By Desertbiitch28_

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"god everything about you is just trouble and stress, can you just act like a human being for once in your li... More

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By Desertbiitch28_

{Charlie's P.O.V}

'Is it true this is your first time at a speedway in three years?'

'There was a rumor that the accident was not an accident can you confirm this?'

'Is it true your mom remarried only 3 months after the accident?'

All these obsurd and untrue, questions and accusations all being spewed at me from all different directions and all I can do, is stand here, infront of all these flashing lights like an idiot, mouth open and eyes unblinking. The one and only thing I was trying to avoid today and of course, with my luck, here we are

I really don't know what to do, I'm sort of frozen, I probably look like an idiot honestly but I didn't plan for this, I wasn't ready to face them, not yet, not now.

Coming back down to reality, I look above the shouting people and blinding lights, my eyes scouring to find Dean, hell even Harry, but I don't see either and I'm frozen. What do I do?

I know I can't get out of this, they're blocking every path, and I'm almost sure if I did make it out they'd follow. Shit, I knew I should've stayed in bed this morning.

'You really need to do something you look dumb, and the longer you stand here the longer it takes to get out of here'

She's right. For once.

I have to face them, face this, I can't keep avoiding it, I can't keep holding it in, I shouldn't. Who knows, maybe this'll be good for me, some closure I'm not sure. I've never been good at talking about it, it's not something I like talking about it hurts, they don't know how hard it was to try and move on after that, I still suffer from time to time, it's been 3 years but the memory is still fresh in mind.

Inhaling a deep breath, I blink back tears, put on my big girl panties, a brave face, exhale, clear my throat and speak.

"O-ok everyone calm down for a moment, I'll answer as many questions as I can but one at a time please" I try to hide the tremor in my voice as best as I can but as I speak over the crowd I realize that it's very prominent.

But they heard me otherwise they wouldn't have come to the dead silence that there at now, minus the loud noises from people shuffling out of the stands and everything else.

"Thank you, now one at a time please" I inform, keeping my composure and lining up answers in my brain for the questions to come.

The first one to pipe up was the icy blonde who spotted me who's boobs I'm pretty sure are fake, it's all a facade.

"Ms. Davis, is it true this is your first time at a track in 3 years, and if so is it in any relation to your father's accident" She asks, before shoving the microphone my way.

"Um yes that's all true" I answer tentatively.

"Why" she fires back, barely giving me time to finish my sentence.

"W- well it's been a little tough being able to deal with...past events that have tainted the image of a track. But I'm hoping to come out of it soon" Its so, so weird talking about this. It feels wrong talking to them about it.

"Exscuse me Charlotte-"

"Um it's just Charlie" I cut in on the male reporter who is trying to get my attention now.

"Alright then Charlie, it's been 3 years since the accident how have you been dealing over that time" Damn, straight to the deep stuff I guess. I let out a low exhale.

"Well it's been hard, but I've honestly been doing ok. My mother and I have come a long way since the accident but we've been holding up together" I explain, again, trying not to let the floodgates break open.

"And how's your mother been" another one adds on to that.

"She's great. Living her life in Ohio, she's doing really well" Its considerate of them to ask. Ohio isn't popular for racing which is why my mom moved back there.

"Um Ms. Davis, you father-" shit no, I was doing so well. "- your father Joseph Davis, or more known as 'The Jet', has set the world record for fastest speed in racing history, setting at 220 mph. Fresh meat Harry Styles is climbing up there with a major 218 mph, very close to out-gunning you father how do you feel about that?" Some female asks, they all start to look the same at some point.

"I mean, Harry is a very impressive racer, and I congratulate him on his accomplishments, but in my heart my dad with always be my favourite racer, on and off the track" I answer with pride. Nobody could ever replace him in any way, racing, or being a dad, it'll always be him. God I miss him so much, I need to warp this up soon I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

"Um I'm sorry you guys but I really should-"

"No wait Ms. Davis one more question. Some people have rumored that your father's accident, really wasn't an accident. What's your opinion?" That one pushed my over the edge.

