Daddy Wooseok | Kim Wooseok


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A melancholic night that brought two sobbing hearts together in the most.. unexpected way possible. Consequen... More

Chapter One: The Night
Chapter Two: Consequence
Chapter Three: Blessing... or maybe not.
Chapter Four: Daddy Hangyul?
Chapter Five: Different Worlds
Chapter Six: Whispers, Gossips
Chapter Seven: Daddy Wooseok
Chapter Eight: Eavesdropped
Chapter Nine: Save Me
Chapter Ten: Disgrace
Chapter Eleven: Reality
Chapter Twelve: Courage
Chapter Thirteen: Home
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Chapter Fifteen: Family
Chapter Seventeen: Lockdown
Chapter Eighteen: What Happened?
Chapter Nineteen: Shit Happens
Chapter Twenty: Never Over
Chapter Twenty One: Unfathomable
Chapter Twenty Two: Trust
Chapter X

Chapter Sixteen: Who's doing what?

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Last night was quite bothering. We saw a few bullet shells outside yuri's house earlier before we left and there are no traces of whoever did that. Dad, I mean yuri's dad already contacted someone for further investigation. And they even insisted to drop us to school today which is a good thing. I'll agree to whatever will keep yuri and our baby safe.

"Hold my hand."


"I said, hold my hand."

"Why would I--"

I didn't let her finish her statement and just swiftly held her hand. Despite the weather being cold and all, her hands are warm and soft which made mine warm as well. 

"W-what are you doing, wooseok? Everyone's staring at us." Yuri stated, in a nervous manner. Her voice is shaking and she can't seem to stare at me directly.

I remained silent as I took out something from my back pocket, using my other hand.

"I just want to give you this."

I lifted her hand and placed a diamond ring on her ring finger. With wide eyes and curbed lips, she looked surprised looking directly at me with all the questions in her eyes. Me, on the other hand, smiled at her genuinely as I get done with placing the ring on her beautiful and slim finger. It fits perfectly.

"I wasn't able to give you a ring last night when I asked you to be my fiance. But I think, it's not too late yet. So there... it suits you perfectly."

Yuri curled her fist into a ball and started inspecting the ring. She's looking at it, mesmerized. Slowly, a smile started curbing her lips, making me smile as well. So this is how it feels huh? I never thought that it would actually be like this. Someone's happiness is yours too, someone's smile makes you smile as well. It feels good, meeting the right person.

"Did you like it?" I asked.

She gave me a warm stare before answering. "Yes."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Of course, I would like anything as long as it is from you."

"So you like baby wooseok as well?"

Yuri instantly turned her head to me, with her forehead scrunched and her cheeks flaming red once again. I suddenly felt like laughing since her reaction is too cute. I'm just trying to pull playful jokes on her yet she can't take it all since she's feeling embarrassed whenever I do so.

"W-what do you-- Can you stop those kinds of jokes it's making me sick!" She grunted, yanking her arm away from my gasp then crossing it after.

"Why? That baby is from me. So you should like it as well!"

"Kim Wooseok, stop."

I can't help but laugh at her reaction. Her ears are all red and she's blushing really hard. Plus the fact that she can't even look at me straight. Yuri is just too cute and she's making me want to take care of her forever.

"Fine, fine. See you later at lunch. Let's eat together, send me a message okay? Take care."

"Wow. Since when did you become so concerned, wooseok?" Yuri asked, with a hint of tease in her voice. I rolled my eyes at her which made her chuckled a bit.

"You know I cared and were just trying to fix things out."

"I'm just kidding! Go ahead and don't be late for your first class." Yuri insisted and smiled at me sweetly. I ruffled her hair before starting to walk away from her.

When I was a few steps away, I realized I forgot to tell her something. The most important thing. I looked back and called her really loud, making everyone around stop doing their things as well.

"Yuri-ah!" She immediately turned to where I was standing as if waiting for what am I about to tell her.

"I love you!" I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. People around started teasing me and yuri but who cares? I'm pretty sure they're well aware of what's the real deal between us and this is just normal. 

I walked away with a big smile on my face. It feels good when you can finally show everyone how you can really feel.



The bell rang, an indication that it is the time for the students to have their lunch. Yuri took her phone out and started to send wooseok a message. 

"Yuri, how's everything?" Nayeon asked her, with a big smile on her face. These past few days, they were unable to spend time together since yuri's always with wooseok while nayeon is busy doing her errands as a member of the college organization.

"Hmm, everything is fine, actually. He already met mom and dad, and I already met his."

"Woah, yuri! You're really out there living the y/n life, what could get better?" Nayeon exclaimed. She was with yuri all through the years and if there is any other person who knows about how yuri admired wooseok, it's her.

