Bound by Devotion

By StephanieYarns

70.7K 3.8K 987

Eve's been through a lot, but prophecy isn't through with her yet. Not yet ready for what it asks of her, it... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Not a chapter, but the biggest thank you of all

Chapter Three

4K 242 21
By StephanieYarns

Okay. I said this at the end and apologized for it. I will say it here as well. Until I can go back and edit it, the first half of this book is a little lacking on the others. I wrote it in fourteen days and a lot of what happened happens in the day. I will fix it and notify after I am done with my current series. I know. I promise.

The city looked different during the day, less dangerous and more the charming she thought it could be.

As they got closer to the center, they passed where Sebastian ripped the head off a living person and she stopped, leaning over the neck of Silhouette. She took a deep breath as she heard that scream that seemed to last forever and Kornae was at her side.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded. "Something happened here and while I'm mostly over it, I haven't seen it since it happened."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He was kidding, right? Had to be kidding. He was full of laughs.

She settled her mask back in place and lifted her head. "No. I don't."

Dark blue pulled at her but she held tight. No slipping. No confiding. No love.

"Led the way."

He gave a nod and together they walked their horses through the streets. Eve could feel the eyes on her and yes, it was as uncomfortable as she knew it would be. But this was something she had to do. Her mother never took the throne, but Eve would be damned if she embarrassed her. At a point where three streets met, Kornae pulled softly at the reigns. Eve came to a stop beside him. With sure confident movements, he dismounted before coming around to help her. Once again, his eyes zeroed in on the bruises on her bottom before they met hers with nothing different in his expression. Nothing whatsoever and that was it. She gave up.

It was near impossible to keep the mask in place as she threw a leg over, biting off her hiss of pain, and slid into his waiting hands. His fingers tightened for a half-second before releasing her. Most likely a 'let me make sure I have a good grip to shove her away as hard as I can' reflex.

So many people gathered around them, people and things. She remembered the number one rule, and while challenging the queen to a duel was probably prohibited, she wouldn't stare. She barely hear Kornae's introduction, but at the last moment, she remembered to bow. Kornae touched her back and she rose and the sight of so many bowing to her was insane. 

"Come, my Queen, sit with me and let us speak to the people."

His hand on the small of her back scalded her but she followed his lead, twisting away as soon as it wouldn't look awkward. She was going to do what she came to do. She was going to meet the people whose lives she helped to save. And if her feeling of foreboding that morning were true, she would have to do it again. She could feel the weight of his eyes on her after her movement, but she refused to look. Let him wonder.

She meant it. She was tired.

Person after person came to her, kneeling and swearing fidelity to her and she didn't know why. Kornae leaned over and whispered, "You killed Naida. That's in incredible accomplishment." The heat of his words hit her bare shoulder and she succeeded in not shivering.

He couldn't have made it anymore clear that they didn't stand a chance and she wasn't going to humiliate herself anymore.

"I didn't, my King. You did through me." She turned blank eyes to him.

"We did, then."

She went back to meeting the people and there was someone, slowly working their way through the line and God save her, she was carrying a baby.

The closer they got, the faster her breathing became. Her hands fisted on her legs. "My Queen?"

I'm fin—." She cursed as the word stopped in her throat.

Then, there they were.

The woman dropped to her knee and swore her oath. Then she said, "By your leave, Your Highness, please bless my babe. I am Seelie and I've come here to wait for you to thank you. You saved our town and our lives. We couldn't flee, as I was giving birth." Faint red touched her cheeks. "She is called Elaris which means Evening Star in Seelie. For that's the way it looked, with the magic flaring so bright at the end." She dropped her head again, holding the swaddled infant out to Eve.

Her arms shook so bad that she almost declined. Kornae touched her shoulder, "Breath, my Queen."

