Book 2: City of Ice and Fire...

By pokemonshadowhunter

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BEWARE OF THE COLD DARKNESS, ONLY AN ARROW CAN PIERCE ITS HEART Arrowheart (Alec) and siblings have just bec... More

Chapter 1: Coming to a Decision
Chapter 2: Sparkpaw of HunterClan (Clace) (Malec)
Chapter 3: Simon's Interlude
Chapter 4: Training in the Sandy Hollow
Chapter 5: Sharing News
Chapter 6: A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 7: A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 8: Meanwhile In HunterClan...
Chapter 9: Unwarranted Assault Aka when The Malec Ship sails
Chapter 10: Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 11: The Mortal Stick is Taken
Chapter 12: Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 13: Why does the Mundane have to come along? (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 14: Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 15: A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 16: Arrowheart is Annoyed (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 17: How to Conquer Fear (Malec)
Chapter 18: Silverpaw it's been so long (Malec)
Chapter 19: A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 20: Vultureclaw is acting Suspicious and he's not the Only One
Chapter 21: WolfClan is finally here! (Malec)
Chapter 22: Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 23: The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril (Malec)
Chapter 24: You Can't Save Everyone Arowheart (Malec)
Chapter 25: Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 26: The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 27: The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 29: The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 30: Sparkpaw has a Dream
Chapter 31: New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 32: Heart to Heart (Malec)
Chapter 33: Its Time to Take Back Sunning Rocks
Chapter 34: Victory!
Chapter 35: Prey Problems
Chapter 36: Who is to blame?
Chapter 37: Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 38: Reconasaince
Chapter 39: Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 40: Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 41: Forest Clash
Chapter 42: Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 43: Reunited (Malec)
Chapter 44: Celebration (Malec, Clace, Sizzy)

Chapter 28: Terrible News

29 3 7
By pokemonshadowhunter

****Nightrose's POV****

She'd awoken in the middle of her slumber to quite the commotion going on in camp. Sighing, Nightrose pulls herself onto her paws to head out of the Warrior's Den. The sky is dark now, with stars glittering in the sky to make the cats awake in the clearing gain a soft silver sheen. It doesn't take long for her to figure out where the commotion is coming from.

The Medicine Den has several of her Clan mates gathered around. Among them are Blossomstar, Vultureclaw, Dapplefur, Smokepaw, Mousepaw and Stripepaw. She finds herself even further surprised to see Arrowheart and Patchfur and Goldenclaw hanging around the group too, all looking anxious and worried.

She runs over to meet them, only to be surprised when she finds a fresh scratch across Arrowheart's chest. The blood there had dried but the wound was relatively recent if the discomforting grimace on his face was anything to go by.

"What happened?" She asked. "Arrowheart, how did you get hurt?"

At that, Goldenclaw looks down at his paws like he was deeply ashamed of something. Being the smart she-cat that she is, it didn't take long for her to connect the dots. Nightrose whirls her gaze onto her other brother.

"Goldenclaw, you did this?" She asks, stunned.

"I..." Goldenclaw breathes, unable to get the words out.

"He did." Arrowheart admits. "But he was upset, so it's okay. Besides, it doesn't even hurt that much." As if to demonstrate this, Arrowheart places a paw over the wound, pressing down. The gesture does not make him wince, giving off the sign that it wasn't a deep wound.

"Arrowheart will be just fine Nightrose, I'm taking care of him." Patchfur assured her. The warlock tom had his tail twined with her brother's. Arrowheart seemed pleased to have Patchfur so close to him. It made her wonder what exactly was going on with the two. For Arrowheart to let Patchfur be so up in his comfort had to mean they were close.

Whatever happened while they were gone must've done this.

Nightrose wasn't about to complain. Despite her brother's careful strategizing, she was well aware he is gay. A part of her had been worried that Arrowheart would never be honest with himself, allow himself to find love, luckily for her it seemed she was wrong. The question was, just what was the relationship between her brother and Patchfur? Hopefully she'd find out soon enough.

In the meantime, there was a situation at paw.

"So, who's injured?" Nightrose asks. She has a sinking feeling that she already knows, but still has to confirm her suspicions.

"Violetpaw." Goldenclaw uttered his apprentice's name somberly, his normally confident exterior ripped apart to leave behind a haunted shell.

"Oh. Oh no! Goldenclaw, I'm so sorry." All the anger she felt towards her foster brother vanishes in that moment. "What happened to her?"

Arrowheart seems to swallow a lump in his throat. "She was hit by a monster." He casts a sideways glance at the cats gathered there, his blue eyes narrowing on Vultureclaw. The traitorous deputy wasn't in earshot, too busy talking to Blossomstar. Arrowheart leans close to her, whispering in her ear. "She was trying to receive a message from Vultureclaw." His expression briefly hardens with his next words. "A message Blossomstar was supposed to go get."

