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10.7K 338 109

[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴏɴᴇ - 𝘢𝘵 𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵]

'you stick to your guns when
they're against my head, this
time round aim for my chest instead'


Since the impromptu party at the compound, Thea had been staying with Cami as she didn't want to impose any further on the wolves and was sure as hell not ready to return home. As promised, the Lockwood teen had been doing everything she could to help Cami research ways to help her uncle – she had been on the phone constantly with Bonnie as the Bennett which helped to try and find something to help them, but so far, they hadn't come across anything worth giving a second glance to.

Seeing Cami so distressed and worried made Thea's problems seem insignificant and gave her the distraction she was so desperately seeking. Instead of worrying about herself and the broken relationship she and Klaus shared, she threw herself into trying to help Cami. The wolf had also visited Davina – as much as she was allowed that is with all the witch elders and Monique constantly harassing her and putting her down.

The witches were angry with Davina for not completing the Harvest when she was supposed to, and as a result, the poor girl was being treat as the runt – with no respect and completely shut out. Though Thea couldn't be with her every minute of every day, the wolf sought out every possible opportunity she had to visit the young witch in order to give her some relief from the witches' torments.

It seemed the witches were too fearful to cause trouble when Thea was around them as they didn't want Elijah and Klaus on their backs. And whilst the thought pissed Thea off greatly for she wanted nothing more than to kill them all for hurting the girl she considered a younger sister, she took respite in the fact that she was able to give Davina a few moments of freedom.

Rebekah had called her again yesterday, something that the young Lockwood teen was thankful for as she was able to unload all the drama that had unfolded onto her blonde friend. And, after 15 minutes of crying and Rebekah describing the many different ways she was going to murder her brother vividly, Thea had begun to feel much happier than she was previously.

She wasn't completely whole and her heart was still broken, but after spending a few days away with her friends and no hybrids to kill her mood, she was slowly getting better. However, the teen knew the next thing on her agenda was to have a proper talk with Klaus so she could get some closure and move past it. They were, after all, expecting a child together.

Speaking of which, Thea's bump had grown rather large over the last month as she went into her final month of pregnancy. The Lockwood teen was terrified as the baby's due date edged closer, still not 100% sure she was ready to be a mother – but every time she caught a glimpse of her bump in the mirror, she couldn't help but to smile as all her worries melted away.

She didn't know if she was ready for it, but she knew for certain that she'd try her damn hardest to be the best mom she could be. And even though she and Klaus weren't on the best terms at the minute, she knew that Klaus would make the best father to their child. Together, they would love their child with every ounce of their being and never let any harm come to her, even if they weren't in love themselves.


As Thea walked into the compound, her eyes filtered around all the different workmen as she held her hands up to her ears in an attempt to block out the loud noise. "Loud enough for you, Lijah?" the wolf commented teasingly as she found the moral Mikaelson stood in the middle of the courtyard, looking over all of the renovations with a calculating stare.

Elijah smiled at the wolf as he saw her – their little disagreement at the party being water under the bridge as he walked up towards her. Before he was able to reply, however, Klaus descended down the stairs with one hand to his own ear, "enough with all the racket!" the hybrid exclaimed loud enough to be heard over the top of the workers. At the sight of Klaus' tired, rugged appearance, Thea had to physically stop herself from running up and kissing him.

Her heart was telling her to forgive him and move on – wanting nothing more than to be back in his arms. But how are you supposed to follow your heart when it's broken and bleeding?

"Is there a problem, brother?" Elijah asked innocently, glancing at his brother before turning to the workers, "gentleman, please." As the workers stopped and left the compound, Klaus turned back to his brother with an annoyed expression on his face, "I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three-ring circus," the hybrid snapped before his gaze landed on Thea.

As he looked at her, he felt as if all the oxygen had been knocked out of him. She looked well enough, which is more than he could say for himself, but the light that previously shone brightly in her eyes had flickered out. He knew he needed to talk to her, to plead his case and tell her it had all been a misunderstanding and nothing had happened – but Genevieve's words rang clear in his head.