Not only was that wrong, and so disrespectful to ask but completely untrue, I know because police ruled that out as the first ting when they got to the track, I was also there, I saw what happened.

With tears in my eyes, I swollow thickly and reply.

"That was disgusting, I'm not answering that" I spit back and a mini riot starts I swear. They all start yelling again and cameras start flashing as I take a few steps back, just enough for me to shrink away and start speed walking- basically running towards the parking lot.

God this was such a mess.

I'm a mess.

All I want to do is crawl into my bed and cry. I don't know where Dean is and I don't really care, I'll shoot him a text when I get to my car. I don't know where Harry is with my hat but I better get it back or I'll be pissed.

Before I knew it, with blurry vision I scramble to get my keys from my bag, but once I do and successfully whip open my door, I plop into the seat and slam the door shut. I toss my bag onto the passenger seat and grip the top of my steering wheel with both hands, white-knuckling it.

Don't let them fall.

Don't cry your stronger then that.

But after all the questions they asked, memories from before and after its happened, it all came rushing back and I couldn't stop it. The Hoover Dam just broke, I let my head drop to my hands on the steering wheel and started sobbing.

You'd think that after 3 years I'd be ok with all of it, but look at me now, I'm afraid to even look at a track without seeing my father's car crashing into the wall. He's the reason why I work with cars, to keep his memory alive in my mind, he taught me everything I know, and I didn't even get to say goodbye, he died in the ambulance.

Today has been an emotional whirlwind and I just want to go home.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts and tears, that I didn't even notice Dean had opened my door and crouched down until he put is hand on my back and spoke.

"Shh, it's ok. I know" He said somberly, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"I miss him so much" not replying verbally but physically, by gently grasping my arm and guiding out of the car and to a stand so he can wrap his arms around me.

Always looking out for me.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have bugged you to come. I should've know better that would happen. They're like wolves I tried to get you outta here but I couldn't squeeze through" I can hear the sincerity in his voice, but it wasn't his fault, I did choose to come.

I take in a big breath and lift my head from his chest, his arms loosen but stay around me, so there's just enough room to bring my hands to my face and wipe tears off my cheeks and under my eyes. With quick sniffle I then speak.

"Its fine" I swollow thickly. "None of it was your fault. I wanted to come even though I knew there was a chance that might've happened. It's ok. I'm ok" I assure myself more then him. I pull away from his arms and roll my shoulders and regain myself.

"You sure?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'm sure. Now I just want to go home, have some coffee and do a puzzle" He chuckles at this.

"Of course you do"

"I just need my hat" I issue, running a hand through my hair, that feels naked without it.

Dean looks up and jerks his chin. "He's over there" I turn my head and peer over my car and see Harry leaning against the hood of Dean's bumblebee looking down at my hat.

I sniffle, put on my brave face and round my car and walking right over to him, with a faux confidence in my step.

His head snaps up as I'm like 2 steps from him and he pushes himself off the car.

"Listen Charlie I had no idea. I'm so sorry" We're the first words that fell from his pretty full pink lips, sadness and maybe the tines tinge of guilt laced them.

"Don't be sorry. I mean would it have changed anything between us" at my words be flinches. That may have sounded harsher then intended but in the end, would it have really changed anything between us, the way he talked to me when he first came into the shop, the kiss, all the cornering.

A little wide eyed for a second and lips slightly a gape, I think my words may have hurt him a little. But he clears his throat nonetheless and norrows his eyes.

"I uh-" at a loss for an answer I sigh in exhaustion.

"Can I just have my hat back, I want to go home." He stares at me for a moment his eyes boring into mind with a look I can't decipher, before looking down at my hat in his hands and silently handing it too me.

