in truth she couldn't stand him. But at least he'd get to spend time with her.
Dodging the hurricanrana, Charlotte went into the figure four and ended the match. Lita tapped and Charlotte was declared the winner. Lita was still on the ground when Charlotte reached for her hand and pulled her up. She gave Lita a hug and held her arm up. It was a show of solidarity. It also killed his heel theory. She was still her normal baby face self with everyone but him.
As Charlotte's music continued, Hunter heard her coming backstage. He'd wanted to congratulate her. She walked past him, seemingly looking for someone. This time she'd missed him mistakenly, and a part of him hoped she was looking to find him like she normally did. He could see her head nodding as someone around her talked, but her eyes searched the small area. Could she be looking for him?
He started to walk in her direction when his hopes were promptly dashed.
"Adam! Did you see that?"
"Great entrance, babe."
Babe. Hunter shook his head and turned around. He couldn't stand this. He couldn't sit there and watch her with him.
He was about to lose it, he wanted to storm over and beat the shit out of Adam, but a hand on his chest halted him.
"They're just friends."
"And you're pretty chummy with her. How did that happen?"
"You happened. We've never been the best of friends, but I also thought enough of her to tell the truth."
"It wasn't to hurt her, it was to protect her from all this."
"She's an adult. She can handle more than you think. She's not going to break if you breathe on her."
"I know that."
"Well know this, I'm not going to get into your business, but don't ever grab a woman with an abusive past when she says she wants to leave. You traumatize her again and I break your face."
He was surprised by how protective Ivory was of Charlotte, but he did love it. That meant that she'd have someone watching her back even though she wouldn't let him.
"I can respect that."
She tilted her head to the side and exhaled. "You have no clue do you?"
"About what?"
"You men need bread crumbs." She shrugged. "She said she wanted space, but she still wants to know that you care, as much as she would deny it. I was with her for two full days without so much as a phone call from you."
"I didn't call her, but I called everyone I thought she'd be with. I even reached out to Adam. I hoped she wasn't there, but I knew he'd take care of her if she was."
"I guess I wasn't the obvious choice. I'm going to give you a little tip because I'm just crazy enough to believe that you really love her and made stupid decisions."
"I do, and yes, I did."
"You're not going to win her back by letting her freeze you out. She's not a gift kind of girl, that won't win you points, but I'm sure you know that."
"She's never asked for material things."
"So gestures. Be there, listen, tell her things—real things—just open up to her. It's all she wants. And stop losing your damn temper all the time."
That wasn't the first time he'd heard about his temper. Maybe Billy was right and she did need to hear why he was so quick tempered when it came to women.
"I can do all this, but I'm going to need a favor."
"If you're asking me to spy or anything of that nature I'm going to have to decline right now."
"Nothing like that. She just—there is this drink she loves, we'd have one every morning and I know they're extremely hard to find. I brought hers, but I know she won't accept it from me. Can you make sure she gets it?"
Ivory smiled. "You poor lovesick sap. She's not speaking to you—well at least not nicely—but you want to make sure she has her little weird drinks?"
"I—she just loves them." He pushed a hand through his hair. "And I have this shirt she likes to sleep in. She probably won't take it, it's mine, but would you make sure it gets to her?"
"I'll sneak it into her bag." She turned away and then stopped, facing him. "I told her to destroy you all, but maybe you might get a rain check. You might just get an end to your situation after all."
"I don't know what that means, but whatever she needs to do to get past this, I can take it."
"I'm sure you could, but maybe you don't deserve all of it. Your wife, on the other hand, I'd like to see her to wipe that smug smirk right off her face. She's a bitch."
"Thanks, Ivory." Stephanie walked up, and Hunter rolled his eyes. "I'll be sure to tell my brother his Thursday girl thinks I'm a bitch."
"I'm not afraid of you, Stephanie, and trust you don't want to rumble with me."
"Are you threatening me, Ivory?" Stephanie walked up into her face and Hunter intervened. "You don't get to save them all, Hunter, and your girlfriend is going to pay for putting her hands on me."
He was livid. He was tired of this woman ruining his life. "You keep Charlotte out of this. You don't want to see what will happen if you go near her again," Hunter warned. His face was turning into a bright crimson tint, and attempting to bring his anger down a notch, he looked up and Charlotte was staring at him. It was the first time they made eye contact all night, and he could read her expression clearly. She was pissed.
"Maybe we should all calm down." Ivory nodded at Vince who was walking toward them. Hunter had no idea what this was about, but he was sure he was going to find out soon.
"Hunter, Stephanie, come with me now." This wasn't good. "Charlotte, join us." Even worse.
It seemed like every time he turned around he and Charlotte were in front of Vince. It was like a trip to the principal's office.
