The Third One

By kurozons

15.6K 461 367

Dewey has never felt like he stood out enough. Suddenly, one day he disappears without a trace. Follow Dewey... More

The Third One Pt. 1
The Third One Pt. 2
The Third One Pt. 3
The Third One Pt. 4
The Third One Pt. 5
The Third One Pt. 6
The Third One Pt. 7
The Third One Pt. 8
The Third One Pt. 9
The Third One Pt. 10
The Third One Pt. 11
The Third One Pt. 12
The Third One Pt. 13
The Third One Pt. 14
The Third One Pt. 16
The Third One Pt. 17
The Third One Pt. 18
The Third One Pt. 19
The Third One Pt. 20

The Third One Pt. 15

504 17 4
By kurozons

Louie's POV

Took Dewey long enough to finally come back to us. It's been a month, meaning 2 weeks since Dewey came out, since Magica was last spotted. It's been quiet, with the mansion on lockdown. No adventures or anything. I'm sure Webby is going to lose it, since she has to be locked up in here again, and no one is really willing to listen to her conspiracy theories. Dewey used to listen to her, but not anymore. He is getting better, the screaming stopped and he isn't seeing anything anymore. And the words? Well, he hasn't said anything about them for a month, so I guess he is fine now.

Huey seems better now as well, and everything is back to normal. I can finally relax, lay on the couch, watch tv on my phone while also watching it on the tv. This is hea-

The door to the living room swung open and Webby flew through it.

"Louie! Louie! Remember when we were walking down the streets, and we wanted to figure out why Dewey ran off?" She seemed so excited. Which meant work. Yippee.

"No. I don't remember that. Maybe you go ask Huey." I turned away, hoping Webby would just forget and go away. I really wanted just one lazy day.

"Nice try! But let's go solve a mystery!" She ran up to me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me off the couch. We raced (by raced I mean I got I dragged) through the mansions hallways. Then suddenly Webby slammed to a halt, with me nearly falling on my face.

"Woah, what are you two up to?" Dewey looked at both of us.

"Nothing! Nothing at all." Webby gave a fake smile. Ugh, have I taught her nothing?

"Well Dewford, we're going to study gold. We need to know what gold holds the most importance, so we can find it." Dewey looked between us, and then shrugged.

"Okay you two." He walked off, looking down at his phone. He really believed me, almost makes me feel bad for lying to him. Almost.

"Let's go!" Oh great, now I'm back to being dragged by Webby. Maybe Dewey could've helped me get out of this mess. Dang.

We eventually reached the place Webby was dragging me too, which so happened to be... Uncle Donald's boat? Why were we here?

"Webby? Why are we here?" She looked at me, and sighed.

"Louie, Donald is going to know the most about Dewey. He could possibly know why he acted out." Oh... that makes more sense. Uncles Donald knows the most about us, but why would Dewey tell him more about himself then his brothers?

We walked into the houseboat, glancing around. As we walked down the steps, I looked at all the pictures of us. Huey smiled as he held his junior woodchuck guide book. I glanced up from my phone, only to look into the camera. And then Dewey stood in the middle, being himself. Huh, he obviously put a lot of effort into standing out. Why though, it's not a popularity contest.

"Louie hurry up!" I sighed, walking down the stairs. Webby rushes up to Uncle Donald, who was just standing in the kitchen. I glanced over at what he was holding. It was a picture of him, Uncle Scrooge, and... mom.

"Hey Uncle Donald?" He jumped in surprise, setting down the picture, and turning around to use.

(Btw I'm not typing the nonsense that Donald talks. It'll be normal words)

"Yes?" I glanced at him, then looked at the ground.

"Well, uh..." I couldn't muster up the words. Damn, it always seem to be at the wrong times!

I felt Uncle Donald's hands go on my shoulders, and I looked up at him. We gave me welcoming eyes, like he has always done for the past 14 years. I could trust him, I knew I always could.

"Dewey ran away. We all know that. But why? We ignored him, like what, twice? Why couldn't he just figure out it was a mistake and move on?" Uncle Donald frowned for a second. He seemed to be thinking.

"Well, Louie, your a triplet. There are stereotypes of how each triplet should act, and you guys definitely take those personalities. The oldest, which is Huey, takes on the responsible triplet role. The youngest, you, takes on the triplet that gets away with a ton of stuff. Now, Dewey is the middle child." He paused, glancing back at the photos on the wall.

"Take these pictures, you two didn't care for photos, it was a whatever moment for you. But Dewey found them as a way to express himself and stand out from you two. Point is, he suffers from the classic middle child syndrome. He wants to stand out, because he feels he is invisible." Really? Dewey feels that? I mean, I've never looked at it that way. Huey and I don't stand out more than Dewey, at least I don't think we do.

"But, we were all treated the same as kids. You loved as all equally!" Uncle Donald looked down, showing a bit of guilt on his face.

"Not really," Uncle Donald looked back to me "I always had to drive Huey is JW meetings. And I had to help you, since you weren't the liveliest as a duckling. I guess Dewey just didn't get the attention that you two got, mostly because he just sat at home, working on reading and writing. He isn't the sharpest crayon in the box." I grinned at that, it was true. Dewey had always needed help learning math, reading, and especially writing.

"So, we can't ignore him?" Uncle Donald nodded.

"Yes, except don't do it like your forced. Dewey will see right through it. Just do what you've been doing for years... be his brother." I nodded at this.

"Thanks Uncle Donald." I said. I turned around to find Webby sitting down, smiling at me.

"See," Webby said "wasn't it worth getting off the couch to solve this mystery?" I sighed at her.

"Yes Webbigail, you were right. It was good to solve this mystery."

Ahh, finally a whole chapter for Louie! This was probably the easiest chapter for me to write, because I've been wanting to do it for so long! Thanks for reading!

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