By btsamyx

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"Jungkook, I swear, if you ask me another stupid question about the future, I will-" __ The universe works in... More



81 5 0
By btsamyx

"If I'm ruining you right now, please forgive me."

When Jungkook, Jaehyun, Johnny, and Lee got on the stage with praises shouted into the air by the sweaty bodies on the dance floor, I realized they were a band. Desire is what they were called.

Jungkook was the lead vocalist, Johnny was the electric guitarist, Jaehyun the drummer, and Lee the pianist and back up vocal. Everybody in the crowd seemed to know who they were, because they sang each song on their setlist word for word with such passion and conviction. I understood why they were so incredibly in love with the band, they were amazing.

"Because you can't live without me."

It was obvious Jungkook and Lee earned the most attention. Being the vocalist, and Lee being the only female member, the fans naturally tried to create a connection between them. It wasn't all in their heads though because I noticed the chemistry between them, too. Their stage presence was captivating and totally thrilling as everyone waited anxiously for one of them to make a move. The intense gazes from eyes to lips and the sudden closeness during an intimate lyric were all leading up to a moment the fans were all waiting for, a passionate kiss.

"Because you know all of this."

However, the atmosphere had completely changed with their final song on the list. They'd started off powerful with heavy instrumental similar to heavy rock, later simmering down to alternative rock, and now into a soft, more mellow genre.

The harsh lights had simmered down and changed into a magenta theme to set a very sensual, sexy mood. People held their partners closely, moving slowly and sensually to the beat of the song.

And while some thought Jungkook and Lee would have the most connection during the sexy song, there was no interaction between them.

Instead, Jungkook had kept his eyes on me the entire time, his body attached to the mic stand while his hands skimmed up and down the stand, gripping and delicately twirling his fingers against the metal.

"I'm taking over you."

His voice was like the ocean. Strong and powerful with the ability to reach several notes; calm and soothing with breathy accents that rolled off his tongue like waves as the sun sets; graceful in all its splendor.

"I'm taking over you."

And as he ends the song with a breathy, light and airy voice, my lips act on their own accord and smile brightly.

The same lips that refused to touch his cheek when he held my hand and asked for a good luck kiss before heading on stage, the same lips that fought a smile at the beginning of his performance because he was such a great performer, those same lips stretched into a smile. I didn't want to cave, but his voice was beautiful. I caved long ago. 

The crowd cheered with new life, sad that their favorite performance was over. The next band took their place and Jungkook and his bandmates came down the stage our way.

"He's good, huh?" Lucy nudged my elbow to which I laughed and nodded in defeat.

"Yeah. It's annoying."

She laughed, nodding her head. We both turned towards the bar, stirring the alcoholic drink we had ordered. "That's Jungkook."

I liked Lucy. Before Desire's performance, she talked about how miserably untalented she was in the musical arts. Although she would love to join them, she'd rather not leave the audience deaf. She was, however, an artistic genius on canvases. She was an incredibly gifted artist, and although her career had not peaked just yet, she was still working hard for her big break.

"How was it?" I fought a smile at the sound of Jungkook's voice by my ear.

"Not bad for a coffee house singer."

His brows furrowed and he tilted his head in confusion. "Coffee house singer?"

Was he not a coffee house singer? When I first met Jungkook, he was singing at 134340. I just assumed he still was.

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "I-I mean a bar— nightclub singer." I stutter while my brain wrecks itself to create a lie. "Sorry." I nervously chuckle. "Like I said, this isn't my thing. I'm more of a coffee house—"

"Listen, about earlier—"

"Jungkook!" Johnny's hand slams into Jungkook's back which pushed his body closer to mine. I grunt when my body is pinned between Jungkook and the bar, trying to catch my breath until finally Jungkook pulls away.

"Yo." Jungkook acknowledged as Johnny walks by and disappears with Jaehyun.

Jungkook shakes his head and turned to me with the same seriousness as before. "I was—"


This time, both Jungkook and I sigh in frustration. Our heads turn toward Lee who latched on to his arm and sends me a smile— clearly a fake one.

She reached her tippy toes and her lips brush over his ear as she whispers something only he can hear. During this time, my phone vibrated in my hand and I bring it up to my face and my heart drops before it beats furiously in my stomach.

Maisie, it's Jimin.
I need you.

Where do I meet you?


I look up to find Lee pulling her lips away from Jungkook's earlobe. I was too concerned with Jimin's text to care about the fact that she had Jungkook's earlobe between her lips and to notice the seriousness in Jungkook's eyes.

