By lexandsam

543 52 0

deranged (adj) mad; insane. They are mentally ill and cannot think or act normally. A deranged attacker is a... More

One: College, dudes
Two: Aussie
Three: Party Pooper
Four: Strange
Five: He said that?
Six: Protective
Seven: Love
Eight: Admit It
Nine: Fear
Ten: I Like You
Eleven: Fam
Thirteen: Noah
Fourteen: Lukey Pookey
Fifteen: For real
Sixteen: Psychopath
Seventeen: Going Home
Eighteen: I Promise
Nineteen: Sneak
Twenty: Caught
Twenty one: Noah
Twenty two: Sleepover
Twenty Three: Break in
Twenty Four: Paranoid
Twenty Five: Theo
Twenty Six: Plan B
Twenty Seven: Where did you go?
Twenty Eight: News
Twenty nine: This isn't love
Thirty: Jail Visit
Thirty one: Bail
Thirty two: New Beginnings
Thirty Three- High
Thirty Four: Hometown
Thirty Five: Movie night
Thirty Six: Decision
Thirty Seven: Grad
Thirty Eight: Keeping Secrets
Thirty Nine: Lovey dovey shit

Twelve: Falling

12 1 0
By lexandsam

Lexi's POV

"I'll see you guys soon." I told Sam's mom as I hugged her. Michael, Luke and I are going back to our places tonight, while Sam's family is staying overnight at the hospital. 

"We'll let you know how she is in the morning." Ambrose said as he gave me a hug. 

"Okay, thank you. I'll come back in the morning." I nodded. We left the hospital and drove back to school. It was around one in the morning now and I was exhausted. 

"See you tomorrow." Michael waved as he went down his hall. 

"Bye Michael." I said, as Luke and I walked down a different hall. We didn't talk much in the car, as he must know how worried I am. He walked me to my room when I asked him something. 

"Will you stay with me tonight?" I asked, not wanting to stay alone in Sam and I's dorm. I'd never stayed here alone. 

"Yeah, of course." He nodded, following me inside.

"Thank you." I said quietly. 

"You don't need to thank me..." Luke responded as he took off his shoes and sweatshirt and sat down on my bed. I changed into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and shut off the light. I maneuvered my way to my bed in the dark and climbed in. 

"Are you getting in?" I jokingly asked as he just sat there. He laughed to himself before crawling under the covers beside me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, and I felt safe. 

"Try to get some sleep, love." He whispered as I closed my eyes. Love. He'd never called me that before but I liked it, especially with his Aussie accent. I felt tired but my mind was wide awake, thoughts racing around my head. I looked at my alarm clock after what felt like forever to see that it had been almost two hours of trying to fall asleep and failing.

"Can't sleep?" I heard Luke mumble, scaring me half to death. 

"No." I whispered back, causing him to roll over and face me, although I could barely see his face in the dark. 

"Me neither." He told me, before sitting up and getting out of bed. 

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously, as it was around three in the morning. 

"Come." He simply said, and I got out of bed. He handed me his sweatshirt and I put it on. I grabbed my phone and keys when Luke walked out into the hallway. I locked the door and followed Luke down the hall. 

"Now will you tell me where we're going?" I asked. 

"Somewhere I've been a couple times to clear my head." He answered, as we walked towards the elevator but instead we started going up the stairwell. 

"Okay." I said. I looked at him for a moment as we walked up multiple flights of stairs. His hair was messy from sleep but it made him look even cuter and he had a small smile playing on his lips. I looked away and looked in front of us to see a metal door at the top of the stairs reading 'Roof Access: Residents and Staff Only'. He pushed it open quietly and we stepped out onto the concrete roof. 

"Wow." I said in awe, looking up at the billions of stars twinkling against the darkness above us.

"Pretty gorgeous, right?" Luke asked. 

"It's incredible." I agreed, walking towards the railing, looking out at the campus, and the tall buildings' lights glowing faintly in the distance. I turned around to see Luke laying in the middle of the roof, spread out as if he was doing snow angels. I smiled and walked over, laying down beside him. 

"So this is your spot?" I asked, looking at the stars. 

"You could say that." He responded. "You know, I came up here the first night of school, the day I'd met you. I saw a shooting star and I wished that we would get closer. Kind of sad." 

"Did you really?" I asked, laughing a little, for the first time today. 

"Yeah I did... luckily for me I think it'll come true." He said. He suddenly sat up and looked at me. 

"What?" I asked, sitting up a bit. 

"I am falling in love with you Lexi." He smiled. 

"Luke..." I warily said, facing him. 

"I know, you're probably thinking it hasn't been very long at all, and we're still getting to know each other but I really, really like you a lot and I'm falling in love with you." He said. I felt my cheeks get warm and leaned in, pressing my lips to Luke's. He ran a hand through my hair, the other gently on my cheek. Our lips moved in sync. 

"You're crazy... but I really, really like you a lot too, Hemmings." I whispered after we'd pulled away. I started to think about the last time I was told someone loved me. 


"There's another girl." Jay sighed.

"You're kidding... please tell me you're kidding." I said, my voice cracking. 

"I'm not. I'm sorry." He shrugged. 

"How long?" I asked, getting angry. 

"Since February." He rolled his eyes.

"So you're telling me these past five months we're just a waste..." I said, my vision blurring. "You've been seeing another girl since the beginning of our relationship!" 

"Yeah I have!" He shrugged. 

"Oh my god. You never loved me did you?" I asked. He didn't answer. But that was the only answer I needed. 

"Leave." I said, pointing to my door. He left without saying another word. I broke down as soon as he was out of sight. 

Every time I'm in love, something happens and I always end up getting hurt. First it was Avery, and then now Jay. I never wanna love anyone again. I thought to myself as I cried into my pillow. 


"Promise me... nevermind it's... stupid." I shook my head.  

"No, tell me." Luke gently said. 

"Promise me you're not just gonna leave, that one day you realize you don't want anything to do with me and walk away." I asked quietly. 

"I promise." He nodded, holding out his pinky. I smiled a little and we pinky promised. 

"I've never broken a pinky promise." He whispered, before kissing me on the forehead. 


aww that was cute

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