You Are Always Mine (YiZhan/W...

By KavyaAgnihotri

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[Republishing] Lan Zhan and Wei Ying became cultivator partners in their past life. Wei Ying was the famous Y... More

Characters Introduction
Glimpse Of The Past: Chapter 01
Entangled In A Scandal: Chapter 02
YiZhan Team Up: Chapter 03
Why should I Work With Him?! : Chapter 04
Thank You Wang Yibo : Chapter 06
Injured Wang Yibo : Chapter 07
YiZhan Escape : Chapter 08
Taking Care Of Injured Wang Yibo : Chapter 09
New Story Update

You Are Screwed : Chapter 05

6.3K 333 23
By KavyaAgnihotri

Xiao Zhan's POV

Why did I suddenly feel as if I knew the voice. Why this voice was so familiar to me. I must listen to it very clearly. I increased the volume of my phone so that I wouldn't miss any words of the the speaking woman.

"You!!! Don't dare to play games with me," a male voice suddenly thundered. I was pretty sure the male voice is Wen Chao's voice. Who else could have such a terrible voice?

"Hey mister, don't be so mad at me. I even went against my boss for you and now you are putting blame on me?" A female voice spoke. Her voice sounded as if she was wrongly criticized.

But...What?! She went against her boss? Who is her boss? And why do I feel so familiar with this voice? Is she one of my employee or what?! Moreover, why this voice had similarity with Wen Qing?! I am really getting confused . Again I heard the male voice.

"Hey girl don't try to play dirty tricks with me. If I find you, I will show how miserable death is," Wen Chao said while gritting his teeth. Perhaps he also broke something in his house.

"You? Will find me? Hahaha..what a joke? Find me first then I will think about it," with that female voice, the conversation ended.

This voice...I needed to find that girl a soon as possible . She was the only proof to prove my innocence. But how would I find her? Her felt as if she was close to me. Why her voice was similar to Wen Qing?! Yeah! The voice was almost like Wen Qing but its not definitely her. I am sure. Because she was there for me during our hard times. But...whatever! I need to talk to her. I rushed out of my room and knocked on Wen Qing's door.

"Wen Qing! Wen Qing open the door," I knocked on her door as if earthquake hit our area and we need to get out as soon as possible.

"Ahh...who is this at this midnight? I am sleepy," a low groan was heard from the opposite side of the door. I was sure Wen Qing was annoyed as hell but right now I need a explanation from her.

"Qing Qing...I am sorry but please open the door . I need to talk to you about the scandal," I said in a pleading voice, hoping that she wouldn't turn me down as it was related to the scandal.

Within no time the door opened and Wen Qing looked at me with wide eyes. Even though her eyes clearly showed that she needed sleep, but still she tried to look at me with big eyes to avoid her sleepiness.

"What? Did you figure out who framed you?" Wen Qing asked with excitement. Within no time I felt a tight grip on my hand and the next moment, I was in her room. "Now tell me what did you find about the scandal?" She said as she sat in the middle of the bed like a thrilled kid while pating the space beside her so that I could join her and explain what exactly had happened.

Seeing her excitement, a silent chuckle escaped from my lips. Walking towards her, I sat beside her before continuing, "Wen Qing, I got this file from the chip which I inserted in Wen Chao's shirt. And I don't know why a heard a voice very similar to yours." I said while playing the audio clip.

Wen Qing's eyes widened as listened to the voice. Looking at me with horror in her eyes, she shook her head violently, trying to deny as if she was being accused.

"What the hell?! Why it sounds like my voice?!" She screamed, " I didn't do anything Xiao Zhan." She gulped while her breathing became uneven. "Z-Zhan...I-I really didn't do anything!" She was almost trembling while looking at me with uncertain eyes a if they wanted to tell me the truth.

Normally Wen Qing was a calm woman who knew how to control her emotions but when some events of her past haunted her, her anxiety disorder appeared and she would become restless.

Shit! Her anxiety problem is appearing again! I have to control her first! Moving towards her, I held her shoulders tightly, trying to make her look at me. "Wen Qing, calm down. I believe in you " I said in a calm and gentle voice to make her believe that I believe in her.

She looked at me with teary eyes as if she was looking for the trust for her in my eyes. I smiled gently and nodded a little, assuring her that I trusted her. It seemed to work on her as she calmed down a bit.

"Are you okay, QingQing?" I looked at her while she lowered her gaze and nodded slightly.

