TPO5: Still Charmed

Da JunesSpellbook

292 29 32

Book 3: The girls time of trying to live separate has came short when all the elders have died, while battlin... Altro

1. Trouble in the Pot
2. Manor Mayhem
3. The Brooms are Back Pt. 1
5. Daddy Dearest (interlude)
6. Simply Normal?
7. Are You Ready? (Interlude)
8. Half-Bloods
9. Here Comes the Bride!
10. We're Ready Pt.1
11. We're Ready Pt.2 (interlude)
12. Something Wicca This Way Happens!
13. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 1
14. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 2
See next:

4. The Brooms are Back Pt. 2 (Power Switch)

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Da JunesSpellbook

Omniscient POV
While magical creatures of all shapes, sizes, forms, and looks came in and out the Rowland Manor filing in complaints and pitching in ideas, they all left a piece of something to help come up with a massive potion to stop The Quintrix.
"Do you think our sisters are okay?" Brie asked.

"I'm sure they got the demon, they're probably bonding and our necklaces would've glowed if something would've happened." Gabby responded.

"True shit." Shyann responded.

*A view at The Quintrix*
"We need the blood of a first born witch to make us stronger." Kristos stated.

"We have 3, Kristal, Ashly, & Normani." Ashentas stated. "Kristal and Gabby share the same father whilst Ashly, Brienna, and Shyann have the same father, and Normani is the oldest twin and she's half whitelighter." He continued.

"Normani isn't a charmed one, it wouldn't be the same." Kristos groaned.

"But she's a descendant of Destiny Chase, one of the most powerful witches of all time who's mother was one of the 1/3 of the first sister witches." Ashentas replied.

"Screw it we need a new plan, maybe we can get them to give up their powers, we need somebody they can trust, and if we can also get the book it'll definitely be hard for them to get their stability back for sure." Kristos said.

"Wait no! No! I got it!" Ashentas said as a light bulb went off.

"Yes Ashentas, What is it?" Kristos asked in excitement.

"Let's not necessarily attack, but we will send a message, Luke forgot that he wrote a oath in blood that he'll serve us till no end, but somehow he broke that when he became an official whitelighter." Ashentas started to trail off.

"But yes Ashentas you're forgetting that Luke is now a father and his eldest son Khristopher is also born with the piece of the ocnic in him all we have to do is connect to the ocnic to get to Luke so he can use his warlock side to steal the girls powers." Kristos said as Ashentas smiled devishly.

"We'll tell the others." Ashentas said as they disappeared in the dark.

*Back at The Manor*
While Brie, Gabby, and Shyann were reviving spells and cooking up a plethora of potions they realized they needed to know more about their enemies before they moved forward.

"LUKE!" The girls yelled in unison.

Luke appeared in a swarm of black and white lights with Kameron in his arm across his chest and Khris holding onto his other hand.

"Where's K'Lynn?!" The girls immediately asked scared.

"Just wait for it." Luke slightly smiled. "K'Lynn! Listen to daddy's voice, come and find me babygirl!" Luke started shouting.

In a few seconds K'Lynn appeared in the midst of flames.

"Woah what the hell was that?" Gabby asked.

"Well since I'm a whitelighter, demon, and a warlock and they all have a special type of way they teleport, I guess my demon gene activated and since K'Lynn was born with a piece of the ocnic in her not only does that make her a powerful witch by birth, but a upper level demon as well so instead of orbing, shimmering, or blinking she flames." Luke responded.

"What it be wrong if I think that it's cool that my niece has pretty awesome demonic powers?" Gabby rhetorically asked.

"Chile let's move on." Brie said dismissing what Gabby was saying.

"Yeah, let's move on to what you really called me for.... The Quintrix right?!" Luke said cutting to the chase.

Before the conversation continued Luke slightly swung his hand and in the living room appeared a crib and a mat showing up in black and white lights.

He then walks over to the crib laying Kameron down while Khris and K'Lynn unstably walked to the mat and conjured their own toys to play with.

"As I was saying The Quintrix is no joke they've been here since time, long story short, they get other demons to do their biding and I was one of them, some memories I don't like to talk about, but they are ruthless." Luke stated.