Eve did and shook herself. The baby wasn't going to hurt her. Her hands slid beneath the tiny body and the light lavender eyes met hers and she was in her arms and the infant cooed. Eve shifted, holding the child in a more natural position and reach out slowly to stroke the velvety skin only found in the very young. She didn't know she was crying until a tear dropped on the baby's cheek. The mother let out a soft sound.

She didn't know where the words came from, but they were in her head. They were Unseelie, but perhaps blessing worked the same in both courts. "Live, young Star, thrive and shine as bright as your name. May you only know peace and love and live eternal."

The child made a face that Eve could easily mistake as a smile.


"You made quite an impression today."

Eve was only half listening. They left soon after the mother collected her baby, a smile that warmed Eve's heart on her face. "I'll come out more often." Why could she still feel the warmth of that tiny Fae against her breast? The the trees didn't look threatening now, she thought as she tried to figure out why she could still feel the velvety skin beneath her finger tips.


She heard him then and turned empty eyes to him. "What is it?"

He frowned. "What's wrong?"

The sigh was heartfelt. "I didn't lie when I said I was tired." She looked forward to the palace, the big black walls not quite as imposing as they once were.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"After a while."

"What kept you up?

"What's with the fifty question?" She turned back him.

"You're not yourself, my Queen." He actually seemed somewhat concerned.

"If you don't stop calling me that..." That got a lift to a corner of his mouth. The first expression she had seen on him in a while. But she wasn't going to lie to herself. It meant nothing. "The baby bothered me, if you have to know. The prophecy, baby. Our last fight, baby, telling the men who love me what that fucking scroll wants me to do, baby. And then, there was a baby." His eyes had taken on that frozen look again. The one that chilled her and why did she bother? "Relax, my King, I'm not asking you for anything." She turned away and heeled her horse, running for the cover of her room.

The doors opened and she headed for the stables. Hopefully the stable-boy was there and could take care of Silhouette because she couldn't. She needed to be alone. After all the people, after the baby, after him, she just needed to go somewhere by herself.

Throwing her leg over the animal, she had forgotten how much she ached. Add to that being on a horse for the first time in a decade...

Keeping her sounds locked in her throat, she handed the reigns to the boy and ran for the safety of the walls. She could hear the thunder of hooves and knew Kornae was right behind her. That was not an argument she was willing to have. Not then. Not ever again. The whole day was an epic failure. Aside from, surprisingly enough, the baby. Knowing that she helped to save that newborns life was stunning.

Walking quickly, because it wouldn't do to look like she was running from him, she almost went to her room, but figured if he was looking for a fight, then that would be where he went. She didn't want to drag her drama to her men. Cora? No, she wasn't up to those question. It would hurt her pride to tell her that none of it phased him. The library, and hopefully, Naiel. She couldn't tell him specifics, but she could tell him about what it was that she felt.

Just don't talk about a baby, she prayed.


She heard 'my Queen' once on her dash from her hallway to the library. She had heard that enough for one day and the mocking way he said it, she knew he was trying to make her mad enough to answer. She was learning to keep a grip on her feelings though. He once thought her too emotional. That was going to change. Damn it.

She knocked lightly on the door before opening it, slipping through as soon as she could and shutting it quietly behind her.


She heard Naiel and turned.

"Naiel." She gave a little bow and he laughed.

"If you won't let me address you by your title, then you will not bow to me."

Her grin felt good as the thrill of evading Kornae eased up.

"What brings you here." He stood in front of that damned scroll, almost blocking it from her view.

"I want to burn that piece of paper," she said moving closer to the table.

"You could, if that would make you feel better." Naiel chuckled. "However, you would be upset when it returned here, undamaged."

Her eyes flew to his. "Yeah, upset is the word."

She moved to a chair to where she would have a view of the door, on the slightest chance he came to the library looking for her.

"Again, Eve, what brings you here? Not that I mind your company..."

He hesitated and she laughed. "When I'm not throwing tantrums like a toddler, you mean."


