Daddy Wooseok | Kim Wooseok


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A melancholic night that brought two sobbing hearts together in the most.. unexpected way possible. Consequen... More

Chapter One: The Night
Chapter Two: Consequence
Chapter Three: Blessing... or maybe not.
Chapter Four: Daddy Hangyul?
Chapter Five: Different Worlds
Chapter Six: Whispers, Gossips
Chapter Seven: Daddy Wooseok
Chapter Eight: Eavesdropped
Chapter Nine: Save Me
Chapter Ten: Disgrace
Chapter Eleven: Reality
Chapter Twelve: Courage
Chapter Thirteen: Home
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Chapter Sixteen: Who's doing what?
Chapter Seventeen: Lockdown
Chapter Eighteen: What Happened?
Chapter Nineteen: Shit Happens
Chapter Twenty: Never Over
Chapter Twenty One: Unfathomable
Chapter Twenty Two: Trust
Chapter X

Chapter Fifteen: Family

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Wooseok walked out of the vehicle, feeling nervous. Somehow he feels cold shivers down his spine, but who wouldn't? He's about to meet yuri's father for the first time, and it's really nerve-wracking.

He opened the door for yuri and helped her get out of the vehicle carefully.

"After you, princess." He trailed as he let yuri go a step ahead of him. Yuri, too, is anxious about what's going to happen, but this is the first step in putting things in place.

"How about, we walk together." Yuri clamped her arm around Wooseok who's looking sleek while wearing a simple white polo with sleeves neatly folded up to his elbows, while Yuri, on the other side, wears a simple pastel pink dress that fits her fair complexion as well.

Yuri rang the doorbell, and it didn't take them long before the doors were opened.

"Yuri, come in. Oh, wooseok." Yuri's mother greeted them with a smile on her face. Somehow, it made them feel happy that she was actually giving them a warm welcome.

"Good evening, ma'am..." Wooseok greeted warmly, with sincerity in his eyes.

"Come inside, your father is waiting for you. He wants to meet Wooseok." Wooseok suddenly felt nervous. He can't seem to stop thinking about how her father is going to react upon meeting him.

Will her dad like me? Will they approve? Will they accept me? He supposed.

Yuri discerned the cloud of ideas surrounding Wooseok. He looks concerned so she held his cold hands tightly as both of them moved inside. And there, they were greeted by the delightful smelling aroma. Yuri's parents seem to have prepared a lot for their dinner tonight.

As they walked in, Yuri's dad greeted them with a warm smile on his face while he was setting the table for their dinner. One thing about yuri's family, they all enjoy cooking and, as a matter of fact, her dad cooks really well.

"My daughter ... I'm happy you were able to come and, oh ..." Her dad trailed his eyes down her arms, then to her wrists, only to find out that their hands are locked to each other.

"I guess you're Kim Wooseok?" Yuri's father asked Wooseok, who's standing next to Yuri, still holding her hand.

"Y-yes, sir ..." Wooseok couldn't help but stammer. Yuri's dad looks intimidating so, he's doing his best to act naturally in front of him, trying to avoid creating a rough atmosphere. As much as possible, he wants them to get close right away, and it's not going to happen if he's all nervous.

"Okay, you can go and sit here. We've got quite a lot to talk about." Yuri's dad helped both of them as they were all about to sit around the dining table. The table is packed with delicious-looking food and the smell lingers around.


"So wooseok, how's your family business going?" 

First things first, these talks are kind of expected since both families are expertise in the field of business. Literally no talks or meetings would pass that they won't be asked about how their families are doing.

Wooseok trying to sound confident and all, heaved a sly smile on his face before answering.

"We're doing well, sir. As a matter of fact, our sales have been increasing since the beginning of this year and until now. We've been expanding from time to time, and a lot of companies are applying to be part of the group, so it's pretty safe to say that we're on the right track now."

He completed his statement, looking assured. He understands how people's minds work in their field, so he's seeking to meet their standards. Yuri's father nodded to Wooseok's response. He was amazed at how well-educated he was when it comes to these things.

"Good to know that, by any opportunity, is it feasible that our business groups will eventually have some kind of association? Well, it'll be great if the top four business groups in Korea merge, right?"

Yuri's dad proposed. He looks straight at wooseok, while wooseok slowly nods at his suggestions. He loves the idea because it doesn't just mean an enormous deal for their company group, but it also means, of course, being with yuri as well.

"That ... I believe those kinds of matter should be left to you and wooseok's parents' dad. After all, decisions about our family business should still be up to you. It'll be better if you're going to negotiate with them."

Yuri started placing the table napkins on her lap as the food was about to get served. 

