Peter Parker Oneshots

By MarvelMultiverse

846K 19.7K 21.4K

The title is pretty self-explanatory, I think. These are all original stories that I wrote myself. It started... More

I will murder you. Love, Peter.
Ned, you Traitor.
No-no Words
Not (That Much of) An Idiot
Not Who You Think I Am
Bitch I'm Gay
I Was Hoping We Could, Like, Not Shoot Me
Words Can Lie
Secrets Are My Thing
Thanks for the Knife
Look, I Get This Is a Field Trip, But How do You Know Me?
Fake It 'Till You Make It (Or Not)
Winter (Replacement - Part 2)
Avengers at the Beach
Peter and Social Media = Complete Disaster
What Could Have Been
High Stakes
Wrong Number
Kidnapped (+Art!)
Spider Powers Are Insane
Phone Calls
Kind of Like A Home (Fix-It)
Stay With Me
Human Shield
Protect You
Forget Me Not
Spider-Man Unsolved
Post Mortem
Who Changed?
Social Media Disaster Part 2
Social Media Disaster Part 3
Mini-Fics Part 1 (The Spideypool Interlude, I'm Not Dead, etc.)
The Official Goodbye

5 Times Peter Hid an Injury From Tony

19.1K 403 674
By MarvelMultiverse

+ the one time he didn't.

This is a new idea for me, but it's one of the 5+1 shot ideas.

or: 5 times Tony figured out about an injury and 1 time when Peter told him

This is mostly fluff actually, despite the injury title.

Plus Jason Ionello is an asshole in the comics (not the movies. in the movies he's a cinnamon roll but ya know whatever) and I'm exploiting that here.

This is mostly Irondad based, but we see Mama Spider, Uncle Loki, Uncle Sam,

1. It Sword of Seems Like You Have a Problem

It was just a normal patrolling day for Peter.

He was swinging through the town when he saw a woman with a sword.

Not to say swords were wrong, but people in New York didn't typically have swords to carry around with them.

The woman was standing in an alleyway, pointing the sword at a guy who was backed up against a wall.

Peter dropped neatly between the buildings to land in between the two.

"Hey guys! Bad day?" He queried.

The woman groaned. "It's about to be a very bad one for you, if you don't back off, Spider-Man."

The man against the wall took the brief moment of her distraction to start to back away. Peter shot a web at the woman as her attention was diverted.

In the nick of time, she dropped to the ground and the web lodged against the wall of a building behind her. She swung the sword at him and he dodged quickly. They had a small fight: swing, dodge, shoot webs, miss, try again.

A scream came from the front of the alleyway. The man who was here before had been blocked by another person holding a gun, brandishing it at the victim.

His Spidey Senses went off too late, and searing pain ripped up his side as the sword embedded itself in his stomach.

Peter looked down to see the woman's hand trembling slightly on the hilt.

"Oh no, I'm allergic!" Peter gasped mockingly. The woman turned toward the front of the alleyway to see the man getting past the one with the gun and fleeing into the streets.

The woman turned back toward Peter and scowled. "You made me lose him. You'll pay," She hissed.

"You know, it sword of seems like you've got a problem with me," Peter pointed out. The woman stared at him for a few seconds, then beckoned to the man at the front of the alleyway.

Peter was just watching them, sword still in his stomach. It was a good thing she hadn't pulled it out yet, but this was getting to be an amusing situation.

"So, the neighborhood wall-crawler," The woman said out loud, watching him. "That's me. Did you know stabbing people was kind of impolite? Because that's not what people typically do at social gatherings."

The woman frowned, but before she could do anything else, Peter kicked her quickly and webbed her to the wall, then turned to the other and knocking him to the ground before sticking him down, too.

"Peter, would you like me to alert Mr. Stark about your injury?" Karen asked in his ear. "No thanks. Tell the police about these two. I'll figure it out," Peter replied.

Karen hesitated. "Are you sure, Peter? This looks serious," She said worriedly. "I'm sure! I'll be fine."

Tony's POV

Tony was working in his lab when he got the alert.

"Boss, Peter has entered the premises."

Since Peter had moved in a few months ago, this wasn't a surprise.

"Send him down," Tony told FRIDAY.

"Will do."