She was looking down as if she was avoiding my gaze of her. Unconsciously, my brows got knitted, trying to understand her odd behavior. Whenever we were having a conversation, she used to look at me directly. She only looked down or avoided my gaze when she told a lie or hid something from me.

For now I was sure that she didn't lie to me. It only meant that she was hiding something from me.

"QingQing, look at me," I smiled softly, trying not to scare her but she shook her head and looked away. "Wen Qing, I said look at me!" I said in a cold yet a commanding tone to which no one on the earth dared disobey my words.

She looked at me while her uncertain black orbs clearly conveyed that she was hiding something. I narrowed my eyes while trying to figure out what she was hiding.

"QingQing, what are you hiding from me?" I asked in a cold yet caring voice.

"I am sorry." Wen Qing burst into tears, leaving me astounded. "I am really sorry."

"You are sorry about what?" I asked, unable to understand what she actually meant.

"I shouldn't have met you. I shouldn't have entered your life," she sobbed while closing her eyes tightly. "Because of me you are facing so many problems."

For a few fraction of second I looked at her without any reaction. I couldn't understand what she wanted to mean. Why she was saying those strange words to me?

"QingQing, look at me first," I cupped her face gently, making her look into my eyes. "Now tell me what happened. Why are you behaving strangely?"

"I am sorry," Wen Qing shut her eyes rightly, letting big drops of tears to escape from her eyes.

"A-Qing, what happened?" I asked desperately since I couldn't bear to see the tears in my best friend's eyes. Wiping her tears with my thumb I continued, "Please talk to me and say something else than 'I am sorry.'"

"Z-Zhan..." She looked at me while her fingers tightly clutched the fabric of my shirt at my lower arms. "I-I think I k-know who d-did this."

"You know?" My brows furrowed, forming deep lines on my forehead.

"Mn." She nodded, biting her lower lip. "Zhan, will you believe me if I tell you the truth? Will you still stay beside me after listening to the truth?" Her voice trembled while desperation was evident in it.

"I promise QingQing, I won't leave you even if you are the one who did it." I smiled gently. "Now tell me what actually had happened?"

"My evil twin sister Wen Xin did this," Wen Qing again burst into tears.

"Qing, you have a sister!?" I asked, awestruck by the new piece of information. I never knew that Wen Qing had a sibling other than Wen Ning.

"Unfortunately yes, Zhan," Wen Qing cried. "That evil bitch dared to do this. This is all my fault! I am sure she did this to frame me," she cried bitterly, "I shouldn't have come into your life. Because of me all this is happening. It's all my fault."

"Shhh...Wen Qing, it's fine. It's alright," I hugged her lightly, giving her a shoulder to cry. "It's not your fault. You didn't even know that she's here. Don't cry QingQing, please. You don't look good when you cry." I tried to console her.

"ZhanZhan, do you hate me now?" She broke the hug and looked at me.

"How can I hate my best friend, hm?" I smiled softly. "I already said that I cannot hate you since you are my only best friend with whom I can share everything."

"Thank you for believing in me, Zhan," Wen Qing uttered while her sobs ceased. Sniffing, she continued, "actually I had 2 siblings. Wen Ning and Wen Xin. Xin and I were known for being the best siblings in our school. Since she was younger than me, my parents used to pamper her more than me. Everything went well until she fell in love with a playboy of our class. I warned her but she didn't listen to me. It happened around 10 years ago. One day she was caught red handed by my parents when she was kissing that guy." She paused, "my parents scolded her and asked her to break up with that guy but she refused. Then my parents said that as long as they were alive, they won't accept that relationship. And that night..." She sobbed, "that night she killed my parents." She cried bitterly, chocking on her breath.

"QingQing, don't cry." I put my hand on hers.

"Unfortunately I witnessed the scene. Wen Xin threatened me that she would kill me if I disclose the secret. So I had to agree to help her. A few weeks later she discovered that he boyfriend, that playboy was cheating on her. Then she even killed him." Wen Qing gulped her saliva before continuing, "Wen Ning was studying in a boarding school. So he didn't have any idea of what was going on. When we returned home from school, I used anesthetics on her since I learned about some anesthetics from my father who was a doctor. No sooner had she become unconscious than I fled from my house and went to Wen Ning. Without informing the principal, taking Wen Ning along with me, I left the city and came to Sanghai. Wen Ning doesn't know what happened with his other sister Wen Xin. I told him that someone threatened us and when we ignored him, he killed our parents and Wen Xin. That's all Wen Ning knows about our parents and that bitch.After that, you know, that luckily an old woman gave use shelter and now we are here." She looked at me after finishing her words.

