predestined | jace herondale

By concupiscentz

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he was my escape from all the insanity that surrounded me; things I thought were only legends. More



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By concupiscentz

Sebastian sat with me in the Hunters Moon, as my finger glided against the paper of the my sketch book I brought.

Sebastian watched me carefully, "Thank you for inviting me."

I looked at him, "You're welcome? I mean- I needed a friend, that's all."

"Yeah, I got that when you made it explicitly clear that this hang out would be strictly platonic." Sebastian softly chuckled at me, his accent thick as he spoke.

"I got dumped, Sebastian." I looked back down at my sketch book, "And, you're a good person to talk to."

"Well," He brought up, "Aren't you the slightest bit relieved?"

"As much as I don't want to admit it- yeah, but it sucks that I hurt him." I set the piece of charcoal down, "We haven't talked since that night."

"If you guys are as close as you make it seem, I'm sure he'll come around at some point." Sebastian took a gulp of his drink.

"You're right." I exhale deeply, my eyes scanning the drawing, beginning to blend the charcoal in more.

Sebastian peers over my shoulder at the drawing I was working on, "Your artistry skills are truly outstanding."

"I wouldn't say that-" I softly laughed, looking at him, when I feel a hard stare on.

I looked up, noticing Jace, whom was seated at the island, holding a drink in his hand, his stare fixed on Sebastian and I.

He was almost glaring at Sebastian.

He caught my eye, our eyes locking together.

We held eye contact for a few moments, before it was too much for me to handle.

I blink, clearing my throat, downing the rest of my drink and closing my sketch book, looking at Sebastian, "I should get back to the Institute."

"Of course-" Sebastian nods, getting up with me, "Let me at least walk you back?"

"Uh, yeah- sure." I nod, giving him a smile, before leaving the Hunters Moon with him, Jace watching me as I left, I unintentionally making eye contact with him once more as I walked out.

Sebastian and I walked down the sidewalk, making small talk until I notice a trail of what looked like blood trailing into an alley.

Sebastian notices me stopping, "What's wrong?"

"Sebastian- that's blood." I held my book tight to my side, slowly pushing the fence open and walking into the alley.

Sebastian follows me, as we both jerk to a stop, noticing something on the ground, "Human flesh."

"Sebastian." I crouched, looking closer at it, noticing a rune on the skin, "That's a rune."

Sebastian and I exchange looks, as I got back up, the both of us pulling out our seraph blades, slowly following the trail of blood.

Then, when we turn the corner, there is a lifeless Shadowhunter, his runes carved out out his body, making me gasp.


"Shadowhunter down." Jace calls out to Isabelle and Alec, Clary joining the conversation as did Inquisitor Herondale.

I was walking next to him, "Milo Keytower."

"What happened?" Clary looked at us.

"From what I understand, his runes were carved out." Inquisitor Herondale mentions, "Is that true, Jace?"

"Yes." Jace nods, "After he was attacked by a wolf."

I add in, "He had multiple bite and claw marks when I found him."

"What kind of werewolf randomly attacks a Shadowhunter?" Isabelle thought out loud.

"One who's trying to send a message." Alec was already saying.

Inquisitor Herondale adds in, "And get the attention of the Clave.

"We need to find them before this happens again." Clary looks between all of us.

Inquisitor Herondale inhales sharply, "Well, I think I have a pretty good idea who it is."


Soon, I was walking next to Clary as we walked towards Jace and Alec in the Ops Center, two shadowhunters being wheeled on a stretcher behind us as the alarm rang.

"What happened?" Jace instantly asked, looking between us all.

"We found Rosegreen and Penmount dead in the Bowery." I crossed my arms, "Runes carved out."

Clary nods, "Just like Keytower."

Alec looked at one, "Except Penmount's been drained by a vampire."

"And Rosegreen was lanced by a Seelie Knight." Jace notices, looking up at us.

Clary crosses her arms, "It's not just a lone wolf."

I nod, "It's multiple Downworlders."

"Luke was right all along." Jace looks up at Alec, "The Downworlders want revenge."

