Thunder & Blood (Emmett Culle...

Від jumpingmanatee

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Astrid Diana Swan is the adopted daughter of Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer. She was found on the couple's door... Більше

Chapter 1 Leaving Phoenix
Chapter 2 First Impressions
Chapter 3 Class and Confrontation.
Chapter 4 A Conversation With Carlisle
Chapter 5 Questions.
Chapter 6 Astrid's Day Off
Chapter 7 Persistence
Chapter 8 First Date.
Chapter 9 Studying
Chapter 10 Port Angeles
Chapter 11 Strange Date.
Chapter 12 Common Sense
Chapter 13 The Truth Hurts.
Chapter 14 First Day of Fighting.
Chapter 15 Lost In Thought.
Chapter 16 Sister Vs. Sister
Chapter 17 Moving On
Chapter 19 Seperate Ways.
Chapter 20 The Better Man
Chapter 21 Confrontation
Chapter 22 Finally Found.
Chapter 23 The Coming Storm
Chapter 24 Divine Arrival
Chapter 25 Saying Goodbye
Chapter 26 Meeting Odin
Chapter 27 Settling In
Chapter 28 A Life-Changing Decision

Chapter 18 Bella's Attitude

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Від jumpingmanatee

Emmett cocks an eyebrow, “That's all you're going to say?”

“Are you sure you're not insane, and you just think you're a vampire?”

Emmett rolled his eyes, “No, I'm a vampire, alright, would you like me to show you?”

“How by turning into a bat?”

“No! Vampires are known to have super strength and speed. I can show you.”

“Okay, thrill me.”

Emmett smirks, he suddenly disappears from view and ends up on the other side of the meadow, then comes back. He lifts a tree trunk as if it weighed nothing and threw it. He's suddenly standing in front of Astrid again.

“So, what do you think?”

“I think that was pretty badass.”

“You're not scared?”

“No, why should I be? If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it by now.”

Emmett steps closer to Astrid and puts his hand on her hips, “I could never hurt you, Sunshine.”

Astrid leans her head against Emmett's chest, “I know you couldn't,” She looks up at him and smirks, “Besides I'd kick your ass if you tried.”

Emmett throws his head back and laughs, “You probably could.”

“No, I definitely could,” Astrid says, still looking up at him.

Emmett looks down at Astrid then leans his head down and captures her lips in a searing kiss. He wraps his arms around her and lifts her. Astrid wraps her legs around Emmett's waist and her arms around his neck.

Eventually, Astrid pulls away gasping for air while Emmett continues to kiss down her neck, nipping her every so often. Astrid smiles, “You're not tempted to bite me?”

“As incredible as you smell, your blood doesn't entice me. But I do love your scent.”

Astrid pulls away, “What do I smell like?”

“You smell like flowers and ozone after a thunderstorm.”

“And wouldn't you know that I love thunderstorms.”

Emmett chuckles, “So since you're cool about me being a vampire does that mean you still want to go out with me?”

“Yes, Emmett, I do.”

“So, then you'll be my girlfriend?”

“I thought I was going to ask you?”

Emmett smirks, “Then ask.”

“Do you want to-”

“Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend,” Emmett says then kisses her fiercely.

Astrid laughs and pulls away, “That was easier than I thought.”

For the rest of the afternoon, Astrid and Emmett sit on the blanket and talk. Since Emmett doesn't eat, Astrid ate both sandwiches and the chips. As the sun started to set, they picked up everything and headed back towards town. When they got to Astrid's house, they sat in Emmett's Jeep for a while longer talking.

“Do you think your dad is going to get mad that you and I are going out?”

“No, he told me that he'd be fine with it if we did start going out.”


“Yeah, he trusts my judgment better than Bella's.”

“That's cool, are you going to tell him?”

“Of course.”

“Well, tell me what he says, okay.”

“Yeah, sure Emmett, do you want to do something tomorrow?”

“I can't, Sunshine, I'm going hunting with my brothers tomorrow.”

“That's cool, then I'll see you on Monday.”

