Memories Of A Dead City - [Le...

By Yuuki241

21.4K 466 133

(Continuation of 'Walk Among Wolves') [Book 4] With the known fact you were physically adjusting to your new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

1.8K 41 4
By Yuuki241

||A/N: Well here's a new chapter, things have been hard for my mom and I lately so chapter 4 may or may not come around tomorrow...sure I'll maybe write some of it today but honestly my mom and I are stressed out and we need time to just relax and get our minds off the stressful situation were in (I won't speak about it so please I ask you not to ask what it is we're handling it on our own.) But either way, enjoy!||

The fight began and those who had guns shot at anything that crawled through the windows, one dude in there was horrible to his girlfriend which angered you to the point where you had her remain behind you and Kuga for the rest of this fight.

But when this started to seemingly die down it, of course, couldn't help but go from back to worse as the man who treated his girlfriend horribly ran off and shot a zombie, only for it to mutate into some other monster with pure white skin and jaws that tore into him.

'Well that's new...then again with these virus's new BOW's are endless that's for sure.' You thought.

"Hey, take Kuga and hide in the area of the stairs! Quick!" You shout.
"A-Are you sure?" She asked.
"Just go, Kuga takes her there now!" You ordered.

She soon followed after your dog who brought her up the steps a bit as she hid, Kuga taking guard while everyone in the building downstairs took care of these things as well as a few of those Jumpers...fuck sakes they were scarier than the Lickers! These things walk like a normal person and once they sight on their prey they pounce on them.

Finding more ammo after running out and the guy FINALLY activated the shutters which made you question why the fuck he didn't do all this before you all arrived but either way he finally leads you all upstairs where you actually had been able to get a breather and restock on bullets.

"Nice work down there. Good news is, I've got some folks coming for me on a bus. Any minute now. If we can make it, it's a straight shot to the Cathedral. People are evacuating there. Heard it on the radio. That's a big 'if'. It's a shit storm out there. We aren't waiting for stragglers." The man explained.

However soon after he finished explaining all that zombies seemed to have arrived somehow, how with that in mind you and everyone else with a gun started to shoot away while the man got the 'Japanese guy' to get the shutters for the second floor...took a while too as even those damn Jumpers were around but with everyone working together the shutters soon finally came down and all was silent for a moment.

Getting into the next room proved to be slightly better but when the room shook violently a few times soon the door was broken down as a fat ass large zombie guy walked in, good god...together along with your dog you moved around while shooting at the damn thing...this bastard wouldn't let you continue on without you killing it, in the end, to pass on forwards.

After finally killing it everyone had headed up to the roof of the building where they were to meet up with whoever was gonna be there but trouble always arrived as lots of zombies and some Jumpers arrived as well as another fat ass big zombie you and the others just finished killing off...great...this was gonna be one hell of a fight to get through.

When the bus finally arrived the man got busy with the lock on the door where they could all escape from, it took a moment but when he got it, every one, one by one ran off while some shot a few zombies and quickly got on the bus, Kuga sat by a window but before the driver could drive off the large ass zombie was in the way holding the front of the bus back.

This forced everyone to defend the sides of the bus while a few others did their best to shoot away at the one before them as they needed a way out. Once it was the bus briefly ran over and the bus took off and out of town finally giving those who survived a sigh of relief to be out of that horror and on the way to safety.

"...90% of the population in Tall Oaks has been infected with the virus. That rounds up to about 70,000 hostiles. We also received word that an organization named 'Neo-Umbrella' just claimed responsibility for the attack." Hunnigan informs you three.
"Neo-Umbrella?" Leon mutters.
"I know what your thinking," Hunnigan says.
"Yeah. This is 'Raccoon City' all over again." Leon replies.
"No doubt about it...the similarities are all there." You sighed.
"That's all the news I've got. Now it's your turn to help me. I need to know what's in that Cathedral. I've got suits breathing down my neck for info." Hunnigan replies.
"Suits?" Leon asks.
"Specifically, Derek C. Simmons - National Security Advisor," Hunnigan says.

But before either of you three could reply a zombie stumbled out into the road and the driver tried to run it down but things quickly went worse when the bus swerved and had half of the back peering over a cliff which honestly didn't help much with lots of zombies around the area.

You woke up finding yourself slightly on top of a whimpering Kuga who tried to wake you up but once seeing you up and about licked your face in relief, it was a huge relief to you that Kuga somehow wasn't injured even from this but you wasted no time to shoot away the zombies as Kuga sat right in front of you as one arm was holding him close.

