Daddy Wooseok | Kim Wooseok


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A melancholic night that brought two sobbing hearts together in the most.. unexpected way possible. Consequen... More

Chapter One: The Night
Chapter Two: Consequence
Chapter Three: Blessing... or maybe not.
Chapter Four: Daddy Hangyul?
Chapter Five: Different Worlds
Chapter Six: Whispers, Gossips
Chapter Seven: Daddy Wooseok
Chapter Eight: Eavesdropped
Chapter Nine: Save Me
Chapter Ten: Disgrace
Chapter Eleven: Reality
Chapter Twelve: Courage
Chapter Thirteen: Home
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Chapter Fifteen: Family
Chapter Sixteen: Who's doing what?
Chapter Eighteen: What Happened?
Chapter Nineteen: Shit Happens
Chapter Twenty: Never Over
Chapter Twenty One: Unfathomable
Chapter Twenty Two: Trust
Chapter X

Chapter Seventeen: Lockdown

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"Wooseok, I'm pretty sure you're aware of how the baby almost died. The medications induced to yuri took a toll on their health and the baby's hold isn't as strong as before. You need to take care of them even more and yuri as well, she needs to take care of herself if she wants this pregnancy to be safe."

Wooseok sighed in disappointment. He already hired a private investigator but still, no leads were made. Although there were few advancements, he finds the investigation to be going really slow. 

"Thank you, doc. I'll take note of that." The doctor left after. Wooseok and yuri's family decided to continue yuri's medication at home after what happened to the hospital. Since they can look after her even better when she stays at home.

"Baby, I'm pretty sure you've heard all that." Wooseok whispered to Yuri, who was facing the wall attempting to prevent herself from crying. What has happened in the last few days has been a huge blow to her, and she can't seem to know why someone is putting her life and her child's life at risk.

"I did. I just don't get why would someone do this..."

"I'm sorry, yuri. I'm sorry if I can't seem to take care of you... to keep you safe."

Yuri stood up and faced wooseok instantly. She held his face with her both hands as she looked into his eyes directly.

"You're not to be blamed, wooseok and you don't have to blame yourself. We both know you're doing your best, okay?" Wooseok, who's also tearing up held yuri's both hands as he nodded. 

"T-thank you yuri. I promise, I'll be better." He answered.

"You don't have to. You're the best... What are you saying?"

Wooseok hugged her tightly. Somehow, he is thankful that yuri and their baby are safe and that's enough reason to be thankful.

"Anyway, I received a message earlier from our department head. I need to go to school later for a meeting. We need to talks about the upcoming SNU GSIS Open Lecture." Yuri mentioned and Wooseok looked at her with worried eyes.

"Do you really have to go? I mean, I'm pretty sure they will understand if you won't. You need to rest." He responded. The concern is bare in his voice and his eyes looked pleading.

"I'm fine, wooseok. I'm feeling better now. And also, it's been days since the incident happened. I've been missing in action ever since and I think I need to put up now." Yuri insisted. Although wooseok is hesitating, he knows it's yuri's responsibility to attend the meeting since she's an upline.

"Okay, sure. But only if you would let me drop you off and wait for you until the meeting is done." He firmly said. There's an authority in his voice and yuri finds it really funny whenever wooseok does that since his deep ass voice doesn't match up with his cute face.

"Fine but only if you won't do anything important. Wooseok, I know you also have your own priorities for you to grow as a person and I won't be happy if I'll hinder that."

"You really won't let yourself lose, huh? Fine then. But message me once the meeting is done and I'll fetch you. Don't ever leave the school alone, yuri."

Yuri rolled her eyes at wooseok, jokingly. Wooseok really changed a lot and she can't deny it. Everyday, he is becoming a better person and she can't help but admire and love him even more.

"Yes, sir!" She answered teasingly.

"Good. Now, start fixing up or you'll be late for the meeting."

Yuri moved right away. Looking through her closet, she felt excitement as she realized that most of her jeans don't fit her anymore since her tummy has been growing. It's been four months since then and the baby is slowly growing inside her. She is browsing through her dresses when wooseok suddenly approached her from behind. He hugged her and he slid his arms in her tummy.

"Baby is growing... I'm excited."



In an instant, we reached university. I parked the car accordingly, as both yuri and I walked out of the car. It's only 4 p.m. and the weather is really nice.

"Yuri, don't forget to message me if the meeting is done okay? Please don't leave the university until I pick you up." I reminded. Yuri can be stubborn sometimes that's why I have to remind her every single time. I just want her to be safe, that's all.

"Yes, don't worry about me. I'll message you once we finish the meeting. You should go ahead now. You still have to meet up with a client." She stated. Just as I remember, I still have to meet up with a client regarding an investment.

