Dirty Little Secret // C.H.

By Amadie

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"We can't tell anyone." She told him. "Luke would kill us." "Don't worry, babe." Calum smirked. "It'll be our... More



1.1K 34 12
By Amadie

Sienna was about to give up.

She'd searched everywhere for Calum. She had worked up the nerve to try to talk to him again, but the longer she searched for him the faster her courage was fading.

When she stopped to give up on her search, she heard soft noises coming from down the hall. She figured it was worth a shot. After all, she'd looked everywhere else.

She headed in the direction of the noises. As she grew closer, the noises grew deeper and more familiar.

She'd know that sound anywhere.

The sound of a bass guitar.

When she came to stand in the doorway of the room, she smiled as she realized she had been right.

Calum sat on the sofa in the room, feet propped up on the coffee table in front of him and his bass across his lap.

He strummed the chords with ease and with no apparent pattern. Although, he didn't have to play a song to make the sounds beautiful.

Sienna's smile grew as she watched him.

"Whatcha' working on?"

Calum's head snapped up in her direction immediately once she spoke up.

"Nothing." Calum shrugged, moving one of his hands away from his bass to scratch the back of his neck nervously. "Just playing. Trying to clear my head."

Sienna nodded at his words and stepped further into the room.

She wondered what was on his mind. More specifically, she wondered if it was her.

"Can we talk?" She asked softly, wrapping her arms around herself in attempt to hide her trembling hands.

Her words lit a fire inside of Calum that he couldn't stop.

"Why?" He spat. His words hit Sienna like a slap to the face. He could see her face fall as she stared into his eyes.

He was angry with her, but he couldn't understand why. He'd wanted nothing more than to talk things out with Sienna. Now, she was here trying to do exactly that and he felt as though he could explode with anger.

"Cal..." Sienna's voice left her. She couldn't say more. She was preoccupied with swallowing back the lump in her throat.

"You wanna' yell at me some more? Put some more words in my mouth?" Calum demanded.

Yes, Calum thought, I would love to talk, but the first time we tried that you didn't even give me a chance to say anything before you cut me out of your life.

Then, the last time we talked we got into a fight and you told me how you think I'm a piece of shit.

He wanted to scream these words at her, but he wouldn't dare. He didn't see the point. What good would it do now?

So, no. He decided. We can't talk. Not until you are willing to listen to me.

"I wanted to apologize for that actually," Sienna willed herself to speak, hoping her voice wouldn't crack. "but I can see there's no use."

She hated the way things were between them. She hated that this was how they spoke to each other now.

She pulled her gaze from him and blinked back tears as best as she could.

Calum quickly noticed her actions and guilt struck him like a dagger to the heart. He hadn't meant to snap on her like that and he regretted not controlling himself better.

He sat his bass to the side and stood from his seat. He headed in her direction slowly.

He reached a hand out in her direction.

"Enna-" Calum began softly, but Sienna quickly interrupted.

"I'm just gonna' go." She said quickly before rushing out of the room.

And just like that she was gone.

Calum dropped his arm back to his side and let his head fall.

He let out a heavy sigh.

"Good going, asshole." He grumbled to himself. "Real nice."


"Maybe I'm just not what he wants." Sienna suggested.

After what happened with Calum, Sienna took some time to herself. She laid outside on the pavement behind the arena where the lads would be performing. She stared up at the sky for hours.

When Michael had come asking if she was alright, she'd assured him she was fine and just wanted some time alone.

The time she spent getting lost in the clouds had been refreshing. She'd spent nearly the entire time thinking about Calum.

After nearly three hours, Niall decided to go lay with her.

He didn't even have to say anything before Sienna decided to tell him everything.

"Maybe he's moved on and because of the way things happened he doesn't want to be friends again." Sienna continued. "Maybe we've just said too many hurtful things to each other."

She let out a huff. Niall turned his head on the pavement to look over at her with sympathy.


"Maybe he doesn't miss me." Sienna said sadly, pushing the charms around the bracelet on her wrist.

"That's not it, Sienna." He told her quickly. "Surely you can see that." He added. "He's been miserable ever since that night. The only explanation for his behavior is that he misses you."

"Or he's a moody, sleep-deprived, stubborn rockstar who is too full of pride to apologize to his friends for his tantrums?"

She turned her head on the pavement to meet his eyes.

Sienna met her friend's eyes now and couldn't help but laugh at her own words.

"Or that." Niall laughed with her.

"Seriously though." She said after willing herself to stop laughing. "There's a million things that could be bothering him and explain his behavior." She continued. "He may not miss me."

"He misses you." 

"I know him." She shook her head. "Even if he does, he won't apologize. Not now. His pride won't let him."

"Unfortunately, I know that's true." Niall sighed.

He'd known Calum for years. As much as he hated to admit it, his friend could be as stubborn and prideful as they come.

"But it's not just him that has apologizing to do. Maybe if you apologized first, he would come to his senses."

"No." Sienna shook her head quickly. "I keep trying to talk to him and nothing good has come from it. I'll apologize when we can have a conversation without one of us picking a fight." She told him. "When he cools off a little, and I can reason with him, then I'll try to talk to him about us." She explained. Niall nodded. "Until then, I'm done trying."

"You're probably right." Niall realized. "Perhaps the wounds need to heal a little more before any sensible decision can be made."

The two of them fell silent after that. Sienna moved her hand to intertwine her fingers with his. He gave her a soft smile.

"If you two are trying to tan, you're doing it wrong."

Sienna and Niall looked up as David came to stand over them. His shadow blocked the sun from their eyes and they both formed smiles as they looked up at the large man.

"Thought it looked like a nice place for a nap." Niall joked and gained a laugh from David.

"They're on in two hours if the pair of you want to clean up before the show." David told them. "There's Panda Express in the dressing room if you're hungry. You can thank Michael."

At the mention of food, Niall was on his feet and extending a hand down to help Sienna up.

"I thought that would get your attention." David told Niall with a chuckle, patting him on the back. "You kids go get some food before Michael eats it all."

Sienna kissed David on the cheek before she and Niall rushed off to get some food.

The sweet, savory smell of the food flooded out of the dressing room. They could smell the food long before the pair of them hurried into the room.

They found Luke and Ashton sitting on the sofa. Each of them holding a plate of food in their lap. Luke laughed at Sienna as she snatched an egg roll off his plate without even pausing as she rushed by him.

As she took a bite of the food she'd stolen from Luke, her eyes landed on Michael who was looming over the numerous takeout boxes of food.

"Step away from the egg rolls." Sienna warned as she approached him.

"Fight you for them?" Michael suggested, smiling as Sienna came to stand next to him.

They shared a laugh and Sienna began placing different foods on a plate. She turned to search for Niall when she crashed into someone.

Luckily, she only dropped one of her egg rolls, but that was suddenly not important anymore as she met a pair of dark eyes that always made her heart race.

Even if they couldn't speak without yelling or tears, her heart still fluttered when she looked at him.

She worried that wouldn't go away even if his feelings for her did.


It was the only word Sienna could manage to spit out as she stared up at him.

Not just for being clumsy, Sienna thought. For being such a bitch. For everything I said.

Calum looked into her eyes and guilt washed over him. He couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Instead, he just nodded once and went on his way.

Sienna's heart sank as she watched him walk away. She didn't have as much of an appetite anymore.

"Don't worry." A voice pulled her from her trance. She looked to Michael. "I saved it." He held up the egg roll she had dropped when she'd bumped into Calum. His face beamed with pride. "Five second rule."

"That was definitely longer than five seconds." Niall laughed through a mouthful of food.

"Then, 5sos rule."

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