By writerchick88

10.6K 242 16

What would happen if Charlotte Flair debuted in the Attitude Era where women were merely over looked and unde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 10

316 6 1
By writerchick88

"You will never beat me. I'm just that damn good."
Hunter's music hit as he threw his mic at Edge's feet, and Charlotte couldn't help but to laugh, ringside. She was careful not to let anyone see, but she was always amused with their segments. He played that role so well and it was almost believable to her. It was both of their night to cut promo's leading up to their big Royal Rumble matches. Raw had already been eventful.
She'd been at Edge's side for a while now, but it was strictly for work. They didn't have the closeness they once had, and she knew it was her own fault. She'd messed things up with their actual friendship. Standing, waiting for Hunter after she and Edge left the ring when commercial hit, she jumped when a hand hit her back.
"Jesus, you scared me." She let out a nervous laugh, facing Edge.
"I didn't mean to." His grin was sweet, she hadn't seen it in a while, at least not toward her.
"I know, I'm just jumpy. It's all the chair shots I've been taking." Her onscreen rivalry with Victoria had been a nasty one. Victoria was a heel, so more often than not, she ended up interfering in Charlotte's matches, costing her the victory.
"Yeah, you had better watch out for those. They can be detrimental to your health." His goofy joke hit the mark and she laughed wholeheartedly. It was always that way with him.
"You definitely take more shots than me. And what is that ladder and tables stuff? You guys are crazy!"
"What's that moonsault stuff you do? And off the top ropes? That's insane."
"You watch me?"
"Never miss a match."
It was sweet, but he'd always been sweet. They just lacked the passion she'd achieved with Hunter. And the love. Damn she loved that man.
There was an awkwardness that passed for a few seconds and then he spoke again.
"You know I don't hate you, right?"
"I know. It was just a difficult situation that I put you in, and I felt like it was better to give you some time."
"I'm always going to be your friend. That is never changing. We just didn't get the timing right on the other stuff. It's not your fault. As long as you're happy."
"I'm very happy." She could feel the smile spread on her face. This was the happiest she had ever been. She never knew her heart could be so full.
"Well good, even if he does it for you." He reached out, touched her face, and dropped his hand suddenly. "Sorry, I— I'll see you around, ok?"
"We're in segments together on Smackdown." She chuckled at his boy like innocence and embarrassment.
"Right. I'm gonna go stick my head in a freezer now."
"Oh chill out."
"You're still corny." He smiled as he walked away and she just shook her head. At least that wasn't extremely awkward.
"Charley—" She turned and again was caught off guard. She hadn't seen this woman in years.
"Stephanie, wow. What a surprise—or I guess not since your dad owns the company, but what are you doing here? Shane said you hadn't been around in over a year."
"Well you know how it is having a famous dad and all. Sometimes it's easier to just get away and unplug."
"Definitely been there." Charlotte had taken full summers abroad and even thought of going to college overseas at one point before she met Mickey.
"So what's new other than you wrestling? I never thought I'd see that."
"It's new, not something I ever thought I'd do, but here I am. It was mostly for him. You know it was his dream."
"Well then I'm glad you're living it." Stephanie smiled and touched her hair. She'd been something like a wild big sister to her over the years, their dads had been close. Stephanie was a lot like her in the sense that she always felt like she was in the shadow of her family's glory.
"It was hard at first, they all hated me, but I found friends. A few that I'm extremely close to."
"Close? Close like you and Edge? I saw that little interaction."
"Edge? No, we're friends. We had a little thing for about five minutes before I found my..." Charlotte smiled as she saw him emerging from a nearby hallway.
"Your what?" Stephanie prompted.
"My handsome boyfriend." She couldn't help the giddy feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Hey, babe."
"The two of you?" Stephanie looked bewildered. Charlotte assumed she'd known about them. Most people in the company did. Her brother knew.
She threw her arms around Hunter's neck and he kissed the side of her head.
"You ready?" He didn't even turn to face Stephanie, he pretty much ignored her presence, this didn't go unnoticed by Charlotte.
"Almost. I just have to grab my bag."
"I got it." He held it up. "Let's get out of here."
"You're being rude." She nodded at Stephanie. "You know Stephanie."
"We're acquainted, now can I take you home?"
"Home? Not to our room?"
"We're in Connecticut, we're going home. To my place."
After all this time they hadn't been to each other's homes. She hadn't really settled on a place for purchase, but she'd always known she wanted to move back to Charlotte at some point.
"Okay." She couldn't understand why he was being so prickly, but she'd get to the bottom of it later. Maybe he'd seen her with Edge. He wasn't very fond of their time together.
"We will catch up later, I'm sure," Stephanie offered, politely stepping aside.
"How long are you going to be here?"
"It all depends on how quickly I can get some business handled," Stephanie affirmed, waving her off. "You crazy kids enjoy your night."
They went in opposite directions with Hunter gripping her hand. He didn't seem upset, at least not with her.
"You want to talk about it?" She knew it would happen much later, but she wanted to at least put it on the table.
"When we get home. I'm tired and I'd like to relax first."
