Paragon // z.m

By brokxnharry

28.1K 2.1K 579

Paragon: [noun] a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality. She fell. Into depre... More

2. "Good enough for you now?"
3. "Lay with me."
4. So was this.
5. "What are you doing here?"
6. "Who is that Zayn person?"
7. "Problem?"
8. "Harry-boo."
9. Charity auction.
10. "Are you two getting high?"
11. "Will you get over yourself?"
12. "I'm so confused."
13. " I wouldn't dream about it, Mr. Malik."
14. "Fuck you."
15. "Why won't you look at me?"
16. "I can't do that."
17. "You don't get to touch her."
18. "I just need to know."
19. "I liked it better when I hated him."
20. "Tell her,"
21. A whole week.
22. "And jealous."
23. "A bit longer."
24. "I'm still pissed at you."
25. "So beautiful."
26. "Good."
27. "A date."
28. He wanted to say it.
29. "What did you expect?"
30. "I'm sorry."
31. "Dying."
32. "She's not okay."
33. "Maybe someday."
34. "I need you to be okay."
35. "I'm leaving to Ireland."
36. "Till next time."
37. "It's a good day."
38. "I will never forgive you."
39. "Thank you for coming."
40. "I need time."
41. "I don't count in that."
42. "I'll love him from afar."
43. "I was in pain."
44. "I wish it was enough."
45. Epilogue.

1. "Okay, that's it."

1.4K 76 11
By brokxnharry

She threw herself onto the comfortable chair, taking off her long heels, releasing a long sigh at the dominating ache swallowing her entire figure. The skirt she was wearing was too short and too tight, but this was Louis, she didn’t need to worry about him. Louis was the main designer in Malik’s textile company, and the only person Zayn had slight tolerance for. Mostly since there was no getting rid of him, but still. He was a small bundle of joy, sarcasm and pure talent.

“ Have you never heard of knocking? Or manners, for that matter?” He questioned, rolling his eyes at her abrupt entrance.

“ Do you even know me at all, Louis?”

“ Unfortunately. Tired, I see?” He asked, leaving his mahogany desk, to approach her, taking her forehead into his hands and massaging it tenderly. It was some sort of treatment he learned on one of his trips abroad, and he seemed to believe so deeply in its efficiency. Robin though, not so much so.

“ Ah, Louis, give it up and get me some aspirin or something that will actually help with the pain.” She exclaimed, neither fighting against Louis’ movements, nor, enjoying them.

“ Hush up, this will work. Give it time.”

“ How old did you say this treatment is, again?” He cleared his throat, feeling cornered by her question.

“ At least three thousand years?”

“ And that’s not enough time for you?” Her lips had curved into a knowing smile, feeling her friend’s determination fading away with every unsuccessful moment of him, practicing his treatment.

“ Oh, fuck it. Aspirin is in the third drawer, second row.” He hissed, angrily walking back to his desk, pretending to be busy doing God knows what, while Robin rose to take the aspirin, dawning it with a shot, rather than water, because alcohol was highly recommended to get her through long, stressful, days, such as that one. Louis always had a bottle of the most expensive whine, hidden away in his mini fridge, just in case, he had those frequent urges to bang his head against the wall, or rather, smash someone’s head –Zayn’s mostly, or sometimes, Robin’s- against the wall. It came in handy, when Robin wasn’t drinking it all by herself. He should draw the line, really, because no model should be this outrageous while dealing with the main designer, who also happened to be her direct supervisor, but, he secretly enjoyed her company.

Even though, he’d never actually tell her that.

She could tell though.

“ So, finished all the designs for the new line? You know I need to see what you’ll be putting me in, cause I will not accept to be disgraced by your poor scratches on paper.”

“ Who said anything about putting you into my poor scratches on paper?” He mocked, his eyes focused on the papers he had in hand.

“ I’m your number one model, of course, who else would save your ass?”

“ Don’t flatter yourself, doll. We can easily get some kickass model that will complement our already successful line, and not have a sailor’s gigantic mouth on her.” She squeezed at her lips defensively, as if this would make them diminish in size, before giving up, pouting.

