The Bad and The Broken

By summer___love

2.7M 67.4K 18.6K

Dawn Rayne Falls and her brother, Jesse Falls, are abused by her father, Jim. He is an alcoholic and abusive... More

The Beginning
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Part 76

Chapter 3

59.1K 1.2K 1K
By summer___love

Hey peoples! That's Jesse⬆️⬆️ he's a cutie. Btw his name is pronounced Jessie. He's fourteen (14) years old. I can't remember if I told you his age or not..

Dawn's POV

It's been a week, and it's Wednesday, and we are now in Florida. We are moving into a small town called Jaxson Vill. ( A/N: pronounced Jackson Vill)

We are almost at the house we are moving into and lemme tell ya, this trip was a nightmare.

•1 hour ago•

"I have to go to the bathroom" Jesse whispered ore to me.

"Why didn't you go 30 minutes ago?" I asked

"Er... I didn't have to got then." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh... er.. I don't know what to say. Remember last time?" I whispered back. Last time, we were moving to Tennessee. I asked to go to the bathroom and he locked me in the trunk. I'm scared of the dark.

Right now, my dad is driving, me and Jesse are in the back seats.

Jesse is sitting behind the passenger seat and I'm sitting in the middle seat, between the passenger and driver seat, beside Jesse. I made Jesse sit there and me sit here so that if father made a move, he'd get to me first and not Jesse.

And just incase he went for Jesse, I'm not buckled, so I can get in frontof him.

"Hey!" Jim barked

"No talking" he barked again, glaring daggers at us from the rear view mirror.

"Shh" I told Jesse.

My father pulled over at a near by gas station.

What are doing? We just got gas like 30 minutes ago.

Then I looked around. It's closed.

He got out and jerked open the door. He then roughly grabbed my upper arm and jerked me out of the car.

He proceeded by dragging my towards the back of the gas station.

"Let her go!" Jesse yelled, in anger and fear.

He kept protesting and screaming and yelling.

As my father was basically dragging me to the back of the station, I looked back in the car.

Jesse's about to get out.

I looked him right in the eyes an he looked me right in mine.

I shook my head, telling him to stop and get back in the car.

His eyes got glassy. And a lone tear escaped.

He quickly wiped it away and got back in the car.

When my father had successfully beaten me behind the gas station, he dragged me back to the car and threw me into it.

I landed half on the seat and half on Jesse.

Then, he started the car and we left.

•Right Now•

I now have a busted lip, a black eye and a throbbing chest and stomach. And, because he stomped on my leg, the left one, I have a limp.

•20 minutes later•

(A/N: lol. When I wrote that, I imagined the voice from sponge bob that said the time pass things 😂😂)

We are now arriving at the house.

It's a two story house, with a basement like always. It has pretty garden and bright green grass. It's very pretty. Nobody would even think about what would be going on inside that house. My father might be an alcoholic and abusive, but he's still smart about covering up what goes on in our house.

Everyone might just think we are a normal, loving family. When we aren't normal and my Father is FAR from loving.

I noticed we have neighbors that are pretty nosy, as all of them are on their porches watching.

I ignored them and started unloading everything from the truck with Jesse, while Jim went inside and sat on the couch

But I was limping and still hurt from the beating, so Jesse carried the big things.

The furniture was brought here and hour or two before we left with everything else.

When I turned around with a box in my hands, something caught my eye.

A guy, about my age, was on the porch, across the street, talking to some other guys. They were all laughing and smiling. I couldn't get a good look at him though. He's too far away. But I could tell they were all muscular and, by what I can see from here, they are good looking too.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and continued unloading the truck. I don't have time for boys.

When everything was off the truck, the driver that drove it here left.

Jesse was already inside. I got the last box and walked inside. Well, more like limped inside, but before I went through the door, I felt like something, or someone, was watching me.

I glanced over my shoulder to see the 4 guys across the street looking at me with curiosity but the only one that stood out to me was the guy I saw earlier.

I shrugged it off, shook my head, and went inside.


The next morning, I woke up to what sounded like glass shattering.