"Totally unexpected all of this but.. yeah. Wanna eat lunch with us? We can ask hangyul to come. It's been a while since the three of us spent time together." Yuri muttered as she tidies up her things.

"But you're eating with wooseok right?"

"It wouldn't bother him, trust me. It's fine."

"Okay then, I'll call hangyul."

Nayeon called hangyul immediately and he agreed after a while. They met outside their classroom before meeting up with wooseok who's already waiting for them at the cafeteria. Wooseok greeted yuri, nayeon, and hangyul with a smile. He is aware of how hangyul feels for yuri but he trusts him so much.

Good thing there's a vacant place left where the four of them can sit. Everyone has their eyes on them, as usual. And they are starting to get used to it, especially yuri who has been away from the limelight for her past years in SNU.

"Yuri-ah, what do you want to eat? I'll grab it for you." Wooseok suggested. He was about to stand up when yuri stopped him.

"Hey, you don't have to. I'll do it, myself." Yuri initiated. She doesn't want wooseok to do everything for her, especially these little things just because she's pregnant.

Yuri stood up as she went in line to buy her lunch. The students' aren't as rude to her as before and by the looks of it, the issues are finally subsiding. 

"Bulgogi and seolleongtang, please." 

Yuri shifted to the side, waiting for her food after she paid. While waiting, she took the time to check her SNS accounts since she's been socially inactive these past few days because of the troubles she's had to deal with.

"The issues are slowly going down. I'm relieved."

"Bulgogi and seolleongtang!" Yuri immediately went to the counter as she heard her order being called. She took the tray and went back carefully to where they are seated. Wooseok, hangyul, and nayeon aren't eating yet since they are waiting for her to go back and the moment she did, wooseok scanned the food she bought.

"Didn't the doctor told you to eat healthy yuri?" Wooseok asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Why? This is healthy. Like, this isn't fake food you know."

"But you need to at least eat fruits or vegetables."

"Oh, the protective dad is here." Hangyul teased which made nayeon and yuri laugh. Wooseok, on the other hand, rolled his eyes at hangyul. 

"Hey, don't be mad. I'll eat those later, all right? Let's eat before the food gets cold." Yuri said. They all began digging through their meals. Can't deny that morning classes made them really hungry.

Everyone was enjoying their meal when yuri suddenly stopped munching. Her forehead scrunched, and she started rubbing her tummy. After a short while, she closed her eyes as she felt an unbearable pain down her abdomen. 

"Yuri-ah, what's happening?" She was unable to mutter a single word since she's under pain. Hangyul, nayeon and most especially, wooseok looked concerned. He pulled yuri closer to his chest, allowing her to rest her weight into wooseok.

"H-hey... help me. Let's bring her to the hospital. Yuri-ah! Y-yuri... what's happening. God."

Wooseok quickly carried yuri as they ran to hangyul's vehicle. They reached it shortly and the moment they got in, hangyul started driving really fast. After all, yuri still matters to him and he doesn't like seeing her in this state.

"I don't know what's happening. But please, baby, hang on. You'll be safe." Wooseok whispered.

Yuri looked at wooseok with painful eyes. Pain is crawling from her abdomen to her lower back which can be felt on her entire body. She keeps enduring it when she didn't know why it had happened in the first place.

"Save our baby... please." Yuri responded. Wooseok felt as if his heart is being torn, seeing yuri tremble in pain. Her hands are literally shaking and her entire body is cold. Her lips as well are pale white and she's sweating cold.

"I will... nothing bad will happen. I promise." Wooseok held yuri's frail hands. Yuri gathered her remaining vigor and nodded slowly before closing her eyes in pain. 

"Damn it! Hold on, yuri." Wooseok felt heavy. He remained silent yet he just wants to explode on the inside. But knowing that panicking won't help, he tried to keep his cool.



We reached the hospital in no time, thanks to hangyul's driving skills. Yuri is still under observation and i can't fucking keep my cool. What the fuck happened earlier? I don't know. I just hope both of them will be fine or I will forever blame myself for what had happened.

"I already called yohan. He told us to not worry about our classes anymore. He'll explain it to our professors." Hangyul said. I heard what he said but I just can't seem to process what's happening right now. I'm pretty sure yuri was all fine earlier so why is this happening?

"Mr. Kim?" I instantly turned around when I heard the doctor called me. I started feeling nervous. I hope yuri and our baby is fine.

"Y-yes, doc. How are they?"

"Can we talk privately? This is a confidential matter." Confidential matter? I hope yuri's fine, for fuck's sake I will never forgive myself.


We went inside the doctor's office and I felt even more nervous as I sat in front of the doctor's desk. She looked really concerned which made me anxious.

