By -sunsetdrives

28.6K 1.4K 232

DORBYN + JACHARY COMPLETED after they returned to dallas and the school year started, daniel felt off. he fel... More

twenty one
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twenty nine


890 46 3
By -sunsetdrives

♡ ♡ ♡

lyndsey was coming to the dorm room today. and although corbyn likes her, he does kind of wish she wasn't coming today. wanting to just be alone with his work. but jonah has invited her over, not for anything sexual or anything, but just to see her.

and corbyn didn't want to pick a fight with jonah over this, so he simply made sure his headphones were in and his music was up. desperately attempting to drown himself in his work.

it worked for a little while until jonah tapped his shoulder, "hey buddy, uh we're going out for lunch, you wanna come?"

corbyn just shook his head, not wanting to be a third wheel. "i'm fine." "i'll bring you back something okay?" the blonde nodded before turning back to his work.

"is he okay? he's been... differently lately." lyndsey wondered as they walked down the residence hallway. "i don't know.. i think he's feeling lonely. daniel texted him the other day."

"wait really? what happened?" her eyes widened, "not much really. all he said was hey, don't actually know if corbyn replied." jonah shrugged.

"you didn't ask him?" "no, we kind of just changed topics and just left it." the two went out to one of the small restaurants on campus while corbyn stayed inside.

as corbyn continued to work, his phone lit up from zach calling him. so he answered without a second thought, "hey loser what's up?" the blonde spoke as he answered.

"did you text daniel back?" "uh, yeah i did yesterday why?" "because this kid hasn't stopped smiling since yesterday, and honestly it's starting to freak me out."

corbyn just laughed. blushing, thinking about how he and daniel were over the summer. how fun everything was. he missed that.

"are you guys still gonna come here for spring break?" corbyn wondered, "i want to. i think that would be fun, but i would need to study if that's alright?"

"yeah i would too, we can do that together." corbyn smiled, "great!" "i have a feeling you called me about something other than daniel."

"uh... yeah, so.. today is the deadline for my harvard application, i'm applying for a scholarship which meant a very intense and detailed essay and i'm terrified it isn't enough and i'm too scared to send it in."

"i mean i love that you called me, but why not jack? he's your boyfriend, wouldn't he help?" corbyn inquired. "well yeah, but... i don't know i just called you, 'cause you're like already in university and already did the whole application stuff."

"okay well first.. calm down." the blonde chuckled. stopping his work for the moment.

jonah and lyndsey came back in the room from lunch, dropping some food at corbyn's desk for the boy. "thanks." he whispered to them before speaking to zach again.

"all you need to do is just send it in. once you send it, you'll be fine." "no! it's way too stressful! i can't do this!"

"zach, breathe okay? you're fine. you're literally a genius. look, if you want, send your essay to me and i'll look over it." "no, it's like really long, and i don't have a lot of time before the deadline!"

"alright, well then stop stressing! zach you'll be fine. just press send." "i honestly can't do this."

"yes, you can, zach. you're an honest to god genius okay? you'll be fine, just send it in and they'll be back to you in no time."

zach stayed silent for a moment, slowly moving his mouse to the send button. "no, no i can't."

"zach stop it. all you have to do is press it and next thing you hear, you're gonna be accepted because you're a genius. now press the button!"

corbyn heard a small click from the other end of the line and he waited for zach to say something. "i did it." his voice shaky, nerves washing over him. "you see! i told you you could do it!"

"look, zach.. you need to relax. you're going to get in. okay? if you didn't then that would mean that the universe is seriously fucked up, so i know that you are getting in! okay? so relax. take the night off, go be with jack."

"what would i do without you corb?" "hm, you'd probably die." the blonde giggled. they hung up shortly after, corbyn holding a smile to his face. "what were you and zach talking about?"

"he was stressing about sending in his harvard application." corbyn explained to them.

when they hung up, zach left the house, walking across the street to jack's. which took effort honestly. because recently, if zach wanted to leave the house for something other than school and didn't want to be questioned by his father, he had to time it and sneak out.

which is what he had to do now, he had to wait for him to go to the bathroom to make his exit.

he even rushed across the street just in case. zach didn't even knock, he just walked in, but that part was normal seeing as the families were so close.

he went up to jack's room to see the boy playing fortnite, or should i say, being killed in fortnite. "hi baby." zach announced himself which made the boy jump.

"baby! what are you doing here? thought you were studying?" "i needed a break. you were right, the amount of work is killing me."

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