Honey and spice

De Thefireof_Eos

3.6K 243 117

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134 7 0
De Thefireof_Eos

I wonder if my parents miss me.

I wonder if anyone is looking for me. What would Callie be doing right now? She would be freaking out and hanging up missing posters everywhere. And my brother? He would be helping her all while losing his mind.

I didn't mean for this to happen, I should have been more careful. I should have known better. But of course stupid Brooke has to get herself into trouble becuse she can't take care of herself. I'm just so tired of feeling helpless and worthless. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to die in here, I would be less of a burden on everyone in my life.

Stop it Brooke, this room is getting to you!

I've been here god knows how long but I can already feel my sanity spiraling. After I passed out I woke up naked and blindfolded, strapped to some kind of metal object. I prayed to a god I don't even believe in that the psychopath holding me hostage didn't do anything. I don't feel any different so ignoring it is probably my best option.

Now to get out of here...I need a plan.

Where could he be keeping me? Some kind of abandoned place or maybe his basement. Isn't that what they do in movies? I know that life isn't like the movies but I have to be kept hidden from everyone somewhere that's easily accessible only to him.. Somewhere that people wouldn't stumble upon or look.

Think Brooke, we weren't driving long and there's only so many places around here that no one would think to go.

Well how would I know then? I don't look for abandoned places for fun now do I? If it was Callie instead of me she would have known, she somehow always does. I have such a resourceful friend and yet I'm totally useless, it's tragic really. But before I can continue arguing with the voice in my head I hear the familiar sound of the door opening. Great, that's all I need.

"What do you want with me? Please, just let me go!" I yell at him as best I can but my throat is too dry to make much sound come out.

"I already told you what I need you for," he says, "are you honestly so fucking stupid that you don't know when to shut the fuck up? What is begging to be let out going to do? You're just wearing yourself out you stupid bitch. I still need you for fucks sake, don't you dare die on me."

As much as I don't want to admit it, he is right. I am wearing myself down, shouting isn't going to do a damn thing when the captur wants you for one thing. Bait.

"Now eat or you will see what happens to disobedient bitches." I feel something being pushed against my pursed lips which honestly makes me gag knowing it could be anything and I'm at this man's mercy.


His voice booms across the room, giving me a sense that the room I'm being held in is small and closed off, not the big warehouse I was expecting. It's also cold, even for this time of the year. Maybe it's just that I'm completely naked but I'm shivering violently. The yelling doesn't really have an effect on me either, it means that things aren't going his way and that gives me immense satisfaction.

He seems to take my hesitation for disobedience because I feel a sharp pain in my scalp as he pulls what feels like a heap of my hair out.

"You little bitch! You were supposed to be good, you were supposed to be the perfect obedient little slut just like you have been at school and at home," He spits.

He was stalking me, watching me. How could I have been so oblivious as to not even feel someone watching me? Aren't people supposed to be able to tell when they're being watched? And here I was thinking I was safe.

I shriek as another sharp pain reaches my scalp.

"S-stop," I whisper.

"You want everyone to think you're the good girl but you're anything but. Oh no, you have so many secrets and they're right there waiting to be uncovered. I didn't even have to follow you long, your phone was right there for the taking."

My phone. It wasn't Fayne who stole it, it was whoever had kidnapped me. He was right there at that stupid party I let Callie drag me to. God, I'm so stupid.

"Now eat the goddamn sandwich, I won't ask again," He says and shoves it into my mouth. I didn't even realise I was that hungry so I gulp up the food as if I were a fish on land. Probably a very unappealing sight but who am I kidding, I probably look like a zombie right now.

"There," He coos, "That wasn't so hard, was it? You listened and got food."

I really want to throw it up all over him.

I hear the metal door creak again, the familiar sound of abandonment. Once again I'm left in a cold room blindfolded but this time naked strapped to an unknown object. How did I get here?


"Wake up bitch!"

I jolt awake to find myself being unstrapped and then dressed in clothes that smell like piss. He didn't even bother to wash them. What is he doing?

"Wha-" Before I can finish my sentence, something is stuck into my mouth and tied around my head. I've been gagged and blindfolded.

"If you make a sound or try anything I will use this knife," He says as he drags a cold metal across my face, "And that pretty little face won't be so pretty anymore." I noid vigorously to signify that I understand, the answer seems to contempt him.

He pushes me forward and leads me through the metal door I have gotten used to by now. I try to hold on to something, my legs are wobbly as if I were a newborn calf. I guess I haven't walked a step in what I'm assuming was days. Doesn't muscle die if you don't use it? If that's the case then my legs are going to be very weak for a while.

"Get up," He hisses as my knees give in to the sudden exercise being thrown at them.

When will this nightmare end? Maybe it's sooner than I think, maybe he's taking me somewhere to kill me. Why wouldn't he do it in the basement? I'm guessing he's trying to make it look like an accident. It wouldn't make sense though, they'd catch him. My death could mean something, it would imprison this sick fuck. But goddamn I'm not ready to die without seeing the people I love, without saying goodbye. I took them all for granted and now I might not get a chance to fix that.

I can't stop the tears anymore so I just let them out. I don't think I've cried since the day I woke up tied to that chair for the first time, dehydration got to me. He's given me small sips, just enough to keep me alive.

"Great, she's crying," He whispers under his breath and suddenly I'm being pushed into a leather seat with the doors closing after me. I'm in a car.

I start to shake, the reality of the situation finally hitting me. He's going to kill me, these could be my last moments and I'm spending them being a coward. That's so typical of me.

I don't bother paying attention to the time anymore. I focus on the humm of the engine, replaying the memories worth looking back on. The summers I would spend in the pool with my brother, the happy times where I didn't need to be the dutiful daughter, just me. All of the times my parents took me to theme parks, they used to do that a lot. The sleepovers I would have with my friends in middle school, how we stayed up all night talking about our dreams. I had a lot of good times on this earth. I'm not ready to let all of this go.

And then the engine stops.


It's been a hot minute since I updated. Alright, it's been months. I've been going through some shit and I guess some of that has reflected in my writing recently. Anyway, I know that my writing is not good but I like to write and the more I write the better I can get. I would appreciate constructive criticism.  

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