Nightrose at first doesn't understand what her brother is getting at. When she does however, a bolt of horror strikes through her. Her brown eyes widen.

"You can't possibly mean...." Her voice rises with the horror building up in her chest.

Vultureclaw was trying to murder Blossomstar.

Patchfur's tail swipes over her muzzle; a subtle gesture to quiet down. Nightrose offers up a feeble nod, her heart still racing with anxiety. Maybe she should've expected Vultureclaw's murderous tendencies to extend to clan leadership, but Nightrose just had never imagined even a psycho like Vultureclaw going as far as to attempt to murder their own leader. The mere thought of such a thing sent her blood roiling with rage. If only this was the right time and place, she would be ripping the tabby tom apart.

As it was not, Nightrose forced herself to calm.

"Yes. That's exactly what he means." Patchfur mews. "But we can't discuss that here. All of you know as much."

"Yes. Violetpaw should be our main concern right now." Arrowheart agrees.

"Speaking of Violetpaw, how bad is she?" Nightrose almost can't dare to ask. Whenever she thinks of the young tortoiseshell, her mind recalls a striking young she-cat that was the leader of her gaggle of siblings. It sent a pang of sadness in her heart to hear such a vibrant young cat could be seriously injured.

"I-I...." Goldenclaw struggles for form words, "I don't think we can say for sure yet. One of her back legs was busted up pretty bad when we found her." The admission of that made his body do a full shudder, the pain in his golden eyes unmistakable.

Arrowheart shakes his head sadly. "And to think, this was supposed to be such a special night for Dawnpaw too. Coming home to this...I didn't even get to learn her new name when she got back. I hope she and Featherflight know how to help Violetpaw." He mews.

Patchfur nods. "I think that's what we're all hoping at this point."

They all sat in tense silence for what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes. Eventually Featherflight came out of the Medicine Den, the expression on the old tom's face was grim. Dapplefur raced over to him, her three kits that were by her side trailing behind her. Nightrose has a feeling that Foxtail was likely there too, watching down on them from somewhere up in StarClan.

Just what would he think of all this? He probably hates Vultureclaw even more now, and considering Vultureclaw murdered him, that's saying something.

"How is she Featherflight? How's my baby?" Dapplefur was quivering with fear for her child. Nightrose was sure she'd feel the exact same way if she was put in the same situation, with one of her own kits severely injured.

"She's stable for now, but...her leg....well, it's best if you see it for yourself." Featherflight said with a sigh. From the way his shoulders were heavy set and his blue eyes were dull it reminded Nightrose just how old the medicine cat really was.

He should've been able to stay retired. Instead he had to watch Lilyspots, his former apprentice die and had to step up to train Dawnpaw for the rest of her own apprenticeship. And with Violetpaw being injured, who knows when he'll be able to retire again. Especially with the cold season being here. So many cats get sick this time of year. Will he ever get to rest? Nightrose couldn't see that happening anytime soon.

"Okay, I'm coming Violetpaw." Dapplefur darted into the den with her three other children.

Goldenclaw tries to head in right after them, only to be stopped by Vultureclaw. The two tabbies stare at each other for a few heartbeats, the tension between them palpable. Nightrose could see her brother's shoulders tensing up, and it made her wonder just how much self-restraint he was applying to make sure he didn't claw the deputy's eyes out.

"Don't crowd them. Violetpaw needs to rest." The deputy murmurs.

"Sure. Because you know what Violetpaw needs." Goldenclaw's voice is thick with a barely concealed rage. Arrowheart sidles up next to his parabatai, glaring at Vultureclaw with not so concealed anger. The black furred warrior wasn't one to hold anything back. Nightrose and Patchfur share a worried glance as he prepares to speak with what would likely be hardly any filter.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Vultureclaw growls. There is a darkness in the deputy's eyes, those abnormally long front claws sliding out to dip into the cold ground.

"What he's saying is that Violetpaw went to get a message from you. She would've never been there if it wasn't for you." Arrowheart growls. Even in the darkness of the night, his eyes are still the same sparkling blue they always are, though this time a fire is lit inside them.

Vultureclaw looks like he's about to snap something back at her brothers, but Blossomstar steps up at the last minute. The HunterClan leader had kept her composure throughout the impromptu confrontation. However, her light tabby tail was hushed up behind her, twirling with impatience.

"That's enough! Both of you," she indicates Goldenclaw and Vultureclaw with a gesture of her head. "Go take a walk and by the Angel calm down." She growls out those words, giving Vultureclaw and Goldenclaw no choice but to pad away. It is only after their gone that she whirls around to face Arrowheart. "And you're coming to my den. NOW."