If he told her the truth, the witch had the potential to hurt their child. And whilst Klaus Mikaelson would never usually sand to be blackmailed, the circumstances were much too high to risk. After all, the safety of Thea and their child was his main priority – if he had to paint himself as the bad guy to do that, then so be it. But that didn't mean he was going to be unfaithful to Thea to do it.

Though she believed he had started up a semi-relationship with Genevieve, the truth couldn't have been further from it. Klaus loved Thea endlessly and he would never risk what they had for the sake of some red-headed two cent psychowitch – and though the idea of her thinking that he would physically hurt him, he would much rather have her and their child safe than learn the truth and be in danger.

He only hoped that once this was all over, she would understand and forgive him. And he would wait as long as it took for that to happen – because she was all he would ever want and need. "Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not," Elijah remarked as Klaus reluctantly drew his eyes away from the brunette that seemed completely unfazed by his presence.

"I agree with Lijah. I won't have our child growing up in a dusty pit," Thea commented as she looked around the compound with slight distaste causing the older original to chuckle as Klaus stared at her in wonderment. "You're coming back?" the hybrid asked with a hopeful tone, his eyes bright as he smiled at the wolf who simply rolled her eyes at him in response.

"Well I can't go hopping from couch to couch with a baby now can I? As much as Cami likes to tell me I'm always welcome at her house, I'm almost certain she won't enjoy a screaming baby waking her up at all hours of the morning," Thea responded with a teasing smile. Whilst she hadn't forgiven Klaus for breaking her heart, she was willing to be civil with him for the sake of their child.

"I also agree with your brother. It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover," Genevieve commented as she walked into the compound, her heels clicking dramatically amongst the stone causing Thea to roll her eyes in annoyance. "Genevieve. Nice of you to show up even in spite of the fact that nobody wants you here. Can we help you?" the Lockwood teen remarked with a false smile as she turned to face the witch causing both Mikaelson brothers to fight back laughter.

The red headed witch glared at the brunette before she smirked broadly, "actually, I do have a request. I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change." Thea stared at the witch in disbelief, wondering where she found the cheek to request something from the family she'd so viciously attempted to destroy.

"Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?" Elijah asked somewhat interested in what the witch was saying causing Thea to frown at him. Genevieve smirked at the sight as she continued, "La Fête des Bénêdictions. Feast of the Blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest girls to society," the witch spoke with pride.

"Let me get this straight," Thea began as stared at the witch in disbelief, astounded by her audacity, "your coven attempted to destroy my family, whilst you yourself locked my best friend and soulmate away in unspeakable torment – and you would like a party for the witches?" the wolf questioned incredulously causing both Klaus and Elijah to chuckle.

Genevieve narrowed her eyes at the wolf once again before a smirk found its way onto her lips, "I made my amends with your soulmate," the witch responded with a wicked smirk, though her tone held a slight bitterness as she looked at the wolf who was stood between both brothers enviously. Whilst the comment was implying something that obviously wasn't true, Thea had everything Genevieve wanted and the witch wanted her to feel just a fraction of the constant envy she felt when being around her.

Thea's hardened expression fell slightly at the witch's remark only causing Genevieve's smirk to broaden as she realised she had got what she wanted. "Why don't you think it over?" the red-head drawled as she looked from Thea to both Elijah and Klaus – her eyes lingering on the hybrid for an extra moment before she threw him a seductive wink. And it took all of Thea's strength – along with Elijah's as he seemed to realise what she was about to do and wrap his arms around her frame – to not run after the psychowitch and put her back in the ground where she belonged.


Not wanting to stay at the compound with Klaus, Thea decided to go to the Bayou with Elijah to invite the wolves to the witches feast. The Lockwood teen was still astounded that Elijah had agreed with the witch slut's plans, but she quickly became slightly happier about it when she realised this party they were throwing was also for Davina. And whilst Thea knew of the harshness the witches treat her with, she prayed that this party would bring the young teen some sort of relief.

"Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French Quarter. Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend," Elijah spoke evenly as he looked between Hayley, Jackson and Oliver – attempting to invite the wolves to the feast, though Hayley was having none of it. "Thanks, but, no thanks?" Hayley rudely responded with a glare causing Thea to huff in annoyance.