"Daddy, can you hand me the wine glass please."

Wooseok and her father, who is sitting beside each other, grabbed the wine glass at the same time, which made yuri's eyes grow wider in surprise. Her dad doesn't seem to know what just happened, or if he heard things right.

"N-not you, kim wooseok." Yuri mumbled, with her cheeks flaming red. She can't hold her head up after what happened since she's too embarrassed. Just, what would her parents think? That she's calling wooseok, daddy? 

"Calling him daddy is kinda--" Yuri cut off what her dad was about to say. Her mom was still speechless while wooseok is playfully grinning beside her. 

"Dad, it's not like that! And you, wooseok! You really love putting me into awkward situations, huh! Can you freaking stop? God!"

She rolled her eyes in disbelief while wooseok, on the other hand, just shrugged his shoulders trying to act innocent after teasing her in front of her parents.

"What? I'm not--"

"Shut up!"

Wooseok can't help but let out the giggle he's been keeping in. She finds her reaction adorable that's why he keeps teasing her all the time.

"Both of you, stop already. We don't want a lovers quarrel in this house tonight. Anyways, have you seen the news?"

Yuri looked at her father with all the questions in her head. Wooseok as well doesn't have any idea as to what is he talking about. 

"What's that, dad?"

Yuri and wooseok fixed their posture as both of them anticipate what they are about to hear.

"Here, scroll through it."

Yuri's mother stared at them with her troubled eyes as she handed them her mobile phone. Wooseok and yuri looked at each other before they took it, and their eyes widened in surprise when they read what the town was talking about.

After scrolling for a while and taking a look at the news today, they both felt something unexplainable. Somehow, they're happy that they don't have to conceal anything anymore, but at the same time, they felt guilty that eunbi and her family have to endure the loss.

"So now... I think both of you are aware of how fast the news can spread in the world where we're moving. Things are already out between the two of you and, of course, people have already thought that this is the real reason why the merge with the kwons didn't happen."

Yuri and Wooseok nodded. Of course, they're in agreement. They witnessed and experienced everything first hand. News spreads faster than anything else, and even their slightest movement can't be hidden from people's eyes. This is mainly the reason that Yuri doesn't want to inform anyone that she's the only child of the Choi's, but now that this has occurred, what choice does she have?

"Well, if we wanted to, we could still push the merge through, without me marrying eunbi. But the situation is, business-wise, it would be a lot more practical if the merger were to be between our family and yours, sir. It's the best choice we have." Wooseok replied. He never failed to amaze yuri's dad with the knowledge he has regarding business.

"Right, can we have a moment wooseok? I want to speak to you," said Yuri's dad. He's looking straight into his eyes, but not in the manner that he's pissed or angry. His eyes scream sincerity, and he just really wants to have a conversation with the person who's after his daughter.



"Wooseok, you're a smart man. I know you understand how the world goes for you and for my daughter." 

Yuri's dad told me while tapping my shoulder. I know he wants to have a formal talk regarding this and of course, I understand. Yuri is his daughter and their business is involved as well.

"Yes, I do understand. That's why I'm so careful about everything. I don't want to screw everything up." I explained. I want him to know that I'm taking things seriously and that I'm serious about yuri.

"Things will never be easy, you know that right? Especially once the baby is born, it's going to be a huge responsibility wooseok. I hope you won't leave my daughter alone. Just, always help each other, fix things out and never consider giving up as an option." He said, giving me a warm smile.

I can feel his sincerity through his words and I realized how important yuri is for them. Well, I can't blame them. Yuri is their only child and even I can see her worth.

"Yes, sir. I wi--"

"Just call me dad, wooseok. After all, we'll be families soon." He trailed. 

My heart felt happy upon hearing his statement. This is a good thing, right? He's finally starting to accept me and I think we're off to a good start. My hands are still trembling and I'm doing my best not to cry in happy tears right now. I just feel like the burden I've been carrying these past few months has been lifted. I don't know how else to react. I'm just... genuinely happy. That's all.

"S-sure, dad..." 

I saw a tiny smile formed on his lip.

"I can't guarantee you that our relationship will be perfect but I can promise that I will do my best to make things work, make her happy and give her the life she deserves."

I mean it. The more I stay with yuri, and the more I get to know her, the more I realize how lucky am I to have her in my life. I hope she feels the same as well. I want to put a smile on her face everyday, tell her how beautiful her smile looks on her, or how perfect she is to me. Every night, I include her in my prayers. Praying for her safety, for her happiness and for all the best things that she deserves.

"You better. She's a gem." Her father's eyes glisten just with thinking about yuri. He really loves her that much.

