Breaking For You *|A Niam Fan...

Af Belle33_NIAMshipper

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He watches him. And every time he does, his heart does a little leap. He looks away, hoping he didn't notice... Mere

Chapter 1: Strange Feelings
Chapter 2: What Are You Talking About?!
Chapter 3: My Little Snowflake
Chapter 4: Silence Is Sometimes A Good Thing
Chapter 5: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 6: It's A Start, At Least
Chapter 7: Some Saving Needed While Complications Arise
Chapter 8: I Guess I'm Happy For You (Some Larry)
Chapter 9: At Least I Got It
Chapter 10: A Mistake?
Chapter 11: All Touchy-Feely (Larry)
Chapter 12: Tear-Stained Lips
Chapter 13: So Sick Of It
Chapter 14: I'd Never Let You Go
Chapter 15: You what?
Chapter 16: I Love You, Too
Chapter 17: You're Beautiful
Chapter 18: Carnival Fun (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Carnival Fun (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Carnival Fun (Part 3)
Chapter 21: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 22: Cupcakes With Icing On Top...This Should Be Fun
Chapter 23: All Tingly Inside
Chapter 24: You Just Don't Understand
Chapter 25: F**k You, Louis
Chapter 26: I'm. Not. Jealous.
Chapter 27: What The Bloody Hell?! (Some Larry)
Chapter 28: I'm Yours
Chapter 29: This Aching Feeling
Chapter 31: So. Much. Confusion.
Chapter 32: I'll Always Love You
Chapter 33: He's Torn
Chapter 34: Far from alright
Chapter 35: Delusional
Chapter 36: The Ice-Breaker
Chapter 37: Simply Niam
Chapter 38: Unexpected
Chapter 39: Anything But Normal
Chapter 40: We Have Each Other
Chapter 41: I See Life In You
Chapter 42: Something Good
Chapter 43: Home Is With You
Chapter 44: Pancakes, Oatmeal, And a Muzzle
Chapter 45: I'll Give You All My Love (Some Larry)
Chapter 46: Nice? More Like Amazing
Chapter 47: Three Little Words

Chapter 30: Same Mistakes

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Af Belle33_NIAMshipper

Oh wow. I finally made it to chapter 30!! It makes me feel......I don't even have words. >>owurowuerwurliujlsjdf<< there. THAT'S how I express myself haha

Thanks for all your wonderful comments guys!! And for VOTING!! I.Love.You.All.

*clears throat

* Okay so before I go all creeper-status (it's happened before, trust me) I'm going to start writing now....

Please comment, vote, and ENJOY!!!! :))




Liam's POV

I let out a small sob and clutched my eyes tightly. All I really wanted at the moment was Niall. I wanted him to be here with me, his small frame curled up against my body. I wanted to stroke his hair, kiss the back of his neck, murmur loving words in his ear. I wanted to feel the familiar curve, the special dip in the small of his back that always had him mewing like a kitten. I wanted Niall.

I rubbed at my eyes and felt myself become sleepy. Letting out a suddenly tired yawn, I buried my face into the sheets and allowed my body to slowly sink into darkness. Yet another feeling began to rise up within me. A feeling of adrenaline and anxiousness.

It felt like something bad was going to happen soon...

 End of Recap

** ** **

Niall's POV

Lips + Lips + ATTACHED = 30 seconds

That's how long we were lip-locked. 30 fucking seconds.

When I finally had regain some control I had left, I used all I had within me to press my hands against Zayn's chest and practically shove him away from me. He stumbled back about two feet and caught himself by grabbing onto the counter so he wouldn't fall. I furiously wiped my mouth with the back of my hand while forcing my tears to not come out.

I can't believe I did that. I'm a horrible person.

I drew a shaky breath and tried to calm the rapid beating of my heart. It was pounding so harshly in my chest that it actually hurt to breathe. I cast my eyes downward to the floor, feeling so selfish and angry. I wouldn't be able to face Liam. I couldn't after what I just did.

Zayn cleared his throat, trying to catch my attention. I ignored him and clenched my fists together in aggravation. Why did Zayn allow me to kiss him? What the fuck was the matter with him? He could've pushed me away, told me to stop, done something.

But he didn't.

I roughly bit the inside of my cheek when a couple more tears slipped down my face. I brought my eyes back up to look at him and gave him a defiant and pissed off look.

