Hey! It's just Bromance

By -AWeebFromHell-

5.1K 135 31

I don't really know what to put here- Uhm..a 13+ novel? ;-; More

Chp 1 - Sunset
Chp 2- First date
Chp 3 - Longing
Chp 4 - Red strings of Fate!
Chp 5- Sleeping
Chp: 7 -SPECIAL//Floristcafe Au//- F I N A L

Chp 6 - Festival

359 11 4
By -AWeebFromHell-

"Alright, class dismissed. Remember the festival tonight, don't miss it." Aizawa explained at the end of the classes for the day, really just wanting to go home and sleep rather than have to help supervise at the event.

On the other hand, the class were all super excited for the festival. UA was famous for many events, the sports festival was probably the largest example, but the school also hosted a local festival for it's students, faculty and heroes, but the public were welcome to come along as well.

Midoriya was looking forward to the event. He was finally getting to go after all! And as a student of UA no less!

"Deku! Are you excited?" Uraraka asked as they headed out of the classroom towards the dorm areas.

Midoriya nodded, grinning.

"I went with my mum a few weeks ago to get my Yukata sorted out."

"Awesome! I'm sure it looks fantastic. I could only get a cheaper one but..."

"Uraraka I'm sure it'll look fine. As your friends and classmates, no one will judge you for your Yukata." Iida said to comfort his best female friend.

"Thanks Iida," Uraraka answered with a smile, "anyways, I'm guessing you've got one sorted?"

"Of course! Even Tensei helped out picking a Yukata, he is also looking forward to the festival."

"Ah! We're finally gonna get to meet Ingenium! I'm so excited!" Midoriya exclaimed, hands clasped together in excitement.

"I don't know whether he's more excited for the festival or getting to meet your brother."

The group laughed, rushing to get back to the dorms to get ready for the festival.

"Yo Kiri, you got your stuff?" Sero asked, hovering at Kirishima's desk.

"Yup! Just need to figure out how the hell you get a Yukata on. I don't have my parents to help me this time."

"It's fine, I have no idea how to do it either." Sero admitted.

"Actually... I know how to do it." Ashido replied. "I could help you guys out."

"Ashido you angel."

"Get your stuff and come round to my room, I'll get ready first."

"Awesome! You're the best Ashido!"

"Oh why thank you, I know I am!"

Kaminari hopped into the conversation.

"What's the bet they ask Blasty McSplode to do the firework display?"

It took a second to register in their minds before they burst out laughing.

"Oh my god."

"Anyways, you need help with your Yukata Kami? I'm helping out these two dorks here so I'd be fine with another one."

"Have I ever told you how much I love and appreciate you Ashido?"

"Nope, you should do it more often."

"Well I love you and I appreciate you."

"Thank you Pikachu."

They walked towards the dorms together at a hurried pace.

"I haven't seen Bakugou, think he's ok?"

"Baku will be fine. He's the master of like everything so I assume he's gonna be fine putting on his Yukata. I'll send him a text anyways just in case."

Ashido pulled out her phone and typed a quick text before pressing send.

Two seconds later her phone buzzed.

Ashido read the text and giggled.

"Ahem... 'I don't need your fucking help I can fucking tie my own fucking Yukata cause I'm not a useless piece of shit'."

Midoriya felt like a useless piece of shit. He had been struggling for the past twenty minutes trying to get his yukata on but to no avail.

"Midoriya, my boy? Are you ok?" All Might's voice called out as he slowly opened the door, peeking around the side. "I take it you are not."

"I have no idea what I'm doing! M-mum taught me how and I could do it b-because I've done it before and now I can't and I'm gonna miss the festival and gonna miss everything and everyone!"

"Midoriya, calm down, I can assist you."

"T-thanks All Might."

And so, All Might undid what Midoriya had started, going from the beginning until his Yukata was finally tied.

"This looks great All Might!"

"It's easier to do for someone else," he explained, "and Gran Torino taught me. If I didn't get it right, I got an extra twenty minutes on one-on-one training."

The pair shivered at the thought.

"Anyways my boy, you better get going, I'm sure your friends are all waiting for you." All Might said, ruffling Midoriya's hair slightly with his hand. Midoriya laughed, mood brightening after getting his yukata tied.

"R-right. I'll see you at the festival All Might."

Midoriya rushed off, tearing down the halls to get to the elevator to catch up to his friends with a wave.

All Might sighed, returning the gesture until his successor disappeared from sight.

Midoriya really did remind him of himself when he was younger.