She laughed again before pulling her legs up, resting her chin on her knees. She knew Naiel had no interest in her in any way other than friendly, but she still made sure to keep her legs pressed together. "I'm sorry," she finally said.

"I understand."

Her eyes fell to the scroll. Was she ready to hear the new bad stuff? No. Not yet. Maybe soon. Tomorrow, provided it wasn't also a cluster-fuck .

"I'm here because I've been having dreams. I don't remember them when I wake up, but I remember a feeling of... disaster." She pulled her eyes from the ancient text to meet Naiel's. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, because I don't remember any details. But it feels important."

"You're coming into your own, Eve." Naiel sat in the chair at the end of the table. "The queen, while looking much like a figurehead, smiling and waving, has a direct link with faerie. You weren't strong enough in your Fae blood, when you took the throne, to notice a change. You were weak because of what it took to keep you alive."

She knew he was talking about the vampire blood. How many times she had to use it to travel, to heal, to save a life. Yes, it kept her alive, but at a cost, it seemed.

"Since you have been safe, you haven't needed the help and your strength has grown. It will continue to grow, over time. These dreams you are having are most likely faerie trying to warn you of something."


"It's only going to get stronger. Especially if you were... with...another Fae."

"Sex. You mean sex. Why does it all revolve around sex?"

"Have you seen the etchings, Eve? Have you really paid attention?"

No, she hadn't because at the time, it was too...disturbing. But now, maybe she should take a trip to to the throne room.

"People have told you the Fae are sensual, sexual creatures, but have they told you that that helps them be close to the land? To the palace?"


"Indeed. I suggest you pay some attention to the drawings. You'll see what I mean."

"So, if I get it on with someone like me, there is a good chance that I'll understand these dreams sooner and my strength will grow quicker?"


"And in doing so, a decent chance I get pregnant."

A sigh.

"Relax, Naiel, I'm not going to go mental." She smiled. "Just thinking I could knock out three birds with one stone. Once I'm ready and once I find someone willing."

"Then, in that case, yes."

She slowly got to her feet, not groaning and gave him a smile.

"I doubt it will happen soon, but once something does, I'll let you know."

"Thank you, my dear."

"No, sir, thank you."


Eve knelt by the side of the larger throne. Her throne. Her eyes traced the lines of the black stone. She had been told that the chair had always been a part of the Unseelie court, while the smaller one, the king's throne could go away, if there were not a ruling couple.

For being as old as time, the engravings still looked fresh, easy to read and as explicit as she remembered. Despite her newfound freedom, some of the acts depicted made her blush and she could only thank a higher deity that she was alone. Good god, the field day Fallon would have with this. She cocked her head to the side. Was that...? Okay, Gabe would enjoy it too.

Getting past the blushing was difficult, but once she did, she noticed a common theme. Faint lines, so faint as to not take away from the acts themselves, because heaven forbid, connected each participant at the chest. Were it only two people, the line was doubled. Were it more, like oh say... the seven there, then the line made a circle. It connected them all. She sat back on her feet.

The acts, while slightly less disturbing after her painful play-date with Gabe, meant something to them. It brought them closer together, as a whole race.

"Beautiful, isn't it.

His voice didn't surprise her. It dismayed her, because she wasn't ready for another round, but it didn't surprise her.

She kept her voice cool. "I have to admit, it is. Maybe not all of the acts, because I really don't think I could do that," she pointed to a panel, the figure of the female bent into a position she couldn't wrap her head around, "but the connection is truly something special." Her legs were not shaking when she rose as gracefully as she could. It was time to get away. Go take another hot bath then nap until dark. Then she could be with those who loved her.

Get away from the one who constantly confused her aching heart.


Nope, that wasn't going to happen. Maybe he didn't believe her when she said she was done. But she was about to make it unmistakably clear. Holding her head high, she spoke over him, "I need a favor from you, my King." She adding her own tone to the word and she couldn't deny the slight bit of satisfaction at his slight smile.