She was quiet the entire ride. She hated how nervous she always got when it came to them. Just when she thought things were perfect her insecurities would rise. He was always quick to assure her that he wasn't going anywhere, but her past always made her anxious. She really wanted to find a way to be as confident in them as he seemed to be.
"You hungry?" He broke into her thoughts.
"A little."
"I was going to cook. Steaks okay?"
"It's fine." She stared out the window until they pulled into a large gate. The house was impressive, she'd expected smaller, more modest.
Hunter was the kind of guy who didn't really get into material things, but the house said a lot about him. She knew when he was younger he moved around a lot—they got evicted. He spent more time at her house, trying to overcome his past struggles and taking leadership from her dad. His father was never around. The house was probably his way of making up for all the things he didn't have growing up.
Shutting the car off, he was quick to get her door. He'd always made it a point to open her doors and he loved holding her hand. She couldn't think of too many times where they walked together and he didn't reach for her.
Unlocking the door, he motioned for her to come in and dropped their bags to the floor. "Well this is home." It was expansive. Much too much house for one person. Then it dawned on her that this was where he'd planned to raise that family he mentioned wanting. This would be a beautiful family home.
"I love it."
"Good." He grinned for the first time since the early hours of the day. "Let me show you around and I'll get you into a shower."
"You trying to say I stink?"
"No, we talked about relaxing. You shower and I'll cook. By the time you're out we can talk."
She agreed, feeling like a visitor in his huge home. Why was she so squeamish?
Minutes later she was under a stream of water. She had to agree, he was right about the relaxation of a hot shower. Her muscles ached, they'd been on a long flight before the show and hadn't really slowed down until now. Hopefully she would get a full night's rest.
He didn't join her in the shower like she'd hoped, but when she emerged in nothing but his shirt and her panties, he sat a plate in front of her. He'd really kept his word about cooking. She fully expected his resolve to weaken like it did most nights and land him in her shower. He was so serious tonight. Too serious.
Slicing the steak, she took a bite when he came around the bar and joined her in the huge bar lounge seat. He seemed to love kissing her forehead, it was his favorite gesture, and he'd done it with ease.
"How is your food?"
They didn't talk much during dinner. The air was very strange and she'd had enough beating around the bush. She decided to tackle it head on.
"Did you see me with Edge? There is nothing..."
"With him? With him how?"
"We talked after the show before Stephanie showed up. I thought it was what had you so distant."
"You think I'm being distant? That wasn't my intention."
"Then what is it?"
"I have something to tell you. You're not going to like it, but I can't keep things from you."
She swallowed a lump in her throat. "Things like what?"
"You know I've never lied about who I was before you. I made mistakes, I'm not a saint."
"I know."
"The girlfriend I had when we—"
"When we almost slept together and you went radio silent on me?"
"When we fell in love, baby. That's what it was."
"We fell in love that night, I can't deny that."
"And you know I felt like an ass. I fell in love with you, made you love me, and I couldn't do anything about it."
"We've made up for that. We've been making up for it for months now."
"I know that, but... it's a whole thing now. I don't know how I let it go this far."
"Go this far?" She pushed away from the bar, suddenly getting it. "Wow."
"You don't—you don't know..."
"This far? This far! Hunter are you or are you not telling me you're attached to some woman now?"
"Legally." She nodded, fully grasping the admission. "You're married?"
"On paper. We haven't been together in over a year and a half."
"A year and a half? We—our thing was over two years ago."
"You married her after me."
"It was stupid. I was stupid. We'd been drinking and I was so messed up. I couldn't talk to anyone about what I felt, no one would understand but you."
"And you were conveniently ignoring me."
"Not on purpose. Can you imagine falling for someone you knew was out of your league? I was scared. I didn't want to let you in and have you walk away. And I tried—"
"So you walked away for me? You walked away from me and went and married this tramp that you dumped because you swore you loved me. You made me the other woman and didn't even ask my permission. You're lower than low. I can't believe l... I'm in love with some woman's husband. Why did you even pursue me when you knew all this?"
That was the million dollar question. He didn't wear a ring, the house seemed to be just his. There wasn't a woman's touch in sight.
"We're only legally married because she won't sign the divorce papers. I've been trying to make her sign ever since it happened. I made a mistake. Haven't you ever made a mistake?"
She'd made mistakes, but this was a huge revelation. She wished she had been armed with this information sooner, but at least he was telling her now. He could have very well kept it to himself and just dodged the subject of marriage if they ever got to that level. Could she really hold this against him?
"You haven't been with her?"
"Not since long before we started. I promise I love you more than anything and it's been hell knowing I kept this from you. I just didn't want my situation to block something that is so special to us. I love you. Only you."
