A Villain Kid Love Story (Mar...

Per Dorothyshoes30

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What if Mal never fall in love with Ben instead she is in love with Carlos? How different would Mal story be... Més

Chapter 1: A Chance of a Lifetime
Chapter 2: Leaving the Isle
Chapter 4: Nightmares
Chapter 5: First Day of School
Chapter 6: Carlos faces his fears
Chapter 7: Jane's New Look
Chapter 8: New Friends
Chapter 9: Back to School Party
Chapter 10: Night at the Cultural Museum
Chapter 11: First Tourney Game
Chapter 12: Social media
Chapter 13: The Heartbroken Princess
Chapter 14: The Truth about my Past
Chapter 15: Once Upon a Date
Chapter 16: Chemistry
Chapter 17: Did I mention?
Chapter 18: Evie's First Date
Chapter 19: Anxiety Attack
Chapter 20: Opposite Day
Chapter 21: Jay's Wish
Chapter 22: Fire and Ice and Everything Nice
Chapter 23: Almost Kiss
Chapter 24: Truth Gummy
Chapter 25: The Briar Rose
Chapter 26: Mal the Dragon Princess
Sneak Peek of Chapter 27: Family Day

Chapter 3: Evie meets Prince Charming

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Per Dorothyshoes30

 Author Note: This story was originally going to be told from Mal's POV but I decided to change things up. This story will be told in first person point of view but some chapters will be told from a different character point of view but I will put what character point of view is being told in that chapter or paragraph. Another thing I wanted to point out is that the reason Evie meets Ben in this chapter is because it is a reference to a song lyric from the song Belle from Beauty and the Beast  where Belle talks about a story she is reading about a girl who doesn't discover who her Prince Charming is until chapter three. This part of the song remind me of Evie and Ben because Evie hears about Ben inviting her and her friends to go to Auradon Prep in the first chapter of my story but she doesn't officially meet Ben until this chapter. Evie and Ben relationship are kinda like Ben's parents relationship in this story. Evie represents Beauty and Ben represents the Beast.

Update: This chapter was originally published on 9-12-19 but I notice some errors so I update the story on  1/24/20.


                                                       Ben's POV

     It the last day of Summer before school starts tomorrow. I will be a junior at Auradon Prep a school for children from 6th-12th grade. A few weeks ago I just turned 16 which makes me one of the youngest in my grade because I have a late birthday that is exactly a month before the cut off date which is August 31st. In my family it is a tradition shortly after you turn 16 the heir of the throne is crowned King or Queen of Auradon. Shortly after my 16th birthday I made my first proclamation as future King of Auradon to give four Villain Kids a second chance in life. I believe everyone deserves a second chance especially the Villain Kids that deserves a better life than be stuck on island their whole life with no way out. I think it is unfair that the Villain Kids are punished for a crime their parents made over 20 years ago. It is not their fault that their parents are horrible people. This is why I created the Villain Kids Foreign Exchange Program. I want to prove to all of Auradon that the Villain Kids are not like their parents. When I first announce my proclamation everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to give the Villain Kids a second chance especially my girlfriend Audrey. She was not supportive with my dreams about giving the Villain Kids a second chance. She even got so mad at me for picking the worst villains on the Isle children to come to Auradon Prep. She especially got mad at me for choosing her mother's worst enemy Maleficent's daughter to come to Auradon Prep. I try to tell Audrey to give them a chance but she wouldn't listen instead she already hates the daughter of her mother's worst enemy who she has never met before.

    I sent a limo to pick up the four Villain Kids that I chose to come to Auradon. I don't know much about them because there is very little information about the Isle that is in history books. I have read every book in my mother's library there is that has information about the Isle. I heard that some of the villains have children that are close to my age but I couldn't find any record of their names because Auradon doesn't keep any records about the Villain Kids. I have no idea what the Villain Kids I chose names are. All I know that they are the children of Cruella De Vil, the Evil Queen, Jafar and Maleficent. I am excited to meet the Villain Kids that I chose to come to Auradon and to get to know them and learn more about the Isle. 

   I walk in front of the school with my girlfriend, Audrey waiting for the limo to arrive so I can meet the four Villain Kids I chose so I can show them around campus. I am excited to meet them but my girlfriend Audrey is not so thrill with meeting them. A limo finally arrives in front of the school a group of four teenagers get out of the limo. There are two teenage girls that get out of the car one has short purple hair and green eyes and the other one has curly blue hair and brown eyes. I couldn't help but stare at the girl with the blue curly hair she was beautiful. Then two teenage boys got out of the limo who were fighting over something.


                                                             Mal's POV

   We finally arrive to Auradon me and Evie get out of the limo first. Evie is so excited to meet her Prince Charming because now we are going to a school full of Princesses and Princes from royal families. The boys finally get out of the limo already fighting with each other what a perfect way to make a good impression at our new home. I just stand there rolling my eyes at the boys who are being idiots.

Carlos:  Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is? 

