(★Look Beyond The Stars★)

By Sana_scarlet9

54.1K 1.5K 1.6K

[Invader!Zim X Female!Reader] (The Characters are in Highskool ok?) !!!SPOILERS!!! PLEASE READ TO UNDERSTAND... More

⚡(Note And Basic Information)⚡
☆ Chapter# 1★
♥ Chapter#6♥
☆ Chapter#10★
(☆Chapter #12☆)


3.2K 98 143
By Sana_scarlet9

{☆ Stargazing ★}

(Y/n's POV)

''Well..that happened''

I said as i opened the front door ,it was locked and it was good i had a spare key .i put my bag down and saw a sticky note stuck on the fridge ,signed by mom and dad

"Sighs...of course ,now that the moving is done...they won't be home anymore..''

I sighed as i began to 'invade' the fridge for some delicious food ,i found my favorite (insert favorite food) ,i reheated it and went to my room with a glass of my favorite cold drink and went to my room ,i put them down on the table and turned the lights on .it was already night until it hit me

I pulled out a suitcase ,not a huge suitcase just like a small box from under my bed ,i opened it after the eye scanner scanned my right eye ,there it was .my armor ,my high technology advanced armor

I pulled out the small object from inside the box that was the shape of (insert your favorite ) and it was not activated yet ,this was my armors arc reactor. I pulled down my shirt from the neck part and placed the reactor a little bit lower to where my collar bone was and pulled down my shirt

"Iris ,activate voice authorization!"

I said with a huge smile ,this armor was given to me by my grandma ,it wasn't as good as it is now ,since i made ALOT of improvement over the years , mom and dad were busy and away from home ,my entire childhood was focused on books and computers and making machines and stuff i also got alot of help from someone

"Voice authorization is activated, insert classified code"

A low gentle female robotic voice replied as the arc reactor was activated ,its soft blue glow and neon line like lights blinked ,i stood up

"The code is **********"

I said ,the Arc reactor began to make the armor plate all over my body ,many many layers of armor ,but still making my curves visible .Covering my neck ,it made a headset that had spikey design at the end of the headset which was like antennas ,then it covered my eyes with blue glowing visor covering my sight and there the functions began to start up infront of my eyes

"Armor activated .Welcome back y/n''

I smiled as i began to look around .iris showing me everything from the force of wind to the temperature and even dust particles ,i squealed as i jumped up and down slowly

"Eeeee-! Iris i missed you!''

"I as well"

My parents don't know about this ,you have no idea how much stressful the many years have been of me trying to hide away iris

"Is the system working properly?"

"No problems detected .Diagnostics are clear ,Body suit working fine .Do you want to run a test y/n?''

I nodded as my jet boots started with fire power ,i ran and jumped outside the window ,soon flying in the air with speed ,i spinned around like there was nothing in the world to stop me .I stayed in the air up above the buildings! It was beautiful!


I said as i stopped moving ,thanks to my headsets antenna ,i can hear stuff from miles away .a very out of control engine noise came from somewhere ,i couldn't determine It!
I frantically kept looking around ,until i saw a small light coming towards me!!

"Unknown Aircraft detected!"

Iris said as i saw...IT WAS A PURPLE SHIP!?



(Third persons POV)

The impact with the full speed ship sent y/n flying away ,skidding on the park grounds ,a few pieces of her armor broke, flying around as Iris repaired it with new armor layer

The ship also crashed a few steps away from y/n ,groaning from pain as her visors screen showed her heartbeat ,as y/n sat up

The ships windows were lifted up as a figure a few inches shorter then y/n stepped out ,y/n removed her visor as it slide off her eyes ,the smoke was making things hard to see

"Ok...i really need to make my moves fast..god. I feel like my body just shattered..''

"Curses! How did i Not see anything! That stupid earthen bee caught me ZIM by surprise!"

Y/n gasped as she heard annoyed and rage filled voice talk ,y/n recognized the voice .She nervously glanced around as she stood up ,forgetting that she was still wearing her armor


Y/n whispered as the wind blew clearing the area ,Zim coughed as he cursed everything related to earth .y/n's mouth twitched with wide nervous eyes .Why is she so nervous?

"Who dared to Stand infront of ZIMS voot cruiser!?"

"Boot cruiser?"

Y/n out of the blue answered as they finally saw each others face ,y/n gave a nervous giggle and a wave ,Zim blinked in confusion ,he was AGAIN not in his disguise!

"Dib-pigs female ally...YOU again!!"

(Y/n's POV)

He said with a pointed finger. I just held back a laugh ,is he always this loud? I crossed my arms as he just glare at me

"I think we started off with the wrong foot .lets do this again shall we? My name is y/n and yes im dibs childhood best friend ,nice to meet you Zim"

I said as polite as possible as i walked towards him and held out my armored hand ,Zim blinked as he glanced at my hand and then at me .i just kept my smile

"Is this a trap? You are pretending to be introducing yourself to ZIM ,so i could trust you a little and then you will capture me and send me off to your Human authorities so they can do a LIVE autopsy of ME the Great ZIM!!"

my expression changed into 'are you being serious right now?' As i giggled afterwards walking away .i heard Zim yell my NAME ,not female human ally anymore

"Do NOT ignore ZIM!''

I just smiled as i turned around and looked over at his so called cruiser ,it still had smoke coming out of its engines ,Zim also followed my gaze

"Is your ship ok? Its not safe for you to be here out in the open ,this park have people coming in even at night ,they might see you Zim"

"don't pretend like you care about zims well being, Zim can take care of himself!"