Kuga protects you, you protect him. You two were not gonna get separated. Not even by these things. Kuga survived situations like this before so his training of survival and finding his way back to his 'master' proved to be really well since he always returned to you.

But things went worse when a truck which was being attacked by zombies the driver blindly shoved into the bus sending it off the cliff, you quickly placed your gun away and held onto Kuga tightly in your arms using your own body to protect him from anything and everything. This soon had Kuga waking up just fine a little sore (poor thing) and whined as he walked up to you nuzzling his nose on your face a few times walking around your still self.

You woke up with a start when hearing a horrible explosion just a few feet away from you, getting to your knees you saw the horrible side of the bus...which left you, Helena and Leon along with Kuga to be the only survivors of this crash. had actually thought they would be able to arrive at the Cathedral together.

"They escaped the infection...only to die like this." Leon comments.
"How horrible..." You frown.
"There's no time to grieve. We have to get to the cathedral." Helena says.

She was right getting up to your feet and taking your gun out again you followed after them (not without Leon checking on you first of course) and used the graveyard to get there. A brief chat with Hunnigan happened before the three focused on getting through...however it seemed like the fog even rose the dead not sure how the hell that's even possible you three were forced to kill a few of them as you continued on only to find the gate locked up.

"Great...well what next will keep us away." You sighed.
"Don't jinx it, babe," Leon said.
"Shut up." You chuckled cheeks slightly flushed from him calling you that openly.

Yup he still had a way to make you blush despite the years of dating between the two of you, anyways going into the 'house' on the left proved to be best since in the bathroom was a dog who held the keys to the gates in its teeth, and since it was infected it sadly needed to be put down.

It let you chase after it before finally retrieving the key and having to run all the way back to the gate, getting it opened...finally however not noticing the zombie up above it had knocked Leon over the ledge on the left Kuga went after him as you quickly ordered and so you and Helena would work together to meet up with Leon.

"That's some dog..." Helena comments.
"Yeah, I rescued him when he was a pup a few years ago." You explain.
"Rescued him?" Helena asks as you two ran off to meet up with Leon.
"Yeah, Kuga's mother was killed by the time I saw him. He was gonna get killed as well if I didn't get in between the guys in Africa who mistook Kuga and his mother for wolves but in reality their dogs and a really nice too. Since then Kuga and I haven't been apart since." You explain.

You then started talking about how you remember convincing the worlds most wanted man who was now dead to allow you to keep it, apparently for Wesker back then it proved to be annoyed but also useful since the dog seemed to only listen to you at the time....back then was dark years for you but now that you were saved and Kuga was taught the right things he wasn't as 'scary' as some people mentioned in the past.

Kuga actually warmed up to Leon and your friends rather quickly, but his favourite was still you of course since you would spoil him back at home however somehow he seemed like out on the field it was 'work' time. Nice dog to have as a partner/companion.

Meeting up with Leon again proved to be easy but there was also some Screamers around again which annoyed you to no ends, killing them was a first need since you didn't want more zombies around the area to arrive. Only when the Screamers around were dead did you guys head for the big doors of the cathedral...but no one was letting you guys in.

Oh, come on people!!

Once again you three were tasked to fight off zombies, Screams and those fucking Jumpers as well...things weren't easy at all since you had too many close calls with the Jumpers, thankfully one guy inside had the balls to help out by using a sniper to shoot down any he could and by the time these bastards let you into the place it felt like your ears were gonna bleed just by those Screamers.

After closing the big door behind you all some of them stood up thinking you three were some rescue crew but sadly you weren't it was then revealed that there was something under that altar but they needed to find the right stuff for it to open...yay more damn freaking puzzles.

"You wanna tell us what's down there?" Leon asked.
"It's better if I should you both," Helena replies.

Okay...all this mistery was getting annoying! But you took a deep breath and let it out knowing that getting mad or annoyed by all this 'secret' stuff wouldn't get answers so you and Leon shrugged your shoulders at one another and followed after her as she walked off.

Roaming around there were places for statues to be placed upon, and since there was two that were found you stayed on the large room bellow waiting on them as Kuga sat down taking a quick break for the moment. When both statues were on the right marker the altar opened slightly but closed up again leaving a door just a few feet away from you to open up.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Leon says.
"Might as well explore that place huh?" You asked.

Even though your question went unanswered you three along with Kuga walked into the room only to find yourselves on either side of this room that had a few traps where the buttons on the large statues deactivated the traps...huh okay then, but once the other room was opened it proved to be a bit harder since more and more were coming out making either of you three on the run non-stop until it all was finished and the doors opened.

