(★Look Beyond The Stars★)

Da Sana_scarlet9

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[Invader!Zim X Female!Reader] (The Characters are in Highskool ok?) !!!SPOILERS!!! PLEASE READ TO UNDERSTAND... Altro

⚡(Note And Basic Information)⚡
☆ Chapter# 1★
♥ Chapter#6♥
☆ Chapter#10★
(☆Chapter #12☆)


3.2K 91 170
Da Sana_scarlet9

°°Can't Hide A Secret.....FOREVER°°

(Third persons POV)

Its been a few weeks now ,crazy week .Zim stayed in his evil ways ,making everything as painful and hard for dib as possible .Making weird stuff ,turning a hamster into an ultra hamster that nearly destroyed the town .but Zim did took care of it himself

It was the third week of highschool ,waking up and getting ready as always ,y/n headed out to her skool. But also deciding to pick up dib along the way

Putting her headphones on ,she walked passed zims house ,you stopped as you stared blankly at the green glowing house ,you were having a two sided brain war ,one side was telling you to invite Zim to walk to the skool with you. While the other part was not agreeing at all..that side with dibs face

"Well..what can go wrong ?"

Everything ,you stood infront of the front door as you took a few deep breathes ,you then slowly did three knocks ,Anticipating to hear zims loud yelling ,but no sound came until...

"Master!! Marry is here!!"

You contained a laugh ,covering your mouth as you saw gir open the door in his adorable dog disguise,he waved his arm frantically up and down ,you smiled as you crouched down at gir's height

"Hello gir"

"Hiiiii pretty ladyyy!!!!"

You glanced inside the house ,no one was seen .so you assumed Zim has gone to skool way early...earlier then you.

"has Zim left for skool already?"

you asked as gir looked around ,god he was adorable. You waited for him to talk ,until he went to the couch and lazily laid down ,turning the TV on



You shook your head and stood up to head to the skool yourself

"This suuuuuucks"

You said as you slammed your head on your desk ,The worst part. dib didn't came to skool today ,he was feeling sick after Zim messed around inside his brain .Gaz was...well she wasn't the company type of person...

not knowing ,Zim was glancing once in a while at your direction ,you didn't noticed though ,since you were busy with your existential crisis .going through all the classes ,writing and taking notes it was finally lunch time!

"nom..nom...i hope dib is ok. i should visit him after skool ,he could've just called me..."

You said as you were leaning against the same tree that you and dib were sitting as Zim came and destroyed his laptop .you finished your (insert favorite sandwich). As you watched other students walk around

"Get out of the way FREAK! Haha!"

A sound of commotion got to you as you opened your eyes fully and not so far ,you saw which really made your heart drop


The so well known bully of the skool had pushed Zim on the ground while the other kids and the bully himself laughed and chanted the word 'freak' over and over again

You felt the anger rise as you grit your teeth and walked to the crowd of the jerks that are in the delusion of thinking themselves as 'Mature adults'

"Knock it off weenie dookie!''

you said as the crowd went silent ,all the students staring at you with shock ,some with glare and some with a smirk .they were REALLY enjoying seeing others get hurt

"Who did you call a WEENIE DOOKIE!!??"

you smirked with a hand on your hip ,being sassy was one of your special traits ,Zim on the other hand just stared at the scene ,his contact lense eyes wide

The kids started to yell 'Fight!' and 'Break Your legs or your head!!'
Not the brightest skool to be in huh? Now I understand why dib hates skool

As the bully (who y/n didn't know the name of) raised his fists with a death glare. Y/n had her arc reactor of her armor .but she will NEVER use it to hurt a helpless attention seeking bully like this boi

"I don't care if your a girl! Your gonna get a beat!!"

a punch was swung at your face ,With a side tilt of your head .you avoided the punch, with a smug look. one eye open only .you grabbed the boys hand ,twist it as he spinned and fell on the ground face first .you placed your ankle on his back as you grabbed and bend his arm behind his back

"Ow! Ow! Ow!!"

Everyone gasped as your face went dead serious ,with half open eyes ,you leaned in his ears

"You're a weenie dookie"

*twists arm more and applies more force on his back*


with that ,you got off him as he fixed his arm, holding it close to his chest ,you huffed a strain of hair from your face .with that and a few sniffles the bully sprinted away ,so did the crowd. With glares. Fear and sad expressions

(Y/n's POV)

Ugh..my mood just went to hell ,dib not coming already pissed me off and then this bully..