I look back up at him just before I'm about to walk away. "Congrats on the win" I walk away with that. Back over at my car Dean gives me a final hug, confirming one final time that I'm ok, and making me promise to text him when I get home, I comply before hopping into my car and zooming put of the parking spot and away from this place in general.

Before I know it I'm unlocking my front door and throwing my hate bag and keys down on the table, the heading to the kitchen to start up the coffee maker. Once that's settled I head to my room, throwing my hair up into something that could resemble a messy bun, along the way. I strip away what little makeup I had on, and my clothes in exchange for a black tank top and some pj shorts with cookie monster all over them.

It was a gag gift from Dean last Christmas. Don't ask.

Padding back to the kitchen I make my coffee how I like it and instead of heading to the coffee table in my living area (even though my whole place is just a big area) where a half done puzzle is resting, I head for my favourite spot, other then my bed in my house, and that's the bay window. The big and wonky window I have in the living area, and it overlooks Daytona Beach, how awesome is that.

Placing a pillow behind my back, I rest up against the wall, I actually open up one of the windows to let the faint sound of the waves waft through my ears. It's around 8:30 close to 9 pm as the set is so close to disappearing and the pier is lit up.

It was been one damn emotional day, unfortunately. And although closer to the end of the race wasn't the greatest, I did have a good time today, and I am glad Dean convinced me to come.

But now I'm glad it's over.


"I still can't believe y'all went to the D-500 race and didn't even tell me" Jesse pouts, and I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

"Jess it was just a race, no big deal" I shrug, while rearranging the tools on my cart.

"Well maybe not to you, your kinda famous in the racing world, everyone knows you. But y'all got invited by The Harry Styles. So no big deal my ass" He bites back, and I just roll my eyes, and also ignore the little famous comment even though there is some truth to it. Anyone who knew my father practically knew me.

Dean and Jesse quickly get into a fan girl heated discussion about the race and this is where I tune myself out. It was 2 days ago the race and I've already forgotten all about it, I won't have to go down to the track again and I won't have to see Harry again.

Although the more I think about that last bit, I find a very small string of disappoint that I don't get to, well get more of him. I still think about it, that kiss in the hallway of the club. The way his hot, whiskey flavours lips felt on mine. My hands in his hair, his so soft, long hair. The feverish, desperate needy movements, it was all so quick but at the same time it felt like time had slowed, because of how perfect our lips fit together. And to just think I was so close to tasting him.

'Easy girl. That's enough for today'

I snap out of my thoughts as I realized it's actually time for my break. Setting down the cloth I was using to clean my things with I head to the washroom to clean my hands before I touch my lunch.

Making my way to the restroom, I mentally go over anything I need to do tonight...

Which is absolutely nothing.

As always.

Sigh, it's always how it goes. Wake up, work, go home, do part of a puzzle, sleep. It's the same routine over and over, with the occasional night where Sloan drags me out, or I have date, which usually ends up with no second one. I don't know if it's me, or my job, maybe these men who I've gone out with don't like the fact that a woman is working in a 'male dominated industry' whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. All I know is that I need a bit of a change. I don't know what kinda of change, I don't know how big, but maybe just more. My life just needs a little more. And people say that I'm only 23 and still have my whole life ahead of me to figure stuff out, and that not knowing what you wanna do in life is ok, because I have time. Problem with me though is that I don't like not knowing. I need some stability, some idea. Not even sure if I want to be a mechanic my whole life, it doesn't seem very ideal. I mean I've got a degree in business, maybe I should start considering putting that to use.

I don't know, maybe I'm talking crazy. But I do need some change, some excitement, some sauce, call it what you will.

After my quick trip to the bathroom to not only wash grime and grease off my hands but also I dampen a peice of paper towel and wipe some sweat and dirt and whatnot off my chest and forhead. Turning off the taps I dry my hands off a final time and head for the door. Opening it, I barely make it out of the threshold before I'm smacked into something hard, nearly falling back, but not, instead just hitting the back of my head on the door.