“Yeah, see you on Monday.”

Emmett then leans in and kisses Astrid. She smiles into the kiss, then pulls away, “Goodnight, Em.”

“Goodnight, Sunshine.”

Astrid gets out of the Jeep and goes inside. She goes upstairs to shower and change. When she goes into the kitchen, she finds a note from her dad saying that he was having dinner with Harry and Sue Clearwater. After reading the note, Astrid orders a pizza then goes into the living room to watch TV.

When the pizza arrives, Astrid eats half the pizza and puts the rest in the fridge. She then goes back to her room, brushes her teeth then starts playing God of War. Astrid's phone rings, she looks at the caller ID and sees that it's Emmett.

“Hey, Em.”

“Hey, Astrid, just wanted to tell you goodnight again.”

“Thanks, Emmett. What time are you and your brothers taking off?”

“Here in a little while. We're going to Canada to do some hunting.”

“Okay, have fun.”

“I will; I'll call you when I get back.”


They repeat goodnight and hang up. The next morning Astrid wakes up early. She goes downstairs where she finds Charlie getting ready to head out to go fishing again.

“Hey, Dad, do you have a minute.”

“For you, of course, I do.”

Astrid smiles, “I just wanted to let you know that as of yesterday, Emmett, and I are going out.”

Charlie stays quiet for a minute, “So he finally asked you out.”

“No, I asked him.”

Charlie chuckles, “Why am I not surprised?”

“Because you know me so well.”

“That I do. So do you love Emmett.”

“Of course not. I care for Emmett, but I don't love him. It's still too soon.”

“Good girl. Is he coming over today?”

“No, he's spending the day with his brothers.”

“In that case, do you want to go fishing with Harry and me?”

Astrid smiles, “Sure, give me 20 minutes to get ready. You still have my fishing gear?”

“Of course.”

Astrid rushes upstairs to change and fix her hair. She doesn't bother with makeup. She puts on a pair of jeans and hiking boots, and a flannel shirt then rushes downstairs.

“Okay, I'm ready, let's go.”

“Alright, let me leave a note for Bella.”

Charlie writes a note for Bella then he and Astrid head out. When Bella comes downstairs, she finds the note propped up against the salt shaker. She reads the note and gets jealous.

‘They didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted to go.’

Not knowing what else to do, Bella decides to clean the house and do laundry. She does her and Charlie's laundry but doesn't bother with Astrid's. After she does that, Bella makes lunch for herself, then gets started on her homework.

Meanwhile, The boys have split up, Emmett and Jasper are hunting together while Duncan and Edward have gone somewhere else. While Emmett and Jasper are running through the woods, Jasper keeps glancing at Emmett. He can feel how happy Emmett is and can only assume that it has something to do with Astrid. Emmett ends up feeding on a huge grizzly bear while Jasper goes after a mountain lion.

When Emmett and Jasper finish feeding, they head back to the house at a leisurely pace, giving Jasper enough time to ask Emmett why he was so happy. Emmett turns to Jasper with a grin.

“Astrid asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend.”

Jasper was stunned, “Really? She asked you?”


Jasper chuckled, “I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She is a bold little thing.”

“Yeah, and now she's mine.”

Jasper raised an eyebrow, “You're not going to push her into anything.”

“Of course not. We're going to take things nice and slow as we have been. I care a lot about her. Honestly, I may even love her, but I know she doesn't feel the same way. And that's okay; I can wait.”

Jasper clapped Emmett on the shoulder, “Good, I'm glad to hear that, Emmett.”

While this was going on, Astrid was enjoying her time with her dad and Harry. When they got to the Calawah River, Astrid changed her hiking boots for hip boot so that she could get in the river to do some fly fishing. Astrid always enjoyed doing outdoor things with her dad and the others whether it was fishing, camping, or hunting. That was one of the other reasons why Charlie and Astrid got along so well. Charlie could share what he liked to do with Astrid.

