But Now We're Stressed Out

By lunaeclispe22

414K 24.9K 71.6K

Sanders Sides High School AU A popular jock with a passion for performing A friendly boy with a happy go luck... More

Character Descriptions
Welcome to Hell
Cookies, sprinkles, kittens, and a little bit of fake happiness
Where's my epic background music?
Logically Thinking
Help i think i'm gay
I got this bloody nose trying to defend your honor
Polar Opposites, but with some similarities
In which everything gets worse
Embarrasment and Anxiety
Prepare for embrace
The first time i belived
Making out in the forest
Time to panic and/or cry
Crying and cookies
Because he's my hero
When they make eye contact, you can see they have a history
You wont like me anymore
You will be found
Colder Weather
This is why i dont socialize
Knock knock, get the door, its depression
This go amazingly right (or horribly wrong)
The gay prince with an ego bigger than disney world
Hold my hand, you're going to be okay
The gayest of the gays
Snake Face
To cry or not to cry
Two bros, chillin' at a locker, five inches apart cause they are gay
There is no us, there never was
T for is trauma
The emo cult
Lady and the tramp
I can't think straight when it comes to you
Midnight Coffee Date
Emotions are for children
Accidental demon summoning
Solitude was the only logical solution
I'm not a piece of cake
Feliz CumpleaƱos a ti, feliz cumpleaƱos querido Logan
Lets have some fun in abusement park
I'll go down in history as the worlds biggest idiot
How was my innocent mind supposed to know that
Room B340
Living like we're renegades
There are easier ways to learn about death
You Died; would you like to start again?
Wiccans make great moms
Ice cream, tea, and crying
Ignorance or Innocene
Soft snow and sweater paws
You're a monster if you put the milk in before the cereal
Ice as cold as my heart
Maybe we can yeet out of this situation
Birthday smash
Wattpad made me change the name of this chapter so I wouldn't get sued
Eyeliner and emo tears
Mistletoe and Christmas Snow
Daddy chimed in go for the throat
It's a messed up world
Friend, please
Remember me
Making up for our childhood traumas
Snowstorms from hell
Frozen corpses are creepy
The ghost of you is never coming home
Going mute for the aesthetic
And they were roommates
Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls
Play ring around the ambulance
You'll be a home for the broken
Ohana means family
Things are not what they seem
Goodbye my love
Things we lost in the fire
I will keep on waiting for your love
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
We only own our hells
Top ten idiots, number one and two will surprise you
An emotional support beehive
We are lonely lost souls
The most precious bean
Tonight will be the night that I fall for you over again
Nobody cares if you cry
You won't go lonely into this fight if you just hold me we will survive
Stuck between a nightmare and lost dreams
Say goodbye to the heart you break and all the cyanide you drank
Once we've both said our goodbyes
Thomas the dank engine
Lies and propaganda or deceit and falsehoods
Don't blame
Don't let fear keep us apart
My nonexistent heart was just broken
Setting fire to our insides for fun
Viva la depression
A single pale buttercup
Ability Aquired : Doubt
It's my mental breakdown and I get to choose the music
Mama we're all gonna die
Blood splattered on freshly fallen snow
Don't take your life away from me
The hardest part of this is leaving you
If being sexy was a crime, I'd be a law abiding citizen
It's a no from me
There needs to be an instruction manuel about life
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
Love is not a choice
Our old friend, Death
Oh, that's awkward
I may not live to see our glory
Everything is fine when your hand is resting next to mine
The rare fluff stumbling out of hiding
Tonight we are young
Champagne, Cocaine, Gasoline
I'm not as think as you drunk I am
Heckity heck, I crave death
Everybody sins, everybody lies
Awaiting my imminent death
For a moment, I forgot gravtiy existed
I am going to kill myself and it's your fault!
Hold still while I throw a chair at you
Last night I had the strangest dream
Confrontation scares me
Daddy issues to the max
This is everything I never wanted
My boyfriend or your boyfriend
Panic attacks at the disco
How to run from the mess you made
I could lie, say I like it like that
I came here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
They know that it's almost over
There comes you, to keep me safe from harm
A good day to die
High off anesthesia
Emotions? How about no
Happily ever after here we are
McDonalds and necromancy
Where do I go from here?
Sea salt and summer dreams
You make us better
You make us better (part 2)
I could be lonely with you
I could be lonely with you (part 2)
I could be lonely with you (part 3)
With you I'm always home
With you I'm always home (part 2)
With you I'm always home (part 3)
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn (part 2)
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn (part 3)
Authors Note