"What happened to Wen Xin then?" I asked.

"I don't know about her. Luckily she didn't find me. But now it looks like she knows that I am here." Wen Qing sighed.

"Wen Qing, are you okay?" I asked her since she suddenly became silent as if something was going on in her mind.

"I am alright, Zhan," Wen Qing looked at me with a slight smile. "Whatever Wen Xin did with me doesn't matter but now she crossed her limits. She dared to come here and mess with my best friend and our lives. I swear I will kill her slowly in thousand different ways if I find her now." She looked at me with vengeance in her eyes.

"QingQing, calm down first," I held her shoulders tightly. I couldn't make her lose her control.

"Do you have any employee named Wen Xin?" Wen Qing asked, wiping the dry tears off he cheeks.

"I don't think there is any employee with that name," I uttered.

"Su Liu? Is there any employee with that name?" She asked again.

"Who is she?" I arched my brows, looking at her with a questioning gaze.

"It's her other name. She used that name sometimes. I think she used that name," Wen Qing said in a determined tone.

"I think Wen Ning knows about this," I replied in uncertain voice.

"Fine," Wen Qing immediately got up from her place and started to walk towards the door.

"Hey! Wen Qing, where are you going now?!" I asked, confused about what was going on in her mind.

"I am going to wake up A-Ning," Wen Qing replied without looking back.

"Yah! Wait! Don't wake him up. We can do this tomorrow," before I could complete my words, the woman left the room.

Tch...poor Wen Ning. I shook my head and followed a beeline behind Wen Qing.

"A-Ning...A-Ning open the door," Wen Qing violently knocked the door as if she was ready to break it.

"Hey! Qing, can you please knock the door softly? It will break if you knock the door with such a force," Incrossed my arms across my chest while leaning my back against the wall.

"I don't care. I will refund," Wen Qing replied nonchalantly. "Yah! Wen Ning! Get up. Don't sleep like a pig."

"Ahhh...jiejie, I am sleeping. I cannot get up," Wen Ning said in a sleepy voice.

I chuckled listening to that voice. I was sure he was still lying on the bed with his eyes closed. Poor he! His sister wouldn't let him sleep peacefully.

"You silly pig head brother. Open the door otherwise I will break it, I swear!" Wen Qing said, still knocking at the door furiously.

Finally, Wen Ning opened the door. He was standing there like a zombie with half lidded eyes, wearing a cute light pink pyjamas with cute pigs drawn on it. He really looked cute like a baby in that condition.

"Ah...jiejie...why do you wake me up at this hour?" Wen Ning complained while rubbing his eyes like a kid.

"A' there any woman named Su Liu in Xiao Zhan's office?" Wen Qing went into the room and I followed her, followed by Wen Ning.

"I cannot remember," Wen Ning yawned while giving reply in a sleepy voice.

"A'!" Wen Qing was about to start shouting, Wen Ning interrupted her.

"Okay okay. Let me check the files first!" Wen Ning said while walking to the shelves where he kept the files. "Do I look like someone who will memorise the name of every employee? Aish!" He mumbled while searching the files.

"QingQing, you should go easy on him. Poor he! He was sleeping peacefully," I whispered so that only Wen Qing could hear me.

"We should solve the case of Su Liu before it becomes too late," Wen Qing replied in a low yet dark tone.

"Mn," I nodded and waited for Wen Ning to find the name in the files. 

"Miss Su...she is one of our employee," Wen Ning said while flipping pages of a file. "She doesn't exactly work in our office at Shanghai but she works in a branch of our company Rose Valley at Suzhou. She is earned a good reputation there. I think she is good as well," Wen Ning said looking at Wen Qing and me.

"Good?! You better shut your mouth, A-Ning" Wen Qing said while rolling his eyes.

"A-Ning, that woman Su Liu framed QingQing and me in that scandal. I need you to track all the information about that woman as soon as possible. I just cannot imagine that the woman helped our opponent," I let out a deep sigh.

"Xiao Zhan, once we get all information about her, our plan will become easy. Su Liu, you are screwed. I just wanna see how she will escape now," Wen Qing's face became darker while a smirk appeared on her face.

Our Yibo won most popular actor award😍

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