I quickly got out of bed and ran into Jesse's room. He's still asleep.

I ran into the lounge room and looked around.

When I didn't see anyone, I went into the kitchen to find Jim fuming with rage, and a shattered flower vase on the floor.

"What!" He screamed, looking at me. I could see the rage and fire in his eyes

He took very fast, long strides over to me, every step he took forward, I took one back.

"You start school today" he said while grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking my head back.

"I suggest you wake up that pathetic boy upstairs and get ready" he said.

That pissed me off, and without thinking, I said something back.

"He's not pathetic! If anyone in this house is pathetic, it's you!! You're such a piece of shit dad!! Hell, you aren't a dad at all!! Yo-" my yelling was cut off with a punch to the face.

Yep. I'm gonna have a black eye now.

The punch was so hard, I fell to the ground, which gave Jim the opportunity to kick me.

He kicked me again and again, while yelling things like, "you bitch!!, "pathetic whore", ect. ect. Nothing new.

He kicked me one last time and that's when I heard a sickening crack where my ribs are.

Fuck. He broke another rib.

The then stomped on my left leg. The same one he stomped on yesterday. I'm surprised he hadn't broken it yet.

But holy hell that hurt. But I didn't yelp or cry in pain. I just laid there.

He then straddled my waist and punched me and slapped me a few times.

He then got up, and went to his room.

I laid there in agony.

I shouldn't have done that. Gawd, why am I so stupid! I though to myself

I then heard rapid footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Oh gawd, Sis. What happened?" he asked worriedly.

He helped me up and helped me walk up the stairs.

"He c-called you pathetic" I said, stuttering a little from pain.

"So?" He asked confused.

He set me on the bed, then sat beside me.

"I called him pathetic... and a piece of shit." I told him

"Dawn! You need to stop this!" He raised his voice, while quickly standing in front of me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Stop what?" I asked

"Stop protecting me! You're only getting yourself hurt! I'm 14! Not 4!! I can take pain!" He said, raising his voice with each word.

I flinched at how loud his voice was.

His eyes filled with guilt and regret

"I-I'm sorry Dawn... it's just that I... I hate seeing you get hurt all the time because you're protecting me" he said looking down in shame.

I slowly stood up and hugged him.

"I will do ANYTHING to protect you, little bro. Anything. I'm 100 percent fine with getting hurt if it means keeping you safe. I know you're 14, but that makes no difference. Now, go get ready for school." I told him.

"Okay sis." He said. He then got his outfit for today and went into the bathroom to change.

We might be close, but I do not want him to see me half naked.

I got my clothes and waited my turn.

When he came out, about 5 minutes later, he was wearing blue jeans, a plain black t-shirt and his black converse.

I went into the bathroom and changed.

I'm wearing baggy jeans, an over sized Black Veil Brides t-shirt, and black converse.

I wear baggy clothes so that no one will notice how skinny I am.

I'm not anorexic, but we barley get fed and I give most of the food I get to Jesse.

My father is not rich, but he's not poor either. He got a lot of money from my moms funeral and stuff and he has a good paying job. I don't know what that job is though. And even though he does have money, and we have enough food, he still won't let us eat. Bastard.

I brushed my hair and put cover up on my face. It's the only make up I wear. Gawd I hate make up.

I came out of the bathroom to Jesse with my bag and his.

I reached for mine, but he pulled it way.

"What the fudge Jess" I said, using his nickname.

"You're not carrying it. I am." He said

"Why?" I asked with a little sass and attitude. Hey, I can get sassy.

"You just got a beating. You. Aren't. Carrying. It." He told me seriously.

"Ugh. Fine." I said aggravated.

We went down stairs and passed the basement door. I shuddered in fear.

Every house we have lived in has a basement. We are not a loud in the basement. It's like a big punishing room for when he wants us to get severely punished. I've only been in a basement once. I will never go back. And I will make sure that Jesse will never even see the back of the door. It was absolute torture.

We were about to leave but someone stopped us.

"Hey. Wait. We haven't gone ver the rules." Jim said.