"Why the hell did you let me kiss you?" I whispered, trying my best to keep my voice level. Zayn licked his lips and let out a sigh.

" see...erm...Niall." He gave me a pleading look and took a few steps towards me when I snapped. I walked straight up to him, looked him dead in the eye and brought my hand back to connect it with his cheek.

That's right. I fucking slapped him.

Zayn's head whipped to the side and he clutched his cheek, letting out an almost inaudible moan of pain. Just because I'm smaller than him doesn't mean I can't throw a good punch or slap. He looked at me then. A look that said 'what the hell is wrong with you?' Well, I'll tell you what the hell is wrong.

I cheated on my boyfriend, that's what.

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I gave him an exasperated look before pushing past him and grabbing hold of the doorknob. As I flung the door open, Zayn reached out and grabbed my arm.

"Niall wait! L-let me explain--"

I tore my arm from his grasp and shot him a cold look. "No. There's nothing to explain. Get the fuck away from me, Zayn."

He flinched when I said his name but obeyed. Once his grip no longer held me, I stormed out of there and headed straight downstairs where Louis and Harry were. The two of them were sitting on the couch playing video games and cursing each other out. I sighed at my two bandmates before grabbing he keys off of side table next to the couch and headed towards the door.

Louis brought his gaze away from the tele and called out to me. "Niall, mate, where you headed off to?"

I shut my eyes for a moment, contemplating on what excuse to use, when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I snapped out of my thoughts before replying to Louis through gritted teeth.

"Out." Was all I said before going towards the front door and all but yanking it open until it slammed against the wall. I grabbed hold of the knob before bringing it shut as i walked out the door. The cool air outside hit me so suddenly and I instantly wished I had been wearing a sweater.

Ignoring the cold, I sprinted down to the car in the lot and jumped in to start the engine. As I began to back out of the driveway, the front door flew open again and Zayn's head stuck out. I kept my eyes on the road and it wasn’t until I was on the about six blocks away that I finally let my frustration out.

I let out a frustrated scream and fisted a hand into my hair. Another stream of tears made their way down my cheeks and I couldn’t help but let out a sob. I drove on the road, depressed and guilty, when my vision began to overcloud with tears. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to go on any further, I allowed myself to pull over alongside of the road.

Once I stopped the car, I sobbed out loud once more before burying my face into my hands. As I cried, I felt my body starting to shake so violently that it made my seat shake. Somewhere deep inside me I knew that Liam would find out. He would find out that I had cheated on him with Zayn. He would find out that I was the one who had initiated the kiss when I really hadn’t wanted to in the first place. Then he’d break up with me.

And hate me.

I leaned my head against the steering wheel and closed my eyes. As I sat there, trying my best to calm down my cries, a slight pitter-patter on the roof of my car caught my attention. I brought my head up to see what it was when I noticed a slight dribble of rain starting to pour down. A couple seconds passed when the dribble began to increase in velocity until it was raining so hard, the top of the car moved.

I frowned bitterly. Great. Just fucking great.

I wiped at my eyes, hoping to stop my tears but to no avail. It was as if my tear-ducks were turning into a river. I couldn’t stop crying.

My heart began to ache miserably and I squinted my eyes together when my eyes began to sting from so much tears coming out. I sniffed and looked down at the radio before reaching out and turning it on. Just my luck, our song ‘Same Mistakes’ came on and the bridge that was leading to the ending of the song was just starting to play. I grinned somberly and allowed the rest of my tears to soak my face as the lyrics tenderly entered the atmosphere.

Think that we got more time
When we're falling behind
Gotta make up our minds




I bit my lip and brought my eyes out towards the window. I never really listened to what the lyrics said until now. Never really knew how much they fit the situations until this very moment. It was true though….I needed to make up my mind already about what I’m going to do…



Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we’ll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is
When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray that everything will be okay
While you're making all the same mistakes


I closed my eyes and drew in a small breath of air. My heart squeezed at the motion and I brought my hand up to grab a handful of my shirt that lay over the spot. Leaning my head back against the seat, I bit back a sob as Liam’s sweet, melodic voice came through the air from his solo.

Don't look back
But if we don't look back
We’re only learning then
How to make all same mis-, same mistakes again

I cried softly then and turned my head so my cheek touched the side of the seat. I could feel my cheeks becoming so wet and feeling so puffy as I continued to wallow in my sorrow. I can’t help it though. I hate myself for what I did and soon Liam would too….