Some things aren't better left in the past

3.6K 204 511
By lunaeclispe22

TRIGGER WARNING : talks about suicide & self harm, talks about abuse, swearing

Virgil POV
"Why didn't you just grab all your stuff before meeting up with Patton?" Damien whined, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Roman didn't let me," I answered, rummaging through my locker trying to find homework materials. 

"So what's all this about Roman?"  Damien asked with a smirk. 

"We're just friends,"  I told him, unable to stop the blush that came to my cheeks.

"Sure,"  Damien laughed.  "I totally believe you."

"Oh shut up,"  I grumbled, trying to hide my blushing face.

"Does Virgie have a crush?"  Damien teased, poking my shoulder.

"Stop," I told him. "I don't want anyone to hear you saying that."

"Whatever," He grumbled. "I ship it."

I shoved him playfully and shut my locker. I glared at him but couldn't help laughing with him.

"What about you and Patton?"  I teased him, trying to change the subject.  "A very angry Logan was ranting to me and Roman about some new kid liking Patton." 

Damien burst into laughter. 

"I thought Logan was the super smart nerd."

He is."  I answered, only increasing Damien's laughing fit. 

"Well than he obviously doesn't know anything about emotions."

"Understatement of the year."

"I only like Patton as a friend," Damien explained. "But after everything that happened between us, I tend to become possessive of my friends. Abandonment issues, my therapist calls it."

"That sucks," I told him sympathetically.

"Do you still go to therapy?" He asked. I sighed.

"No," I answered. "My Dad won't pay for the appointments."

"Sorry," He mumbled.

"It's okay," I told him. Out of nowhere, I ran right into someone. Both of us fell down onto the floor.

"Hey!" Damien yelled at the guy. "Watch where you're going!"

"Oh, oh my goodness, I...I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean, oh my," The guy rambled. "I'm sorry," He kept repeating.

Damien helped me to my feet, but not taking his eyes off the other guy. Except he didn't look angry now. Oh? I recognize that look.

I briefly looked at the other guy, watching as he scrambled to pick up his stuff and mine. He was wearing a ripped up black sweater, black skinny jeans, and scuffed up converse.  I recognized who he was, instantly tensing up. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, it's my fault,"  He mumbled.  I ignored his apologies however.

I quickly grabbed my stuff from him, trying to ignore the obvious hurt in his eyes.  I than grabbed Damien's hand and quickly pulled him down the hall with me. 

"Who was that?"  Damien asked once we were outside the school. 

"Quinn Corotion."  I answered.  "Another loner like me.  Just...stay away from him." 

"Why?"  He asked, obvious confusion on his face.  "He seems like a pretty nice guy." 

"Yeah, well his dad isn't." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"His dad's a fucking serial killer,"  I explained.  "He murdered like six people.  Ranging in ages and in gender.  He would cut them up and leave the body's around town with notes, about four years ago now.  He was always a creepy guy to begin with, with his weird stutter and scars from being struck by lightning.  Than he just kinda snapped."

"Damn,"  Damien breathed. 

"Yeah, so everyone just kinda ignores Quinn,"  I told him.  "His dad's in jail for life but he's kinda a local legend so to say around town.  You just don't associate yourself with the Corotion's." 

"Quinn shouldn't be blamed for his dad's mistakes,"  Damien mumbled. 

"Well, the world doesn't work that way,"  I answered.  "C'mon, lets stop talking about it.  Let's go to the park." 