We stood in front of Jim and waited for him to tell us the rules for school again.

I stood a little bit in front of Jesse, my body stiff.

"1. Do not talk to anyone!
2. No friends. You might tell them or they might find out.
3. Nothing but good grades and no detention and no trouble. If this does not happen, there will be consequences.
4. No boyfriends or girlfriends. They might find out or you might tell them.
5. No one is to know about what goes on in this house.
And 6. You. Will. Not. Talk. The only reason for this rule is so that I can make sure you won't tell anyone.
If you break any of these rules, you will go to the basement.
Are we clear!" He said.

"Yes sir" we said in unison.

"Good. Now get the fuck out!" He yelled, then threw a beer bottle at me, but I dodged it and we ran out of the house.

We walked down the driveway and on the sidewalk to high school.

Jesse goes to my high school because he got to skip a grade.

"What's in the basement?" Jesse asked.

I froze. Aw shit!!

"I-it-" I was cut of by a car honking

What the fuck.

"Hey! Newbies!" A squeaky voice said, more like squealed.

We both looked to the right to see a white Ashton Martin with a girl on the passenger side as someone else I couldn't see in the drivers seat.

(A/N: and Ashton Martin is type of car for all of you that do not know that.)

The girl has, obviously bleached, blond hair and has a face CAKED with make up. She has muddy brown eyes that held disgust when she looked at me, but hunger when she looked at Jesse. Whore. HE'S ONLY 14 DUMBASS, I wanted to yell.

I can't see her clothes due to the car door but I'm sure it's something slutty.

I looked at Jesse to see his face has only one emotion. Disgust.

"What?" He asked

I slapped his arm. We are supposed to be mute!! Looks like in the only mute one now.

"I just wanted to tell the girl that her shirt is totally ugly! Just like her face!" She squealed- I mean said.

At least I don't cake on make up to hide my ugliness like you. If you weren't ugly then you wouldn't wear all that icing on your face. I wanted to tell her.

Jesse was about to say something, but I stomped on his foot.

He looked at me and I shook my head no.

They sped off and I looked up.

"Slut" he mumbled.

I chuckled.

"Indeed she is." I agreed

We then proceeded our walk to school.

When we got there, we went to the office, ignoring all of the stares. I looked around to see some eyes held curiosity, some held amusement, and some were glares.

"Yes?" The secretary asked, not looking up from her computer.

"Things for Dawn and Jesse Falls please." Jesse said.

She glanced up at us.

She then got 2 pieces of paper and gave them to us.

They had our locker numbers, locker combos, and schedules.

Mine read:

Locker 2-257 Combo- 28-23-38
1 period- science- room 409
2 period- maths- room 406
3 period- history- room 408
4 period- lunch
5 period- English language arts- room 410
6 period- gym
7 period- automotive engineering
8 period- music

I took Jesse's schedule.

I was thankful yet confused.

Why would they have 10th graders and 12th graders eating lunch together?

"I'll see you later sis." He told me as we parted our separate ways.

I nodded, saying okay.

I then went to my hall to find my locker.

When I found it, I put my stuff in and got the things I needed which consisted of a pencil, a binder with paper, and my hoodie. I then got my phone and ear phones, that I bought with money I stole from Jim, put on my hoodie, and went to class.

Before I limped my way in, yes I'm still limping, I made my face blank and cleared my eyes of any emotion.

I walked in the class. All eyes were on me.

"Ah, yes. The new student.i am your teacher, Mr. Wells." The teacher said.

He's kinda old. He has classes and almost no hair.

'New student' has a name Mr. Ass Muncher.

"Class, this is Dawn Falls. I expect you to treat her with respect and make her first day here a good one" he said sternly.

"Would you like to tell the class anything about your self Miss Falls?" He asked

I shook my head no.

"Okay. Let's see... you can sit beside... Mr. Ryder." He said while pointing to someone in the back.

I look to where he is pointing and see a very sexy, very muscly guy. He has dark brown hair, blue eyes, a perfect jaw line. Good looking is an understatement.

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