Peter's POV

"Peter, Boss wants you in the lab," FRIDAY announced as he entered through the window.


Peter would have to hide this somehow. He didn't want Tony worrying about him.

He would also have to deal with the huge sword.

"Tell him I'll be down soon," He replied. "You appear to be injured. Would you like me to tell him?" FRIDAY asked. "No! No, please don't," Peter exclaimed. "Injured Spider protocol prevents me from hiding this from him, Peter."

Peter paused.

"I'll take care of this, okay? Please don't tell him," Peter begged. "Okay," FRIDAY replied reluctantly.

He set off to find Loki.


When he found the god, he was sitting in the lounge with Natasha. "Heyyy," Peter said, slowly lowering himself down from the ceiling.

Natasha fell off of her chair in surprise and Loki dropped his book.

"What the crap?" Natasha demanded, staring at the sword.

"I need help," Peter said awkwardly. "Get Tony, fast," She told Loki.

"Wait!" Peter yelped. "I really don't want him to worry. Can you help me?" He asked.


Natasha had helped him remove the sword as Loki put on bandages and did his best to hide the wound.

"I still think you should tell Tony," Natasha said anxiously. "I'm fine," Peter replied waving her off.

"If it starts bleeding again, come to me," Loki added, failing to hide his concern.

"Thank you!" Peter said cheerfully and walked to the elevator to meet Tony in the lab.

Tony's POV

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" A voice called from the back of the lab.

Tony turned to see Peter strolling in through the doors.

"Hey, kid," Tony replied, but his face fell as Peter got closer.

Something was wrong. His face was pale and he was sweating as though he had run a marathon.

"You okay?" Tony asked, moving toward him.

"Perfectly fine, Mr. Stark!" Peter replied cheerfully. Tony frowned, scrutinizing the boy. "Did something happen on patrol?" He asked.

"What? No!" Peter's voice rose a pitch, exposing him. Tony sighed and walked over to his computer.

"FRIDAY, pull up footage from Peter's patrol tonight. Look for injuries."

Peter winced.

A projection appeared in front of Tony, and he watched worriedly.

A woman stabbed Peter with the biggest goddamn sword he had ever seen.

"Peter!" Tony yelled, turning to the boy in shock, rest of the footage ignored. Peter smiled nervously.

Tony grabbed Peter's wrist to hold him in place and stared at his stomach, which didn't seem to be bleeding. Pulling up the boy's shirt, he saw gauze and bandages wrapped around Peter's stomach, going around the back to secure it.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck..." Tony breathed in shock at the blood soaking through the bandages.

Peter smiled weakly at him.

"Get your butt to Med Bay before I drag you," Tony threatened.

"Jeez, okay!" Peter said, rolling his eyes as Tony ushered him out the door.

2. I Just Wanted Some Tacos

Peter hadn't tried to get trapped under that building.

It just happened!

He had gotten to go on a mission with the Avengers to stop an alien invasion, despite being relatively new to working as a team.

In reflection, maybe if he weren't so desperate to prove himself, things may have turned out differently. One second he was rescuing innocents from the unsteady building, but then he'd been too focused and didn't notice his Spidey Senses growing until it was too late. Peter quickly passed the last child into the arms of his mother, and the pair turned and ran. He was scanning for any more civilians, when the screeching sound of metal on metal echoed through the already-collapsing tower. The floor gave way beneath Peter, and then the terrifying sensation of falling came over him. Peter hit the ground hard. The shock of hitting hard stone sent jolts of pain through his body, and he had to restrain a gasp.

Scrambling to get to his feet, he felt his Spidey Senses go off and jumped back to the ground, cowering in shock. A few seconds later, there was a deafening crashing that had Peter's ears ringing. Pain shot through his side as something sharp shoved its way through his back and out the other side. And then, the rest of the building fell. The tremors shook through the ground, almost sending Peter flying to hit the ceiling. Which, conveniently, was now less than an inch above his head. He was on a mission with the Avengers, and he couldn't even last long enough to help them significantly!

There was no way he was telling Tony. He'd be so disappointed.

Peter slowly turned his head to assess the damage, but when he did, the building groaned and edged inward slightly. Whatever that had lodged itself through his side sent a torrent of agony through him, causing him to yelp slightly.