“ But big mouths are useful, if you know what I mean.” She noted, receiving a scoff from his side.

“ I’m not hearing about your sex life again, Robin!” He announced, putting both hands to his ears, and chanting some kind of opera-melody.

“ I was talking about giving my favorite designer big kisses, with my big lips.” She ran towards him, taking his head into her arms, and kissing him violently, spreading her expensive lipstick all over his face. He screamed, and yelled, and laughed, but she wouldn’t let him go, not until his door was aggressively opened, and in came a seemingly enraged Zayn.

Now, normal Zayn was mean.

Angry Zayn, was just ruthless.

“ What the fuck is going on here?” He boomed, his dark eyes shifting between the bewildered Robin, and the irritated Louis.

Louis opened his mouth to respond, but Zayn put a warning finger in the air, beginning to pace the floor, “ You know what, I don’t care. We need to finish this shit as soon as possible. We need a list of materials, we need trials to choose the models, we need a place and a time, and we need this now. Everyone is on my case, and this is your crap to clean up, Tomlinson.” Louis rose from his seat, sitting Robin down, before walking towards Zayn.

“ Okay, don’t last-name me, Malik. I’m working my ass off here, but you’re the one who doesn’t want to get me at least one fucking assistant, or training designers to help me, and I’m only one man here. So, no, don’t take your bullshit out on me, got it?” Zayn rolled his eyes in exasperation, before bringing his gaze to meet her own. He tilted his head to the side, as if only then, had he acknowledged her presence. She was intimidated, conflicted, but mostly, she was pissed off. Not only was he rude to Louis, but he didn’t even take a second glance at her, and she wanted to scream for him, that she spent the past at least 3 hours, with him, in office, and he should at least give her credit for tolerating him, and doing her job, no matter how difficult he made it.

“ What are you still doing here?” He bitterly questioned, his features deforming into something similar to disgust. It took her a minute or two, to grasp that he was talking to her. Like that. With that face. And that tone.

“ Excuse me?”

“ Do you have brain damage, or something? Another brainless model? I said, what, the fuck, are you doing here?” He took a determined step past Louis and towards her.

“ Okay, that’s it,” She roared, fisting Louis’ desk, earning an audible gasp from him, as she aggressively lifted herself off the chair, and launched towards him. Louis barely held her back, lifting her feisty figure off the ground, as she kicked and threw punches that never landed on Zayn, which only infuriated her more.

“ Alright, love, go home, that’s enough for the day, and I’ll give you a call tonight. Okay, yeah, bye, love you, kisses, and all that.” And Louis barely closed the door, before she ran in again. She continued to knock and bang and hit, releasing a long string of curse words, at Louis, and Zayn, and almost all humanity. She even yelled at one of Zayn’s secretaries for thinking so little of herself to actually be his personal slave.

“ At least give me my shoes for fucks sake!” She gave one final hit to the door, before Louis grabbed her shoes and purse, partially opening the door, and throwing them out, before quickly locking it again.

“ Have a great day, Mr. Malik.” She hissed, throwing in a whispered “asshole”, before scurrying away. Louis let out a long breath, walking towards the seemingly amused Zayn, and delivering a weak attempt of a punch to his arm.

“ Just so you know, she could have easily taken your balls out and left you to suffer.” Louis sat back onto his desk, removing his bow tie, because the events of the day were too intense for him.

“ I think I can handle myself. Who is she anyway?”

Louis stared at him with wide blue eyes, before scoffing, “ You can’t work here and not know who she is.” Zayn rolled his eyes in response, shooting Louis a threatening glare.

“ Alright, alright, this was Robin Chase, our lead model, in all of our previous shows? Rings a bell?” He shrugged, opening the door in preparation to walk away from the uninteresting conversation.

“ Doesn’t matter. Fire her.”

And just like that, he was gone. Leaving an infuriated Louis behind.


A/N: Here's Louis for you, hope you're liking this so far, I'm really excited for this one :)

vote and comment please!

ily x

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