"Ms. Choi, has ingested a sufficient amount of misoprostol which caused her to experience severe swelling in her abdomen. If she weren't brought here earlier, the baby could've died. Mr. Kim, misoprostol is used to inducing a medical abortion. Consult your wife about this. Ask her if she's taking some. It's putting not only the baby's life in danger but also her's."

I don't know if I'm hearing it right or am I just being stupid. Yuri? Trying to abort our baby? Well, I could believe it only if it is believable! But it's not! If yuri would want to abort the baby, she could have done it earlier but not now when everything's falling into place. 

Yuri can't do this to our baby, yuri can't do this to me. I stand my ground.

"Are you sure? Yuri can't do that! She loves that baby! She will never do that!"

"But that's the findings, Mr. Kim. What happened earlier wouldn't occur if she didn't ingest some in the first place."

I kept shaking my head as tears started to stream down my face. Why would yuri do that? I can't see any reasons why she would do that so I won't make any assumptions until I heard it first from her. I would believe her before anyone else.

"T-thank you... We'll talk about it."

The doctor nodded at me, also has a sad look on her face. I tried to wipe off my tears before heading out but it just keeps on falling. I love her, I love our child. All I want is their safety but why is this happening?

"Wooseok, what happened?" Nayeon asked. Her eyes are filled with genuine concern for yuri.

"The doctor said she had ingested a medicine used for abortion. I don't know how, or why... I don't know what's happening. I can't understand anything."

Hangyul and Nayeon looked surprised. "She will never do that." both said in unison. I know she can't. That's why I have to wait 'til she wakes up and I'm gonna have to ask her myself.

"I know she can't... she wouldn't. I'm gonna ask her once she wakes up."

I can't believe this and I don't want to believe this. Yuri can't do such a thing and I can perfectly sense that something is really off. Just when things were going fine...

"Wooseok, I think I should buy some fruits so yuri can eat some when she wakes up." Nayeon insisted. I'm still in the middle of processing everything so I just nodded at her. I'm pretty sure they understand why I'm spacing out.

"I-i'll come with her. We'll get back right away." Hangyul added. They both left the hospital premises as I was left alone, still with thoughts floating above my head. 

I started walking slowly back into where yuri's room is. I hope she's fine, I hope the baby is fine and I hope she wakes up immediately. I need to ask her what really happened, how things happened.

Looking down, I accidentally bumped into someone. She is wearing a laboratory gown, with gloves and mask on so I can't really notice who it is. But with the hair so long, I can tell that it's a woman.

"I'm sorry." I stated. She seemed panicked and didn't even speak a single word. Her head was kept looking down as she started to sprint away from me.

"What's wrong with her." I whispered to myself.

I continued walking to yuri's room when I noticed a piece of sticky paper, tingling on the shirt I'm wearing. I don't notice having this earlier, so I removed it instantly.

When I was about to throw it away, I noticed that something was written on the paper which made me look through it and I swear, I got goosebumps when I read what was written on the paper. 

So I see they survived. Keep your eyes open, wooseok. Check them now before it's too late.

I felt cold shivers went down my body. My eyes grew wider and I started running to where yuri is, hoping that she's fine. I don't care if I ran out of breath, I don't care if my energy runs out. I just wanna quickly check up on her.

"Yuri! Shit."

I ran to her when I saw an unfamiliar IV line connected to her. I am pretty sure this was not what she had earlier so I hurriedly ran to check. 

Pitocin (Oxytocin Injection)

What the fuck is oxytocin?

I pressed the emergency bell harshly since this shit is too suspicious. I don't know anything about this stuff but I think I should listen to my intuitions.

Doctors and nurses came running one after another and they started to check on yuri. Right away, they noticed the suspicious IV line connected to her and removed it immediately. Just as I thought... there's something off.

"That IV line, what was that for?"

"T-that was oxytocin... which induces uterus contraction." Uterus contraction? That's fucking bad for the baby and for yuri as well! I can't believe this! Who would do this to her?! To us?!

"And who the fuck would put that on her?!"

Everyone remained silent. Right now, I'm pretty sure yuri isn't behind any of this. I mean, how can she do such things if she's not even conscious at all!

"What's happening here?"

Hangyul and nayeon got back when everyone is in complete silence. We heard the door shut and both of them looked clueless.

"Hangyul, nayeon. Someone's after yuri, after the baby. Someone's trying to... hurt them. To take our baby away from us..."

I suddenly felt my heart broke into pieces. I can't lose them. I can't lose the baby and I can't bear to see yuri in pain.

"I'm putting up all my connections and get this investigated. But for now, let's secure yuri more. We can't leave her alone even for a short time.."


Updating once or twice a week because med. school literally takes all my time!!!! Anyway, thank you for still reading up to this point! :)))

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