"Spider-Man? Are you ok?" Steve asked through the comms. Oh right. The comms. "Y-yeah," Peter stammered out, trying to sound confident. "Status report," Steve demanded, sounding unconvinced. "Oh... just, a building kind of fell..." Peter said nonchalantly.
"Any casualties?" Cap inquired. "No, I got them all out in time," Peter answered. "And you?" He hesitated. "Uh, well, I got a bit hurt in the evacuation... can't really get back to the fight," Peter muttered, looking at the dusty ground awkwardly.

"Amateur," Sam laughed, words hard to make out through the wind buffeting against the man who was likely flying. "Sam," Steve admonished. "Spider-Man, do you need assistance? Is it an emergency?"

"Well, what qualifies an emergency?" Peter replied, dodging the question. "Are you about to die in the next couple of minutes?" Tony interrupted. "Uh, no," He said, eyeing the object - that appeared to be a metal pole - sticking through his side. Technically, he wasn't lying. His healing should keep him alive for at least another half hour.

"Oh shit! Can I get backup on 23rd? They've got reinforcements - some really big dude." Clint yelled into the comms. Peter wished he were able to help. Or that he were the one over battling the reinforcements. Really, he wished he were anywhere but under the building that reminded him far too much of homecoming and the disappointment that would come if Peter were found out.

"Spidey, can you hold on?" Steve queried.

"Yeah," He said in the most casual voice he could muster. "Yeah, I can hang on."

In what felt like a year later, but was probably only about fifteen minutes, Peter checked in with his surroundings again.

Blood was starting to pool underneath him, warm and blending in with his suit, though the colors were muted from the dust wafting through the air. To say he was freaking out was an understatement.

Peter tested the rubble above him, seeing if he could lift it. It shifted slightly, allowing Peter to roll onto his side and sit comfortably.

Well, as comfortably as one could under a building as they were impaled.

If he couldn't lift it... he'd have to ask for help.

Peter hated asking for help, but sometimes it had to be done.

Unable to stop himself, Peter checked in with the comms. "Hey, are you guys like almost done? I know it is an alien invasion and stuff, but I'd really, really appreciate it if someone came to grab me," He said casually, trying to hide how terrified he was. "Spidey, we're in a bit of a jam, is it okay if you wait a bit longer? Or is it getting serious?" Tony asked, worry clear in his tone. They were in a jam. If one of them had to come collect Peter, they might lose. "No, yeah, I'm good," Peter replied.

As soon as the words left his lips, pain shot up his torso from the wound with the metal pole sticking out of it. The boy bit down hard on his lip to restrain a gasp of pain. The Avengers didn't have room on their team for someone weak. he couldn't hold them back.

Five minutes later, Peter was cursing every life choice he had made up to date. Stupid Oscorp, stupid spider, stupid Spider-Man. Why the hell did I decide to join this team? I'm going to die.
"Shit!" Clint gasped. "Hawkeye?" Natasha asked, concern clear in her voice. "I'm - Ah - I'm ok."

There was silence. "Ok, who's going to point out how obviously that was a lie?" Tony asked. "I'm en route to your location, Hawkeye. Stay put," Natasha demanded. "No worries, you don't need to com- oh, hi," Clint broke off mid-sentence.

"Guys, it's not that bad, but let's wrap this up quickly, ok?" Natasha asked. "Steve, take care of your quadrant with Thor, Falcon, and Hulk. Tony, go pick up Spidey. Uh- where are you?" She asked after a pause.

"Oh, you know that building? I'm under that," Peter said, tensing, preparing for the disappointment that would come. "I- you're UNDER the building?" Tony yelled. Peter heard repulsors firing over the comms.

"...Yeah?" He replied casually. "It's fine down here. Pretty chill. Got a metal thing in me, but other than that, you get me some tacos and I'll be set."

"What the fuck... okay, FRIDAY, scan for life forms."

There was a brief silence, before Tony gasped out a "holy shit".

"Peter, FRIDAY says there's one life form in the building, they've been stabbed through the side and could die from blood loss in the next half hour, and they're about 27 feet down. Please, please, please tell me that's not you."