"Sure,"  He agreed with a shrug.  I led the way to the park. 

"How far away is this park?" Damien asked, obviously annoyed with how long it was taking to there.

"If you wanna talk, we gotta talk where someone won't hear." I told him.

"What's so bad with people knowing we're so mentally fucked up we had to be in a mental hospital." Damien joked.

"A lot," I answered. "Jackson will get you."

"Guess I'm gonna have to fight this Jackson guy," He said with a playful sigh. "No one hurts the little emo puffball."

"Oh shut up," I laughed, shoving him playfully. "And don't call me that."

"Would Anxiety be better?" Damien asked with a smirk.

"I don't know Deceit," I teased. Damien let out a sigh.

"Those were the good days," He mumbled. "It was funny that everyone feared me enough to start calling me Deceit."

"You weren't mean, you were just scary as fuck." I corrected him. "Especially after you got the scar."

"What did people say about that?" He asked.

"So many rumors," I grumbled. "Where would I begin?"

"I don't know Anxiety." He teased.

"Why did you get the cool nickname?" I grumbled.

"Because people only called you that because you were under my protection and people knew better than to fuck with me. But people also knew you were an anxious, jittery, stuttery mess."

"Wow thanks," I said sarcastically. "Totally loving myself right now."

"Sorry," Damien laughed.

We walked in silence for a while. The park finally coming into view ahead of us.

"Oh!" Damien said suddenly. "Did you hear that Warden Hargreaves got arrested for malpractice?"

"No I did not." I said in shock. "Thank fucking god no one else has to deal with him how."

"He was one shitty doctor." Damien laughed.

"He was." I agreed. "What about Ash now?"

"I'm not sure, but all the staff got relocated to new hospitals," He answered with a shrug. "The hospital has been completely closed down and abandoned."

"It would be fun to go there just to see it again," I mumbled. "It could be are secret hang out place or something."

"Way to be cliche Virge." Damien said with a laugh.

"Oh shut it, you dipshit." I laughed along with him.

"I missed this,"  Damien mumbled, leaning on the fence overlooking the small creek that ran by the park. 

"Missed what?"  I asked, standing next to him. 

"Us,"  He answered.  "And not in a romantic sense.  Just hanging out with you." 

"Yeah, I missed it too,"  I admitted.  I leaned my back against the railing and looked at Damien.  I missed being able to be so confident with someone. 

"When did this happen?"  I asked with a small laugh, running my fingers against the neon yellow highlights in his hair. 

"Got them once I got out of New Dawn,"  He answered.  "Thought it looked cool." 

"They do,"  I answered. "Wished my purple ones weren't so faded now.  We could be twining." 

"Emo,"  Damien laughed. 

"And what does that make you?"  I asked with a small laugh.  "The troubled bad boy?"

"Nah,"  He said.  "I'm Conner Murphy and you're Evan Hansen." 

"I'm not Evan!"  I yelled in mock offense.  "I'm not all soft and pastel like him." 

"You got the anxiety covered though,"  He laughed.

"You don't do drugs, right?"  I asked, very serious now.

"No,"  Answered Damien.  "I swear on my pet snake Cinder."

"You have a pet snake now?"  I asked with a laugh. 

"Yep,"  He answered with a smile.  Pulling his phone from his pocket.  He showed me a picture of a small corn snake.

"Adorable,"  I said with a smile.  Damien smiled too but frowned upon seeing his reflection on the phone screen. 

"I need to fix my concealer,"  He mumbled, running his fingers tenderly over the scars on his face.

"Nah,"  I said, grabbing his cheek and turning his face to me.  I rubbed the rest of the concealer away with my hoodie sleeve.  I looked over the scars.  They looked the same as they did the last time I saw them. 

"I think they make you look badass,"  I snickered.  "You should stop covering them up." 

Damien let out a sigh. 

"I know, but I can't help but be ashamed of them."  He mumbled, mostly to himself.

"Well I think they're beautiful,"  I mumbled before thinking.



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