Next up was these dishes or whatever that opened the doors whenever the lazers on the guns you all had been somehow able to heat them up...well however it was able to do so it came down to where you three met up again then had to use the sniper rifle to shoot at the bells up top.

"Here you take the shot, (Y/N)," Leon says.
"Alright just get ready to head back." You sighed.

Grabbing the gun after placing your pistol away from you carefully shot at all five bells which opened a closed door as well as the bars holding the final blue statue to take. Man, you hated how stuff like these had puzzles everywhere. Strapping the riffle to your back and taking out your pistol again you had run off with everyone including Kuga out that now opened door and back on the second floor of the cathedral.

Just by a chandelier was two posts where the statues might be able to be placed upon and soon as they were the altar opened up revealing a nasty looking BOW which killed a man turning him quickly and then let out the same fog that killed everyone in a matter of minutes. You, however, got worried about Kuga...oh gosh how are you gonna get him out of that?!

"I'm guessing that's what unleashed this hell." Leon states.
"No doubt about that...damn we need to kill it before it kills everyone in here!" You replied.

All of you jumped down to the ground floor which you quickly had Kuga wait downstairs after leading it away from that area in order to protect Kuga from breathing its gas didn't want to lose your little furry friend.

But by the time it finally died nearly all of the survivors in the cathedral were dead...only a few were left which you three had to leave behind sadly as you continued on with the mission forward. Using the key that it dropped you three and Kuga opened the large doors and headed inside which lead to the undergrounds.

Using the numbers on a device to open the doors proved to be a bit easy but slightly hard since some of the numbers were gone from the areas it showed, but later Helena got frantic as she recognized a room and ran on ahead making you and Leon having to run after her as she checked room by room for this 'Debroah' person.

Soon there was a room filled with tanks and whatever it was inside, walking around Helena realized that none of this was here when she last saw it which meant someone got here before them and replaced everything. However when you heard Leon mutter 'Ada' you flinched and looked his way watching as he placed the tape in only to see 'Ada' come out of some sort of well as his state at the screen from the sight of the woman.

'Did stuff happen between the two while I was gone...?' You thought with a frown then looking away.

Leon had thought that was what Helena wanted to show him but since it wasn't the three and Kuga had no choice but to keep moving forward to get the damn answers they wanted. Getting through the door this place seemed like some sort of lab/trash place the further and further you three explored and worked your way through.

Wasn't long before you were forced to go through some form of garbage shute to get out of there and Kuga had gone down before you as you killed off any zombies heading your way before jumping inside and sliding even more down underground.

And to prove you were totally underground the place seemed to be more like caves as you either walked or crawled throughout the place to get to more open ground, however, a brief conversation started up.

"Why can't you fill us in yet?" Leon asked.
"Because you two probably wouldn't believe me. That's why I want to show you two. And when I'll both have all the answers and proof you'll need." Helena explains.
"Whatever this is must be worse than ever..." You sighed.
"You really have no idea." Helena frowns.

Out of that area, you three and Kuga entered some sort of...underground old ass building? Huh..well if more things were familiar these days it was this mission right here...jeez places like these reminded you when you were in control of Wesker somewhat...something you didn't want to remember at all.

Shaking your head you tired your damn hardest to focus on the mission at hand ignoring the area you were at but still keeping an eye on your surroundings. However, this 'Deborah' was soon revealed to be Helena's sister as she was seen laying on some sort of platform and even when Leon tried to get information from her she kept pushing back wanting to get her sister out of here first.

Agreeing with this yet again you and Leon took the position to protect the sisters as you lead the safest way killing some of the zombies down there getting them out of the way until you reached the bottom where Deborah yelped in pain as Helena carefully took her off her back on the ground.

But sadly it seemed like Helena's sister got infected as her body began to have steam come off it and later turned into this cacoon which not long later cracked and she was slowly exiting it...however not without a arrow to be struck right into her head making her fall out completely presumingly dead...and the person who did this?

Ada Wong herself.

'Ada...yay...just great what sort of thing will she be forcing us into now? And why do these two seem close? Am I missing something here?' You thought.

You scoffed and shook your head at the sight of her, but it seemed like she and Leon developed some sort of 'friendly relationship' since he seemed to have protected her from Helena shooting her making the poor woman fall to her knees crying for her sister.

As the two spoke to one another which you ignored you completely was busy with trying to comfort Helena in her moments of grief but things went worse when Helena's sister moved again and was shown to have mutated into some sort of BOW that began to attack you all.

