
By TheCoumie

94.8K 3.9K 6.8K

Deciding to play by his own rules, Dan embodies the dark part of his mind. Phil, wanting the best for him, tr... More

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 17
Unit 18
Unit 19
Unit 20
Unit 21
Unit 22
Unit 23
Unit 24
Unit 25
Unit 26
Unit 27
Unit 28
Unit 29
Unit 30
Unit 31
Unit 32

Unit 16

2.9K 120 343
By TheCoumie

why hello y'all it's been a while! i'm here with another chapter that i'm pretty sure you will all appreciate. i'm sure it was well anticipated hahaha. because this website is such a hater i'm gonna put the one part on tumblr so that you can access it whenever. i'm gonna leave it here for now, but if wattpoop keeps being a hater i'll delete it on the unit and post the tumblr link only. for now both will be available. thanks for reading :)

Disclaimer: This story contains violence, gore, sexual content and strong language. Subjects covered might trigger some. If you are very sensible or easily offended, please abstain from reading.

The taste of the strong coffee tickled Quest's taste buds. It was only 7 in the evening, but he had a tendency to be unable to sleep when a case was particularly hard. A black coffee helped his eyelids stay up. 

The bags under his eyes were getting bigger every day. He stayed up late thinking over and over again about theories he had and going over everything to make sure he hadn't forgotten a detail. He questioned every information they had gathered and wondered about details that didn't quite match the pattern.

And for another night, Quest didn't plan on sleeping at all. Unbeknown to Wade, he had parked his car next to the Underground station Favor Gallagher and the suspect had been seen at on the tapes. Quest had deduced that if it was Alpha, he probably lived near that area and used that station quite often.

He would stay there and watch all night. His car was cleverly parked where nobody could see him, but where he could see anyone getting in or getting out the station.

If he was to see a six feet tall man wearing a black hood and a backpack, he knew that'd be Alpha. He'd follow him, and intervene when the time was right.

The time passed without any suspicious hooded men walking past. Quest had finished his coffee by now and tried to concentrate. He checked the time. 8:20. He rubbed his eyes firmly and sighed. This was going to be a long night.

People walking around were getting rarer. It would be easier for him to spot Alpha. If he was to come.

A man crossed the street. He didn't have a hood on. He didn't even wear a black coat. He had a navy leather coat and a beige scarf. He had glasses on the tip of his nose and his hands were in his coat pockets. He was heading to the Underground station. Quest sighed. He needed another coffee already.

He did a quick calculation in his head and estimated the probability of meeting Alpha were a bit low, yet still probable. He watched the man cross the street, yawning deeply.

Another man erupted from the street and left to the right. He had a black coat on and a black bag on his shoulders. He was rather tall, though his head was uncovered. Quest didn't even notice Dan. He walked away from the station, unrecognized.

Quest didn't even bother look at him go away and continued patrolling. Though, something bothered him for the rest of the night. He had this feeling Alpha would be right under his nose.


Dan fastened his pace. Anger was increasing at an incredible speed inside of him. He gritted his teeth and tightened his fists inside his coat's pockets.

Phil had followed him. He had followed him out when he was going to continue the pattern. Phil had followed him out.

Dan couldn't register the information. He had spotted his victim, and Phil showed up! He had lost his victim because of him! He lost his victim because of Phil!

Dan's breathing was getting heavier. He wanted to hit something. No, someone. He needed to kill.

And he couldn't just go back at the house right now, he had just gotten out! Perhaps Phil was still following him from a safe distance?! He couldn't just go back to the station and find where his victim went!

Dan groaned. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to compose himself. If Phil was indeed still following him, he couldn't just wander around and risk getting caught at suspicious activities. But at the same time, Dan's urge was growing bigger inside of him. It was all clogged up, making his chest feel like it could explode at any moment.

The man's face kept shooting in his head. He couldn't forget it! He had to remember it! He didn't know if his subconscious would give him another daydream if he saw him again!

Dan rubbed his face firmly with both hands before he turned on his heels and entered the door he had just walked past. The smell of booze was strong and the rumors of conversation were hard on his eardrums. The room was very warm which made him peel off his coat and put it in his bag. He then sat down at the counter and the barman walked up to him.

"Hey boy, what can I get you?" He asked, his thick mustache wiggling at every word.

Dan sighed. He was still so angry and he just wanted to drink until he lost count. Drink until his body felt numb and drink until he couldn't remember.