Peter blinked slowly, black threatening to envelop his vision. "No, yeah, that's me," He said. "About the tacos?"

"What the hell?" Steve cursed through the comms. "Why didn't you fucking speak up, Peter?" Tony snapped, sounding horrified.

"Sorry," Peter whispered, hearing the sound of repulsors through the rubble.

The first sunlight he'd seen in a while cracked through the layers of rock and wall, leaving Peter blinking. "Hey, Mr. Stark," He exclaimed, seeing a flash of red and gold about 25 feet away.

Tony was frantically flinging chunks of rock away, making his way down to Peter. About two minutes later, he was there.

"Kid!" Tony exclaimed, reaching out for Peter.

"Hey, Mr. Stark. What's up?"

"No. Nuh-uh. You've been under a fucking building for at least 45 minutes. That's not allowed," Tony instructed.

Peter sighed. Overkill as always.

"It's just a building, Mr. Stark. Plus I had more space in that one than the one at Homecoming."

"Sorry, what? That's not your first time?" "Forget I said that," Peter said, backtracking. "I most certainly will not forget. I'll be hearing that later."

Tony scooped Peter up, then launched himself off the ground.


Peter had been forced to go to Med Bay and take a crap ton of anesthesia so they could operate with him passed out.

When he opened his eyes again, Tony was sitting in a chair near a bed he was lying in, face in his hands.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter asked slowly, voice hoarse. When Tony raised his head, Peter saw that he had been crying. "I'm sorry..." Peter said sadly. "Kid, you have nothing to be sorry for. I should have - I should have known. I should have known you would say you were okay when you weren't. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," Tony whispered.

"But- I thought it was mine. I shouldn't have gotten stuck in the first place." "Everyone makes mistakes, Peter," Tony said gently. "So do you," Peter pointed out. "So don't blame yourself."

Tony let out a dry laugh, then looked serious again. "You seriously thought, if I knew what happened, I would have possibly left you there for so long?" Peter paused. "...No?" He guessed. Tony stared at him. "No! That is not a '', that is a 'No!' I would never let you bleed out under a damn building for that long! I would never let you bleed out under a building for even a second if I knew!"

Peter nodded, ashamed. "Oh, hell no. Don't you dare look ashamed. This is in no way your fault. Did you choose to have the building fall on you? No. Did you choose to be impaled? No."

Tony fell silent.

"The point is," He said finally. "I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt."

Peter smiled softly at his mentor/father figure. "I love you too."

Tony sighed loudly. "Giving me gray hairs, jeez," He muttered.

"What, you mean the ones you already have?" Peter asked, smirking. "It wasn't even a big deal anyways."

"Excuse me?"

3. School Literally Sucks

Peter walked out of Decathlon practice, wishing Ned were there. MJ had to leave early, so he was all alone.

"Peter!" A voice called from the other side of the hallway.

Peter paused, looking over his shoulder. "Hey, Flash," He greeted. "What's up?" Flash asked, grinning. "Not a ton," Peter replied, grinning.

A few months ago, Peter had been working on a group project with Flash and they had gotten to know each other a bit better, despite their initial reluctance. Peter had learned about Flash's parents, and sympathized. While his parents were dead, Flash's were abusive and so were really not parents at all.

Long story short, Peter helped him with that.

Flash had stopped bullying Peter and started growing closer to Ned, Peter, and MJ (aka the Holy Trio).

They chatted until they got to the front of the school and Flash left.

Peter checked his phone to see who was getting him today.

Sam. Great.

Sam was always late. All. The. Time.

"Parker!" One of Flash's former goons called. Jason Ionello.

Peter kept walking, about to turn the corner out of the school. His Spidey Senses went off, and it was all he had not to duck away from the hand grabbing his shoulder.

"What do you want, Jason?" Peter asked irritably. "Oh! Getting some bravery, I see. Pathetic," Jason spat, shoving Peter roughly against the lockers.

Peter just rolled his eyes. "Don't you have something better to do?" He inquired.

"Idiot," Jason muttered, punching Peter hard in the face.

Dude I had a building dropped on me last week. You think this hurts?

Still, it would probably leave a bruise for maybe half an hour.