So we play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we’ll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is

I let out a bitter laugh. Maybe that was it. Maybe I’m going crazy because only a crazy person would do something as stupid as hurting the most amazing boy in the world.

When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray that everything will be okay


I want everything to be okay. I wanted to fix all that I’ve done, make everything the way it used to be, and stop hurting the ones I love.

But no matter how hard I try…

While you're making all the same mistakes

…I keep messing up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry’s POV

“What the fuck did you do?!” Louis yelled.

“I-I…look, mate it’s just a misunderstand—“

“MISUNDERSTANDING? Niall was fucking crying, Zayn! And for bloody sake we all know you’re the one who’s been upsetting him for this while!!” Well. As you can see...Louis is a bit upset.

“Fucking bloody damnin shitty hell!” He cursed, screaming into the air.

Okay. Let me rephrase that: He’s pissed off.

I bit my lip as I watched him yell and curse out Zayn. Whoever taught him to be such a potty-mouth should really rethink what they'll say for the rest of their life. When Zayn winced at Louis' harsh words, I sighed and stepped forward.

"Lou, come on. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding..." I said, trying to reason with him. Though, it looked as if I had betrayed him. What, with the look on his face one might think I had literally stabbed him in the back.

"Didn't you see Niall? Didn't you see the way his face was scrunched up with pain or the way he couldn't stop crying? Do not tell me that you didn't hear the way he responded. His voice sounded so...full of pain, Harry." Louis looked me dead in the eye as he said this. I held back a groan and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm not saying that I didn't. Yes, I did see it. I won't deny that but Louis be reasonable. Ye don't know the whole story yet so don't jump to conclusions. And for bloody sake you haven't allowed Zayn to utter one word without screaming in his face." I gritted out, keeping my gaze steady with my boyfriend's.

He opened his mouth, closed it, then re-opened it only to have nothing come out. A sigh left his lips and he gave me one last glare before looking at Zayn.

"Alright. Harry has a point and...I'm sorry. But if I have to, I will start screaming at you again if the story is something that really hurt Niall." Louis spat out coldly. I refrained the urge to roll my eyes and gave Zayn a soft look.

"Go on, mate." I told him.

He swallowed and darted his eyes back and forth between me and Louis. I nodded at him in encouragement and he seemed to take that as a go for it. He licked his lips as if to clear his mind before casting his eyes to the floor.

"Erm...we uh...well...Niall....damn it...erm. Well, you see--"

Louis growled and clenched his fists. "Damn it, Zayn. Just fucking spit it out."

I tossed him a dirty look before bringing my hand up and smacking the back of his head. Louis let out a small yelp and shot his eyes to look at me in irritation.

"What the hell?" He snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "Let him fucking speak, Lou. Stop interrupting him."

He scoffed. "Well I wouldn't have to if he would stop stuttering like a bloody idiot. Why the hell is he so nervous anyway?"


I glared at Louis. "Well he wouldn't be so nervous if it weren't for you, damn it. You're fucking irritating sometimes."

Louis' eyebrows shot up in mock surprise and he laughed bitterly. "I'm irritating. Just listen to yourself, Harry. You think you know everything because you're Harry Styles. So clever, now aren't ye? Well I'm getting tired of it!"


"Oh? And you don't think I'm tired of your immaturity? Grow up, ye bastard. You don't have the fucking right to say that!" I yelled at him. Louis took a step towards me and I gave him challenging look. I was getting ready to shove him back when Zayn shouted out.

"We kissed, alright! Me and Niall kissed and that's why he was so upset!"

All traces of anger and adrenaline left my body and by the look on Louis' face, it vanished from his as well. My eyes widened as I brought them over to look at Zayn. He was watching us with looks of fear, confusion, and guilt.

"You what?" Louis breathed out. Zayn bit his lip and lowered his eyes again.

"We...we kissed." He whispered, looking absolutely stricken with guilt and sadness. I hadn't realized my mouth was hanging open until Louis brought his hand out and closed it with his finger. I blushed lightly but ignored it and kept my eyes on Zayn.


"You kissed?" A voice broke through the tense silence. I felt my heart leap in anxiety as I recognized the person. I swallowed and watched as Zayn's body tensed up. I looked over to see Liam standing at the very bottom of the steps.