He said as a mic thingy came out from his weird backpack like thing that was stuck like a glue behind his back ,he called gir to come and pick him up..more like yelled ,i couldn't help but observe zims appearance even more ,his huge magenta eyes were kind of glowing in the darkness ,it wasn't that dark ,there was a lamp post on the footpath area of the park

I finally looked at his hands...three fingers ,how does Zim works or picks up stuff with just THREE fingers...fascinating .i kind of forgot that my arc reactor that was still activated was also glowing

"Unknown specie detected near your surroundings y/n, should i activate instant kill?"

Iris said through my headset ,my eyes widened as i literally felt cold sweet ,i turned around and held my headset

"Iris no! We are not hurting anyone!"

i whisper yelled as iris replied with an ok ,i sighed with relief as i heard shuffling behind me ,i turned around and saw Zim sitting down on the grass ,his antennas lowered in a cute way .he was leaning into his arms that was wrapped around his legs ,his legs pulled to his chest ,His eyes were still squinted though...is he mad?

The silence was really getting thicker by the minute as i just stood awkwardly looking around ,its not like everyday that you come face to face with an extraterrestrial being...i feel so lucky!

(Third persons POV)

After having a brain Storm ,y/n finally decided to start a conversation with the irken invader as she sat down slowly next to Zim ,but not to close..since what happened at his lab with all his yelling and stuff

"So...your dibs arch nemesis huh?"

Y/n said as gentle as possible ,Zim just looked away .y/n's mouth twitched as she tried her best to keep her smile ,you looked up at the stars .finally seeing how beautiful and peaceful the night was and the dark sky that had tiny bulbs sparkling across it

"Look..im sorry ok? I didn't meant to infiltrate your base! I said im sorry many times!"

Y/n said as Zim slowly glanced at her with furrowed eyes ,his antennas slowly raising up .before anything could be said ,y/n's phone rang

"Oh! Its dib!"

Y/n happily said as Zim just stared at her ,you accepted the call and with a huge smile ,you talked with dib

"Yeah! Im fine don't worry...come on you don't have to come all the way to my house to check up on me. No ,Zim didn't do anything...i promise really...alright see you tomorrow at skool dibsy!"

With that y/n hung up and put her phone away ,Zim felt weird seeing y/n being so happy just by talking to his arch nemesis ,Zim always imagined that maybe he will find someone that will be happy to hear his voice as well...or to be specific ,Happy to see him

"I don't think your friend gir will come ,He seems to get distracted pretty easily"

Y/n said with concern as she looked around her ,looking so no one can come to the area .
Zim just scoffed looking away

"Zim doesn't need friends ,Gir is just my working robot nothing else!''

Zim replied with irritation in his voice ,but only if that was true .Zim was ok being alone when he first came to planet earth ,but spending so many years and his tallests losing interests in him (even though they never cared about zims well being in the first place) made Zim wish for...a company ,a trustworthy company

"Let me help you! This way i can be even with you ,you know like an apology!"

Joyfully finishing her sentence ,you stood up as Zim raised a brow in confusion. How will a fragile female human like y/n can help him?

"How exactly can you help Zim?"

Zim asked with an annoyed expression ,y/n just smiled with a smirk as she walked to his voot cruiser and stood infront of it .hands on her hips

Zim was confused out of his mind ,Why is she so different then the other humans? She isn't freaking out by seeing him in his real form ,She's talking to him as if they have known each other for many many years and y/ n being so kind to him...it felt wrong and comforting at the same time

"Sit inside and I'll pick up your cruiser and i will take it to your base!"

Y/n said as her visor slide ,covering her eyes .Zim walked passed y/n ,he eyed her with the corner of his eyes ,y/n still had her huge comforting smile on her lips ,it made zims squeedly spoch turn into swirls of black hole

He sat inside his cruiser as the window lit closed ,y/n placed both her hands and grabbed the cruiser from each side

"Iris ,Increase strength level upto 10%"

"Increasing strength"

With that ,y/n lifted up the cruiser with ease .zims jaw dropped as he felt the cruiser move ,it was like she was holding gir ,but the truth it wasn't gir .the jet fire power started from y/n's armor boots as she flew up ,holding the cruiser .she made her way to zims base with speed ,her visor showing the coordinates to zims base


y/n landed on her feet as the jets from under her boots stopped ,she gently placed the cruiser inside as the rooftop opened ,revealing a helicopter like platform ,it closed afterwards with Zim and y/n inside

Zim jumped off the cruiser as y/n smiled ,Zim crossed his arms with an awkward expression .he wasn't used to someone helping him..let alone a human baby worm like y/n

"Alright ,I'll have to leave now ,its late"

Zim was struggling to say something to y/n ,you had an expression that was telling that you were also waiting for something

"Sighs...i ZIM...is thank full...to you..dibs human female ally "

"Pfft...just call me y/n ,also your welcome .see you tomorrow Zim!"

With that ,she flew through the window ,smoking trail leaving behind her as she was out of sight

Zim wrapped his arms around himself ,he clenched his shirts area where everyones heart is ,he had a painful expression

"Zim doesn't like this feeling..."

To be continued...

So ,Your armor works kind of like iron man ,your also very intelligent and a great creator of machines

Im surprised that many of you thought ,that i will made the reader half Alien..well thats half true...?

Anyway keep reading the chapters to understand what you really are and what is your connection with the irkens


Taller version of Zim in highschool ,This art IS NOT MINE!

thank you for 400 followers ,im glad to see you all like my crappy stories 😃

See you all soon!

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