Jace inhales sharply, "This could be the start of an uprising."


"Another Shadowhunter was found Dead last night in Williamsburg." Inquisitor Herondale said at the briefing, "This time, murdered this time murdered by a warlock. In this time of crisis, it is essential that we maintain strong leadership."

"That is why I am naming Jace Herondale," Inquisitor gestures towards Jace, "Head of the Institute, effective upon my departure to Idris."

"Dismissed." The minute she says those words, Clary, Isabelle, Alec and I were by Jace.

"Head?" I nudge his side, "Congratulations."

"Let's not make a big deal about this." Jace walks with us as we all had smiles on our faces, "She's still in charge until she leaves."

Despite the smile, I could see this bothered Alec.

"Still!" Isabelle pressed as we surrounded the table, "Being appointed Head of the Institute and finding out you're a Herondale? Don't let it get to your head.l

"So- Herondales are what, like the Kennedys of the Shadow World?" I questioned, looking between them all.

"It's an old Shadowhunter family." Alec answered from next to me, "Like the Lightwoods."

"But, we are the Kennedys." Isabelle winks at me.

"Let's focus on what matters." Jace cuts in, "The Inquisitor would like us to reach out to our allies, to see what they know. At this point, she considers all Downworlders suspects."

Alec inhales, "That's casting a pretty broad net."

"She can't possibly think any of our friends did this." Clary's eyebrows furrow.

"Yeah, well, we'll prove that to her." Jace said, "Since Luke's DNA cleared him, we should collect samples from all of our friends to clear them as well. I'll make an Institute-wide announcement."

I looked at Clary, "You should go talk to Simon."

Clary's eyes scan my face, "Okay, yeah."

I barely nod, walking away from them, until I heard footsteps behind me.

Jace was next to me, "Hey, can I talk to you?"

I stopped, looking at her, "What's up?"

"Why won't you go talk to Simon?" Jace questions, making me realize I hadn't told him about my breakup with Simon.

"He broke up with me." I crossed my arms, "We aren't on speaking terms right now."

Jace blinks, "You- move on fast, then."

"What?" I stare at him, confused.

"Sebastian." Jace mentions, "I saw you guys at the Hunters Moon, remember?"

"Sebastian and I aren't a thing." I quickly said, "We aren't anything-"

What looked like relief flashed over his face, "You're not?"

"Yeah- we're not." I stare at him.

"He seems pretty interested in you." Jace mentions, making me roll my eyes.

"No- we're just friends." I backed away from him, "Just friends."


I walked through the streets alone, feeling the need to get out the Institute and get some air.

Then, my phone rings in my pocket.

I pulled it out, my eyes widening at the name on the screen, as I instantly answered it, "Simon."

"Zee." Simon's quiet voice filled my ears, "Hey."

"Hi." I exhale deeply, "It feels great to hear your voice again."

"Clary told me about how you didn't come to ask me about the DNA test because of what happened." Simon confesses, making my heart beat faster in fear, "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" I walked down an alley, "You don't need to be sorry- I'm the one who should be sorry-"

"No, I am. I pushed you away- and you were being honest with me-" Simon sighs, "Listen, I'm upset- I'll admit it, but- you're my best friend."

"What does that mean?" I began to say, but then my words were followed by a grunt as I fell to the ground after being knocked.

I dropped my phone, my eyes noticing a dark figure above me.

"Zee?" Simon's voice calls for me from my phone as I pulled out my blade and attempted to fight back, only for the dark silhouette to get the upper hand and knock me out completely.


When my eyes open, a room light shines in my eyes, making me sit up quickly in alert.

Alec's hand touches my arm, making me realize I'm in my room and he was sitting by my bed that I laid in, "Hey, calm down."

"I've officially seen everything." My voice came out raspy, "You out of all people sitting by my bed, waiting for me to wake up. Now, that's a surprise."

The corner of Alec's lips turn up, but barely, as if he was withholding information from me.

I sat up straighter, "What happened?"