"I- I'll be back soon." Jungkook's hand grips my wrist. "In the meantime—" he searches around and his brows lift when he sees Lucy. He lets go of my wrist to grab Lucy's and pulls her closer to me. "Lucy, take care of her, please. I'll be—"

"I actually have to leave." I said hurriedly, focused on getting to Jimin.

His brows fall and he narrows his eyes at me. "What? Why?"

"It's—" Jimin. "—and emergency."

He wouldn't understand if I told him it was my boyfriend who isn't my boyfriend anymore because I traveled back in time.

"Where are you going?" He's now gripping my wrist and his eyes swirl with worry.

"The hospital. I'm sorry, I have to go."

I turn toward Lucy, smiling softly as I pull her into a hug. I didn't know if she would have or have not been okay with it, but she wrapped her arms around me in return.

"It was nice meeting you." I say. I find Jungkook's eyes again and smile. "Thanks for inviting me. It was great—you were great."

He remains silent and I smile at Lucy without saying a word and running out of the building. The cold air hits my body like a wave, and I shiver as I hurriedly put on my coat while hauling a cab.

I wave my hand in the air, but it's suddenly pulled down by Jungkook's grasp.

"I didn't literally mean for you to catch your own ride. I'm sorry if I upset you—"

"Jungkook!" Lee's now angered voice interrupted him for the second time.

"Jungkook, I told you I really have to go." I plead, trying to pry his hand off.

"Let me at least give you a ride." He said.

Just as I was about to accept, Lee's hand is on Jungkook's shoulder. Once more, her lips are close to his ear and his grip loosens. I take this opportunity to call a cab, because I can't wait any longer. I can't leave Jimin waiting.

Finally, a cab pulls over for me, but I don't get very far when Jungkook's holding me back once more.

"May, I'm sorry—"

"Are you going to give me the ride or not, Jungkook?" I ask, now frustrated. My frustration was mainly coming from Lee's rudeness for having to interrupt us twice, but I wasn't going to waste anymore time for Jungkook to figure out what he was going to do.


I roll my eyes when he lets go of my wrist at Lee's voice.

"May," Before I hop in he calls my name, but it's not for the reason I think. "Be safe."

I shut the door, giving the driver the location and he drives off.

• • •

"If you were mad at me you could have just told me to my face, you fucking coward!"

My face instantly contorts into a confused, annoyed, and angered expression much similar to a grimace at his harsh words.

No matter how charming he was two nights ago singing about how 'dangerous' he was, he's currently not charming enough for me to fight the urge to slap him. The only reason why I do hold back is because Ahn and Kylie are upstairs sleeping and I don't want to wake them up with Jungkook's raging voice if I were to. I don't need Kylie telling me about what a dangerous guy he is after threatening me about calling Taehyung.

"I swear, Jungkook, if another word that comes out of your mouth is an accusing name, then I won't hesitate to slap you." I grit lowly through my teeth.

Jungkook furrows his brows deeper, challenging me. "Do it because you're a fucking liar." He tilted his head side to side as he elongates every letter in liar.

My hand instantly curls around the hem of his hoodie, mustering all my might to push him. When he doesn't move an inch, I let go and slam my open palm against his chest, causing him to take a step back on to the patio. I shut the door behind me as we both stand in the dark and cold just before the crack of dawn.

"What the hell is your problem? I don't even know what you're talking about." I shake my head.

Jungkook scoffs unbelievably, bitting his lip as a distracting habit of his. "Don't act like an angel, Maisie. You're just as bad as everyone else."

I scoff, licking my lips before a laugh erupts from the pit of my stomach. Jungkook simply watched as my angered face melted and I begin to laugh.

"This is ridiculous." I scoff, settling down from my moment of ludicrous laugher. "You don't even know me for you to be calling me names or for you to be angry with me for god knows what. Again, I don't know what you're talking about and I've had enough of the unnecessary drama. If you want to believe those things about me then go ahead, I don't care." I pause, seeing his face slowly soften, but I continue.

"I haven't been home for very long since I got back from my long, exhausting shift and today is my day off. I should be in bed asleep, but instead, I'm arguing with a stranger. And before you leave I'd like to say thank you for being kind enough to take me to the hospital and staying by my side that day. I had a good time at the club with your friends— minus your girlfriend and I don't really care because this is the last time we'll speak or see each other. Anyway, thanks and goodbye."

Before I have a chance to even put my hand on the door knob, Jungkook's hand is already on mine gently as if scared I'll react and slap him. I don't.