Though she understood why Hayley was so angry with the invitation – it had after all been the wolves that created all this mess in the first place – Thea knew that if none of them were willing to move past their differences, there would never be any peace within the Quarter. "Let's hear the man out," Oliver sighed as he looked from Hayley to Elijah with an irritated glare.

"The witches are the ones that cursed your pack," Hayley reminded him as she glared at the blonde wolf before she shifted her gaze towards where Thea was stood, "and they've been nothing but crap to me and you, T, since we got here. I'm surprised you're so on board with the idea," the Marshall wolf commented. Thea shrugged her shoulders, "truthfully, I'd much rather use Genevieve's face as a dartboard than attend her party, but I'm doing this for D."

Jackson placed a hand on Hayley's arm as he looked towards her, "it's a new day in the Quarter, Hayley. If we're gonna coexist, we have to play ball," the wolf told her causing Hayley to frown as Thea watched with calculating eyes – not liking the way he so effortlessly agreed. "We'll send a representative with a gift," Jackson said as he looked back towards Thea and Elijah before walking off with Oliver hot on his heels.

Hayley turned to follow them but before she could, Elijah reached out to stop her with a suspicious look on his face. "That was too easy. Don't trust him. Don't trust any of them," the original warned causing Hayley to frown before Elijah grabbed Thea's hand, speeding away and leaving the wolf to ponder over what he'd just told her.


As night fell, Thea made her way into the French Quarter with her arm looped around Elijah's and a fresh smile on her face. The wolf was dressed in a short, black ruffle dress that was littered with small purple flowers. The dress was simple and elegant and was the most comfortable thing she could find to fit over her ever growing bump.

Her long hair was tied back and her make-up looked effortless which seemed to piss Genevieve off majorly as she and Elijah walked past her – something the wolf found amusing as she shot the witch a cheeky smile and small wave. Elijah chuckled as he steered her away from the red-head and towards an annoyed looking Hayley that had just walked in, "strange. I thought you'd be in the company of your colourful friends."

Hayley stared at him blankly, "oh. You asked for a representative for the werewolves, so take me or leave me," the Marshall woman told him sternly causing Elijah to smile as Thea chuckled slightly. Holding out his other arm, Hayley reluctantly took it before the three of them began to walk through the party as if they were the most important people there.

As the party began to kick in, Thea drifted away from Hayley and Elijah – leaving them both to dance as she decided to mingle amongst the crowd that had gathered before Genevieve clinked on her glass, catching everyone's attention as she began to make an announcement. Thea moved back over to Elijah and Hayley as the witch began, stood on a platform that Thea hoped would cave in.

"Welcome. As is our time-honoured tradition, you are all welcome to deliver your offerings. It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied," Genevieve smiled as she gestured to the three resurrected Harvest girls that were all sat behind her, each dressed to represent a different element. Thea waved and smiled at Davina as she joined the line that the guests had all began to form, smirking internally as she saw Genevieve glare at her from across the room.

The Lockwood wolf had gotten the witch a small pendant that had her birthstone, a small star with a 'D' engraved, and a heart that had 'little sister' engraved on it. Thea had a matching one with her own birthstone, the letter 'T' and 'big sister' on it. She had also gotten Bonnie to send over one of her old grimoires – figuring the witch could get some use out of it.

Hayley was the first guest to offer her Blessing, but just as she was about to hand her gift to Davina, she was stopped by an attendant who told her to give the gift to Monique. Thea frowned as the Marshall woman did as she was told and left the stage, sending a glare to Genevieve knowing it was her fault Davina wasn't receiving any gifts.

As the rest of the guests walk onto the stage to give their gifts, Thea watched in disappointment as no gifts were being delivered to Davina causing her anger and irritation to rise. When it was finally the wolf's turn, the same attendant that stopped Hayley from giving her gift to Davina walked closer towards her to tell her the same thing. Instead of following her orders however, Thea simply narrowed her eyes at the woman.

