
By ddlovato201

35.9K 584 428

How Emison should have been I think. Emily is intersex. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not a chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not a chapter

Chapter 32

974 19 7
By ddlovato201

New Year's Eve 11:23


Emily: how you feeling?

Ali: I should be asking you that baby.

Emily: I feel amazing.

Ali: it's ok to be yourself.

Emily: I am.

Han: shots!

Emily stands up they do shot together I shake my head at them.

Ali: Emily chill.

Emily: ok.

Demi: how you holding up?

Ali: I'm good.

Demi: I'm here for you Ali I promise.

Ali: thank you.

February 29

Ali: so we are like 2 weeks away from her being born.

Emily: your getting so big I love you princess.

Ali: fine I try not to move my belly you can see her moving look that's your foot baby.

I rub my hand over her foot she moves it away. Emily's been getting worse she throws up like 3 times a day I know it hurts her to move so I try for us to stay in one place.

Emily: baby you have to get on the yoga ball.

Ali: ok.

Brea: I feed the food when can we eat them?!

Ali: that's your sister she wants to eat the animals.

Brea: food is fucking food mom!

Shea: shut the fuck up!

I laugh at them I see Emily has her eyes closed I hit her she starts to laugh.

Ali: baby not funny!

Emily: it was!

She starts to cough I hand her a rag when she coughs it's blood.

Ali: it's ok baby.

I roll around the ball it helps a lot my hips feel wider.

Emily: I'm good.

Brea: here's some water.

Emerson: grandma fly!

Emily: ok!

Emily picks her up she flys her around I know she's hurting she puts her down.

Emerson: fun your turn!

Emerson try's to pick up Emily we laugh at her.

Ali: haha!!

Emily: no I'm good.

She runs off I see the boys in the play room I grab my bottle of water.

Emily: you ok?

Ali: yep I can feel her head right here haha!

I put my hand under my belly.

Emily: your bigger with her.

Ali: right it's so weird.

Emily: I'm really hoping it's not twins.

Ali: me too.

She puts on a movie I see start to close her eyes I throw a pillow at her she sits up.

Emily: aw!

Ali: not funny!

Emily: I'm fucking tired!

She lays on the couch I get up from the ball and go to the kitchen I grab pickles.

Demi: hey bitch!

Ali: hey want some?

Demi: sure.

She takes one we hand to the living room Emily is sleeping I sit on the yoga ball.

Demi: she's going to be here soon.

Ali: I know I'm really excited.

Emily: me too.

Ali: you have to put up the tire swing.

Emily: I have too?

Ali: you said you wanted one!

Emily: oh right.

We head outside I sit in the rocking chair the kids run out to the grass.

Ali: be careful guys!

Peyton: swing!

Emily: I'm putting it up.

She's using a metal chain to put it up I watch her.

Demi: Emily let me help you.

She helps Emily they put it up.

Emily: baby try it out!

I get up and walk over to them.

Ali: no I'll break it.

Emily: fine!

Peyton: me first!

He gets in we push him they all take turns it's so cute.

Lex: I'm home!

Ali: hey guys.

Harlow: where's mom?

Demi: in the barn.

Han: I hate animals Ali when can we eat them?!

Brea: see mom not the only one!

Everest: no not piggy!

She starts to cry I rub her back.

Ali: they won't eat piggy Everest.

Everest: promise?

Ali: I promise.

We head to the house the twins want to make dinner for us.

Aria: are you doing a home birth again?

Ali: yeah.

Spencer: why?

Lola: it's just better babe.

Aria: I need the drugs I'm sorry but I had to have it.

Paul: it's true she almost killed for it.

I look over I see Emily's eyes closed I just shake my head she plays too much.

Brea: dinner is ready!

Alison: babe come on!

I hit her arm she doesn't move I shake her she starts to laugh.

Ali: Emily please stop ok cause when it really happens I'm going to think it's a joke.

Emily: I'm sorry baby.

She gets up I help her to the table we eat.

Ali: fuck!

Emily: you ok?

Ali: yeah cramp promise.

She nods after dinner I help with the dishes I get another one I hold my belly and breath.

Ali: ooooo.

It goes away I finish the dishes I look at my wedding ring I smile when I think about it. I walk into our room I hear Emily throwing up I go to the door it's locked.

Ali: babe open up.

Emily: I'm done!

She opens it we walk to the bed she grabs the coco butter I lift up my shirt.

Emily: promise me when I'm gone you'll date.

Ali: nope your my one and only.

Emily: please baby.

She rubs my belly.

Ali: fine.

Emily: thank you I'm really going to miss you.

Ali: I'll miss you more.

I pull her in for a kiss we break apart I get my pregnancy pillow and cuddle with it.

Emily: your so sexy pregnant.

Ali: thank you baby.

I start to get a cramp I just breath and try not to show her.

Emily: goodnight.

Ali: good night.

March 2 Sunday 8 more days till due

I put it on my family only snap and Instagram.

Emily: what if she's born today?

Ali: she's born today I'm ready for her.

I kiss her I've been getting a lot of contractions everyday yesterday the doctor said I was 3 centimeters so it could be any day.

Ali: I swear the yoga ball thing helps a lot.

Emily: good I'm going to feed the animals.

Brea: let me come!

London: me!

All the kids run out with her I stand up I walk to the window I rub my belly.

Ali: you can come out when your ready baby.

I feel water go down my legs and water trickles to the floor I smile I'm actually not scared this time. I walk to the kitchen I grab a mop and soap I clean it up. I walk back to the kitchen I grab paper towel and dry my legs more water comes at when a contraction comes.

Ali: ooooo!

It goes away I clean it up again they walk in.

Emily: hey.

Ali: hi.