"You said you were going to the hospital, but when I went to check up on you later that night, they said you were never on-call that night." Jungkook's voice was now soft, and his body relaxed when I turned toward him. "I came to your house instead, but I saw that doctor leaving your home."

My heart stung just as much as it did that night, and fresh tears threatened to blur my vision, but I blinked them away.

"You lied to me and that's why I'm angry. I was worried about you only to find out that you were probably fucking some dude all while you were mad at me." Though his tone expressed anger and frustration, he was calm unlike before.

I rolled my eyes at his reasoning and sighed. "Jungkook, you're a fucking idiot." He opens his mouth, but I stop him by pressing my fingers under his chin and closing it right away. "I went to the hospital as a visitor, not as a doctor. If you think I'm a liar, then go ahead and ask for the visitor log. And that doctor, he's the patient's— whom I visited— boyfriend or something. I don't know really." I shrug, fighting back tears while trying to ignore the aching in my heart as I remember Jimin's words.

'I really like her,' he told me that night when he drove me home.

"But," Jungkook was still trying to piece things together. "I saw him leave your house."

"He gave me a ride home because I took a cab, remember? You literally made me catch my own ride. Anyway, he drove me home and my roommates invited him in. Kylie's in the program with him and he's my superior."

"So you weren't mad at me?" He asked with a scared, uncertain tone naturally used by small children.

I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest to shield my body from the cold as best as I could. "I wasn't, but I am now."

Jungkook's pursed lips slowly curl into a small smile while a pink hue sneaks its way to his cheeks. "Maisie."

"Shut the hell up, I've had enough of you today." I shake my head. "Like I said, I'm tired."

"I'm sorry!" Jungkook pleads. "I didn't mean to be so rude with you yesterday, nor today. I just— I don't know. I'm sorry."

At this point, I don't need to add on to the drama and web of complications in my life. "Fine. But like I said, I'm tired and I need sleep. Plus, my roommates are gonna be up for work soon so you should get going."

He furrowed his brows, lips softly pouting. "So, I can't be invited in, but the pretty doctor can?"


"May." He whines.

"Dude, I just need sleep. Why would you possibly want to come in while I sleep?"

He shrugs, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "To cuddle."

I groan. "Jungkook." I laugh softly as a bubbly feeling tickles my stomach. "Bye and say hi to Lee for me."

"She's not my girlfriend." He states.

Why do I feel... relieved?

"Oh." Is all I say with a soft head bob. It was silent for a while as Jungkook kicks a pebble around.

"So," he says slowly. "can I come in?"

"Do you have nothing better to do?"

He shakes his head with rounded eyes that make me melt. "What could possibly be better than cuddling with noona?"

That's when I melted into a puddle of mush and my insides became a microwave for my heart that sprung like popcorn kernels.

"You make a peep and you're out."

He nods quickly, sinking his head between his shoulders as I open the door slowly.

Thankfully, the house was a new model, so the floorboards didn't creak as we walked through the house and up the stairs.

My bed sheets were now cold when I snuggled underneath them. I pouted when I couldn't return to the level of comfort I was blissfully sleeping in before Jungkook woke me up. I shot the boy an annoyed glare, but he was too distracted studying the the details of my room. His eyes didn't miss a single thing from the obvious plain white of the walls, the fake miniature plants— because real ones required maintenance that I couldn't give to them as a doctor—, the mirrors that varied in sizes with random acrylic doodles I had painted on them, and the miniature canvases piled on my desk (the ones I keep buying in the spur of the moment because they're so damn cute and I promise I'll get to them, but never do).

A small smile spreads across his lips when our eyes lock, he seats himself on the edge of my bed, patting down the feather comforter over me.

"I don't see any pictures." He comments.

I shrug. "The beauty of technology is that they're all stored on there." I point my finger to the phone faced downward on the nightstand.

Jungkook snickers, laying his body beside mine over the comforter. "I mean old pictures of yourself or your family."

I stare blankly at the ceiling, waiting for him to find a comfortable spot before I speak. "They're all with my dad in Daegu."

I haven't heard my dad's voice in so long.

"Huh," Jungkook turns on side and I laugh at the cocky smirk on his lips. "I recognized the subtle accent."

I breath out a soft laugh, letting my eyes flutter closed as I let sleep take over.

But before I'm fully asleep, Jungkook whispers. "Wait, I'm gonna explore your room. Is there a dark, dirty corner you don't want me to find?"

A smile makes its way on my lips and I shake my head. "Go crazy."

• • •


jungoo is baby

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