"Ouch," Peter said sarcastically, before cursing himself mentally. He wasn't supposed to be Spider-Man in school. Only Peter Parker.

Peter fought the urge to roll his eyes as Ionello did his best to beat Peter up, very ineffectively.

This was far from the first time it had happened.

"What the hell is going on here?" Yelled an angry voice from the doors.

Peter's heart almost stopped.

Jason stumbled backward in shock and turned to see Sam standing at the doorway.

"Falcon?" Jason breathed, voice a mixture of shock and fear.

"Do I have to ask again? Why the fuck are you touching my nephew?" Sam asked, stepping forward intimidatingly.

Peter groaned. "Hey, Uncle Sam," He muttered awkwardly, leaning casually against the lockers.

"Hi, Peter," Sam said, diverting his attention briefly. "How the hell-" Jason broke off under the man's glare.

Sam ran over to Peter, taking in the injuries. He was sure they looked bad, but they really didn't hurt.

"You good, kid?" Sam asked, grabbing his arm. "Yeah, thanks Uncle Sam," Peter replied gratefully.

"What the fuck is your problem?" The man asked, raising his eyes to meet Jason's. A small squeak of horror escaped the boy's throat. Clearly he had not expected the intervention of an Avenger.

Sam dropped Peter's wrist and took a few quick strides over to Jason, grabbing the collar of the boy's shirt, who pressed himself backwards into the row of lockers opposite to Peter.

"Stay the hell away from my nephew. Or else I will personally assemble the Avengers to kill you in your sleep."

A teacher who had heard the commotion of Sam yelling ducked back into the classroom, not wanting to be a part of the shit going down.

Sam scoffed at the terrified boy. "Get out," He said, disgusted, as he roughly dropped the boy's shirt and took a step back.

Jason bolted for the door.

Sam returned to Peter's side and shook his head. "You really should tell Tony."

Peter shook his head vigorously. Sam sighed. "Why not, Peter?" He asked quietly. "

Peter stared at the ground before whispering: "He would be so disappointed in me."

There was a pause until Sam started laughing. "Are you crazy?" He asked. Peter's confusion must have been showing on his face, because the man elaborated. "Tony's so proud of you. He could never be disappointed. Trust me."

Peter gave Sam a reluctant smile. "Thanks, Uncle Sam," He said quietly.


He had hoped to hide the evidence from Tony, but his healing factor had other ideas. Naturally, it had just started to heal by the time he and Sam had reached the tower.

And it was lab day.

Peter walked into the elevator before exacting a promise of silence from Sam. He pulled his hood up to cover his face and the bruises and cuts that were slowly fading.

"Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter said, keeping his head down as he walked into the lab.

"Hey, kid!" Tony called cheerfully, not looking up from his project.


Peter ran over to his worktable and pulled out the latest web shooter designs.

Maybe he wouldn't notice after all.

But the universe was against that.

Tony looked up and obviously noted the hood shadowing his face.

Sadly, the man knew Peter too well to think it was a casual circumstance.

"Hey, Pete?" Tony asked uncertainly, stepping neatly around his table and walked over to Peter's.

Tony reached out to grab Peter's shoulder - gently but firmly - and used the other hand to push the hood backwards off of his head.

Peter dropped his head immediately, both embarrassed and desperately hoping he didn't see.

The man's small but sharp intake of breath countered that last hope.

Tony softly put his hand on Peter's chin, then lifted the boy's head to meet his eyes.

"Peter," The man whispered, sounding shocked and scared. "I'm sorry," Peter whispered, trying to look away.

Tony's POV

"Was it Flash? You said he'd stopped!" Tony exclaimed, shock turning to outrage. "No! No, Flash is fine. It was... Jason," Peter said quietly.

"Who is that specifically? I'll kill them."

Peter broke the quiet trance they were in by laughing.

"Please don't," He said, grinning.

"No one touches my son."

By the time the words were out of his mouth, Tony had just realized what he had said. Fortunately, Peter didn't seem to have noticed.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Stark," Peter implored.

Oh, Tony was going to worry about it. But secretly.

All that there was to say was that Jason Ionello never, ever bullied Peter again.


4. Inconvenient

This one wasn't even Peter's fault.

The universe just had it out for him.