He swept her hair behind her ear and wrapped his arms around her. She didn't feel comfortable, it was very awkward, but she believed him. She'd spent every waking day with him since they became an item. He didn't have time to even think about anyone else, let alone cheat.
Shame, embarrassment, scandal.
How could she continue this way? How could she pretend like she hadn't been in his bed as his mistress? He may have only thought of his union as legal, but apparently his wife didn't. Why else would she protest the divorce for this long?
"I'm not sure how to deal with this. It's a lot to drop in my lap, Hunter."
"I just want you to understand. Look at me and know that I never wanted to deceive you. I just didn't plan on ever getting here with anyone and I got scared because you're the best thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't tell you before—"
"Before I admitted I was in love with you."
"I knew you wouldn't just walk away at that point. I know it's selfish."
"You're right, it's selfish. You let me go all in and think about a future you knew we'd never have."
"But I want those things. I want them with you. I'm not going to let her stand in our way."
"She's already in our way, Hunter. We're arguing and I'm two steps from walking out of here in nothing but your T-shirt and my panties. How is that not being in the way of us?"
"You're upset, rightfully so, but have I not shown you that you're it for me? Have I not given you everything you asked for since you've been with me?"
"It's been the best time of my life, but with you I get these highs, like I feel as if I could conquer the world, but the lows are extreme. I don't know if I should cry, storm out, or sit here and listen. The only thing I do know is that this hurts. Love isn't supposed to hurt this bad."
She'd started crying. She didn't want to, but she could slowly feel the end coming. She'd loved him more than she ever thought possible, but she'd feel dirty letting him touch her. She couldn't even allow him to comfort her at this point. She truly felt all alone.
"It's not," he agreed. "I fucked up."
"I—I'm going to go. We can talk about it some other time, when my head is clear."
"You can't just leave. What is leaving going to do besides making that distance you talked about a reality? I don't want this to be a reason for you to give up on us."
"Is there really an us at this point?"
"There will always be an us. Like it or not, we happened. I know I'm not the prince that you wanted to sweep you off your feet, I'm flawed. I'm as far from perfect as you're going to get, but I love you with my whole heart, not just a part of it. I'm placing our destiny in your hands because I just can't see it without you."
"Why are you doing this? Why now?"
"Because I couldn't lie to you, because you deserve the whole truth, and because I couldn't let you hear this from someone else."
"Who else knows? Your friends? They would cover for you, they would do anything for you. They'd probably kill her for you if you'd asked." She laughed at the bitter realization that in protecting him they'd left her open and exposed. They were supposed to be her friends too.
"They told me to come clean, so many times they warned me that this could be a reality."
"What, me looking like an idiot?"
"No. That I'd fall so deeply in love with you and we'd be here. We're debating our whole relationship over a mistake I made before you, and it's my fault. Please don't go. The house is big enough for both of us. I don't want you to leave. Just—just take my room, I'll sleep down the hall."
"Has she ever been in this house?"
"Not in that way, but yes. Can we not—she's not important."
"No, who is she, Hunter? I deserve to know that much."
"Hunter, give me her name or I'm walking out right now."
"It's Stephanie."
"Stephanie? Stephanie McMahon?"
"It was a mistake. I never meant..."
"She was standing there hugging me. I knew I felt a chill in the air around you two. You're only telling me because she's here, aren't you?"
"She's only here because I informed her I was telling you. She knew all along that it was you I wanted, don't let her little sweet act fool you."
"Your attitude makes sense now. Wanted to get the girlfriend away from the wife, huh? And I was just standing there in the middle of your shit like an imbecile."
"These are the head games she wanted. I know you've known her since you were a child, but she's not your friend. No matter what happens to us, please stay away from her."
"Don't want us comparing notes, huh?"
"I'm trying to protect you. You don't know this world like I do. People get hurt by that family."
"The McMahons? They've been like my family since I was a child, You know, you were there."
"Charlotte, please. I know you don't have much of a reason to trust me, but do it anyway. At least where Stephanie is concerned. They will close in ranks on you if you're not careful."
"You did this."
"I tried—I didn't want to love you. I didn't. I wanted to forget I ever kissed you, forget I fantasized about having you, but then here you were. I couldn't—I can't..."
She held her hand out, stopping him from continuing "I'm tired. I'm going to bed and tomorrow I want to leave."
"This isn't what I wanted."
"It's what you've gotten us into."
"I thought I'd bring you here and we'd have a beautiful dinner and I'd ask you if you wanted to stay here with me when we weren't on the road. I planned to tell you about Stephanie, I planned to let you know I needed to figure things out, but beg you to stay."
"Thanks for the dinner. It was beautiful, too bad it was laced with lies."
"I never lied."
"Well you didn't tell the truth either, and look where we are."
Charlotte went upstairs and slammed the door. All her earlier bravado faded and she slid down to the floor with tears streaming down her face. She felt her heart breaking in her chest. She'd never felt anything this painful, nothing had broken her the way this betrayal had.

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