broken ghosts

By waveofbangtan

62.5K 3.6K 1K

"i have died everyday waiting for you." "i should be the one lying next to you at night." More

part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part fourteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty-one
part twenty-two
part twenty-three
part twenty-four
part twenty-five
part twenty-six
part twenty-seven
part twenty-eight
part twenty-nine
part thirty
bonus chapter

part thirteen

1.6K 100 8
By waveofbangtan

You were walking in the woods when you saw a man in the distance. He was sitting on a rock, looking at a scenery alone. Your face lit up as you walked to him quickly.

"Hoseok ?"

He flinched, turning to look at you, his face lighting up.

"Can I be alone with you ?" you asked with a smile, sitting next to him before even hearing his answer as you knew he would never say no.

"Of course. Better be alone with you than with myself." He smiled, looking back at the scenery.

You did the same, getting lost in your thoughts. The silence wasn't awkward, the both of you knowing you didn't have to talk to be okay together. After some time, you leaned your head on his shoulder, feeling sleepy as you still didn't sleep much at night because of your nightmares.

"How is the trip going for you ?" he asked after a while, leaning his head on yours as well.

"Good," you said slowly with a sleepy voice, "I like that we're all together."

"Yeah, it almost feels like we're back in time."

"It almost feels like we're all okay."

He kept silent and you closed your eyes, sadness growing a little in your heart. You wondered why you said that, why you had to ruin the mood.

"Things are different but it doesn't mean they're bad," he eventually said quietly.

"Are they good though ?"

He didn't answer. Probably because you both knew things weren't okay. Your thoughts slowly drifted away to Jungkook, to his pretty eyes, his cute smile, his beautiful voice. His new girlfriend.

"You know..." Hoseok started, getting you out of your thoughts, "I believe that if we have each other, we can make it right."

Without you really realizing, he slid his hand in yours and intertwined your fingers together, comforting you as you kept silent.

You weren't quite sure of what happened after but you assumed you fell asleep, your head still on his shoulder, because when you opened your eyes again, you were lying in your tent. You wondered if he had carried you all the way here and you got your response when you turned around. Hoseok was sleeping next to you on Jimin's mattress.

You took a few seconds to gaze at him, wondering how you didn't see before how pretty his features were. His cute lips, his pretty nose, the way his hair fell on his forehead. As you were looking at him, he opened his eyes, smiling a little when your eyes met.

"Thank you for carrying me to there," you whispered.

"I thought you'd sleep better on a mattress."

"Your shoulder is comfortable," you chuckled, making him smile. You then sat up, arranging your hair a little. "We should probably go with the others. It's still the afternoon after all."

With that, you both got out of the tent, greeted by some of the guys who were preparing tonight's bonfire. You felt Taehyung stare on you when he saw you so close with Hoseok but you just brushed it off.

However, when your eyes met Jungkook's, it felt like you had just been caught cheating. He gave you a cold look before turning away, ignoring Hoseok and you. It ruined your mood and left you as sad as you were before your nap with Hoseok.


The bonfire had just started, everyone eating happily. Everyone except you. The cold look Jungkook gave you earlier was still engraved in your mind and your sadness was slowly turning into anger. You were realizing he had no right to treat you this way for only sleeping next to Hoseok when he had a girlfriend. He had no right to say anything about your doings anymore. But what angered you even more was how quick he was to shift his behavior towards you. In the morning, he was kind and caring but in the afternoon, he was cold and jealous ?

You suddenly got up, needing to be alone a little as the laughs around you got on your nerves even more. You walked away after telling them you were going to watch the sunset. You went to your favorite spot where you could see the mountains and lakes under your eyes, as if the universe was just that. Beautiful sceneries.

Just being there alone calmed you down a little as the sun was going down in the sky. After a while of contemplating the sunset, you heard someone come behind you. You first thought it was Taehyung or Hoseok, but when you realized it was Jungkook who just stopped beside you, you lost your smile immediately. You wondered if you should leave him here but decided that you weren't going to let him ruin this sunset for you.

He was quite tense next to you, fidgeting and glancing at you from time to time. He hadn't pronounced a word since he arrived, as if you weren't going to notice he was there.

"Why don't you stay with the others ?" you finally asked coldly, tired of the tension in the air. He looked down and you could feel his uneasiness without even looking at him.

"I wanted to spend time with you," he eventually answered, surprising you. You were expecting anything but this if you were to be honest. Hearing those words from him made you forget about your anger as your heartbeat increased slightly.


It was the only thing you managed to say, not really knowing how to feel after what he said.

"Y/N ?" he said after a while, your name sounding beautiful to you when he pronounced it. "I- I'm sorry for avoiding you after we hung out."

Your heart missed a beat as you were surprised he actually apologized. If you listened to your heart, you would forget it all and forgive him, hoping he would want you back. However, your mind was telling you you shouldn't be so desperate. The cold glare he gave you earlier came back to your mind and you forgot about running back to his arms. You kept your eyes on the scenery even though you could feel his stare on you.

"You need to make up your mind, Jungkook," you eventually said, not looking at him. "You need to stop giving me mixed signals. One second you treat me as a friend, the next one you avoid me."

"I-" he started but you cut him off.

"I have feelings too," you let out quietly, finally looking back at him, your eyes meeting his unreadable ones.

He was about to answer when his phone rang. He looked at it and his expression changed as soon as he read the contact name. As he answered the call, you felt like you weren't going to like what you were about to hear.

"Soyeon ?"

You rolled your eyes, looking away from him as you did your best to ignore your little heartache.

"What ? What are you talking about ?" he said, still talking to her. After a few more seconds, he gave you an apologetic look before leaving you there to continue his phone call.

Once again, you were left alone for this girl.

a shorter chapter because i needed to cut things here, but some action is coming next :)

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