Jay: Cause you wanted it 

Carlos: No! Give it to me! Ow! Let go!

Me: Guys, guys, guys! We have an audience.

Jay: Just cleaning up. Get up Carlos!

Fairy Godmother: Leave it like how you found it! And by that,  I mean just leave it.

  Then Jay started talking to this beautiful tan skin girl with brown curly hair and brown eyes. The beautiful girl was wearing a pink dress and a blue jacket and based on the way she dresses I could tell she was a girly girl who was probably a Princess. She was with this young man that has brown hair and brown eyes I have to admit he is handsome but he is not my type.

Jay: Hello, foxy. The name's Jay the son of Jafar.

Carlos: And I'm Carlos De Vil the son of Cruella De Vil.

Fairy Godmother: Welcome to Auradon Prep! I'm Fairy Godmother and Headmistress here. 

Me: The Fairy Godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo"?

Fairy Godmother: Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it.

Me: Yeah, I have always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile.

Fairy Godmother: Oh.

Me: And that sparkling wand.

Fairy Godmother: That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "don't focus on the past or you will miss the future."

Ben: It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Prince Ben and this is Audrey.

Audrey: Princess Audrey his girlfriend.

   I could tell by the look on Ben's face he didn't feel comfortable introducing Audrey as his girlfriend. I wonder what is up with that? Does he not like her but his parents force him to be with her because she is royalty? I will have to ask Ben that later.

Evie: You had me at Prince. My mom is a Queen which makes me a Princess. My real name is Princess Evelyn Grimhilde but I go by "Princess Evie" or just "Evie" for short.

   I can tell by the way Evie act when she found out Ben is a Prince she was very happy to hear that. Evie acted all flirty by twirling her curly blue hair with her finger when she introduced herself to Ben. I think Evie already has a crush on Ben even though she just met him but I can tell that she likes him by the way her eyes light up when she heard that Ben is a Prince himself.

Audrey: The Evil Queen has no royal status here which means neither do you.

Me: Hey don't talk to my friend like that.

Audrey: Umm excuse me your friend has no royal status here because she is from the Isle and her mother is a Villain.

Me: Then I guess that makes you the Queen of Mean  since you are acting so mean to everyone.

   I haven't even been in Auradon that long and already Audrey is on my last nerves for being rude to one of my best friends. I can feel my green eyes starting to glow which only happens when I am mad at someone and when I get mad it is not pretty. I turn into a dragon which is something I inherited from my mother but it only happens when I am mad about someone. Carlos grabs my hand and tries to calm me down because he knows what I am like when I am mad which is not pretty.

Carlos: Mal, you need to calm down don't let her turn you into a monster because that is not you Mal. 

Fairy Godmother: Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around and I'll see you four tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews.

    Ben goes around and shaking all our hands trying to make a good first impressions on me and my friends. Jay gives Ben a friendly punch in the chest.

Ben: It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all. This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history. As the day our two people begin to heal by forgetting the past and learn how to live in peace by forgiving each other.

Me: Or the day that you show four people where the bathrooms are.

Ben: A little bit over the top?

Me: A little more than a little bit.

Ben: Well, so much for trying to make a good first impression and wanting to make you four all feel welcome here.

   Then Audrey points at me and says something to me because she thinks she knows who I am. Since I am the only one that hasn't properly introduced myself.

Audrey: Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora better known as Sleeping.....

Me: Beauty! Yeah, I've heard the name before. My name is Mal Faery and you are right I'm Maleficent's daughter. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening.

Audrey: Water under the bridge.

Me: Totes! 

   I fake laugh at Audrey's face because I already can tell how fake she really is. I know I just met Audrey today but I already hate her so much. She was being so rude to my friend Evie and acts like she is all nice just to please her boyfriend who was the one that made this proclamation to invite me and my friends to come to Auradon. I can already tell that she is one of those girls that acts like she is the Queen Bee of this school more like the Queen of Mean  by the way she acts being so rude to my friends.

Ben: Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah? Auradon Prep originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school for students to attend from 6th grade to 12th grade.

   The four of us follow Ben and Audrey on the tour. Then Ben stops in front of his father's statue in his human form. Then Ben starts to clap his hands and the statue of Ben's father turn from a human to a Beast. Carlos got scared and jumped into Jay's arms when he saw the statue turn into a Beast because his mother taught him to be scare of dogs.

Ben: Carlos, its's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from a Beast to a man to remind us that anything is possible.

Me: Does he shed much?

Ben: Yeah, my mom won't let him on the couch he only turns into a Beast when he gets really angry. 

    Then the four of us continue following Ben and Audrey into the inside of the building where we would be attending our last two years of high school here.

Me: So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands and things like that?

Ben: Yeah, it exists of course, but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals.

Me: Who just happened to be Kings and Queens.

Audrey: That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years.

   Audrey but Ben's hand around her shoulder I could tell by the look on his face that he was uncomfortable.

Ben: Doug. Doug, come down. This is Doug. He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms. I'll see you later, okay? And if there is anything you need, feel free to....