"Jesus Christ you're clumsy" I don't need too look up to know who's standing right there.

Externally, I roll my eyes and clench my jaw. Internally I'm buzzing as a warm electric jolts runs down my spine.

Regaining myself, I step forward urging him to move out of the doorway, to which he does but only enough for me to close the door before he stops a looks down at me.

"Can I help you?"


"Do you need a car fixed?"


"Do you know any other words in the English language?"


I deadpan a look at his witty response, mentally face palming myself that I didn't expect the answer when I shouldve.

"Seriously Harry, what do you want. You obviously don't come here to see me, so what do you need?" I ask, my sass knowing no limit today as I fold my arms and rest my weight to one leg.

Lifting a brow in response, shocked by my nonchalant nature, he leaves his brows there for a second before they shoot down and they both pinch together, his eyes narrowing, holding a certain flare to them, a fire and determination.

"Maybe I don't come to see you, maybe I do?" He shrugs his voice dropping an octave while taking a step towards me pushing me further into the door.

"What would you say if I do come here just to see you, would you still act like you hate me?" His voice is almost cocky now, as my breathing pattern becomes uneven.

I hate what he does to me.

But I love it at the same time.

"Or would you do that thing you do when I get close to you?" He cocks his head to the side and bites his lip into a smirk.

I decide to play off stupidly even though I'm in the middle of proving his point, his hand on the door near my head, dimple popping, coy smirk, low raspy voice.

Fuck me.

"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about" I stutter out, my voice coming out trembled and small, my knees close to giving out at like the 5 centimeters his chest is away from mine and the way his low chuckle vibrates out from his chest and I find my self looking away.

"Oh I think you do. I think you know how everytime I'm around your beautiful face flushes pink, your breathing comes off pattern, your legs press together, and you do this one little thing that drives me absolutely mad" He breathes out huskily and I almost loose all consciousness.

"And what would that be?" I murmur, forcing and pushing the words out of my mouth at this point. I almost flinch when I see his hand come into view because I'm so focused on my senses and him that evrything shocks me a bit. Yet I remain still as his hand come down to my chin his thumb and fore finger pinching my chin to look at him.

"That, you bite your lip, you probably didn't even know but I do and it drives me crazy" He... groans almost. His thumb pulling my lower lip from between my teeth. His face so close I can feel his breath on my lips, the spot where his eyes are also cast down, wetting his own lips in the process. His eyes move further as his thumb drags down my chin slowly, then down the hollow of my throat, and over my exposed chest thanks to the unzipped coveralls and the tank top I'm wearing underneath, then stopping right where the tops of my breasts start, just grazing the area, one side to the other.

I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't turned on immensely right now in which I'm mentally cursing myself for because all he really does is belittle me except for the odd time where he's doing, well, this. But I feel there's something more there I just can't put my finger on what it is yet.

I think Harry though, could tell how I was feeling, and I'm sure he was feeling the same, because next thing I knew his lips were on mine in one swift movement.

It wasn't a sweet and quick peck either it was a fiery, hot, feverish, and most of all needy, kiss. I don't hold back, all my thought and or doubts dissapate when his lips opened up and his head tilted to the side, drinking in my own breaths, stealing them from me. I tangle my hand relentlessly in his gorgeous chestnut tresses pulling lightly. Responding physically was when his tounge flicked over my bottem lip asking for entrance and I waste no time granting it.

I tasted mint the second his tounge mingled with mine, uncovering every crevice he could reach, his tounge gliding with mine sent a small moan up my throat, did he stop? No, it only egged him on actually. His hand now on my hips pushing me up against the door forcefully.

All too soon in my opinion he pulls away but not to leave like I thought he would instead his lips take route to my neck kissing his way down, and it has my eyes slipping shut and my head hitting the door only in a small thud.