"You were drugged." Alec folds his hands together, "Fortunately, Simon got to you before it was too late."

"They tried to kill me?" I inhale sharply, beginning to get out of bed, "Simon saved me- where is he, did he leave?"

"Hey." Alec stops me, "Take it easy."

"Where is he, Alec?" I stood up, feeling slightly dizzy, "Tell me."

"He refused to leave the premises." Alec began, "Inquisitor Herondale had him taken down to the detention level."

"She locked him up?" I was slipping on my shoes, grabbing my jacket.

Alec sighs, "Do you ever listen?"

"Have you met me?" I threw on my jacket, leaving my room, heading toward the elevators and heading down the detention level.

I walked toward the cell Simon was held in, staring to reach for the door when Duncan stops me, "You cannot be down here."

I looked at him in confusion, "I have clearance."

"Not anymore." He exhales, "Inquisitor's orders."

"Duncan, please." I began, "I need to see Simon."

Then, I was being pulled away, "Simon!"

"Zee?" I heard him reply, and hit the door, "Zee!"

"Simon!" I yelp as I was being pulled away, "Simon, if you can hear me, I will get you out of here!"


The elevator beeps when it opens, as I see Jace hanging up the phone, walking towards me.

I step out and the first thing I do when I walk over to him is slap him right in the face.

"What is wrong with you?" I was angry as he backed away as I moved forward, "So- Imogen says to lock up Simon and you just let it happen?"

"Zee, I tried to help Simon." Jace shot back at me, his hand dropping from his cheek, "You know I wouldn't have done any of this if he hadn't broken Clave rules."

"Oh wow, that's just amazing- suddenly, now that you're a Herondale, you're into rules?" I scoff back, "You know, Jace Herondale might have some kind of family name to live up to, but the Jace I know would break any rule for the people he cares about."

"People are dying." Jace's arms were crossed, "People I've known my entire life- people I trained with. There are no easy choices right now."

"A team just found Lockheart dead." Inquisitor Herondale walked over to us, with Maia behind held by two men, "And we've just caught his killer."

"Maia?" I looked at her, "Wait- what's going on?"

"Lockheart was mauled by a wolf." Inquisitor Herondale began, "Ms. Roberts was found a block away, minutes after the kill."

"I was walking home from work." Maia instantly spoke up, moving her cuffed wrists as she spoke, "What, is that a crime now too?"

Inquisitor Herondale looks at her, "Did anyone see you walking home from work?

"It's New York City." I cross my arms, "A lot of people were a block away- and you decided to pick her to take in?"

Inquisitor Herondale's attention was diverted toward me, "An hour ago, this wolf viciously attacked Jace for carrying out a Clave mandate."

Maia was quick to shoot back, "To put a tracking chip in my neck!"

"Wait what?" I scoffed, looking at Jace in disbelief, who couldn't look me in the eye.

"You know, I have been stopped by cops for no other reason than being black, but I thought the Shadowhunters were more evolved than that." Maia exclaimed, "Jace, I didn't do this."

Jace opened his mouth to speak, Inquisitor Herondale beating him to it, "Six Shadowhunters are dead. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment."

"Isn't fear an emotion, Inquisitor?" I stepped closer, as only anger was threaded in my tone, "Because that's all this is. You're afraid that they're going to get to your grandson, so you're throwing whoever you find a block away from the scene in a cell just to be safe."

Inquisitor looked at me, dead silent as I continued.

"Tracking people because of the kind of blood they have. Locking them up without recourse?" I shook my head, "Is that what the Clave stands for?"

"Your idealism is charming, but when they wheel in the next dead Shadowhunter with their runes carved out, what will you tell their family? What will your ideals have done for any of them?" Inquisitor shot back at me, then glanced at the men, "Put her downstairs with the vampire."

Her phone rings as she steps away, while they dragged Maia away, "Excuse me."

"Jace, tell her to stop." I looked at Jace, "You know this is wrong."

"I'm needed in Idris." Inquisitor Herondale walks back over to us, "The Institute is in your hands now, Jace."