I fixed my clothes ,dusting it off. I heard a groan come from behind me .i turned around and saw Zim struggling to stand up...the fall might've hurt his ankle


I held a hand towards Zim as he raised his head towards me .glancing at me at my hand and looking away .he placed his glove hand on top of mine .with one pull ,i held him up by his shoulder for support

"Your to close to ZIM human y/n!!"

"You won't be able to walk until i don't help you"

I said as Zim just looked away with a not so happy face .I started walking back to where i was currently sitting .under the tree ,pushing my backpack ,i sat Zim down carefully ,as he leaned comfortably

"Here ,you might be hungry"

I put the bag of potato chips on zims lap as he nearly jumped from my sudden offer...his so anxious

"Is this to poison ZIM?!''

I raised a brow as i grabbed one chip from the same bag and ate it myself with a smirk .Zim looked away ,And he grabbed a hand full of chips and shoving it inside his mouth ,he was hungry after all .i just stared at his sharp teeths...we humans wear fake sharp teeths on Halloween ,but Zim has natural sharp teeths...amazing

"I know ,Zim Has Fabulous Looks! But staring is making ZIM uncomfortable!"

i shook my head with a dust of blush across my cheeks as i looked away ,eating my sandwich

"Your not that good looking ,Besides i was surprised to see your sharp jagged teeth ,Thats all!"

I defended myself ,I heard a hiss from Zim...Omg ,i literally squealed! His hiss was just like a little kitten!!

"eeeee-!! That was so cute!"

"What??!! Zim isn't cute!! Zim is Dangerous and Evil ,Zim will hunt you in your nightmares!!"

With that zim didn't said anything ,I saw one of zims antenna sticking out of his wig ,seeing that zim wasn't paying attention and my curiosity finally exploding ,I raised my hand and slowly stroke his one antenna

OK..this is so soft and relaxing to touch ,it felt so fragile .like with the snap of my two fingers ,I might break the bone like structure this antenna has ,This is amazing! I have to do more research about this!


I saw the bag of chips scatterd on the ground ,zims hands were twitching as I raised a brow in confusion ,my hand still caressing the antenna ,until i saw..

"Zim..your blushing!"

I exclaimed as I saw zim was really BLUSHING!! A magenta blush across his face ,he was literally shaking .like he was holding back a scream or something .I glanced at him and then at the antenna ,then back to him .I slowly squished the antennas until zim literally jerked up

"Human y/n, you wretched-!"

Before zim could finish ,I gently stroked the antenna with even more care as I saw zims body go limp ,his eye half lidded open ,A smile relaxed and peaceful smile now visible .He weakly fell on my lap ,he was purring!!
I held back a laugh ,So this is how its done ,I think I just found out how to calm the loud, mighty Zim down

Slowly seeing his other antenna popping out of the wig ,I began to gently stroke both of it ,reaching the part of zims head ,where the antennas were attached .zim slowly made a....moaning..NOISE??!!!

"...Zim...don't tell me this is...like sexual for you..?"

Feeling the scenario becoming uncomfortable ,I quickly retreated my hand ,not feeling my hands on his antennas anymore ,zim finally snapped back to reality

He shot out of my lap with an embarrassed and angry mixed look .he was blushing still ,I kept my hands up in defense ,OK this just got weird!

"How dare you touch zim like that!?! on irken planet its prohibited to touch ones antennas without permission!! In the irken military this is a huge taboo!! From smeethood were told to not engage with anyone touching our antennas!! If my almighty tallest found out...They will..THEY WILL DEMOTE ZIM BACK TO THE ELITE OR EVEN WORSE A COMMONER!!"

Standing and explaining everything ,I couldn't help but smile nervously ,end of my mouth twitching of course .With that and a flushed face .zim stomped away and inside the skool building

Dib is gonna be sooooooo MAD

(Dibs POV)

I feel bad for letting y/n go alone to skool today...i hope Zim doesn't plans something evil against her...what if he hurts y/n so he can get to ME!!

"Ugh...gaz never cares which is even worse!"