So the battle with her began...and Helena sadly would have to join in this battle to take down her mutated sister...

This battle proved to be rather hard since halfway through the battle she destroyed the platform under everyone, thankfully though you, Kuga and Helena fell on another platform whereas Leon and Ada fell on the other side. Working together with Helena you guys ran off killing any zombie in your way to getting to the bottom as you needed to hurry and sadly take Deborah down...

Wasn't long until you all were back together as your second battle with Deborah was starting but this even proved to be a harsh battle since she was really strong and this mutation was rather different then anyone in the place has seen. So it took a while but when she destroyed the platform again the girls had fallen together while Leon landed elsewhere with Kuga at his side.

Moving quickly Leon worked his way to a place where he could move the cart the ladies were in as they provided him and Kuga cover, which he soon found and had moved it along where he was able to join them along with Kuga who happily reunited with you.

As the cart moved on they somewhat fought with Deborah as she attacked them again, it was hard when you had to duck a few times to avoid getting hit by the lower beams in the way, of course, this soon landed them all elsewhere when it fell over the tracks and elsewhere. You, Leon, Ada and Kuga landed in the same place while Helena landed elsewhere with her sister who stumbled towards her but fell over.

Helena caught her sister by the hand and mentioned she wouldn't cry about all this anymore not until she got revenge to the man who truly was behind all of this crap. And she'd make sure he'd pay for it. For it all. And with that, she slowly let go of her hand watching her fall to the bottom.

You, on the other hand, frowned at what you witnessed, someone must've got this to happen and when you all met up again Helena explained everything...Simmons was behind it all. He blackmailed Helena into it and used her sister for her knew something was up but you didn't think it was this bad...damn no wonder why she was how she was all this time.

'If I was in her position I might've done the same...' You thought.

Ada soon mentioned something about Simmons being like that all the time then about someone who truly ran the country...but she soon left leaving more questions than answers like always making you scoff at this. Not long later Hunnigan called.

"Leon, where are you?" Hunnigan asked.
"Is Simmons there?" Leon asked.
"Yes..." Hunnigan replied.
"Hunnigan you need to be careful. I think he's the one who did all-" Leon tried to inform her but was interrupted by the man himself.
"Did I hear my name?" Simmons asked.
"Simmons." Helena spat.

Leon shook his head as you and Helena joined him at his sides, you glared at the man who had the balls to act like he was above everyone. Now that the truth was out...the only trouble was you needed proof...shit.

"The President spoke highly of you two, Agent Kennedy, Agent (L/N)," Simmons says.
"Likewise. He told us you've been friends for 30 years." Leon replied.
"Tell me is it true you three were the only ones present at the time of his death?" Simmons asked.
"What are you saying?" Leon asked.
"Well, you must be aware you three are all suspects in this attack? You especially Agent (L/N)." Simmons says.
"The hell you getting at." You spat.
"Well, you indeed returned but are you truly still on our side? Or are you a secret spy for Neo-Umbrella?" Simmons asks.
"What?!" Helena asks annoyed.
"Agent Harper, at the time of the attack you abandoned your post, leaving the president vulnerable. You must admit such behaviour is suspicious." Simmons says trying to turn all this on you three.
"You son of a bitch! You're the one of planned all this! And Agent (L/N) has no part in any of this! She's innocent!" Helena shouts back defending you despite not knowing you long.
"With what evidence could you base such outrageous accusation? I am the National Security Advisor. It's my job to prevent such attacks, not cause them." Simmons says.
"You lair!" Helena shouts.
"Helena!" Leon stops her.
"If the three of you feel so strongly about your innocence, then you should have no problem turning yourselves in. Especially you Agent (L/N) because you'll be detained real soon." Simmons says.

After hanging up the call you looked to the side knowing that most of your co-workers must've been quick to lose faith in you as this man seemed to have used your past to altar their thoughts about you due to what Wesker did to you in the past....great now the whole world might be looking for you.

"I'm gonna make him pay!" Helena says.
"Looks like things just went from bad to worse," Leon commented.
"Yeah...he must have people looking for me now. I won't be surprised if anyone at the DSO doesn't have faith in me anymore." You sighed.
"We're not gonna let them take you, we will get the proof we need on Simmons," Leon says.
"I'm sorry he's dragged you into this..." Helena frowns.
"It's fine let's just go get that proof and get the hell out of here." You tell her.

With a nod of their heads, you all headed out through a door and into some sort of other parts of this underground building whatever these catacombs held in store for you three and Kuga would have to see for yourselves.

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