Once Astrid was ready, she waded into the water and cast her line. It didn't take long for Astrid to hook a big trout. Harry and Charlie watched as she battled to reel in the trout. But the trout was no match for Astrid's strength and soon tired. Astrid ended up catching a huge trout.

“I don't know how she does it. She's always the first to catch one, and they're always the biggest catch.”

Charlie chuckled, “Astrid's just good at this. Like she is at everything else she does.”

They fished for a few more hours with Astrid always catching the biggest fish. At midday, they ate the lunch that Sue had packed for them then went back to fish. By the end of the day, Astrid, Charlie, and Harry had caught several fish and were ready to head home. They decided to head back to La Push so that Harry could make his famous fish fry. When they got to La Push, Charlie called Bella to see if she wanted to come down to have dinner with them. Bella flat out refused.

When Astrid and Charlie got home, Bella was fuming, “Thanks a lot for inviting me to go fishing.”

Astrid and Charlie looked at each other, “Bella, you hate fishing,” Charlie pointed out.

“So, you could have at least asked.”

“Oh, well, since we know you don't like fishing, it didn't occur to us that you would want to go. We're sorry.” Astrid said.

“Yeah, I bet you are,” Bella snarked then stormed upstairs to her room and slammed the door.

Astrid and Charlie looked at each other. Charlie sighed, “There's no winning with her.

“I guess not. Well, Dad, I'm going upstairs to take a shower and go to bed. I want to get to school early to find out my results.”

“I'm sure you did fine,” Charlie tells her.

“I think so too. And if I did, I'll start on the test for the first semester of my senior class on Tuesday.”

“Okay, Honey then I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Dad.”

With that, Astrid went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. Once she was in bed, her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and smiled.

“Hi, Em.”

“Hello, Sunshine.”

“How did your hunting trip go?”

“Great, I caught a few grizzly bears with Jasper and told him about us dating. I hope you don't mind.”

“No, not at all. Your brothers and sisters are eventually going to find out anyway.”

“Have you told Bella?”

“No, but what does she care?”

“Oh, I think she will, and it's going to bug the shit out of her.”

“I don't care. I did tell my dad, though.”

“And what did he say?”

“He thought it was funny that I asked you out and that was pretty much it. So I guess he's okay with it. I think he likes you.”

“Of course he does; everyone likes me. I'm very likable.”

“Shut up. So can you pick me up early tomorrow? I want to go find out how I did on my tests.”

“Yeah sure, no problem.”

“Great, well, I need to get some sleep. So goodnight Em.”

“Goodnight, Sunshine.”

With that, Astrid hung up the phone. She settled down in her bed and fell asleep. Once again, Astrid dreamt of her birth parents. This time she could hear her mother singing a lullaby to her.

The next morning, Astrid got up at dawn went for a run then got ready for school. She came downstairs had some cereal for breakfast then went upstairs to brush her teeth. As she came downstairs, She heard Bella in the shower.

At that moment, the doorbell rang. Astrid answered the door and found Emmett standing there. She smiled at him and hugged him. Emmett leaned down to kiss her. Astrid wraps her arms around Emmett's neck.

“What the hell is this?” Bella said as she came down the stairs


“It doesn't look like nothing,” Suddenly Bella's eyes widen, “Oh my god, you two are going out.”

“So what if we are, it's none of your business.”

Bella crossed her arms, “I bet Emmett's just going out with you so he can fuck you then drain you.”

Astrid and Emmett looked at Bella, stunned, “What did you say?”

“You heard me.”

A low growl started building in Emmett's chest. Astrid put a calming hand on Emmett's chest. Astrid turns around and lunges for Bella, but Emmett catches her by the waist.

“Come say that to my face, you fucking bitch. I'll kick the shit out of you!”

Bella, realizing her mistake starts backing away from Astrid. She looks at Emmett who has a furious look on his face but starts to pull Astrid out of the house.

“No, Emmett, let me go, she needs to get her ass kicked!”

“As much as I would love to see that, I know you'll regret it afterward. Come on, let's go to school.”

Astrid continues to struggle until Emmett picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. He takes her to his Jeep and straps her in. Emmett holds her there until she calms down.

