DRACARYS: game of thrones sea...

By marvelis04

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"You don't know me. You don't know what I am capable of." - Davina Tyrell "I want nothing to do with you. Yo... More

c a s t
the kingsroad
lord snow
cripples, bastards, and broken things
the wolf and the lion
a golden crown
you win or you die
the pointy end
fire and blood
the north remembers
the night lands
what is dead may never die
garden of bones
the ghost of harrenhal
the old gods and the new
a man without honor
the prince of winterfell
valar morghulis
valar dohaeris
dark wings, dark lords
walk of punishment
and now his watch is ended
kissed by fire
the climb
the bear and the maiden fair
second sons
the rains of castamere

winter is coming

826 18 6
By marvelis04

AMBERLEE STARK WAS ENTIRELY DONE WITH RIDING IN A CARRIAGE WITH THE QUEEN AND HER DAUGHTERS AND TOMMEN OF COURSE. She would much rather be riding on her horse alongside her husband, Jaime Lannister, and her favorite relative, Maeve Lannister. Amberlee's opinions, however, went unheard both because of her gender and because she was Lady Lannister now and no longer was Lady Stark.

"Mother, are we almost there?" Myrcella asked her mother, Cersei. Amberlee rolled her eyes as Cersei responded.

"I would assume so. I can see Winterfell from here." Cersei smiled softly at her youngest daughter. She had five children who were her pride and joy: Marlena, Joffrey, Toria, Myrcella, and Tommen.

Marlena and Joffrey were almost identical in their behaviours, acting almost borderline temper tantrum if they did not get their way. Toria was more subtle: she would act almost preditorial, taunting her prey until they scurried away or bowed down to her will. Myrcella and Tommen were almost the complete opposite. Both of the youngest children were incredibly sweet, gentle, kind.

Cersei had always been incredibly jealous of Amberlee, her youth, her stature, her love for Jaime that he returned tenfold. Amberlee had always wondered if Cersei and Jaime's incestuous relationship was a rumor or was in fact truth. Amberlee had always had her suspicions when Cersei would stare at Amberlee with a jealous glare.

Amberlee had spoken with Jaime on the matter, but he had denied the rumors and told her that her loved only her. This would often lead to love-making and substantially more glares from Cersei as she witnessed the husband and wife speak to each other and appear to be so incredibly lovestruck with each other.

Amberlee looked out the window as they neared Winterfell. Gradually as the fortress became clearer to her, she realized how much she missed it and how it was far better looking than the Red Keep even with all its riches. Winterfell looked and felt like home to her.

The carriage evetually stopped causing all inside to rise. The door was opened by Jaime who held out a hand for Amberlee to take as she was nearest to him. She grapsed his hand and stepped from the carriage.

"I know very well how to get out of a carriage by myself, thank you." Amberlee teased her husband who chuckled.

"And yet, you always have a knack for requiring my assistance in getting out of one." He pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles before helping his Queen from the carriage.

The sight Amberlee saw struck her with a feeling of deja vú. There, in a line, was the entirety of House Stark. Her brother, Ned, sister in law, Catelyn, and her nieces and nephews. She stepped forward to greet them as the Queen did and decided to stay put as Cersei did her rounds of greeting.

Toria and Marlena appeared to be dumbfounded by something. Amberlee caught their line of vision as going towards Theon Greyjoy and Ned's bastard son, Jon. Beside Theon stood his sister, Rhaeven Greyjoy, who appeared to be Sansa and Arya's ladies maid.

Amberlee found herslef wandering towards Maeve Lannister who smiled at her in greeting. "How long do you think it will take for someone to notice Tyrion is missing?" Maeve asked her sister in law innocently.

Amberlee shrugged. "It's hard to tell. To tell the truth, even I noticed Tyrion is missing and I seldom ever speak with him."

Amberlee's relationship with the Dwarf of Casterly Rock was odd. He would often be gone from the Red Keep for hours on end in brothels and would seldom ever be seen. Tyrion depended upon Amberlee to keep his brother and sisters occupied so they didn't come looking for him.

"Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects." King Robert Baratheon, the large heavyset man, was highly revered throughout the Seven Kingdoms although one wouldn't know it by the look of his beard.

Cersei appeared to be agitated by his request. "We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait." Jaime approached his wife and sister by the horses gently placing his hand on Amberlee's back.

The King disregarded his wife's statement. "Ned." Amberlee looked to her brother in agitation. Ned glanced towards Cersei apologetically before following after his friend.

"Where's the Imp?" Little Arya Stark asked causing Cersei to backtrack towards Jaime and Maeve.

"Where is our brother?" Both siblings shrugged in response. "Go and find the little beast. Amberlee, come walk with me." Jaime looked from his sister to his wife suspicious of Cersei before sighing and nudging Amberlee to follow her.