I frantically walked around my room in circles ,Even thought i felt like throwing up and my entire body literally dying...i can't stop worrying about y/n..she's the only person who truly listens and cares about me...


beads of sweat Began to trickle down my forehead as I grabbed my phone and called y/n's dad ,y/n's dad is a captain in the military ,he have to believe me .I have to do this ,put a stop to zims malicious existence once and for all! For y/n!
(Third persons POV)

The last few periods after lunch was over ,the skool bell rang as you slowly dragged yourself out of the skool ground .but it made you groan with annoyance when you saw it started to rain .dib told you about the towns weird habit of raining out of nowhere

Zim didn't made eye contact with you in the rest of the classes ,it made you feel bad even more. after what happened last night .you just sighed with defeat .Zim blushed in the middle of the class whenever you tried to take his attention

"Guess...the antenna thing being prohibited from touching is a huge deal for the irkens...''

Its good you've got your arc reactor with you aka iris .you pressed the button on the arc reactor

"Iris ,activate Kiki And tell him to bring an umbrella ASAP"


You tapped your feet as you watched the rain fall down ,Putting one earbud .you listened to your favorite song (insert song) ,y/n saw from the corner of my eyes that zim was also not leaving the skools shade .he looked at the raining sky with disgust and anger .you two were a few feet's away standing


"The umbrellas here y/n!"

Finally a small robot like thing came to y/n with full speed flying that it literally made the mud flew up and splashed on zims head ,he looked with a 'are you fucking serious look'. The robot kept hovering in the air

holding back a laugh ,you grabbed the umbrella and patted kiki ,Zim saw the umbrella and looked away ,it seemed he wanted to say something...but he couldn't bring himself to say it

"Kiki ,thank you. I needed it"

"I'll stay with you until we get home"

Kiki said as he eyed zim suspiciously with his digital dot like eyes .crossing his arms ,zim and kiki started a staring or glaring contest

"What are you staring at you insulant tiny metal trash!?''

"I don't like you! "

Y/n giggled as she stood in the middle of the glare with a smile ,y/n shook her head at kiki ,so he could stand Down .so kiki did

"Hey zim ,wanna walk home together?"

"Why would I..ZIM want to walk home with a female not caring for other peoples privacy stink human like you?"

''Because....I am the only student left with an umbrella?"

With a Face of defeat, zim groaned under his breathe .you on the other hand just smirked


"Annoying earth weather ,Making Zims life more hard"

This was now..what the 50th time zim repeated the same line? You were listening to the music with one ear and the other was listening to what Zim was saying

''Yeah..the weather can be a jerk sometimes "

"Yes! Zim has to come up with a plan to change the earth weather to irken weather! When my tallests arrive here ,They wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense weather!!"

You playfully rolled your eyes ,You reached dibs house and realized that you have to visit dib as well ,You stopped but zim kept going ,before he could walk out of the umbrella ,you tugged him back by his pink collar

"What is the meaning of this human y/n!?''

"Here ,Take it "

Confused zim looked at the umbrella. You raised a brow .zim hold the umbrella unsurely

"I'm going to dibs house ,you take the umbrella and go to your base- I MEAN your house safely ok?"

"Zim Demands your company until we reach zims house!"

"No can do buddy ,I need to make sure dib is doing OK"

With anger ,zim looked Down ,He liked your company ,you were the first person to ever listen to him and respond to him ,He wanted to walk like this everyday with you .But to him it seemed ,dib was more important to you then anyone else..not even him .he just....didn't wanted to be alone anymore

"Why do you Care so much about dib-stink...?"

"Because his my first ever best friend, see you at skool tomorrow zim, take care"

With that you splashed through the water puddles sprinting ,ignoring the falling rain as you opened dibs front door and closed it behind you


Zim just watched as you disappeared ,The silence building up around him slowly again .The rain drops felt heavier then before ,The whole world felt like caving in on zim ,He hated this feeling so much ,He could only see flashes of your oh so positive smile in his head ,His antennas lowered to its maximum that made the wig expose it a little ,But who cares? Zim said to himself

He just limply made his way back home .no one to talk to .no one to listen to so much he wanted to talk about. For the first time....ZIM was feeling hate and jealousy against Dib deeply .She didn't deserved that big head ,insane Dib pig ,Thought zim

"Curse you dib pig...why do you have a friend like her..?"

To be continued....

Should I make this a Dib X reader X Zim?
Or Yandere Zim?

Comment your suggestions!

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