“You alright?”

“No, but I'm not going to do anything.”

“Good, let's go.”

Emmett gets in the Jeep and drives off.

They drive in silence for a while, Astrid still fuming. Emmett reaches out for her hand. He brings it to his lips and kisses her hand, “Don't let it bother you, Sunshine.”

“What do you mean, don't let it bother me. Bella insulted you!”

“I know I was pissed off at first; then I realized she was trying to get a rise out of you. Don't give her the satisfaction.”

Astrid took a deep breath, “Okay, you're right. I won't let her ruin anything.”

“Good girl, besides you and I know it's not true.”


They held hands the rest of the way to school. When Astrid and Emmett got there, they immediately go to the counselor's office to find out Astrid's test results.

Ms. Reilly smiles at Astrid, “It shouldn't come as a surprise, but you passed with flying colors.”

“Great, now what?”

“Well, if you want, you can start your testing for last semester today.”

“Yeah, I'd like to get it over with as soon as possible.”

“I thought you would. So we'll get started as soon as the bell rings.”

Astrid nods, and she and Emmett go back outside. They go to his Jeep and sit on the hood, waiting for the bell to ring. A little while later, Emmett's siblings show up. Alice and Jasper make their way over to Astrid and Emmett. Alice smiles at the new couple.

“Jasper told me last night that you and Emmett are dating congratulations. I'm so happy for you.” Alice tells Astrid and Emmett.

Astrid smiles at Alice, “Thank you, Al, we're happy too,” Astrid said, then Emmett kissed her cheek.

“How did Bella take it,” Jasper asked.

Emmett growled, “Badly, she said that I was only going out with Astrid to take advantage of her.”

“She didn't?” Alice asked.


At that moment, Bella and Edward show up and start walking across the parking lot. Alice and Jasper watch them walk by, ‘What a bitch.’ Jasper thinks.

Edward's head whips around, and he stares at his brother. Jasper only raises an eyebrow at him. Edward holds Bella closer to himself and ushers her faster towards the school.

A few minutes later, the bells rings and Emmett walks Astrid to the counselor's office. They hug, and Emmett pecks Astrid on the lips. People that are walking by are stunned to see Astrid and Emmett kissing.

Emmett ignores everyone and places his forehead against Astrid's, “I'll see you at lunch, Sunshine.”

“Okay, Emmett.”

With that, Astrid goes into the counselor's office to get started on her examinations. The tests for the first semester of the senior class turn out to be a little harder but not by considerably. Astrid only needs to concentrate more. By the time lunch rolled around, Astrid was more than halfway through her exams. She didn't need to take her Anatomy test since she had taken the first semester in Phoenix.

Astrid entered the cafeteria and got in line to get her lunch. After she paid Astrid noticed Jessica waving her over. Astrid rolled her eyes and made her way over towards Jessica's table. The minute Astrid sat down the interrogation started.

“So, Mike told Erik who told Lauren who told me that he saw you and Emmett Cullen kissing in the hallway outside the counselor's office. Is that true?” Jessica inquired.

“Yeah, it is.”

“So, are you two like a couple now?”

“Yeah, we are, what of it?”

“Nothing, I think it's awesome,” Jessica said ironically.

“Yeah I bet you do,” Astrid said.

“I think it's sweet; you two make an adorable couple,” Angela said.

“Thanks,” Emmett says as he sits down next to Astrid then kisses her cheek.

Angela and Jessica look at each other surprised that Emmett Cullen is sitting with them. Jessica looks over at the Cullen table and sees Bella glaring at Astrid and Emmett.

“I guess not everyone is happy you two are together.”

Astrid turns around to see Bella glaring at them. Astrid smirks, “She's just pissed off because I got the better of the two brothers.”

“Aw, thanks, Sunshine,” Emmett says then kisses Astrid's cheek.

After that, the little group begins to talk about other things and eat their lunch. When the bell rings, Emmett walks Astrid back to the counselor's office. They hug and kiss then Astrid goes inside to finish her testing.