"Uh, yes. I almost forgot. I'll go ahead. Take care, okay?" I stated and she nodded. Yuri looks good even if she's just wearing her uniform. God, I look like a whipped man for staring at her and I guess I am.

"I love you." I mumbled which made her smile. The kind of smile I would want to see for the rest of my life. She's just too precious.

"I love you more." She replied before proceeding inside. I can't help but chuckle since she looked shy after saying the l word. 

I stepped on the gas and started driving to my meeting location. Sometimes, I can't stop thinking what if we didn't meet that night? Will I be able to feel this happiness I'm feeling right now? Indeed, this is one hell of a blessing in disguise. I never regretted anything and up until now, I don't think I'm gonna regret anything.

Anyway, I don't know how am I supposed to deal with the client. My parents usually do this but since they are not in Korea right now, I'm gonna have to appear as their proxy. I arrived at the place a few minutes earlier which is a good thing. Well, I don't want our client to be waiting for me as it is not good for the image of our company itself.

I was spacing out when a man suddenly approached me from behind.

"Mr. Kim Wooseok?" I turned around to see a businessman on his usual business attire. Sophisticated polo, necktie, slacks, and a coat. 

"Yes, Mr. Ahn Sungjae, right? Have a seat." I said as I offered the seat in front of me. He sat there in an instant and brought out a folder from the briefcase he's holding.

"Before we proceed to the deal, can I ask you something first?" He said as he leans forward. His gestures will make you want to converse with him with his eyes, talking and his voice doesn't even quiver.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I responded.

"Is it true that the partnership with the kwons didn't go well?" 

Well, Hmm. Not gonna lie, I was uncomfortable with the question. I looked at the client with my eyes confused. Should I reply, though? I'm pretty sure this doesn't have to do with anything to what we're going to talk about, but to break the ice ... Perhaps I should just answer his question.

"Actually, yes. It didn't push through. I'm fairly sure that everyone in the sector knows about it and understands the reason as well." I commented. I sought my utmost to keep my response as subtle as possible because the matter is quite personal.

"Just as I heard." Suddenly, as I heard his remark, I felt like a ball was forming in my throat. Even though I was trying to act natural, I couldn't. When he said he heard, what does he mean?

"Excuse me but, what do you mean just as you heard?" I took my remaining courage to ask him. This talk... this better be a business meeting and not anything else.

"Nothing... I mean, everyone surely heard about what happened... I'm just making sure." He said, with a smirk on his face. With a freaking smirk on his face. Damn, I'm not feeling good about this. He is making sure about what?

"Really? Okay, can we proceed with the deal now?" I said, trying to proceed with the real reason why we are meeting in the first place. Maybe we can just get this one straight.

"Sure."His hands started to shake as he was about to open the folder and I can fucking notice that. I can really feel that something is going wrong but I don't know how to break it up.

 "Oh wait, I almost forgot... Sorry for having tons of questions but, your family is quite close with the kwons right? Do you know who runs their company before it.. you know... before it shut down?" He asked. Come to think of it, I don't really have an idea who runs their company. The only thing I know is that their dad already passed away even before eunbi was born so that leaves their mom, running the company alone.

"I think it's their mom that runs the business. Anyway. that's out of my knowledge so maybe we can just proceed with the investment? Since we met for this sole reason." I don't want to sound rude but, this conversation won't go anywhere if we will just keep on talking about the kwons.

"Sorry for having a lot of questions. I'm just curious." He is curious? But for what? I'm pretty sure the kwons is out of his league as well. Call me paranoid or what but I'm really feeling bad about this.

"Is that so... Uhm, I'm sorry but can you excuse me for a while? I think I need to use the comfort room." I asked. I need to compose myself. This better be worthwhile.

"Sure." As soon as he responded, I didn't hesitate to go to the comfort room, took out my phone and started calling the private investigator that I hired but he is not answering. Damn! I don't know but for some reason, I'm worried about yuri. I need someone to check up on her!

"Hangyul, right." I didn't hesitate to call hangyul as I know that I can trust him completely when it comes to yuri.

"Hangyul? Are you still at university?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can you go check up on yuri? She told me they'll have a meeting so maybe she's in the student affairs office. Please check on her."

"Okay, I'll call you back."

I head back the moment hangyul ended the call. At least I can be at ease knowing that someone is looking after yuri. Now I just have to get this meeting done and I can finally go h-- what?

"Where is he?" I looked around. The client is nowhere to be found. Did he go somewhere else? He is nowhere around the resto so where could he go?  Well, he left the folder on the table but I believe I shouldn't open it until he does or said so. 

I sat down and continued waiting... and waiting. But the client never came back. It's been like, what... 15 minutes already?