Arrowheart gulps, nodding a little. Nightrose is equally startled by Blossomstar's frustration. She watches her brother and Blossomstar pad away worriedly, Patchfur offering Arrowheart an encouraging smile that the Shadowhunter faintly returns. And then they're gone. Patchfur and Nightrose return to the Warrior's den a few moments later, knowing that there's nothing better to do for the rest of the evening.

****Arrowheart's POV****

Arrowheart felt a bit worried as he padded into his former mentor's den. As it was night outside, the runes carved into the cave were glowing in an ethereal way that seeped out heavenly light. In legend, it was said that Hunterstar had hidden in this cave when the forest had been overrun with demons on the night of a blood moon. The Angel had protected him and his friends and family that night, and afterwards he had gained the night of the Angels in a way that no Shadowhunter had ever seen before.

So, many moons later, it was Blossomstar's cave. She was the leader of this sacred clan. Without her, there would be no nephilim protecting the forest. And, on another note, without her the Circle would rule the forest. The forest would have run red with blood a long time ago.

"Arrowheart," Blossomstar breathes out his name with a sigh as she settles into her nest. "just what got into you tonight? Violetpaw may be hurt, but blaming it on Vultureclaw is not going to solve anything."

Arrowheart shakes his head. Blossomstar just didn't understand what the problem was. That Vultureclaw was the problem, and likely always would be as long as he remained in HunterClan. If only she knew just how evil he was. Then she'd exile him from HunterClan for sure. If he was being honest with himself, Arrowheart thought Vultureclaw deserved a lot worse than banishment, but that wasn't exactly up to him.

That was up to HunterClan's leader; that was up to Blossomstar. Arrowheart could only hope that she'd make the right choice in the end. Not that he knew what that choice would be. Only the Angel would know.

"I-I know's just..." He took an inhale of breath, exhaling shakily. "Violetpaw wouldn't have been at the ThunderPath in the first place if it wasn't for Vultureclaw. And it wasn't supposed to be Violetpaw that went to get that message either. Blossomstar, it," he gulps, the nerves inside him rattling around in the cage of his body. "was supposed to be you."

Blossomstar recognizes what he's implying almost immediately. Unfortunately, she does not have the reaction he was hoping for. Not even close.

"Arrowheart, Vultureclaw couldn't have planned for a Monster to hit me, let alone Violetpaw. You know that Twolegs have a mind of their own. It would be foolish to think otherwise." She murmurs.

"I know Blossomstar, but-" Arrowheart gets cut off by the she-cat, who isn't having a word he says for some reason.

"No buts Arrowheart. A tragedy happened today, and that's all there is to it. I trust you, you know I do, but this is absolute nonsense. Vultureclaw is deputy, I don't want you throwing around anymore serious accusations like that again. Not without actual evidence. Are we clear?" Her voice leaves no room for judgement.

Arrowheart's shoulders sink in defeat. The argument was a lost cause today, that much he knew for certain. His tail droops behind him. With a terrible night like this one, all Arrowheart wants to do is go to his nest with Patchfur and sleep the rest of the dark night away.

"Okay Blossomstar," His voice is tight as he speaks. Maybe it was silly of him, but Arrowheart had been hopeful that his former mentor would believe him. But now he guesses not. "I'll see myself out then."

He tuns tail to pad away, not bothering to look back.

"Arrowheart wait. There's no need to react like this." Blossomstar murmurs.

Arrowheart does pause mid-step, but he still does not look back. He exits the den with a slump to his shoulders. When Arrowheart finally gets back to his shared nest with Patchfur, he finds that his boyfriend is still awake, waiting for him in the comfy nest made up of moss and feathers and a little bit of fur from some indiscernible animal that had been eaten a long time ago.

As he's so tired, Arrowheart considers himself lucky how considerate his boyfriend is. Patchfur reads the tiredness on his face. The black and ginger tom reaches out to lick him on the lips gently. Timidly, Arrowheart returns the gesture before sliding into the nest next to Patchfur. The two cuddle up together as they usually do before passing out for the night.

****Goldenclaw's POV****

Goldenclaw had been tired the next morning as he pulled himself out of his nest. The moss he slept in felt cold despite the heat his body provided. A chill came from outside the den, frost was nipping at the air, leaving behind a crisp quality of wind that felt like tiny shards piercing his lungs with each inhale. As a testament to this, white puffs of air came out of his muzzle with each exhale like a temporary fog. Judging by the streaks of light shooting through the small holes in the well-woven bracken roof, Goldenclaw would guess it was midday.