"I just received an interesting call from Ric Flair." Ric? "He says the two of you," he danced his finger between Hunter and Stephanie. "Are married. Is there any truth to this?"
"No, daddy. We aren't married. Where would he ever get that idea?" Stephanie was lying through her teeth. So there was a way to neuter the witch?
"They're married." Charlotte laughed. "They're married and he heard it from me. He already knew, by the way, he just thought it was over." She rolled her eyes at Hunter.
"It's not a real marriage," Hunter huffed. "It was a drunken mistake and I was so out of it I thought I was with her." He pointed at Charlotte. "I could barely remember my own name let alone be coherent enough to marry her purposely."
He caught the shock on Charlotte's face. He'd just blurted out that he'd wanted to marry her in front of their boss and his wife. That definitely wasn't the right place.
"I have no doubt it was unintentional on your part." Vince turned to Stephanie. "But you know the stipulations of your trust fund."
"Trust fund?" Hunter looked confused. "You did all this over money?"
"It's mine and I want it. I have two days left."
He wanted to flip the desk. She'd ripped his life apart over a trust fund. He'd lied, had his friends lie, and hurt the only person he ever loved and it was over someone else's money. She was going to pay for this.
"Fine." Both Vince and Charlotte's heads snapped over to him. They probably thought he was insane. "We will get our divorce after your birthday, but at that point half of what you have is mine. I plan to collect."
"It's over three hundred million."
"Well I guess we will be millionaires, honey. Well—I'll finally become one, because you're giving me half or I'll tie you up in court until I wipe you out."
Stephanie jumped up and slammed her hands down in front of him. "You can't do this! Dad, do something."
"You wanted the money, you didn't sign a prenup, my hands are tied. This is between you and Hunter."
Vince left them and Charlotte just shook her head. "You really thought you could get away with this, Stephanie?"
"If you would have kept your big mouth shut, yes. I thought you at least cared about Hunter or your own reputation enough to keep quiet." Charlotte chuckled. "You find this funny?"
"I knew telling my dad would get him to call your dad and you'd be outed. I may not be talking to him either, but I know him like the back of my hand. He loves me and he loves Hunter, he was always going to call. I loved seeing the shock on your face when he told you he was cleaning you out. Bitch, you're going to suffer."
"You think you can contend with me? I know where the skeletons in your family are buried. I will dig them all up."
"I told you before, don't threaten me."
"What are you going to do, cry in a corner or should I call Mickey to let him soften you up?"
Charlotte flipped the chair she was sitting in and ran at Stephanie. This time, Hunter was able to catch her. He held her against his chest.
"I know you brought him there. Somehow, some way, you're going to regret it. I'm going to get you when you least expect it."
"Now who's threatening who?"
"I'm promising you."
"Your promises are as empty as Hunter's I love yous."
Hunter held Charlotte against him until Stephanie vacated the room. She kicked the table in front of them, he didn't know what to do or say. He just went with what felt natural.
"Are you okay?"
"No. I'm—" She was about to elaborate and it was as if she realized who she was about to talk to. "I'm fine."
"You can talk to me."
"I could, but I don't want to." She faced him, inhaling a sharp breath. "All of this could have been avoided if you had been honest. Do you see how easy it would have been for you to get out of that? Vince would have ended it for you. I know you don't trust him, but I know him. I knew he'd put a stop to her. He knows how much of a bitch his daughter is."
"I know it's no excuse, but I didn't want to lose everything. My mom needs me to be able to take care of her."
"I love it that you take care of your mom, but there was another way. My dad was helping you. Why weren't you honest with him? He thought you'd gotten the divorce."
"He warned me to make sure you didn't get caught up in anything to do with my past. I thought that if he knew..."
"I love my dad, we're not on the best of terms, but I value him. I take most of his advice because it's usually valid, but if he'd tried to talk me out of loving you it wouldn't have happened. The only people with the power to ruin us was us. And we did that."
"Is there any part of you that thinks we can come back from this? Because I know I messed up, but what I said—it was true."
"I don't know. We don't trust each other. That's bigger than anything Stephanie or anyone could do."
"I trust you."
"No you don't. If you had trusted me we'd be together right now."
He swallowed hard, realizing it was now or never. He opened his mouth and she threw her hand up.
"There is no point in this conversation. We're done and you're welcome."
She walked out and he slid down into a nearby chair. He'd wanted to tell her about his dad and the tremendous guilt he'd felt since he was a kid, but she hadn't stuck around. When she wanted to listen he would always tell her he didn't want to talk about it. Now that he wanted to open up she didn't have time. He'd taken the sweetest person in his life and turned her into a cold vengeful shell. He had no one to blame but himself.

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