"My gift isn't for Monique, it's for Davina," the wolf snarled in anger, her gaze lifting over the woman's shoulder to smile at Davina who gave her a grateful smile in response. "Now, get out of my way," Thea demanded with a harsh glare as she turned back to the attendant, smirking triumphantly as the woman moved and she was allowed to walk over to Davina.

"Hey, D," Thea smiled as she stopped in front of the witch, handing her the gift bag she held in her hand causing Davina to smile up at her thankfully. "Thea! I'm so glad you came," Davina beamed happily, though there was a sadness in her eyes that made Thea grit her teeth in anger – knowing the witches were trying to do everything they could to put her down. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Vina," the wolf smiled as she bent down to hug the teen – she knew she was taking up more time than the others but she didn't care.

"If any of them do or say another thing to me, you let me know and I'll help you kick their asses," Thea whispered into the witch's ear causing Davina to chuckle slightly. "Thank you," Davina smiled as the two pulled away, causing Thea to nod as she smiled back at her, "that's what big sisters are for," the brunette joked, winking at the witch before turning to leave the stage, glaring at Genevieve as she walked to stand back with Elijah and Hayley.

As she joined them, Klaus made his way onto the stage causing Thea to frown in confusion, "ladies and gentle, may I have your attention, please," the hybrid began, capturing everyone's attention as the guests began to quieten down. "We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches," Klaus began causing both Thea and Hayley to scoff, "but one very special witch has been utterly ignored. That seems a little unfair to me," the hybrid finished, walking over to Davina and handing her a small box as his offering.

"No," Davina told him, shaking her head in refusal as she glared at him causing Thea to smirk slightly, "I don't want your gift," she denied. Klaus frowned at her words, "I understand why you would reject me, given our past. In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict my brother's treaty ended," the original stated just as Josh entered the room causing both Davina and Thea's eyes to widen in fear.

"Your friend Josh here, was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now. But, in the spirit of solidarity, and for your favour, Davina, I hereby pardon him," Klaus stated, causing Thea to let go of the breath she was holding, relief washing over her features as she smiled up at the man on the stage. She didn't know what his game plan was – or if he even had one (but let's be honest, Klaus Mikaelson always has a ploy up his sleeve) – but the sight of him showing kindness to his friend made her heart sting a little bit less.

"Josh, from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me," the original said as he looked towards the vampire, causing Josh to exhale a breath in relief. "Please," Klaus stated as turned back towards Davina, handing her the box once again which she accepted, before jumping off of the stage – throwing Genevieve a smirk as he noticed her disappointed frown.

"Word on the street is you've made quite an impression amongst the different factions here in the Quarter," Klaus smiled, his dimples showing as he stopped in front of Thea causing the wolf to chuckle slightly, shrugging her shoulders in response. "What can I say, I'm a very impressive person," the Lockwood wolf responded with a laugh, earning a small chuckle from Klaus as he nodded his head in agreement, "that you are."

"Is there something you wanted Klaus?" Thea asked after a moment of silence, a frown on her lips as she looked at the man that had broken her heart. Klaus frowned at her question, fighting internally whether to tell her the truth – and in the end he decided he didn't care about the small little threats Genevieve made, he could no longer have Thea hating him for something that he didn't even do.

Genevieve had gained too much control over his life, and he was itching to put a stop to it. "I wanted to explain – what happened the other day, wasn't what it looked like at all," Klaus began causing Thea to roll her eyes, "Genevieve walked in like that whilst I was changing – nothing happened between us, and nothing ever will. I told you I loved you Thea, and I meant it, do you really think I'd throw all that away for some two-cent witch?" the hybrid asked, nothing but sincerity in his tone causing Thea to frown up at him in confusion.

"So then, why not just tell me that then? Why make me believe that you were sleeping with her, breaking my heart in the process, just to tell me now?" the Lockwood teen asked, her head blurry from everything he was saying. She didn't know what to think – his eyes told her he was telling her the truth, but none of what he was saying made any sense.

"Because I couldn't. Genevieve gave me an ultimatum – either I push you away and have her on our side, or I tell you the truth and have her against us. I didn't want to hurt you, Thea, but I'd much rather you hate me than have you and our child in danger," the hybrid revealed causing Thea's eyes to widen in shock, before her expression returned to one of slight confusion and anger.