He was walking to the tower when he tripped over a tree root. Right in the middle of public, Peter had gone down and landed badly on his arm.

There was a small cracking sound and Peter cursed. "Okay, come on! " He muttered, dragging himself to his feet.

Of course he was going to get a broken arm by tripping.

Thanks a fucking ton, Spidey Sense.

Of course, just because he had spider senses didn't mean he had common sense.

The common sense to watch where he was watching.

This was so embarrassing.

Peter ran the rest of the way to the tower. He hissed in pain when he tried to shove open the door. Normally he just jumped through a window when he was injured and Peter was unprepared to have to accommodate the broken arm.

"Hello, Peter. Would you like me to take you to Boss?" FRIDAY asked immediately. "Yes, please, thank you," Peter said, mentally exhausted, as he walked into the elevator.

"Hey, kid," Tony exclaimed, standing by the lounge entrance, waiting. "Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter replied, grinning. "All good today? No injuries from patrol or bullies?"

Technically it wasn't from either of those two categories, so he was telling the truth.

"Nope!" Peter replied cheerfully, ignoring the throbbing in his arm as it started to heal.

"Well, that's good. I was thinking we could patrol together today, if nothing's wrong?" Tony suggested.

Stupid Parker Luck.

"Yeah, that would be great!"

And that's how Peter ended up swinging through Queens with a broken arm.

"Hey kid, give me a hand with this guy!" Tony called over his shoulder. "He's not letting up, and I can't kill him!"

Peter looked up in the midst of exchanging punches with a masked bank robber - Peter's were being held back immensely - and kicked the person into the wall before flipping over to Tony.

Tony was struggling with the level of street criminals. He wasn't used to having to hold back, and so he was primarily on the defensive.

Peter landed in a crouch in front of the crook and punched him. The guy was flung backward and slammed into an ATM. As the man sat up, his eyes widened. "He's trying to go through the slips!" The robber cried. One of his partners looked up to see the person Peter kicked into a wall trying to subtly leave.

Peter webbed them to the floor and then did the same to the others.

"Karen? Call the cops."

Tony walked over to Peter, grinning. "Fun," He commented, nudging Peter in the arm.

Peter choked back a gasp of pain, the other arm flying to clutch the wound - Tony had hit the exact place he had hurt it earlier.

"Kid?" Tony asked, concerned. "You okay?" Peter nodded, letting his arm drop to his side. Tony's eyes narrowed. "Let me see your arm," He instructed. "Uhh, no thanks."

Peter stepped backward to try and escape. "Kid," Tony repeated, grabbing Peter's uninjured arm. He cast a pointed look toward the robbers stuck to the ground. One raised a hand and gave a small wave, movements impaired by the webs.

"Okay, a different place then," Tony decided, then grabbed Peter around the waist, lifted him off the ground, and flew away to the tower.

"That was seriously extra," Peter muttered, dusting himself off as they landed.

5. Not My Brightest Idea

Peter really just wanted to have a normal day.

Of course, being Spider-Man, and having close relationships with the Avengers, that didn't really happen.

"Dude, what happened?" Ned asked as he Peter walked out of school exhaustedly. "I got injected," The boy replied, sighing. Ned hesitated. "You got what? " He asked, confused.

Peter understood. Stabbing and shooting was basic enough. But injecting, especially with an unknown liquid - that was very, very dangerous. 

"Okay. Okay! Just - just come to my house. My parents aren't home right now. We'll figure it out there."


Ned's room was being remodeled. There was tape dispensers everywhere, from putting up posters and wallpaper and such.

Peter had sat down on a bed next to a collection of staplers and other rubbish and Ned pulled out his computer.

"There's... some sort of tech in your system," Ned said, frowning. Peter groaned. Last time something like this happened, it was not fun.

"Where is it?" Peter asked quickly. "Uh... it's made its way into your neck. In the veins, kind of near the base of your skull. Here," Ned said, pointing at the location.

Peter thought quickly. "Okay. Get me a knife," The boy decided. "Excuse me?" Ned shrieked. "I'm going to need your help," Peter added calmly.

"I am not  cutting into your neck. Pulling out bullets is one thing, risking actually killing you is another. No way."

