Spark / l.h ✔️

Από nessathebutthole

77.4K 1.2K 127

"The spark I have for you could never die out." ** WARNING: This book contains smut! COMPLETED Περισσότερα



2.1K 49 4
Από nessathebutthole

~Luke's POV~

As soon as Coralia and Quinn left the apartment, I threw my head back against the back of the couch and let out a heavy sigh of relief. It wasn't that I didn't like her, really. It was that she, like Quinn had said, was fucking hot and it drove me insane because I knew I couldn't do anything about it.

I scowled a little and texted Romeo to get his ass over here, relaxing back against the couch. Even though I knew Coralia and Romeo weren't dating, I also knew Romeo enough to know that he wouldn't at all have wanted me to try anything on her while they were still fucking one another, which I was sure they'd be back to in no time. Romeo was a lucky little bastard, being able to have a girl like her all to himself. He'd always told me that she was really gorgeous, but god, I hadn't been expecting just how gorgeous she actually was. He hadn't prepared me for that.

Before I'd met Coralia, the only thing I knew about her was that she was pretty and that she had Romeo whipped as all hell, both of which were still pretty true. I also knew she was evidently some type of little devil in bed, thanks to Romeo. He had had no filter when he told me the details so vividly that even I found myself a little interested in this girl. He made it sound like it was the best thing he'd ever experienced, and now I suppose I could see where he was coming from on that. Even after only knowing her about a week now, I found myself a hormonal mess around her, which was awful.

It certainly didn't help that she walked around in that stupid little robe in the morning, either. I mean, that thing barely covered her. She seemed like she was super sweet, too, which somehow made it worse for me. Then again, I still barely knew her. The bottom line, though, was very clear to me. I couldn't do anything with Coralia because I didn't want to step on Romeo's toes or piss him off. Even all those months ago, when he'd told me about the two of them, he had seemed like he wanted her to himself and I'm sure that that hasn't changed.

While I sat there in thought, the sound of someone knocking on the front door filled my ears, causing me to stand up. I went ahead and opened the door, allowing Romeo to come barging his way in. Surprised, I looked over at him as he stood by the couch, staring down the hallway. "Is Lia here?" He asked hopefully, glancing over at me for a response. "No." I responded, shaking my head. "She went out with Quinn." I said, shutting the front door and locking it. He sighed in disappointment and plopped onto the couch, frowning. "Is she still really mad?" He asked, looking over at me as I sat on the other couch.

A heavy sigh left my lips and I shrugged. "Honestly, I have no idea. She and I haven't talked about that since I told her what you told me." I admitted, causing him to gape at me as if he couldn't believe what I'd just said. "You told her everything I said?!" He exclaimed, looking horrified. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, relaxing back against the couch while Romeo practically lost his mind with panic. "Dude, calm down. I didn't tell her everything. Just the very short version." I assured, peering over at him with a brow raised. He seemed to calm down, but I could tell he still wasn't very happy with me. "Still! Why on earth would you tell her what I said?" He fretted, irritation seeping into his voice.

Appalled, I sent him a look. "Why the hell would I lie to her? It's not like I'm the one who went around telling people what it was like to fuck her. That was your mistake." I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. He glared at me. "Really? Because you're the one who was always eager to listen!" He fired back, earning a roll of the eyes from me. "Yeah, I listened, but I'm not the one who opened my mouth to share anything." I said, staring him down. He looked so angry that I wondered if he'd blow a goddamn fuse or some shit.

"Oh, please. Don't try to give me that holier-than-thou bullshit, Luke. You probably got a fucking kick out of it." He said simply, causing me to stare at him for a second. Then, I decided that I wanted to piss him off, especially if he was going to be acting like I was the one at fault here. "You know what? I did. And after hearing you say so much about it, maybe now I'll see how good she is in bed." I provoked, effectively tossing my plan of not pissing him off right out the window.

I knew I'd pissed him off just by the way he looked at me. "I swear to god, Luke, you don't fucking touch her. Don't even fucking think about it." He snapped out at me, his hands clenching into fists. Obviously I knew I wasn't going to actually do anything to Coralia, especially not out of spite for Romeo, but I decided to keep on pushing his buttons. I gave him a grin and shrugged my shoulders. "Why not? I'm sure I don't have to tell you how hot she is. Maybe I'd even take her a couple times." I grinned widely, watching as he shot up off of the couch and came storming in my direction. He was definitely pissed.

Romeo grabbed me by the front of my shirt and yanked me up off of the couch, an angry scowl on his face as he glared at me. If I didn't know any better, I'd have said he was about to beat the shit out of me, but he just glared at me like I'd said the worst thing he could think of, and perhaps I had. "Shut the fuck up." He growled out at me, fisting my shirt in his hands. I just grinned. "Don't fucking touch Lia, Luke. I'm not joking. If I even catch you looking at her wrong, I won't hesitate to—" He was in the middle of threatening me when the front door suddenly swung open, stopping him mid-sentence.