First thing he does when he reaches his destination is lick a long stripe up the side of my neck, starting at the base, all the way up to just behind my ear, my body having a mind of its own and slowly arcing to meet his.

"God" I pant my mind too clouded to form a sentence. I felt his response in smirk form against my neck before he starts nipping at the skin there in various different places until he finds that one spot that has my hands fisting his hair and a moan slipping from my mouth as he continues to suck and bite at the sensitive flesh there to the point where I know he's left a mark because the cool of his lips in contrast to the warmth of his tounge feels amazing on the hot abrasion.

He kisses the spot once more, softly before his lips move back to my own, savouring contact for another moment before he pulls away for good this time panting and breathless like myself.

I don't even know what to say, my brain is scrambled like eggs and my eyes look anywhere but his, after what he just did, I know there's a sexual tension here I knew since like the second day I met him but I denied it because I didn't want to believe I could want someone like that when theyre so rude. But it's been so long since I've had that kind of contact, or that kind of attention in general, last boyfriend I ever had was like 4 years ago, and then after my father I went sort of downhill. Sloan tried to get me back into the game a couple months ago with the online dating thing and as you can see it hasn't been going too well, not just on the dating part but the fun stuff too.

But damn me a liar if I said Harry didn't make me want to break out of my shell and pounce, I want him. All of him, over top me breathing heavily, sweaty bodies against each other, his hips pus-

"I uh- I came here to tell you- er uh invite you- see Niall's taking the team out to a club on Friday to celebrate and I wanted you to come" He stutters out finally, not that I'm complaining about the pre invite activities.

Although I struggle to focus on his words as the post kiss effects still have their hold on me.

Another moment of collecting myself and I clear my throat before speaking.

"Um that sounds fun and all, but why are you inviting me? I'm not exactly part of your team" I should've just accepted the offer but my mouth is on a track of its own today, clearly as I let him kiss me, and kissed back.

He's stepped back a couple steps and given me some much needed room.

"Well you did help Dean fix my car which I needed for the race so that counts. I also love pushing your buttons, and I've done that sober, let's say I wanna see what it's like pushing them when your drunk" You can push a lot more if you want too.

You could push in m-

'Stop right there'

Sighing I bring a hand up to run through my hair only to find it in a ponytail.

"Look you can bring Dean or whoever else you want but I'd thought I'd invite you anyways and see where you go from there" He shrugs. I weigh over my options and it's not like I'm actually doing angling on Friday. Although I could stick to being my introverted self actually stay in alone and work on a puzzle. But then again going out sounds like it could be fun, maybe I could bring Sloan. But on the other hand warm coffee, the bay window and a big sweater sound nice too.

I really am indecisive.

"Look I'll think about it ok" I reply wearily almost. I don't know after that make out, basically, it feels weird having a normal conversation. To me anyways, he seems to handle it with perfect grace and nonchalance.

How? I don't know, I couldn't tell 'ya.

"I have a feeling that's the best answer I'll get out of you" I grin at this response because he's dead right, just a big ass cheeky grin. He bows his head in a chuckle, those curls falling and framing his cheeks in the cutest way.

How does he do that. Go from incredibly hot, sex God, to this cute, boyish thing he's got going on now, it's astonishing how he can pull both them off so well.

"Well you let me know" He says before turning on his heel and walking down the hall. But as he nears the end I remember something.

"Wait" I call out causing him to halt and turn. "How am I going to give you an answer I don't have your number or anything" His devilish, mysterious, dimple popping smirk appears before turning and walking out of view against my protests.

Ok, what?

What just happened?

Why is he so confusing, he comes all the way down here to invite me to a club with him and his friends, then expects me to contact him when I don't even have his number, and to top it all off, before he even got that point across, he made out with me and left and hickey on my-

Oh God. The hickey.