Peter sighed. "Well, I can just do it myself," He said, standing. "Nope. That's insanity right there. Why don't you just call Tony?" Ned inquired. "He'd be disappointed. I'm not calling him. End of story."

Ned rolled his eyes. "Well there's no other option, Peter!" 

An idea jumped into his head.

Peter grabbed a staple gun off the bed next to him and put it up against his neck over where the chip was. With a decisive act, he pushed the lever and a staple lodged itself into his skin.

"Oh no," Peter deadpanned. "Looks like I have to go to the hospital."


Normally Peter didn't like hospitals, but this was a special case. 

They weren't going to be drawing any blood, so his identity was safe.

Peter was waiting in the queue to check in with Ned and his mother. The two had come up with a cover story to tell Ned's mom: Peter was looking at the staple guns and then reached up to scratch his neck, forgetting it was in his hand.

A stretch, but Peter Parker was known for being clumsy.


"Boss, Peter Parker has just been admitted to the hospital," FRIDAY announced to Tony in the middle of a project.

"What?" Tony yelped, shocked. "What happened?" There was a pause. "I am searching the medical records as they are inputted," she declared.

"What hospital?" He asked. "The Queens General Center Hospital - the emergency room, to be precise."


Okay, so Peter hadn't entirely thought this whole process through.

The staple in his neck was throbbing, and his healing factor was trying to fix it by healing over  it, meaning he had to mess with the staple every minute to break the skin again.

By the time the doctor saw him, blood was trickling down his collarbone.

The doctor told him what was about to happen and sterilized the space with some sort of wipe.

Then he took a small scalpel and cut open the skin on the sides of the wound, making sure to go deep enough to get to the bottom of it, and deftly pulled it out with a pair of forceps (that means medical prongs/clips/tweezers).

Then the doctor frowned.

"There's something in there," She had muttered. "Can you take it out?" Peter asked, trying to lace the words with as much surprise and concern as he could.

She had reached in again and this time came out with a small device with a blinking red light on the side.

"Thank you!" Peter had said abruptly, grabbing the piece of technology.  At the woman's confused look, he quickly came up with a story. "For my... family. To see if it was something I needed or not."

The woman had nodded and carefully bandaged the wound, still slightly suspicious but also just done with life in general.

Then there was a knock at the door.

The doctor went to open the door, but was swept aside by a frantic Tony Stark.

"Kid? What the hell happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you come to me?" He asked, looking Peter up and down.

"Uh, sir, with all due respect, unless you have documentation or you are related to Peter, you really can't be in here. Patient confidentiality and all that," The doctor said, walking forward, tense.

Tony tossed a dismissive look over his shoulder. "I can take it from here. We have doctors over at my place. Let's go, Peter."

The doctor started to protest - "Sir, you can't-" 

But Tony had already equipped his suit and blasted off with Peter.

They landed on a building near Stark Tower, and Tony's suit receded. "So, Peter. Care to tell me what all that was about?" He asked sternly. Peter looked away. "I got... a staple in my neck."

Tony blinked. "How did that even happen?" He inquired, amusement sparking in his eyes. 

"I, uh, forgot I was holding a staple gun."

"No, that's a lie," Tony said, frowning as he watched Peter closely. "Okay, you're right, I was lying. Ned and I were messing around and I fell on the thing," Peter amended. "No, that's also a lie. What's the real reason?"

Peter scowled. Tony knew him too well.

"Okay, Mr. Stark. It started last night..."

6. Bam, Ouch

Tony was used to having to figure out if Peter was hurt.

He wasn't expecting a phone call at 11 at night from the kid.

He certainly wasn't expecting for his kid to be trying not to cry.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter asked through the phone, voice wobbly. "Kid? Are you okay?" Tony replied, already preparing to suit up and fly to his location.

"Uh, okay, so funny story," Peter began, audibly beating back his emotions. "Oh shit," Tony muttered, already preparing for whatever was happening.

"So there was a bomb, right?" He started. "There was a bomb?!

Tony was already tracking Peter's coordinates and having FRIDAY plot the quickest route to his kid.

The kid.


"Yes, Mr. Stark, that's what I just said- anyways, the bomb. And there was a ton of people, right? So I took the bomb and swung out to this field where there's no one around," Peter paused on the other line. "Uh-huh," Tony said, urging him to continue.