"And done! Now you are all beautiful princesses ready for the ball!" Ashido cheered as she finished tying Sero's Yukata.

"""Thanks Ashido!""" The three called out as they admired their yukatas, almost expertly tied by Ashido.

"I'm impressed by your skills Ashido."

"While you studied for class, I studied the blade... I mean the yukata."

"Ooh don't let Iida hear that, you'll get scolded by him and then tutored by him."

"Should we get headed? I'm pretty sure the festival will have started by now."

"Sure, but shouldn't we find out about Bakugou? I mean we haven't heard about him..."

"Kiri don't worry, he's probably already there."

"K-Kacchan?! W-what are you doing?!"

"The fucking school figured out I can fucking cook so I got fucking dragged into helping one of the stalls. I'm fucking pissed, does no one here know how to cook?!" Bakugou raged as he stood behind a stall, Yukata on as he cooked up some Yakisoba.

"This is the best thing I have ever seen!" Uraraka shouted out, bent over, clutching her stomach from laughter.

"Shut the fuck up Uraraka!"

"I think it's a very good thing you've done Bakugou, helping out with the festivities."

"Don't you fucking start four-eyes."

"C-come on guys, let's move on before we annoy Kacchan more." Midoriya said, stepping back.

"Deku you've fucking came to this shitty stall, you are getting my fucking food now sit your ass down before I blow it up."

"Holy shit is that Bakugou at the Yakisoba stand?" Kaminari blurted out before covering his mouth to suppress a giggle. The others noticed and started to rush right to the stand.

"Hey blasty, four bowls for us! I didn't expect you to be doing this."

"Was fucking made to do it. Sit your asses down beside the annoyances."

Kirishima sat down beside Midoriya, who was currently eating his bowl.

"Is it good?"

Midoriya nodded fervently, shoving some more of the noodles into his mouth.

"Man I can't wait for my bowl."

And oh, when the food came for the rest of them, it was gulped down in seconds.

"I don't care what anyone else may say, I think Blasty's real quirk is his cooking ability."

The rest of the group agreed with a hum of delight and content.

"We'll definitely be coming back here later if we get hungry again. Seeya Bakugou!" Uraraka decided, slipping off the seat before disappearing away.

Midoriya and Iida sweat dropped.

"I'll pay for hers since she up and left." Iida decided, pulling out the needed amount and placing it on the counter before catching up with Uraraka.

"We should get going too, I wanna check out all the stalls! And pick out a lantern! And write my wish!" Ashido exclaimed excitedly, placing her money on the counter before skipping away, Kaminari and Sero joining her a few seconds later.

Leaving Kirishima and Midoriya alone at the stall.

"D-do you wanna go a-around together?"

"Yes! Where do you-"

"Can you two kindly fuck off, you're blocking the new customers."

The pair apologised before scooting away from the stall.

("What a kind young man, helping out his school. You are the hope of this generation, I hope your classmates can follow from your example." One of the older women stated as she stepped up to the counter to order Yakisoba from Bakugou.

The pair snorted.)

"H-how about w-we check out the games first? See what there is?"

"Sounds like a great plan."

"The plan worked, the two are going through the festival together." Kaminari said into the earpiece Yaoyorozu made for them.

("Why... do you need earpieces?"

"... No reason.")

"Great, Hatsume has appeared beside us and we told her the plan. She has eyes on Deku and Kirishima." Uraraka responded.

"Awesome. Ashido and Sero are going to tail them. Jirou and me are gonna listen out for them, you three keep eyes on them."

"Yup, got it."

Kaminari was determined to get those two to finally kiss... or get together... or more, he didn't mind what order it came in. He couldn't deal with the pining any longer.

"Hey, is that a strongman game? You know, the one with the hammers?" Kirishima said, pointing towards a podium just in front of a stall.

"It looks like it." Midoriya nodded, letting Kirishima lead the way towards the game.

"Two people for the... thingy!" Kirishima said, digging for his wallet and some money. They handed the money over.

"No quirks allowed, don't wanna have the machine break." The worker explained, shoving the money into his pouch. "And since you guys are all hero students or whatever, it's put on the hardest setting."

Kirishima grinned excitedly.

"Y-you can go first Kirishima." Midoriya said, passing the hammer to him.

Kirishima took the hammer and readjusted his grip. He brought the hammer down onto the button, slamming it down and sending the small light upwards through the game, stopping one or two short of the bell at the stop.

