Don't - A Stary Fanfiction

By PristineSnow

2.3K 108 26

[COMPLETED] Date, and say nothing to nobody. Date, but don't touch. Date, yet with no kissing involved... Sta... More



363 16 1
By PristineSnow

"Math," the same lie was used again the next week while the group was a visiting video game store.

Kyle was becoming suspicious, "I'm one of the Math tutors appointed by the school; Gary isn't." The other two weren't with them, instead looking at some new game releases a few aisles away. They couldn't hear what was being spoken about.

Looking up from a gaming handbook, Stan thought quickly before answering his friend. "Well, you don't like him. Maybe you just haven't been paying attention."

"I'm there, Wendy is there, even other classmates are there. But Gary? He's not there. He's never there."

A lie had formed almost immediately out of self-defense, "Gary isn't there because Wendy is there, and she makes me uncomfortable now. So we study at his house instead."

It was taken with reluctance as an honest truth, only because Wendy did in fact bother Stan with her presence alone. Strong, powerful, a force never to mess with- and then there was a need to show off Gary. She's a friend of his, something that annoyed Stan. It was agreed that their secret dating was not to be spoken of to anyone, but Stan was paranoid over the thought of Wendy knowing.

Gary could tell her. Wendy can keep a secret. They were both strong, powerful, and a force to never mess with. Stan felt weak against them.

"Let's talk about flaws," Gary said that same night. As usual he was seated on his bed while Stan sat in the same place, some space between the two. "What flaws do you have that you're aware of?"

"Why," Stan asked with a flat tone in his voice. Something bothered him, and Gary knew it right away. However, he didn't want to bring it up.

The young blonde explained, "So we can figure each other out! It's an understanding of the way we go about things, so we're not left confused and upset over the other's actions. I can go first if you're not ready."

Stan shrugged, "You don't have any flaws."

Gary frowned in return, "Everyone has a flaw. Or rather, everyone needs a flaw."

"Flaws can be worked on. Then, you never have a flaw in the end."

"When one flaw is worked on, another appears."

"But in that case, aren't we all flawed with nothing positive? Only the happy have no flaws. I'm flawed, but you're happy."

"Stan-" Gary took a second to think before asking, switching the topic, "Are you okay?"

Those words stung for some reason, but Stan didn't reply. Gary didn't push for an answer, but he had gone silent. The room filled with an awkward air, making Stan feel depressed. It was happening all over again, the same silence that broke him apart from his ex. Feeling scared of the situation, Stan finally asked, "Do you talk to Wendy?"

"Of course," Gary said with a small smile.

"I mean, do you talk to her about me?" Stan finally glanced up at the blonde. Eye contact was necessary in communication, despite Stan wanting to hide himself until the conversation was over. He was afraid of the answer.

Gary then smiled, as if telling the young man how he has nothing to worry about. "She doesn't know about us. The only time she talks about you is when she mentions her stuffed teddy bear." He laughed a little when Stan's cheeks pinkened with embarrassment. The teddy bear was a Valentine's Day make-up gift.

"Don't tell her about us," Stan mumbled. "I don't want her... To know." I don't want her to tell you about our fights we've had. The young man was afraid of the past. Wendy was a force not to mess with.

The topic of flaws was forgotten about, although Gary couldn't stop thinking about them. Asking about talking to his ex gave off a sense of paranoia. That, or maybe trust issues. Or insecurity. Gary prayed for Stan's peace of mind before praying about how much he loved his family, his friends, his church and the members, and, most of all, his loving Father.

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