Turning I swing the bathroom door open and rush to the mirror to inspect my neck which is now branded with a fingers length under my ear lobe, red, already going purple mark the size of Africa-

'Ok your dramatization isn't necessary'

Ok so it's not the size of Africa but it's big enough to the point where my coveralls won't cover it, even when done all the way up. Jeez, if that's what he can do on my neck in about 2-3 minutes I wonder what he could do given 20 minutes.

Sighing I head back over to my station in a rush and dirty my hands in some grease and what not, and very slyly do I rub it over my chest in certain places and most definitely that hickey.


Sloan texted me just before I left work which was around 7 and said she'd be at my house because she wanted to have a little girls night in, and well because we're not going out I agreed with no hesitation.

So here I am 30 minutes later pulling up to my loft, and grabbing Sloan and I's coffee orders out of my car before working my way up the flight of stairs.

"Wow you look gross"

"Gee thanks, is this going to become a regular thing when your in my house and I come home from work, you're just going to comment on my dirty appearance, and with my Nutella in your hand?" I question with an dead panned look but humor in my voice.

"Well when you come home looking like a literal grease ball, yes" she gives me a cheeky smile scoping another spoonful of the chocolate goodness into her mouth. "And besides you can't even eat this stuff I don't know why you buy it" she replies carelessly.

"Well I technically can eat it" I grumble setting my keys down on the table and then walking over to the kitchen counter.

"Sure and then you'll suffer the consequences, then you'll complain to me about it, then I'll say I told you so like I have a million times before. This way, it's not getting wasted." Again with the cheeky smile but with with a bit of shoulder action. I roll my eye but hand her, her drink anyways, while also plopping down a bag of sweet treats for tonight on the counter.

"Ok well I'm gunna go hop in the shower real quick-"

"Yes you do that please"

Again I roll my eyes.

"-meanwhile you pick something out and get stuff ready" after complying I walk over to my bed room grab my shower essentials before heading to the bathroom and shutting the door.

Immediately I strip down my sweaty stiff clothing from the day leaving it all on and heap on the floor. I place my towel on top of the toilet lid before turning on the water and listening to the pipes creak as the overhead spray comes on seconds later.

Stepping under the spray and washing away all of today's grime, and problems felt so good, the heat of the water through my scalp, the water stung only a tiny bit when it hit the right side of my neck, reminding me that, that hickey still exists and that whole thing happened today. Sloan is not going to let me off this one easily I know it.

After my quick yet effective shower I step out wrap my towel around me, scoop up my clothes and head to my room. First thing I do I do go to throw my dirty laundry into the hamper but my actions are halted as I catch catch glimpse of a folded paper on the floor. Curiosity evoking my actions I bend down and pick up the paper and unfold it. And it only took 3 seconds before my jaw was on the floor and my mind reeling with so many thoughts I could've gotten dizzy.


H. xx'

Cheeky fucking bastard. When did he even-?

That slick mofo, when we were making out he slipped his number into my pocket. Oh my God, I don't know if I should be mad or impressed, but this whole being coy and mysterious thing really has me confused as to what he's doing and what he wants.

It's it excites me at the same time.


Fucking finally I know, I know. I'm awful for being so absent and for this update taking so fucking long, I feel so bad that it took this long, but I've got so much going on rn. School has me on my toes all the time I barely get a break, and this past weekend may have been a long one but I was at a supernatural convention so my time was sucked up.

I'm trying to plan better, and manage my time better so it doesn't take me like 4 weeks to get up tge next chapter, I'm trying to plan the chapters out a bit more and I'm setting daily reminders to set everything aside aside just write for a few minutes or whatever aside mount of time.

Ride just surpassed 200 reads today and that's fucking huge, thank you so fucking much to all of you who have been with me on this journey, you have no idea how much it means to me.

For all of you who are new; welcome you came at a perfect time. All of y'all get ready cuz the next chapter is going to be a Ride. (See what I did there) ok nevermind I need sleep now so goodnight y'all and enjoy.

Loads of love S.S.💕

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