"Man, I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get the top but I think 'Super Manly' is good."

"And fitting as well." Midoriya added before taking the hammer from Kirishima, hitting the button at the bottom.


It hit the top instantly.

"Plus Ultra!"

"Jesus Christ Midoriya, you sure you didn't use your quirk there?"

"N-no... I..."

"That was cool though, you better get a prize for that!"

"He does, take a pick from the top shelf." The stalltender said, jerking a thumb behind him.

"C-can I have the A-All Might plushie?" Midoriya asked, pointing to the plushie in question, grinning widely in between a large teddy bear and a rabbit.

"How did I know you'd pick that?"

"I-I know I'm predictable but I-I haven't got it."

"No no no! I wasn't complaining or teasing or anything! I'd do the same if there was Crimson Riot merch!"

"That's somewhat a relief that I'm not the only one..." Midoriya replied, getting the plushie from the stalltender and saying a thank you. "Shall we get going onto the next stall?"

The pair continued through the festival, stopping occasionally to check out a stall or try a game. They waved to fellow classmates or friends from other classes that they bumped into, sometimes stopping to speak to them.

("Bro!" Tetsutetsu called out from his group of Itsuka, Tsunotori and Monoma, rushing forwards.

"Bro!" Kirishima replied just as eagerly, meeting Tetsutetsu halfway, engaging in an affectionate handshake.)

"Hey look! There are masks on sale!" Kirishima pointed out, grabbing Midoriya's wrist and pulling him along to the stall, gazing at the masks on display.

"T-there are loads of them..." Midoriya observed, looking at the different kinds. "D-Do you want one?"

"Sure, you want one too?"


Soon, they had chosen masks and wandered away from the stand to get some more room.

Kirishima pulled his mask on, before pushing it up his face, showing the majority of his face. He held Midoriya's mask in his hands.

Here's your chance! Kiss him!

Do it!

Be a man!

Kirishima placed the mask over Midoriya's face, deliberately putting it too far up his face, leaving the lower half of his face exposed.

"K-Kirishima!" Midoriya said in surprise, starting to raise his hands to fix the mask. Kirishima softly placed his hands on Midoriya's cheeks, causing Midoriya to pause. "...Kiri...shima?"

Kirishima gulped, licking his dry lips nervously before leaning in, placing his lips on Midoriya's. Midoriya squeaked in surprise, freezing slightly before he relaxed, hands moving to Kirishima's shoulders, snaking around the back of his head, starting to kiss Kirishima back.

They broke apart before it could get any deeper, Kirishima letting Midoriya move his mask to the top of his head to allow him to see, cheeks flushed.

"Sorry for that, I couldn't help it. I just saw the opportunity and my mind went 'kiss him!' so I did but-"

Kirishima's apology was stopped by Midoriya kissing him again.

"I was... wanting to do that this whole time... even before tonight..."

"I feel stupid now."


"'Cause I was so sure you didn't. If only I knew, we could've done this long ago."

"True but I think there is something fitting about today? It's... the seventh of July right?"

It took a second before realisation came over him like a light bulb.

"Jeez dude, that's adorable."


"Attention festival goers! Everyone gather in the main park for the fireworks and lanterns!" Present Mic called over the tannoy.

"We better get going... then after that we can write our wishes?" Midoriya said.

"Ok, though I think one of my wishes got answered a few minutes ago."

Midoriya flushed madly, as did Kirishima. Hesitantly, Midoriya held his hand out. Kirishima blinked before grinning (Midoriya felt blinded from how bright and full of life it was), taking his hand in his.

The pair met with the rest of the class a few minutes later, who looked them up and down, seeing their hands clasped together.

"""FINALLY!""" Ashido, Kaminari and Uraraka all shouted out in unison.

The fireworks shot into the sky with the stars, shimmering before vanishing.

"They're really pretty..." Midoriya breathed as he watched them fly upwards, hand squeezing Kirishima's.

"Yeah they are."

Midoriya leant into Kirishima's side, head resting on his shoulder, still gazing up to the sky. Kirishima twisted his head downwards, placing a kiss on the top of Midoriya's head.

"At least move the mask Kirishima." Midoriya said, taking the mask off of his head.

Kirishima chuckled, leaning back down to put another kiss on Midoriya's head. Midoriya moved, making sure the kiss was on the lips. They stayed there for a few seconds, the sounds of the fireworks exploding the only thing reminding them of where they were.

"I'm so glad for tonight... thank you Kirishima."

"Right back at you Midoriya."

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