"Is there something that can help us make a potion or spell? Anything c'mon, I'm only 22, I have a life I want to live, believe it or not, I even want kids,maybe just maybe get married." Gabby boldly stated.

"Well obviously their upper level demons so you're going to need some pig feet, mandrake root, and something from a spider." Luke responded.

Right when the girls were about to proceed to the next step the house shook for a few seconds and all three of the girls heart necklace glowed, immediately Khristopher started crying.

Luke went to the aid of his child and the Khris' eyes were glowing red when Luke looked into it was like he was also mesmerized and then he quickly snapped out of it.

"Uhm what just happened?" Brie asked.

"Whatever it was, it had to be supernatural since our hearts glowed." Gabby responded.

"Whatever it is I hope Ashly and Kristal are okay y'all." Shyann simply stated.

"Yeah that was real weird." Luke said as he felt like he was still trying to come out of a trance.

Finally, Kristal and Ashly came through the door looking a gooey mess.

"Where have you two been?" Brienna quickly asked barely even saying hello to her sisters.

"Well obviously not in nobody's shower, we can't get this spider guts off for shit." Kristal groaned irritably.

Gabby got ecstatic and said, "Ouu let me try!" She then proceed to tense her fingers and turn her wrist as all the goo from Kristal and Ashly started to form into one big floating ball of goo, then she dropped it into the cauldron, "Ugh it feels so good to be able to manipulate liquids." Gabby said basically patting herself on the back.

"Speaking of getting comfortable with your powers, let's do some exercises, everyone get in a circle and grab my hand." Luke suggested.

The girls looked at each other, but did just as so.

Soon as the girls held hands with Luke a rainbow color of lights danced in the middle and jumped into Luke as he passed out.

Kristal started to panic, "Baby! Baby wake up!" Kristal said as she started to shake Luke's body and he only groaned. Kristal felt relieved to see he was still alive.

Khristopher and K'Lynn started to coo the girls looked.

Kristal went to go pick up her children to heal their father.

Instead they did something very strange and weird.

Both of their hands were glowing red, K'Lynn pointed at her father and the different colors of power extracted from Luke and Khris slapped it as it all hit the girls knocking them on their feet.

"Kristal, what did your kids just do to us?" Gabby asked as she was getting up.

"I have no idea, but I'm bout to put them in the crib with their brother." Kristal simply replied.

Kristal's POV
I was feeling a little woozy, but I picked my twins up and I placed them in the crib with their brother.

As soon as I put the them down I put my hands on the crib to get a good look at my kids and I let out a loud gasp.

*Premonition* The Quintrix members are shown summoning the ocnic which triggered a power in Khris to get to Luke to steal the girls powers just to get Luke out the way, for a demon dressed in a black suit with no suit can steal The Book of Shadows. *end of premonition*

"OKAY WHAT THE FUCK?!" I said aloud scared and confused as hell not knowing what to do.

"What? What?! What?! You can't just be screaming that and not say anything." Ashly nervously replied.

"I think I just had one of Shy's premeditation mathingies!" I replied.

"It's called premonitions Kris, and that's my power, you sure you aren't just imagining things, don't you blow up things and start fires?" Shyann rhetorically asked.

"I'm serious Shyann, I touched the crib and I saw a flash of what may be The Quintrix they were summoning The Ocnic and it connected to Khris and they used him to get to Luke to use his warlock side and steal our powers, but I guess since our powers are too much, taking it all at once knocked Luke out, and now a demon with no face will be trying to steal the book." I answered frantically.

"Shyann try to turn invisible." Brie blurted.

Shyann stood still and focused, but powerful winds started to blow around the house, doors and windows started to open and close and Shyann started to slowly levitate.

"Okay stop!" We all yelled to Shy.

"Wait girl! That's my power!" Brie blurted, "So if Kristal has Shyann's powers and Shyann has mine, who the hell powers do I have?" Brie said as she swung her arms sending all of us flying.

Omniscient POV
As the girls were frazzled and all confused Luke started to groan and turn over.

"He isn't going to wake up till we vanquish whatever demon that's going to come in a few seconds." Kristal said.

"Why do you think the twins switched our powers instead of giving us the right ones." Ashly asked.