"Of course, Cersei." Amberlee smiled graciously and took her arm as they began their stroll. She noticed Sansa looking lovingly towards Joffrey. "It seems my niece is quite taken with Joffrey."

"It appears so." Cersei paused for a moment before continuing. "Amberlee, I would like to apologize. I have not been the best sister in law as of late. Robert has just been..."

"Robert." Amberlee smirked as she began to chuckle.

"Yes, I'm afraid there isn't much else to excuse my behaviour." Cersei smiled genuinely as they neared the broken tower. Amberlee noticed that it still looked beautiful regardless of its state.

TORIA BARATHEON WANDERED AROUND WINTERFELL ARM IN ARM WITH HER SISTER, MARLENA. She and Marlena were the closest of the siblings. Both sisters were close with Joffrey which often often caused conflict between them, but they always celbrated their differences and grew closer through each disagreement.

Both sisters entered the feast with grace that attracted every single young man in the Great Hall. Sansa Stark had apparently been betrothed to Joffrey which neither sister appreciated. Marlena and Toria both locked eyes with their mother who was watching the father with disgust.

Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy approached the two prompting the sisters to smile. Robb turned to Marlena and Theon to Toria.

"My princess." Theon smirked at Toria causing her to roll her eyes.

"Milord." Toria stared him down, a glint in her eyes hinting at her preditorial nature. "There is no need for you to address me as your princess. I am no one's and my name is Toria." She wrinkled her nose playfully before turning and dragging Marlena away with her.

"What are you doing?" Marlena complained. "I was flirting with the Heir to Winterfell."

"Grandfather would be proud." Toria smirked at her sister suggestively. Little Arya Stark flung a spoonful of food at her sister's face causing Sansa to shriek and all at the table to laugh.

"Arya!" She turned to Rhaeven who began to wipe the food from her face. "It's not funny!" Robb then picked Arya up from her seat and pushed her towards the exit.

"Time for bed." He said gently casting a look towards his mother, Catelyn. Toria smiled slightly towards her mother beside the Lady of Winterfell. Cersei smiled weakly at her daughter.

ACROSS THE NARROW SEA, LEWYS LANNISTER STOOD WITH SER JORAH MORMONT AS THEY ATTENDED THE DOTHRAKI WEDDING OF KHAL DROGO AND DAENERYS TARGARYEN. The two apporached the two newlyweds with books in their hands. "A small guft for the new Khaleesi." Lewys handed Daenerys the bundle of books. "Songs and Histories of the Seven Kingdoms."

Daenerys took the books gratefully. "Thank you, Sers. Are you from my country?"

"Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island and this is Lewys of House Lannister of Casterly Rock." Jorah announced to the Khal and Khaleesi.

"Ser Jorah served your father for many years. Gods be good we always hope to serve the rightful king." Lewys cast a glance towards Viserys Targaryen. The two stepped away as a large crate containing three dragon eggs were brought to Daenerys.

Illyrio explained what they were to the new Khaleesi. "Dragons eggs, Daenerys, from the Shadow Lands beyond Ashai." Daenerys carefully picked the green one up to examine it. "The ages have turned them to stone, but they will always be beautiful."

Daenerys nodded towards the man enchanted with the egg. "Thank you, Magistair."

Khal Drogo stood and began to walk twoards the two horses for the Khal and Khaleesi. Daenerys shakily followed, fear evident on her face. She approached a white horse and she stroked it gently.

"Ser Jorah, I don't know how to say thank you in Dothraki." Lewys shook his head.

"There is no word for thank you in Dothraki." Lewys smiled encouragingly towards the young Targaryen. Daenerys began to back up as Khal Drogo apporached her. He instead lifted her up onto the horse before getting on his own. Before they could leave, however, Viserys grapsed onto Daenerys' leg.

"Make him happy."

BRAN STARK WAS CLIMBING THE BROKEN TOWER AND WHEN HE REACHED THE TOP GASPED. Sansa's betrothed had his sister, Toria, pushed up against the wall intimately and Toria didn't appear to push him away. Joffrey and Toria met in a feverish kiss that resulted in Toria hovering over Joffrey, but when Toria heard Bran her mood changed.

She knew he would tell someone. She reached out and grabbed him before he could climb down. "Are you completely mad?"

"He saw us." Joffrey gasped eyes widened. Neither of them planned to let their secret out.

"It's alright. It's alright." Toria calmed the boy down as he struggled to escape.

"He saw us!" Joffrey shrieked frantically.

"I heard you the first time." Toria quipped as she glanced down at the ground where Bran's direwolf was jumping and whining. "Quite the little climber, aren't you? How old are you, boy?"

Bran gulped before answering. "Ten."

"Ten." Toria let go of Bran before looking towards Joffrey. "The things I do for love." She pushed Bran from the window without looking towards him and made her back to Joffrey. "Now, where were we?"

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