With my quivering hands, I decided to open the folder which was left on the table. I don't know why I'm nervous. Stop being nervous, wooseok. That is just a fucking folder and a folder won't do you any harm so calm the fuck down.

When I opened the folder, I was surprised to see blank pages inside. I scanned every page only to find out a short note on the last page. I felt cold shivers ran down my spine as I read what was written.

Why did you leave her again?


I tried calling yuri. Her phone is ringing but no one's answering. I tried, again and again as I started the engine of the car. I'm already rushing my way back to SNU but yuri just won't answer.

"Damn it!" I stepped on the gas firmly, accelerating the speed of the car. I don't care if I get caught for overspeeding right now, I just have to make sure that yuri is fucking safe!

I was caught off guard when I heard my phone ringing. It's hangyul.

"Hangyul, finally you called back! Where is yuri?" I asked, nervously.

"Wooseok... she's nowhere in the university. I thought you said there's a meeting but I talked to their department head and they told me no meeting was set for today. Are you sure yuri went here?" Hangyul said with worry in his voice. 

When I heard what he said, I started losing my shit. I can't fucking calm down knowing that yuri is nowhere to be found. This is all my fault... If only I didn't leave her. If only I'm smart enough to notice that that supposed to be a business meeting was a hoax created to just stir everything up, I could have just stayed with her.

"I'm sure, hangyul. I dropped her off. I'm on my way to SNU right now. Wait for me." I hanged up.

I hit the steering wheel vigorously due to the anger I'm feeling right now. I am so disappointed.



"Hangyul! Are you sure there's no meeting? She told me she received a notice earlier asking for her presence in the meeting what on earth is happening.."

We started sprinting to the student affairs office only to see that no one is really there which means that there's no meeting. 

"If they didn't send the notice to yuri, then who did?! Damn, this is all my fault!"

"Stop blaming yourself and let's just look for her!" Hangyul insisted. He's right. Panicking won't do anything but how are we supposed to look for her? We don't even have clues as to where she is!

"I want to, hangyul! But where should we start looking for her?!"

"We should be asking help for the authorities, you know."

"The private investigator I hired, doesn't answer. The fuck."

I can' seem to remain my cool. All I'm feeling right now is fear. I'm scared of what might happen. To yuri, to our baby. I hope they are safe... I really hope. I won't really go easy once I find out who's behind all of these!

"Maybe we just--" 

Hangyul was cut off when my phone rang once again. I looked at the caller ID only to find out that eunbi is calling me. Out of all the time, why would she call me right now?!

"What do you need now, eunbi!? Can you just call back later because I'm dealing with something right now!"

I was about to hang up the call when I noticed that eunbi is not even talking on the other line. It's just like a plain pocket call where no one is answering on the other line but this one sounds weird. I can hear people murmuring in the background.

"If you won't talk, maybe I'll just hang u--"

"Maybe if wooseok would show up... then we can peacefully talk about this?" I heard someone spoke on the other line. It is not eunbi's voice and I'm pretty sure about it. A loud crashing sound from the other line as if someone threw something. Following that is... yuri's voice. She's screaming. She's in pain.

"Yuri... what the fuck." I whispered to myself. I can feel my heart crashing...

"What? Put it on a loudspeaker." I was so stoned that hangyul took my phone and put it on loud speak himself.

"Jokes on you. He will never know you all took me! He will never know where I am right now! Just fucking get over this and leave wooseok alone!"

"You think he wouldn't? Too bad, your little boyfriend is a smart ass. He can easily find out where you are. Your mobile ain't even turned off. He can easily find you through GPS and I think that's fucking enough for him to find you."

"Why do you even want him to go here, what did he ever do to you?!"

"They've done us dirty, yuri. Not only him but his parents most especially. Let's just wait for him to come here... shall we?"

"Shut the fuck up you dirty ass." I heard yuri said. After that, I heard a loud thud as if someone slapped her. I swear I won't go easy... once I found out who's behind this, I won't go easy.

"Eunbi?! What the fuck, who are you fucking calling. You bitch--"

Just then, the call was ended. Yuri, wherever you are, I'll come after you.

"Hangyul, stay here and watch your phone. You can't go with me. You're the only one I can call from the outside if things get rough. But for now, I have to come after yuri. She needs me now, more than ever."

With my eyes, shedding tears and my hands shaking, I opened my phone and started to trace her location. Yuri... you feisty girl. What made you think I won't save you? Even if I risk my life, I'll come after you. And I'm pretty sure you know that.


I'm plotting my next story but I don't know who in X1 will I use as the main character. So please help me out and comment below who do you wanna see next!

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Please comment who in X1 would you want to be the lead. Thank you!

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