"Make me proud." She said, before walking away from us.

"Zee, there's no perfect way to do this." Jace sighs, "I'm doing my best."

"You know, not too long ago, everyone thought you had demon blood." I stared at him, "If you weren't a Herondale, she'd be locking you up, too."

Then, I walked away.


"But- I've realized that being a Daylighter is like, totally overrated." I heard Simon speak as Jace and I went down to where Maia and him were locked up, "Like, I should have got something cool, heat vision, or invisibility-"

Jace opens the door, "If only you were invisible."

"Zee!" Simon ran and hugged me, "You okay? I tried to stay but they wouldn't let me-"

"I'm fine." I hugged back for a moment, pulling away, "Thanks for saving my life."

"Anytime, Young." Simon softly smiled at me.

Maia looked at Jace, "You know damn well I didn't kill anyone."

Jace crosses his arms, "Yeah, well, even so, I should probably let you cool out down here for that right hook you landed."

"You deserved it." Maia shrugs.

I crossed my arms as well, "I bet he did."

"Yeah, I did." Jace looks between us, "I was wrong- I'm sorry."

"Did you just- apologize?" I questioned in amusement, "Can you do that again so I can record it?"

Jace shot me a look, but I could see him holding back a smile.

"An apology from you." Maia was also surprised, "Wow- there's a first time for everything."


"This is gonna be humiliating." Simon walked with me as we headed toward the Hunters Moon, "What if there's only like, two or three people?"

"Simon." I shot him a look, "There's not only going to be three people."

We hadn't mentioned anything about what was said on the phone between us, and it was as casual as it could be, as we were heading toward his gig.

"I'm not even ready to perform in front of two or three people yet." Simon rambles, "Unless they're really drunk."

"Simon." I opened the door, "You're going to do great."

When we entered the Hunters Moon, it's filled with people.

Him and I head to Maia as he's the first one to speak, "Hey what's going on? Are you giving away free alcohol?"

Maia smiles and holds up the flyer, "Turns out some vampires got wind of a singer they're really into."

"See?" I nudged him, "Your vampire friends know a good thing when they see it."

"Something tells me it's not all about the music." Simon inhales sharply as I gently pushed him towards the stage.

"Go, Simon!" I laughed lightly, as he quickly walked over to the stage, as I gave Maia a smile, beginning to head over to a seat on the island.

"Oh, hey, um- this is on me." Maia stops me and hands me a beer, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks, Maia." I smiled at her, then looked between her and Simon, "I can tell he likes you."

Maia blinks, "What? I thought you and-"

"No, we're not together anymore." I shook my head lightly, "I think you should go for it."

Maia softly smiled at me, as I returned the gesture, sitting down on the stool, watching Simon.

"Hi! We're Rock Soli-" Simon began speaking into the microphone, before looking at me, "I'm Simon Lewis."

"Thank you all for coming." He thanked, "Um- this is for the Downworld."

Then, when he began to sing, I hear someone sit next to me.

I turn, and notice Jace.

I instantly took a sip of my beer and look at him, "Hello."

"Hey." Jace softly smiled at me, "You drink beer?"

"Barely." I swung my feet lightly, "You here on business or for a beer?"

Jace exhales, "Business."

"I'll leave you to it-" I began turning back around to watch Simon, but he grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Zee, I'm sorry." Jace apologizes, "You had every right to blow up on me earlier- and you were right, I wasn't myself."

"I swear, I need to catch this stuff on video." I softly laughed, this earning a laugh from him too.

"So, what's the business you have to attend to?" I questioned, "You know- as Head of the Institute, you make the order's, right?"

"Actually, our new Head, Alec, gave me orders to remove the chip from Maia." Jace corrects me, "I appointed him Head."

"There's the Jace I know." My smile formed wider, as I glanced at Maia, "Go remove that chip."

Jace bit down on his lip to hold back a smile as I broke eye contact, turning and watching Simon again.

authors note:

y'all have no idea how excited I am for the next chapter

also, zee's great in this chapter omggg

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