While Astrid finished the rest of her exams, Ms. Reilly graded her work from that morning. She again was not surprised that Astrid passed the tests with flying colors. Now she only needed to wait for Astrid to finish her afternoon tests. Ms. Reilly was confident that Astrid would do well on those tests as well.

As it turned out, Astrid finished her exams far earlier than expected and was allowed to go home early. When Astrid explained to Ms. Reilly that Emmett was her ride, she sent for Emmett to come down to the counselor's office.

“You wanted to see me, Ms. Reilly?”

“Yes, Emmett, it turns out that Astrid has finished early with her exams and she told me that you're her ride home. So I'm giving you a pass to leave school early.”

“Thank you, Ms. Reilly.”

“You're welcome, Emmett.”

With that, Astrid and Emmett left the school and headed back to her house to relax until it was time for her to go to Port Angeles.

As it turns out, Charlie was at home, having gotten off work early that day. Astrid and Emmett pull up to the house, Emmett gets out and opens the door for Astrid. They walk hand in hand up to the house. Charlie is sitting in the living room watching TV

“Dad, I'm home.”

“Hey, Kiddo, what brings you home so early?”

“I finished my exams, and Ms. Reilly said that I could go home early. And she permitted Emmett to leave early as well.”

Charlie turns around and smiles at Emmett, “Good to see you again, Emmett.”

“Good to see you too, Sir.”

“So, I hear Astrid asked you to be her boyfriend,” Charlie said with a chuckle.

Emmett laughs, “Yeah, I wasn't expecting that at all.”

“Well, that's Astrid for you. She always does the unexpected.”

“You don't mind that we're dating?”

“Not at all, I know my daughter, and if she thinks you're a good guy, then you are.”

“Thank you, Charlie.”

“You're welcome, Emmett. Why don't you two sit down and watch the game with me?”

“Yeah, we have a few hours to kill until we have to head out to Port Angeles.”

Astrid and Emmett sit down on the loveseat and watch the game with Charlie. At around 4:00, Bella comes home, Astrid, Emmett, and Charlie turn towards the door when they hear it open.

“Hi, Bella,” Charlie says.

Bella completely ignores him and goes up to her room. Charlie frowns. He looks at Astrid, “What's wrong with her?”

Astrid shrugs, “She's probably still pissed off because she found out that Emmett and I are dating.”

“And how is that any of her business?”

“That's what I say.”

“There's something wrong with her. Ever since she started dating your brother, Emmett, her attitude has changed. No offense.”

“None taken, Charlie. I noticed that too. I think it's because Astrid doesn't like Edward and Bella takes it personally.”

“I think you're right,” Charlie says.

Astrid looks at the clock and stands up, “Well, Dad, it's time for Emmett and me to get going. I'll see you later tonight,” Astrid leans over and kisses Charlie on the cheek.

“Okay, Honey, have fun.”

Emmett says goodbye, and they head out.

They get to the gym, and Matt informs Astrid that today she was going to have a rematch with Carlos, but they were going to work on her grappling skills. That style of fighting wasn't familiar to Astrid. She informed Matt that she hadn't ever trained in anything like that.

“Alright then, I think we'll have one of the trainers start you off with Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and go from there. I believe you'll pick this up in no time.”

Astrid nods and goes off with one of the trainers to get started. The trainer has two fighters go through the moves first so that Astrid can see what it looks like then once their finished he begins to teach her the basics. Slowly, Astrid started to get the hang of it. Three hours pass and Astrid showed vast improvement. It shocked the trainer how quickly she picked up jiu-jitsu. Finally, the trainer told her she had finished for the day and that she could hit the showers. Astrid thanked him and headed for the showers.

Meanwhile, Emmett sat there thoroughly impressed by Astrid's fighting skills. He thought she looked beautiful as she concentrated on learning a new skill and when she grappled with one of the fighters. When Astrid came out of the locker room, Matt told her that from now on, she would be working on her grappling. With that Astrid and Emmett left and went to out for burgers and a milkshake.

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