"And, uh, it's about to explode, right?"

Tony slammed his face into a wall.

"I'm on my way. What happened next?" He asked, jumping out the window and then shooting into the sky.

"Okay so I'm like: oh crap, so I drop it in the field, and try to swing out of range, but it explodes. Because it's a bomb. And then there was shrapnel, and it kinda... well, I've been slightly impaled. And like, I've been stabbed into  the ground."

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck..." Tony breathed, about halfway to Peter's location. 

"Where were you impaled?" He asked, freaking out. "Uh, only the shoulder, so that's good."

Tony looked down at the site to see wreckage and churned-up ground everywhere.

As well as a small, limp figure stranded among it all.

His kid.

Tony dropped down next to Peter, who had managed to take off his mask with one hand. The boy gave him a laboured smile.

"Hey, kid," Tony whispered, inspecting the damage.

"Hey, Mr. Stark. This kinda... blows, doesn't it?" Peter asked, laughing a bit. Tony blinked. "Did you just try and make a pun?" He retorted, equal parts amused, terrified, and confused.

Probably more the terrified, though.

"Yeah, that pun kind of blew up in my face, though," Peter added. Tony groaned. "Shut up. I'm trying to focus."

Tony carefully picked up Peter, careful to keep the shrapnel in his shoulder to prevent extensive bleeding.

Bruce and a team of medical professionals were called to Med Bay, and a few minutes later, Tony and Peter arrived.

15 minutes later, Peter was let off of anesthesia as it had ceased working. The drug was replaced with Steve's special super-soldier shit, and it was still barely keeping him under.

An additional hour later, Peter was cleared, and Tony was allowed to go in.

"Thank you," Tony blurted out, at the same time as Peter said "I'm sorry."

They stared at each other for a few seconds until Peter looked away, muttering another apology.

"I shouldn't have been an issue," His kid began, in the same moment as Tony said "You told me."

Cue another few seconds of awkward staring, until Peter turned and looked at a security camera in the corner like he was on the Office, making Tony start laughing.

Then Tony processed what Peter had said.

"What?  Kid, you weren't an issue. I'm just glad you told me," Tony said softly, putting a hand on the kid's shoulder. 

Peter stared at the floor, eyes a bit watery. "I should've taken care of it," His kid whispered. Tony sighed. "We really need to deal with your guilt complex. I'm telling you, it wasn't your fault. At all. I'm just... really glad that you trusted me enough to call me."

Peter looked up at that, shocked. "Of course I trust you! Why wouldn't I?" Tony flushed. "Well, I just kind of thought that because you always hid it, you didn't trust me enough to tell me..." He muttered, facing his own insecurities.

Fucking emotions are a bitch.

"I'd always trust you, you're like a fath- uh, I guess - you're like a mentor to me," Peter stammered out. 

Tony caught onto the little word his kid hadn't said.


It had a nice ring to it. 

"Thanks, kid," Tony said. "And, father?" He asked, a small smirk tugging at his mouth.

Peter immediately turned a bright shade of red and started apologizing quickly, a mile a minute.

"Kid," Tony stated. Peter fell immediately silent. "You're like a son to me, Peter," He admitted softly, smiling.

There was a small silence between the two.

"Love you, Mr. Stark," Peter said quickly, before looking away.

The way he said it made it seem like a casual thing - the lack of an 'I' before the 'love you' somehow made it seem more informal, more... comfortable.

"Love you too, kid," Tony replied, smiling widely. "Plus, if we just admitted this, you have got  to stop calling me Mr. Stark," He added.

"Good luck with that, Mr. Stark," Peter said cheekily.

Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, husband, philanthropist, father. 

He really liked the way that sounded.

What did you think of that?

It's my first time writing a 5+1 fic

That took forever to write oh my god

A n d   it was super fluffy

Sorry the update is weird, since I updated on Tuesday a while ago, my whole schedule is messed up lol

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that! Leave any requests in the comment section!

I'm going to start writing those again, probably the next update haha. Sorry for not doing that temporarily, but I was lacking inspiration. Now I have some, so that'll happen!

Hope you liked it, and have a great day/night/afternoon!

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