The warrior did his casual stretches before heading out to for the day. Like he had thought, it was indeed midday so everyone else in camp was already up and moving around. Well, all except for one cat, the one he was visiting today. With a tired yawn Goldenclaw snags two voles who looked like they'd seen better days from the fresh-kill pile before making his way to the Medicine Den.

When he got there, the warrior found Featherflight to still be tucked away in his nest. The old gray tabby looked exhausted even in sleep, his thinner frame shuddering every so often. Goldenclaw wouldn't be surprised if all the stress of taking care of his clan was getting to him. Featherflight should've been allowed to stay retired. If only Lilyspots had lived, he thought with a miserable shake of his head. The golden tabby had woken up with a bad mood this morning, one that came from mourning; mourning for someone who'd been injured in a horrible way.

A gentle presence prods at his side, making Goldenclaw turn after setting down the prey he carried. There stood Dawnpaw. The pale she-cat ran a paw down one of the voles he had brought, eyeing it with mild hunger in her clear blue eyes. Like Featherflight, she also appears to have lost weight, though her tiredness did not seem as severe.

"It's good to see you Dawnpaw." Goldenclaw murmurs, not sure what else to say.

The she-cat inclines her head. "Featherflight is sleeping, as is Violetpaw. So don't wake them." She tells him. "Oh, and my name isn't Dawnpaw anymore. I'm Dawnmist now."

"Sure. Oh, I almost forgot you had you're naming ceremony last night. Congrats Dawnmist! I just wish that you didn't come back to the horrible thing that happened to Violetpaw." Goldenclaw said.

Goldenclaw didn't dare voice what he knew that thing to be. It had been a trap all along, though it had been meant for Blossomstar, not Violetpaw. Vultureclaw had hurt two of his Clanmates now. How many more would get hurt in his lust for power? That, Goldenclaw did not know.

Dawnmist shakes her head. "Accidents can come at the worst time. With Leaf Bare almost upon us, all the herbs are drying up, so we've been having to use what we have pretty sparingly."

The admission strikes new worry through Goldenclaw, along with a tug of disappointment that the Medicine cat does not see Vultureclaw's misdeed for the intentional chaos that it truly was. He stares at his own paws and then Dawnmist's surprised to find that hers are stained with what looks to be green juice and something that reeks of what smells like pungent garlic. Goldenclaw has to stop from wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"You do have enough to treat Violetpaw right? She's going to be okay yes? You have to tell me Dawnmist." He demands the answers.

The image of his apprentice's damaged left hind leg flashes in his mind with a harsh sting. The unnatural angle of the multicolored appendage had been so severe it made Patchfur worry that Violetpaw would never be able to walk properly, something that was terrifying in itself. Goldenclaw wants nothing more than for his apprentice to recover. At this point though, he's unsure if that's even possible, if it can even be done.

Dawnmist lets out an annoyed growl. "Don't get your whiskers in a bunch, mouse-brain. Violetpaw is going to recover, we've been giving the best care we can. But,"

"But what?"

"But her leg...her leg....I hate to say this, but I doubt she'll ever be able to walk on it again. It's far too shattered for normal medicine to heal and-" Dawnmist gets cut off by Goldenclaw again, the golden tabby catching the special words she said in that sentence.

"You said normal medicine can't cure her fully. Does that mean special medicine -magic- can?" Goldenclaw asks. He can't hide the desperate hope in his voice.

"I-I don't know Goldenclaw. Theoretically it's possible, but..." Dawnmist trails off, seemingly overcome with emotion.

"What is it Dawnmist? You need to tell me." He tells her.

"FaerieClan is known for having magical cures for severe illnesses and injuries, but Goldenclaw, it might not work. And even if it does, there's no guarantee that it will fully heal her. Violetpaw may still end up being crippled. And-and then there's Vinestar. She...there's always a cost with her Goldenclaw. Each and every time." Dawnmist shakes her head wearily. "Who knows what she might want from you? It might be more than you can give."

Goldenclaw can feel the moment that his mind is made up. He knows what he has to do now. Dawnmist is right that there could be a huge risk for him, but Violetpaw is much more important.

"Dawnmist. You and I both know that I have to try. Violetpaw needs our help." Goldenclaw murmured.

"I figured you might say that." She says with a sigh. "But can you at least eat you're breakfast before rounding up some cats to go with you? I'm assuming that Arrowheart, Nightrose, Sparkpaw and Simon will be among that list....and maybe Patchfur too."

"I don't know about all of them." Goldenclaw admits. "But I do agree that breakfast should come first."

Together the two share the voles he'd scrounged up from the prey pile, beginning to plan for what would come in the near future. If they were lucky, all would go well.


A/N: Merry Christmas guys! Hope y'all enjoy the holidays! See y'all next time! Don't forget to comment, and be sure to let me know what you guys think of Dawnmist's new name.

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