Dirty Little Secret // C.H.

By Amadie

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"We can't tell anyone." She told him. "Luke would kill us." "Don't worry, babe." Calum smirked. "It'll be our... More



1.2K 38 0
By Amadie

"You guys were amazing tonight!" Sienna cheered as she took her seat on the bus.

"It was so hot in there!" Ashton yelled, pulling his sweat soaked shirt over his head and heading to his bunk to grab a clean one.

"I need an ice bath." Luke sighed, throwing himself onto the sofa.

"You need a bath alright." Sienna agreed, leaning away from Luke and closer to Niall who sat next to her.

"Hey!" Luke yelled.

"She's right." Michael laughed. "You reek."

"You're one to talk!" Sienna laughed. "All of you need showers. Immediately."

"Oh, yeah?" Michael laughed. "You just earned yourself a nice, long cuddle." He jumped at her and wrapped his arms around her quickly.

Niall jumped up before he could be entangled in the sweaty embrace.

Sienna let out a shriek as she tried to slip away from Michael and failed to do so.

"Speaking of all of us..."Ashton returned with a dry shirt on. "Where's Calum?"

"I thought he was behind us." Michael shrugged, releasing Sienna from his arms.

"Sienna, go find him, will you?" Luke asked, scrolling on his twitter.

"Why me?"

"He's never too far when you're involved." Ashton replied, sharing a quick glance with Niall.

Sienna looked around at each of them before letting out a sigh.


She pulled herself up from her seat and hurried off the bus. The sooner she found Calum the sooner they could leave.

She wandered around the lot, stopping crew members from their scurrying to pack the equipment up when she asked if they'd seen Calum.

Eventually, one of the crew members in charge of the  lighting pointed to a small alley between exits of the arena.

Sienna hurried in that direction, but when she saw a cloud of smoke roll into the air of the alley, she came to an abrupt stop.

Anger bubbled inside her as she stared at the rolling smoke. 

She willed herself to move forward. She came to a stop at the end of the alley. Calum didn't even notice her presence.

"Really?" Sienna spat, crossing her arms over her chest. Calum's head snapped in her direction. "I thought you stopped."

Oh shit, Calum thought.

"I'm not in the mood, Sienna." He grumbled.

"I don't give a fuck." She scoffed. "So, you started smoking again. What, did you think I wouldn't find out or did you just not care if I did?" She demanded, tapping her foot quickly in anger. "Did you want piss me off? Or did you just want to hurt me?"

"You know I'd never deliberately hurt you, Sienna." Calum removed the cigarette from his lips to blow smoke in her direction. "So, don't give me that shit. This isn't about you."

"Never deliberately hurt me." Sienna laughed. "Maybe next time you should just kiss the waitress, then tell me if she's a better kisser than I am."

"I told you why I did what I did." Calum sighed.

He was tired of trying to defend his actions. It was too late to take them back. So, what was the point?

"I'm not going through this again."

He placed the cigarette between his lips again and stared up at the sky, hoping if he didn't make direct eye contact with her she would have no power over him.

"Oh, my bad. Next time we decide to fuck around, I'll be sure to ask ahead of time if you will ever think of me as anything more than a way to kill time."

Calum snapped his head in her direction.

"What in the hell..." He pulled the cigarette from his lips again as he furrowed his brows angrily. "What are you even talking about?"

"You-" Sienna began, but Calum quickly interrupted.

"A way to kill time, are you serious?" He scolded and Sienna suddenly felt guilty as if she had hurt him. "Do you really think that little of me?"


"I'm not doing this. If you think I'm that shallow, there's no point." He gave up, placing the cigarette back to his lips. "So, what do you want from me, Sienna?"

"For starters, put that fucking thing out." She hissed.

"No. You don't get to tell me what to do." He shrugged off her demand.

"The hell I don't." She scoffed, grabbing the cigarette from his lips and throwing it to the ground. She crushed it under her boot and glared at him.

"What is your problem?" Calum exclaimed. 

"My problem is you are acting like a spoiled, rude, bitchy little rockstar who's lashing out at everyone else just because he's mad at himself." Sienna scolded, stepping forward to get in his face. "You want to act out? You want to be a prick? Fine." She gritted her teeth as she stared him in the eye. "Get a stupid tattoo. Break something. Get wasted. I don't care." She threw her hands up. "But you are not going to do this shit in front of me." She pointed to the remains of the cigarette at her feet. "You can hate me for wanting something more with you. That's your choice."

"I-" Calum began to fight back, but Sienna was not allowing it.