I let out a sincere smile. "I will, dad." 

"It's good we're understanding each other. Anyway, how did yuri and you ended up with each other?"

Uhh... that question. Sure, I don't know what to answer. Just, how am I supposed to tell them how we really stumbled across each other? And god, yuri and I aren't even a couple right now. She's not giving me any answer yet!

"U-uhm... to be honest, w-we aren't formally t-together yet. Y-yuri just hasn't said yes to being my girlfriend yet..."

I take it back. I guess this is not a good start. How lame wooseok! Yuri is pregnant for pete's sake and now you're telling his dad that you two aren't even in a relationship. Great. Just great! 

"What?! Are you serious? What do you mea-- Yuri come here!" He called yuri loudly which made me partly scared. Well, who wouldn't?! His voice is loud and who knows if he's mad or angry or pissed right now, I don't know.

Yuri came rushing to our direction the moment her dad called her. She has that innocent, confused look on her face which made her look... cute.

"So wooseok here told me that you two aren't in a relationship yet? And it's because you aren't giving him an answer." His father looked at her with questions in his eyes while I'm here trying to stop myself from laughing. Yuri's reaction is priceless. Her eyes grew wider and her forehead just scrunched.

Her mother followed right away. "Are you serious, yuri?!"

"What?! Why are you asking me?! You should be asking wooseok, he is not even asking in the first place! You--" Yuri started hitting my arm fiercely while all of us are just laughing at how she reacts.

I caught her both hands with mine, trying to stop her from hitting me. Slowly, I intertwined my fingers into her. I just realized how much the spaces of our fingers fit each other. I looked at her straight in the eyes and I can see the same nervous look on her face whenever I hold her hand.

Her parents are around but her, I'm trying my best to be brave here pursuing her in front of her parents as well and not only when the two of us are left alone.

"Haven't I asked you yet?"

I can sense that everyone is holding their breath including her parents. It is almost as if they are watching a drama right before their eyes.

I knelt on one knee in front of yuri. She remained silent yet her eyes scream it all. She's started to tear up which made me tear up as well. For some reason, her heartfelt happiness reaches mine too. Whenever she's happy, I'm happy.

"W-what are you doing... s-stand up, wooseok. That's not a good joke." Yuri started laughing nervously, still with her teary eyes as she tries to pull me up from kneeling.

"You know I'm not joking, right?" I replied.

She didn't utter a single word. Instead, she just looked at me directly and I can see that she's trying to hold her emotions.

"I don't want to ask you anymore because I'm afraid you might say no," I said as I chuckled. I held her hand and I can feel that her hands are really warm.

"Be my girlfriend yuri... Hmm, no. Be my fiance."

The moment I said it, she just suddenly burst out in tears. She is bawling her eyes out and her sobs are starting to sound louder.

I stood up and faced her. "Come here." I widely opened my arms as if wanting her to run to me.

Right away, she buried her head into my chest. The first thing I did was to hug her tightly using my arm as I softly caress her hair with the other. She's crying like a baby right now and I can't help but tear up as well. This feeling... I never felt it before. I never felt this happy before. It's like, I have everything I need and everything I want right in between my arms.

Both her parents are clapping while smiling brightly at us. This is... great. Just great. 

"I'm happy for both of you. Take care of each other okay? And please, never... ever give up on each other. As long as there's a reason to stay with each other's side, stay. Always find one good reason to stay and to fight for each other even if there's a lot of reasons to give up. As long as love stays, stay."

Yuri's mom stated. I can see that she really poured her heart into that will.

"Both of you should head home now. It's getting late already. Wooseok, take care of my daughter okay?"

"Yes, dad. I will." 

We were about to head out when we heard loud gunshots from outside. It was so loud that we can actually tell that it's just nearby. I wrapped my arms around yuri's shoulders, pulling her closer to me. For some reason, the gunshots made me nervous.

"W-what was that?" Yuri asked.

"We don't know as well. We'll figure it out right away. I think it's much better if you'll just stay here tonight. We don't know if it's safe out there."

"Y-yeah sure, dad..." Yuri stammered.

"Yuri, you can utilize your room for both of you. Go there now, close the windows. It's better to be safe than sorry. I hope it's nothing big." Dad told us before escorting us to the stairs.

God please, what's happening?


I am really sorry for the late update!! :(( Exams week just finished and I'm still busy with acads. Anyway, here it is. Thank you for patiently waiting and if you're still reading up to this point, I sincerely wanna thank you!! I'll do my best to make this story betterrr <3 I would really appreciate if you would leave comments and thoughts so I can make it better. I might be considering your ideas and opinions for the story as well. Thank you!!

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