The look on his face both chilled me and broke my heart.

His eyes were red, raw, and puffy; his cheeks lightly pink and swollen from crying. His hair was a bit disheveled and his clothes a bit ruffled. That's not what caused an ache in my heart. It was the looks that ran through his eyes.

Liam had a dark look in them, including jealousy, sadness, and betrayal.

It was completely silent for a while. Liam was practically staring down Zayn with that look on his face. Until it changed. It changed to a darker look.


In one second, Liam was across the room. In one second, Zayn was shoved to the floor. In one second, Liam was pounding and beating the living shit out of Zayn.

When did things become so bad for this band?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Brayden's POV

"Yeah Kate...alright....yeah....okay....about 7:00...uh-huh...yeah you, too." I spoke into the phone. I said another last goodbye before clicking my phone shut and shoving it into my pocket. Chuckling lightly to myself, I headed into my kitchen and headed straight towards the fridge to get some ingredients.

I pulled the fridge door open and ran a hand down my face as I peered at the food. My stomach growled in hunger and I let out another laugh.

"Hold on, belly." I patted my stomach before reaching over and taking out ham and mayonnaise. I decided on making a sandwich because...well....I like sandwiches. Yeah....

I placed the ham and mayonnaise onto the counter before going over to the cabinet to get the bread. As I was about to open the cabinet, a vibrating in my jeans stopped me. I let out a tiny laugh as the vibrating tickled me and reached into my pocket to take out my phone. What? I'm ticklish.

I was still chuckling even as I brought my phone up to look ad the Caller ID. Though, when I saw who it was, my humor came to a halt and was replaced with joy and confusion. The Caller ID flashed the name 'LeprechaunNialler'.

Niall, of course.

I felt a goofy grin spread across my face as I pressed the 'Talk' button. I brought the phone up to my ear and spoke into it.

"What's up, leprechuan?" I joked, going over to the counter to lean against it.

It was quiet for a moment on the other side of the phone before Niall finally spoke. I frowned slightly at the strangeness in his voice.

"Brayden," he whispered, "are...are you by chance...b-busy?"

I shook my head until I realized he couldn't see me. "Um. No, I'm not. I was just about to make my lunch but it can wait. Why? Do you need anything?" I told him, gently.

A sniff that he made caused me to be wide alert. Something was wrong. I could feel it. I mean, I haven't known him that long but I've always been able to read people. Well, at the moment I can't really read him because I'm not actually looking at him get my point.

"Niall? Is something wrong?" I asked softly when he remained quiet.

He cleared his throat on the other end. "Erm...n-no. Not really...I don't want to be a bother" He murmured out.

I felt a gentle smile spread across my lips. "Niall, it's okay. You're not a bother at all, alright? It's fine. Do you want to talk?"

Niall sniffed again. "I-I...I was wondering if you could come and...a-and get me....I don't think I'll be able to drive a-anywhere right now..." His voice cracked slightly and I instantly pushed myself off the counter before going over and quickly grabbing my keys off the wall. I headed into my living room to grab my coat, seeing as it was pouring outside. I swiftly pulled on the coat before going towards the door.

"Of course, Niall. Where are you?" I opened the front door and stepped out. I pulled my hood over my head to keep my phone from getting wet before running straight towards my car.

"I....I-I don't know..." He sobbed, his voice becoming thicker by the second. I bit my lip as I jumped into my car before struggling to start the engine.

"It's alright, Ni. Talk to me, okay? Don't cry, it's going to be alright. I'm gonna come and get you and bring you back to my house. Does that sound okay?" I said into the phone tenderly. Hearing Niall cry didn't seem right. A person like him shouldn't cry because...well, he's just so fragile and it seems wrong and terrible that he should cry.

"O-okay. Thank you, Brayden." He whispered before hanging up. I sighed and snapped my phone shut before starting my car and backing into the road. I started to drive like a madman down he road but I didn't care.

All that mattered was getting to Niall.


 So much for one chapter, yeah? Haha I feel so tired and wiped out but I finally got it in. Well...I'm going to bed now so goodnight everyone!! :)) *drags exhausted body to bed* haha

Please vote, comment, and enjoy! :D

♥♥♥Lots of love♥♥♥


October 6, 2012

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