"Probably a win-win remember they have demon and witch in them at the same time along with whitelighter and warlock, and they're still figuring out their powers, so maybe the demon and warlock in them switched our powers for mischief, while the witch and whitelighter in them switched our powers to help us stronger as The Charmed Ones and understanding our powers." Gabby said which made all the girls rub their temples out of a headache.

"She just be talking to hear herself talk sometimes, cause girl honestly what the hell, what planet do she be living on"- Brie hearing Kristal's thoughts.

"Something told me I should've stayed my ass home today."- Brie hearing Shyann's thoughts.

"How does fingers have fingertips, but toes doesn't have toe tips, but you can tip toe hmmm, anyway I can't wait to use Kristal's power on the demon, and why aren't we looking through The Book of Shadows on how to reverse this or do we have to learn each other's powers then our powers reverse back to normal, that'll be so cool!"- Brie hearing Gabby's thoughts.

"I think I may be pregnant again, I'm not sure, and I'm about to be getting married my mother is dead, my father is no where to be found, and oh my God! Ashly be careful what you're thinking out of all people blabber mouth Brie is the one that has your powers!"- Brie hearing Ashly's thoughts.

"I just heard every single last one if your thoughts, and Shyann is meaner than I thought, but I guess being a telepath is learning how to deal with what people think and still being able to brush it off and still have a mind of your own." Brie said smiling at Ashly.

"Enough of this sentimental shit, we need to be looking through the book if we want our powers back." Gabby said.

"Girl stop all that fronting cause you was just thinking about how you can't wait to use Kristal's powers." Brie playfully checked her sister.

Gabby smiles because she was caught and then proceeded to start flipping.

"Girls I'm not seeing anything about a no faced demon." Gabby said actually starting to panic.

The no face demon appeared just like in Kristal's premonition.

"Okay Brie, slightly and I mean slightly, but forcefully swing one of your arms or squint your eyes to send him flying into the wall to buy us some time." Ashly said to Brie.

Brie was confused so she squinted and swung her arm at the same time that she sent NF flying so hard that she put a whole in the wall.

"Not exactly what I had in mind, but that gets the job done too." Ashly said kinda proud.

Gabby takes the book and the girls quickly run to the attic.

The demon started to get up and started to absorb the brick and arm himself with it.

Kristal touched the wall when she started to catch her breath and gasped and got another premonition.

*NF repels bricks of his body knocking the girls out killing them*

"Okay Gabby you're up, I just had another premonition, the demon adapts to whatever he's fallen to as soon as he starts to shoot brick off his body aim and flick." Kristal ordered.

Gabby simply nodded her head and got in the front of her sisters Kristal got in the front to channeling Shyann's emotions so she'll be ready to make a forcefield.

NF snarled as he kicked down the door to the attic.

Kristal used Shyann's empathy power and said, "Shyann focus on the feeling you feel when you make a forcefield."

Shyann started to do as so and Kristal was able to make a forcefield big enough to surround her and her sisters.

NF started to eject bricks off his body and Gabby flicked and aim blowing each demon up.

The demon snarled again and his arms turned into blades.

"Ashly you're up! Flick your hands and turn his arms into ice." Gabby said, but Ashly had a different idea in mind.

Ashly blew a kiss and the demon knees started to freeze making him buckle down and fall and the rest of his body started to freeze.

"We have to say a spell before he gets back up." Ashly said.

"Okay let's see what we can do." Kristal said.

Kristal: A demon that was sent to kill,
Ashly: A demon that was sent to steal,
Brienna: Your time has come to an end,
Gabby: You've gotten up,
Shyann: Just to fall again!

After the girls finished chanting the demon unfroze, screamed and dispersed in black smoke.

A red light floated out of Gabby.
A purple light floated out of Brie.
A green light floated out of Shyann.
A blue light floated out of Ashly.
and A yellow light floated out of Kristal.

The lights danced around and then jumped into the right body making the girls fall.

The girls hear Luke get up so Kristal went to go see if he was okay.

Brie levitated and exclaimed that she got her powers back.

"Girls I hope you know this means war, but we have a wedding to finish planning, but first let's get in touch with the rest of our friends from the magical community." Gabby stated and everyone nodded their heads.

"The brooms are back!" Ashly said as everyone looked and just laughed.

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