"You heard me then,"

She gave a nod.

"What favor do you require of me, my Queen?"

"I don't know the people around here, but I do need one of them. Soon. A male. I need you to find someone for me who is trustworthy." She was proud of the way her voice didn't give away her heartache. "Someone worthy of sleeping with the Queen."

"Eve, no."

"I have no choice. I wanted it to be you. My heart wanted it to be you. You won't. Fine. But, certain things are required of me, no matter how much I hate it. I have to trust in that piece of paper and it needs what me being with another Fae will give me. That's not including my strength and my bond to the court." One last deep breath then she could go. Before the mask slipped. "This isn't easy for me, Kornae."

She calmly walked past the frozen man and just as she thought she had stunned him enough to escape, his hand gripped her wrist, right on her bruised skin and he squeezed lightly. Her gasp was out of her lips before she could take it back.

"Are you doing this to me on purpose?" His voice was dark, low and so fucking sexy she could have wept. "Are you taunting me with these?" His grip tightened and she fisted her hand, fighting the shudder that still crawled through her skin.

Why did he ask her those things?

"Answer me." His hand cupped her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his.

"It started out that way, yes. But not at the end. I honestly meant it what I said. I'm not asking you for anything."

His hand squeezed impossibly tighter and she bit her lip at the sudden swell of heat in her womb.

"But you did ask me for something, Eve. You asked me to find you a lover."

"That's different," She fought her way back and she was not going to let him do this to her. "You don't want me. I need what being with you would give me. But I can't play this game with you anymore. I can't." She lost the mask and her eyes filled with tears. Yanking her arm from his grip, she turned and ran. She waved a finger and holy shit, the door opened and she was gone.


She sat in the full tub and tried to clear her racing thoughts. There wasn't much to be done about her actions now. And even if it was anger, she got a reaction out of him. She should be celebrating. But she couldn't.

He would take her seriously, in which case, most of her problems were solved, all but her heart. Or, he would think she was trying to make him jealous. She wasn't. But, if he thought that, then he might make her search on her own. Not a prospect she was looking forward to. Maybe she could hold a tournament. Have flags flying and everything. The champion gets to bang the Queen. So lucky.

Thoughts about the baby kept trying to surface and she kept pushing them away. Not yet, for the love of some deity, not yet.

Going outside the walls had been an eye-opening experience and aside from the crush of people, one that she enjoyed. While she felt eyes on her, she had soon realized that it was because she was their Queen. A queen that none of them had seen. Never met. It wasn't her near nakedness. She didn't catch the first lewd thought or glance. The style of clothing was just that. And she had to admit, the more she saw, the less sensitized she was to it. Her leggings and sweaters would have been beyond stand out.

The sun was about halfway down when she stood, letting the water slide off her before toweling off. After pulling on a robe, she was about to ease beneath the blanket when something grabbed her hair and yanked her backwards. She reached instinctively for her magic, and that cost her, because it didn't come. Metal at her throat, the deep cut less painful than she would have ever imagined. But that was adrenaline, wasn't it? She could see drops of red hang in the waning light of the sun. Droplets of liquid rubies.

The thing holding her hair let go as she held a hand to her throat, trying to put pressure on the slippery flesh. She turned, lost her footing in her own warm blood and fell to the slick marble. Why couldn't she breathe?

A hazy, gray, silhouette tossed something at her before stepping backwards, holding out his arms and legs, not fighting the tendrils of shadow that came from the walls. No, she thought, but couldn't say. Dungeon. If she was going to die, they needed to know who did it. Dungeon. Dungeon. Dungeon. And finally, the things that were slowly pulling him apart, wrapped around him and together they disappeared.

She lay back against the bedside table and felt her life slipping away. No worrying about babies now.

Fae were hard to kill. Only... she wasn't fully there yet. But she also wasn't human. She fought to rising darkness, calling on the powers of the palace to give her what she desperately needed.