"So instead you let some reject witch blackmail you? You, the great Klaus Mikaelson?" the wolf snapped in anger, not understanding why he allowed himself to be blackmailed by some low-level witch. She wasn't anything special – if Klaus wanted, he could easily put her back in her grave, so why did he just let her walk all over him? It didn't make any sense.

"Because I needed her on my side. She's of more use to me on our side than she is against us. The risk was far too large to cross her, I will not actively endanger you and the life of our child for the sake of angering some witch," Klaus shot back causing Thea to frown as everything began to make sense. Though she still wasn't sure why Klaus didn't just kill the witch, she understood his point.

Genevieve had imprisoned both Klaus and Rebekah – there was no telling what she could do to Thea and their unborn child if she had the chance. The Lockwood teen felt sick with guilt and anger; guilt that she believed Klaus would start a relationship with another woman so quickly after admitting his feelings for her – though, in her defence, the scene she had walked in on that morning was pretty telling, even if she had gotten the wrong end of the story.

And angry that she had allowed Genevieve to so viciously manipulate her. The only time Thea had actually seen Klaus with Genevieve was that one morning, and on the balcony at the party – all of her other doubts were caused by the witches comments and snide looks. "You know, I'm so sick of pushing each other away and keeping secrets from each other for the safety of our child," Thea commented, huffing her cheeks in anger as she looked towards the hybrid.

"The only way we're going to be able to properly take care of this baby is if we work together as a team, as parents. Whilst we're both out searching for different ways to keep her safe, we're poking holes in the foundation we've already built," the wolf continued, her tone growing gentler as she looked at Klaus' dimpled smile, her frustrations slowly melting away.

"From now on, Nik, we're in this together – no more jealous, manipulative witches trying to gain favour by breaking us a part, no more making rogue deals without each other's knowledge. From now on, we do this together, that is the only way we're going to keep our child safe," Thea finished with a stern expression causing Klaus to smirk slightly.

"You know, you've come a long way, little wolf. I knew you were tough, I knew you were cunning, and I always knew you were destined to be a queen. You're going to make a brilliant mother," the hybrid told her causing Thea to blush slightly. Before she had the chance to reply however, a large group of drummers marched into the party, causing Thea and Klaus to frown in confusion as Elijah walked closer towards them with a look of apprehension.

"Happy La Fête des Bénêdictions. We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard," the lead drummer causing the room to erupt in hushed whispers as all the onlookers watched confused. Klaus pulled Thea closer towards him, nervous that something was about to happen. Just then, all of the drummers took out straight razor blades and slit their wrists open, bleeding all over the floor.

The vampires in the room started to get antsy and vamp out at the smell of blood causing Elijah to scowl as he stepped forward, looking towards them all, "control yourselves. This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement," the original warned. Suddenly, the lights went out and the vampires began feeding on the drummers as well as the other humans at the party causing loud screams to cut through the silence as the party dissolved into chaos.

"Thea!" Klaus shouted as he felt her slip from his hold and he wasn't able to see her. The wolf looked around the party in search of where the shout came from but she couldn't see a thing, "Klaus!" the teen called out just as she was suddenly knocked to the ground. Placing a hand over her stomach, Thea crawled over to a corner, figuring it was best for her to stay low as she attempted to find her way out.

Suddenly, the lights switched back on illuminating the dozens of dead and injured humans lying on the ground. Thea frowned as she looked to her side, jumping a bit in fright as she found two, cold, dead eyes staring back at her, "Klaus!" the wolf called anxiously, looking aimlessly around the room for her soulmate. Klaus let out a sigh of relief as he spotted her, rushing towards her quickly as he picked her up from the floor.

"You're alright love, I've got you," Klaus soothed as he held her tightly to his chest, the wolf gripping onto him just as tightly. As they both looked around, their eyes quickly caught sight of the phrase, 'THERE WILL BE NO PEACE', written on the wall in blood causing Thea to shiver slightly in fear.

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