"But I care about you and I won't watch you do this to yourself. So, get your shit together and get your ass on that bus. Now." She pointed to the bus.

Calum's heart was racing. Sienna made him so angry sometimes, but he still had to fight the urge to kiss her. He thought long and hard about pushing her against the brick wall behind her, about kissing her until he couldn't breathe, about finally feeling her touch again.

But he didn't.

Instead, he stared into her eyes for another moment, let out a sigh, and headed to the bus.

"And take a fucking shower. You smell like you bathed in cigarette ash." Sienna added, trailing behind him.

She thought she would feel proud. After all, she'd won the fight. However, she just felt anger and disappointment.

She took deep breaths to steady herself as they neared the bus.

I only did it because I can't fucking sleep, Calum thought. Okay, and maybe I did it partially because I knew she wouldn't like it.

The two of them stepped up onto the bus.

"Hey, there you are!" Michael cheered.

"We were about to come looking for the pair of you." Luke sat up in his seat. "Where were-" He stopped mid sentence and focused his eyes on Calum. "You were smoking."

The smell of the smoke had flooded the bus. Each of them were now aware of what Calum had been doing.

Luke's eyes moved to Sienna. He noticed her flushed cheeks and knew she had already scolded Calum for his actions.

"Yes. He was." Sienna nodded before storming off to get ready for bed. "I'm turning in early tonight."

She grabbed some clothes and stepped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"I'll get her." Niall said quickly, jumping up from his seat and rushing after Sienna.

Calum felt all eyes focus on him once again.

"I don't need another lecture." Calum sighed. "Sienna already covered that."

"You know how she feels about smoking." Michael sighed. "What'd you expect?"

"Maybe some damn privacy." Calum growled.

With that, he headed to his own bunk.

He felt bad for snapping on Michael and for hurting Sienna again, but all he felt he could do was let his emotions deprive him of another night's sleep.

Shortly after he'd hidden in his bunk in an attempt to hide his guilt, there was a knock just outside his bunk.

"It's me." He heard Ashton say calmly.

"You don't have to tell me it was a bad idea." Calum groaned. "I know it was a shitty thing to do. I just needed to take the edge off."

"I know, mate." Ashton sighed. "I know you're going through hell, but if you'd just talk to her-"

"So she can yell at me and tell me how shitty of a person I am again? No thanks." Calum snapped. "She's made it very clear she thinks I'm a piece of shit. I'd rather not hear it again."

"She was angry, Cal." Ashton attempted to change his mind, but knew he wouldn't succeed. "She said some things she didn't mean. You have a history of that as well."

"It's too late." Calum sighed. "She already has her mind made up about me. There's no point in trying to change that."


"I didn't mean to yell at him." Sienna told Niall.

Sienna had cleaned up for bed while Ashton talked to Calum. Afterwards, she'd gone to her bunk to find Niall waiting for her.

She'd fallen into his embrace immediately, grateful for the warmth and comfort he provided.

The two of them were in her bunk talking about everything that had happened.

Niall was running his fingers through Sienna's hair as she laid on his chest tracing the letters on his shirt with her index finger.

"I just got so angry when I saw him smoking. I went berserk." She continued. "I said some pretty hurtful things to him, Ni."

"He'll forgive you." Niall promised.

"You didn't see the way he looked at me." She shook her head against his chest. "I hurt him."

"Because he hurt you." Niall said. "He knows what he did was wrong. He knew you would react the way you did."

"Not just the smoking." She sighed. "I brought up what happened."

"What'd you say?" Niall asked curiously.

"That next time we decide to fuck around, I'll be sure to ask ahead of time if he would ever see me as anything but a way to kill time."

"Ouch." Niall chuckled.

"Was I too harsh?" She wondered.

"You were angry. People always say hurtful things when they're angry." Niall told her, but she still felt guilty for the way she had treated Calum. "What did he say after that?"

"He said if I thought that little of him then there was no point in trying to make me think any different." Sienna admitted sadly. "He looked at me like a lost cause. I think it's really over, Ni."

"Babe, it's not over." Niall wrapped his arms around her. "You still need to talk about everything."

"We did. It didn't go well." Sienna sighed.

"Talk. Not fight." Niall corrected. "You lose your head at the sight of a cigarette, especially in the hands of someone you care about. Hell, Louis even stopped smoking because he knew what it meant to you."

"He did?" Sienna sat up to look at him.

Niall gave her a nod. 

"My point is, you were biased. Calum lost that fight before it had even begun." He told her. "You need to talk to him again."

"Why do you always have to be right?" She laid back against his chest and took a deep breath as he chuckled.

"It's a curse."

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