Audrey: Ask Doug.

Me: Ha.

Doug: Hi I'm Douglas Grimm but I go by Doug for short. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho.

Evie: Evie, the  Evil Queen's daughter. My real name is Princess Evelyn Grimhilde but you can just called me "Evie".

Doug: Okay. So about you classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already like History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and uh, Remedial Goodness 101.

Me: Let me guess. Remedial Goodness 101 is a new class? Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms.

Doug: Oh, uh, yeah, your dorms are on the left side follow me and I will show you guys where they are at. This is still bugging me I can't think of the last dwarf name even though he is my Uncle I guess this is what I get for having six Uncles I can't remember all their names even though they are all my Uncles.

Carlos: Sneazy that is the one you were forgetting.

   The four of us all follow Doug who leads the way to our dorm rooms which is on the left side of the front entrance of the campus. Doug leads us down a hallway and tells us all the girls dorms are the left and all the boys dorms are on the right side. 

Doug: Okay Mal your roommate is Evie and Jay your roommate is Carlos. Here is your room keys all your stuff is already in both of your dorms.

   I look at my room key which says me and Evie are assigned to room 100. It turns out Jay and Carlos room number is 101 which means that their dorm is literally across the hall from us. I follow Evie to our dorm room. When I first walk in and saw me and Evie's dorm I have to admit it was a nice room but it was not my style because it is too elegant for me. This dorm is obviously made for a Princess not a Villain Kid who likes to wear Purple, Pink and Green. Evie obviously loved the room and felt like where she belongs. The nice thing about this room is how comfy the bed is compare to the ones we had back at home on the Isle.


                                                            Carlos's POV

   The minute I walked into my new room I instantly fell in love with it. This room is was way nicer than sleeping in my mother's fur coat closet. I lay on my new bed which is super comfy. I grab my special pillow out of my bag that I brought with me to Auradon. It is this nice blue pillow that Evie gave me. This pillow is so special to me because it is my first pillow ever because my mother made me sleep on the floor with no pillow or blanket for me to sleep with. My mother is super abusive and acts like she is a great mother in front of her friends for a while no one knew what my mother was truly like. Then one day Evie, Jay and Mal were over at my house the four of us were playing truth or dare. Mal dare Evie to go in my mother's fur coat closet even though Mal knew very well that no one was allow in there. Mal was super curious what was in the closet and why we were not allow in there even though I told her many times that she can't go in there ever. So Evie broke my mother's rules when my mom was not home all because Mal dare her to do it. Evie gets stuck in one of the bear traps in my mother's fur coat closet. I go in there and save Evie from getting hurt in the bear traps. Mal accidently shut the door which lock us out and she didn't even know it. I show Evie another way to get out this closet by going through the back door in my bedroom. Evie was the first person to see my bedroom and notice I don't have a proper place to sleep on. She saw I had no pillows and told me that she can give me one of her old pillows that they were going to throw out anyways. Evie gave me my first pillow as a thank you gift for saving her from getting hurt from the bear traps. I brought this pillow with me because I like how comfy this pillow is.

Jay: Now that we are alone I need to talk to you Carlos about something

Me: What is it that you want to talk to me about?

Jay: I want to know what exactly is going on between you and Mal?

Me: What are you talking about?

Jay: Carlos I'm not dumb I have seen the way you look at her and lately you been acting strange  around her.

Me: I have not been acting strange around her and there is nothing that is going on between me and her.

Jay: Are you sure about that? Carlos, I have known you for a long time you are basically like a little brother to me. There is nothing you can't tell me I'm always here for you bro.

Me: Will you promise me that if I told you the truth about me and Mal that you won't tell anyone this?

Jay: I promise I won't tell anyone.

Me: The truth is I really like Mal as more than a friend. I have always like her as more than friends. I knew nothing would happen between us back at home because Villain kids are forbidden to date. I have always wanted to tell her the truth but I am too scared that she won't like me back.

Jay: I always knew that you like her but you just didn't want to admit it because you don't want to ruin your friendship with her.

Me: Wait you always knew that I like her and never said anything about it?

Jay: Yeah, I have always known that you were in love with her but I didn't want to say anything because I knew you would deny your feelings for her.

Me: What do you think I should do? Since you are the expert on girls because you always flirted with girls back at home even though love was forbidden on the Isle.

Jay: I think you should just tell her the truth she deserves to know even if she doesn't like you back.

Me: Yeah, you are right I should tell her the truth. Thanks for the advice man. I am going to tell her soon when the time is right.


Author Note: I choose Doug's last name as Grimm in this story which is a reference to the authors last name of the fairytales. Snow White is one of the fairytales that the Grimm Brothers wrote. 

I was going to change the cover of the story to this edit I made with a photo I found online. Sadly the photo is too big to fit as a cover story on Wattpad but it is the cover for this story on fanfic. Since I can't change the cover to my edit I am just going to post the picture down below that is suppose to be the cover of this story. 

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