Kornae. She kept his name in her mind, screaming it over and over. A portal formed, as weak as herself and she saw him. She tried to say his name, but she couldn't breathe. With her last bit of strength, she took what the figure left her and flung it. His head snapped up, his eyes meeting her before the portal vanished.

She was tired. So tired.

Her eyes grew heavy and her hand slipped way from her throat.

There was pressure now, something inside her neck, pinching arteries. Her name was shouted but she couldn't see. A slap, vicious and hard, got her eyes open.

Lips moved. What were they saying?

They got closer.

"Heal!" he yelled, over and over.

She couldn't. Her magic was gone. But she had someone... maybe he could still use his?

"Gabe." She tried to say. Dark blue eyes focused on her lips as she tried again.

No more.


Tugs and and muted sounds washed over her. Slowly, she was able to start feeling again, so much pressure on her neck, fingers, pushing at her, into her.

Dimly she understood what was happening. A warm drip of something hit her and yes, Gabe was dripping his blood onto, into her. The warmth moved to her lips and she fought it, pushing at the flesh, trying to turn her head away. Wasn't that bad for her Fae strength?

"Better to be weak than dead, Eve. Now drink." She heard the extra timber in his voice and she had no choice then to lock her hands around his wrist and drink. Swallow after swallow of that perfectly rich, sweet and salty nectar filled her and her fingers clenched, holding him tight, then tighter still as he tried to pull away. He started it. Let her finish. "It's okay, honey. Let go."

She opened her eyes and holy shit had blue ever looked so decadent? But they weren't pure blue. There were traces of dark violet and black. The tiniest smattering of white flecks. She was looking at the universe captured within a person. How had she not seen it? Because while Fae were better than humans in terms of senses, vampires blew them out of the water.

"Eve," Gabe's voice crawled over her skin like a lovers breath and she slammed her eyes shut while sucking in a deep breath. How had she forgotten what this was like? Everything magnified ten, a hundred, a thousand times. "Baby, look at me." She couldn't control her shiver and she forced her eyes open and away from Kornae's. Getting lost in them forever didn't sound like a bad idea, but she knew Gabe wouldn't let her.

Turning her head, she stared deep into stormy gray.

"I need you to try to focus, okay?" he said and she reached for him. She couldn't help it. His voice wouldn't stop touching her. He took her hands and helped her to sit up.

That was a bit better, a touch more grounding then to lay on that softness and let their eyes stroke her. She fisted her hands and closed her eyes, head down. "I'm trying. Why is it so strong? It's never been this bad."

"Your own blood is strong in you now."

She knew that. Of course she knew that.

"Okay. I'm focused."

"The sun is still pretty high up and with what I did, I'm fading fast."

"I'm sorry."

He laughed, the sound like velvet on her skin and she shuddered, digging her nails into her thighs. "Like I mind saving you. But really, we need to stop. I have to go back to sleep, and by have to, I'm going to whether I want to or not."

She dared herself to look at him.

"Kornae is going to look after you."

"Like hell," she said, twisting to look at him. "You are not babysitting me. I'm fi—." Shit. "After a while I'll be fine."

Gabe moved closer. She could tell by his heat. That was forgotten when his breath hit her arm. Her eyes closed and her head fell back. She swallowed a moan as he laughed at her.

"Don't be stubborn, Eve." She heard Kornae's voice but she was totally distracted by the touch of his hand on hers, the warmth of his skin sending shivers down her spine. The hand tugged hers and damn if she didn't feel it in her body.

"She's the definition of stubborn."

She got to her feet and looked up. There was a portal to another part of the palace.

"Eve? Get some rest, okay? It's okay if you sleep all night. We'll try to play detective and fill you in when you wake up."

She nodded. "I love you,"

His smile was tired, but beautiful. "I love you too."

Together, she and Kornae stepped into the portal.

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