Both of us snapped our heads towards the door and saw Coralia and Quinn stood there, looking at us. Quinn looked unbothered whereas Cora seemed very confused. "What the hell is going on here?" She asked, placing her bags on the floor. I hadn't even realized that three hours had passed since she left, not until I glanced up at the clock on the wall. Where the hell had all the time gone?

"Nothing, little tiger." I said casually, purposefully pushing Romeo's buttons. "We were just having a little talk." I smiled, stepping away from him without even a glance at him. She gave me a confused look and slowly nodded, probably wondering why the hell I just called her a little tiger. "Right," She said, eyes narrowed and darting between us in suspicion. "What were you talking about?" She asked, raising a brow as she picked up her bags and kicked the apartment door shut. Romeo and I glanced over to one another at the same time, probably thinking of the same thing: tattling on one another. "Well, Romeo and I were talking about you, actually." I responded, sitting down onto the couch casually. Her brows raised in surprise and she looked over at him, frowning. "Really?" She asked. "Why's that?" She asked, setting her bunch of bags onto the floor by the couch as she sat down beside me.

As she sat down, her scent fanned into my face and I subtly inhaled her cinnamon scent. She smelled really good. "Um," I muttered, now feeling a little distracted by her scent and her proximity to me. "We were just talking about how he screwed up, you know, with the whole...sharing things that shouldn't be shared." I said, glancing over at Quinn, who was in the kitchen. I didn't know if Cora wanted this to be known by Quinn, too, so I was trying my best to keep it on the down low. She snorted softly and crossed a leg over the other as she leaned back into the couch, her arm brushing mine when she crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah, I'd say so." She said curtly.

A heavy sigh left Romeo as he looked down at her, frowning. "Can we please talk?" He asked her in a hopeful voice, biting his cheek. She studied him for a second and then sighed, her skirt swaying as she stood up. "Fine. Let's go, then." She agreed, slipping past him and down the hall.

They both disappeared from sight and left me alone with Quinn, who came wandering into the living room from the kitchen. She sat down on the other couch and ate out of the bag of Doritos that she had in her hand, looking over at me. "You like Lia?" She asked, cocking her head to the side curiously. I paused for a moment, lightly nodding my head. "Yeah, she's nice." I answered, shrugging my shoulders. Quinn rolled her eyes and popped a Dorito into her mouth, shaking her head. "No, idiot." She said after she ate the chip. "I meant you think she's hot. You know, you'd like to take her to bang town. That type of shit." She clarified, as if this were a normal thing to be asking someone you hardly knew. I looked at her a moment. "Um, n-no? She's beautiful, yeah, but..." I trailed off and shrugged my shoulders. "Not really my type." I lied.

Quinn laughed. "Bull-shit." She grinned, popping another chip into her mouth. "That's not what you told Romeo, anyways." She said, causing me to freeze.

"How'd you know about that?" I asked, frowning. She shrugged and finished off the chip in her mouth. "I got to the door a bit before Lia did and I'm not above eavesdropping." She answered simply, giving me a careless smile. I scowled a little and shook my head. "Whatever. I just said that to piss Romeo off. He was being an ass." I responded, crossing my arms over my chest. Even if I had said that for that purpose, which I had, I'd be lying if I said that Coralia wasn't someone I found attractive.

"Are you really trying to tell me that you wouldn't hop into bed with her? You only said it because of Romeo?" She drawled, raising her brows at me in a manner of disbelief. She wasn't buying the utter shit I was trying to sell, and I couldn't blame her. "Fine, yes. I would, but I won't." I answered, rolling my eyes at her insistence. Quinn laughed and didn't bother to ask me why I won't try to get into bed with Coralia, probably already knowing exactly why. It all came down to Romeo. Sure, I'd purposefully pissed him off today, but I wasn't going to piss him off by actually doing anything. I also wasn't going to just use her as some sort of pawn to spite him.

The two of us fell silent, Quinn with a little self satisfied smile on her face. I merely rolled my eyes and waited patiently until Romeo and Coralia came wandering back out, clearly having resolved the problem, judging by the smile on her lips and the way they were chatting in a friendly manner. "You guys solved the issue?" I asked, raising a brow up at Cora as she came and plopped beside me on the couch. Romeo came and sat down beside her, purposefully pulling her into his side so she wasn't as close to me as before. "Yes." He said, stroking a finger over her arm as he eyed me coldly.

They had solved their problem, but I had a feeling I had conjured up a new one that Coralia was completely oblivious to.

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