I wrap my arms around her neck I peck her lips.

Ali: I have to tell you something.

Emily: what's up.

Ali: my water broke I'm fine I don't want to freak out.

Emily: ok guys your moms in labor so out I'll call the midwife.

Ali: no I want them to stay.

Emily: you sure?

Brea: you sure?

Ali: yeah.

Brea: well can we at least take them?

Ali: oh yeah.

I walk upstairs I take a shower I get out I put a sports bra on and booty shorts.

Ali: babe?

Emily: yeah?

I see her in Lena's room.

Ali: watch doing?

Emily: she's our last one.

Ali: yeah.

Emily: our little surprise.

2 hours later

Sam: ok lets check!

I'm in the pool thing Emily holds one of my legs and Shea holds my other. She puts her hand in I breath through it I squeeze Emily's hand.

Sam: I know I'm sorry but your at 8!

She pulls her hand out I sigh in relief Emily kisses my head.

Emily: you want ice?

Ali: no I just want you.

Emily: well you got me.

Ali: I mean forever.

I get a contraction.

Ali: oooooo in.. out... in... out..!

Emily: good job baby.

I smile at her I can't imagine my life without her. I take her hand and put it on my heart.

Ali: it will always be yours.

Emily: and mine yours.

Ali: aaahhh!!!

I sit up and scream something's not right.

Ali: something's wrong!

She feels my belly.

Sam: she flipped her head is up here.

Ali: how?!

Sam: I don't know but I have to flip her or you and her could die!

Ali: do it.

Sam: it's going to hurt so bad so scream as much as you want.

I nod she touch's my belly she puts pressure she turns her.

Ali: AAAHHH!!!

Sam: ok she's coming out know!

Ali: fuck!

Emily: you got this baby.

I nod my head Brea and Lex run in they sit in front of me.

Sam: ok push!

Ali: aaaaaaa!!

Sam: good she's crowning don't push this is the ring of fire.

Ali: I have to push!

Sam: no!

Lex: she has a lot of hair.

Sam: ok light push!

I push.

Sam: ok next contraction push.

Emily: you got this.

Ali: ok I got this!

I push as hard as I can I look down as I push I see her come out I fall back. The room is filled with baby screams.

Ali: oh hi baby!

I hold her in my arms so Emily can see.

Emily: she's beautiful!

Ali: hi Lena it's ok.

Sam: would you like to cut the cord mom?

Emily: yeah.

She cuts it I put water on Lena to wash her off she starts to calm down I kiss her over and over.

Emily: she has my hair.

Ali: yeah hi baby.

Emily: she's so cute.

1 hour later

We're all good Lena is 10 pounds 4 oz 15.3 inches.

We're on our room she's sleeping in between us the kids love her already.

Emily: FYI I recorded the whole thing.

I smile at her.

Emily: I'll be done editing it by Friday.

Ali: ok.

I kiss Lena's cheeks she smiles at us I hold Emily's hand.

Emily: I'll be right back.

Ali: get me a water.

April 4 Saturday

Emily: baby sit down please.

Ali: I'm fine I just want to sit next to you.

I'm holding Lena in my arms Emily is in the hospital they said it's not long.

Ali: move over.

Emily: fine.

I sit down next to her.

Brea: mama please don't go I need you.

Emily: stop lying child you don't need me.

Pam: I love you Emily.

Emily: I love you too mom and you dad.

Brea: mama please what can I do.

Emily: be here for your mom please make sure she still dates I don't care who it is just make sure she's happy please.

Lex: please don't go I have planned your birthday yet!

Emily: it's ok I don't need one I need you guys.

Shea: well step up mama I promise.

Emily: good watch your brothers there always up to something.

Lex: ok.

Emily: can you guys give us a minute.

I hand Lex to Hanna.

Emily: wait let me see her.

I take her back she kisses her head.

Emily: I love you baby girl.

I hand her to Hanna I wipe my tears.

Emily: you guys are my best friends please don't let her push you away.

Han: I promise!

They all walk out I close the door behind them I wipe my tears.

Emily: Alison lay with me.

I lay down next to her I cry silently.

Emily: I've loved you since the first time I payed eyes on you. I'm sorry our love ends like this but I will you till my last breath and after that. I promise I will be watching over you forever. I love you so much baby I'm sorry it had to be like this.

I look up at her I kiss her lips.

Ali: I love you so much Emily you are my true love my soulmate I will never find anyone who can replace you never.

I cry she pulls me into her chest her heart monitor starts to beep I just cry harder I hold her closer to me. People come in and check on her.

Doctor: time of death 1:34 pm.

I walk out the room I walk to the waiting room I see them sitting.

Ali: um she's gone.

I wipe my tears I stop crying I put my walls up that only she can break down but she's gone know.

Ali: um kids come on let's go home.

They get up I take Lena for Hanna.

Han: Ali-

Ali: I'm fine ok I'm fine I don't need you guys ok!

I walk out with the kids we get in the car I drive off Brea holds my hand.

Brea: I'm here mom I'm not going anywhere.

Ali: I'm fine thank you.

We get to the house I walk up to Lena's room I feed her and put her down for a nap. I walk to my room it reeks of Emily I walk out to the barn I get a flashback of the day we were in here.


Emily: just imagine it tell me what you see.

Ali: I see Shea and Brea fighting cause they don't know how to feed the cows. I see Lex showing the kids how to brush the horses. Then on the porch I'm in the rocking chair feed her and your putting up a swing. What do you see?

Emily: the same thing.

End of flashback

I walk to the swing she put up 2 weeks ago I sit in it I just cry silently.

Ali: I love you Emily always and forever.

Last chapter shit that was a lot I might make a sequel comment ic I should.

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