But those last thoughts were the reason for him replying:

"Just a beer, please."

The man nodded and walked away to get his drink.

Dan had to remember the man's face. If he got drunk, he would forget! And the pattern would be broken! The man came back a minute later and put the glass in front of Dan.

"Glasses... on the tip of his nose... long hair... light brown... navy coat... beige scarf..."

Dan took a sip of his beer.

"Glasses... long light brown hair... navy coat... beige scarf..."

Another sip.

"Glasses... light brown... navy... beige..."

"Just a beer, please."

Dan froze. The voice, it was so familiar. From the corner of his eyes, he looked at the person next to him. The man had black hair and it was styled in a quiff. The hair on the sides of his head was shorter than the top. His long black coat had been taken off and neatly hung on the chair's backrest.

It was agent Quest Kadner from the MI5, the detective he had met with Phil a few days ago. It was the detective on the Alpha case. It was the detective that was looking for him.

The corner of Dan's mouth twitched, excitement rushing through his body. He restrained himself from laughing and simply carried on taking slow sips.

The barman came back with the same beer he gave out Dan and put it in front of Quest Kadner. He thanked him by nodding gratefully and passed slender fingers in his black hair. He took his first sip and sighed deeply.

Dan wanted to talk to him. He just wanted to. For his own pleasure. The feeling of talking to the detective in charge of putting his ass in jail without him even knowing was just blissful. He hated small talk, and Dan thought Quest probably did more than him. So he elaborated a stratagem.

Dan carefully slid his glass to the right, closer to where Quest was seated. He then looked to the left, faking to be interested in something in the distance. Then, he moved his right arm blindly to find his glass and purposely knocked it over.

It hit the counter in a loud noise and the beer spilled out in Quest's direction. Dan let out a believable fake gasp and turned in the detective's direction quickly enough to see him jump on his feet to avoid the beer from soaking his clothes.

"I'm so sorry!" Dan exclaimed, putting the glass back up. "I'm such an idiot, I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright..." Quest replied, disoriented.

The barman approached calmly and cleaned the mess with a cloth.

"I'm so, so sorry..." Dan kept apologizing, his hands on his mouth. "Did it touch you?"

"No, I'm fine." Quest said, examining his sleeves. "I'm okay."

The barman finished cleaning and served Dan another beer. Quest sat back down slowly and Dan didn't take his eyes off him.

"This is really embarrassing..." Dan continued.

Quest laughed lightly.

"Look, don't worry, I'm fine, you're fine, it's all fine, all you did was spill some beer, you didn't kill anyone."

Dan laughed.

"You're probably right." He simply replied.

A silence settled for a few seconds before Dan decided to open his mouth again.

"I'm sorry, but, you look very familiar..." Dan said.

Quest looked back at Dan, adjusting a hair falling unsymmetrically on his forehead. He considered him, his little brown eyes trying to decode every inch of his face.

"You do too, actually." Quest admitted. He took another sip of his beer. "I just can't seem to put my finger on where I met you before."

He sighed again.

"Is everything alright?" Dan asked politely.

"Yeah." Quest sighed. "I'm just on this very hard case at the moment and it gets depressing at times."

A smile crossed Dan's lips for a few seconds.

"A case?" Dan repeated. "You're from the police?"

"Kind of." Quest replied with a small smile. "But not really."



They both sipped. Dan waited a few minutes, then thought it was a great time to remember old days.

"Wait!" Dan exclaimed, making Quest jump lightly. "Are you Quest Kadner? From the MI5?"

Quest frowned his eyebrows. A few wrinkles formed on his forehead and his head tilted to the left.

"Uh, yeah..." He replied, confused. "How do you know?"

"We saw each other the other day!" Dan replied excitedly. "Yeah, that's why your face is so familiar!"

Quest's face, at first very confused, finally lit up.

"Oh, you were that guy at the crime scene, right?" He exclaimed. "You were with that other guy, looking strangely similar to you?"

"Yeah, that was my friend." Dan specified.

"I never got your name." Quest pointed out.

"Oh, you're right." Dan paused. "My name's Rupert."

Quest smiled.

"Nice to meet you again, Rupert!"

He reached his hand out and shook Dan's.

"So, did you find who killed the girl yet?" Dan asked pointlessly.

"Sadly not. But you've seen the announcement, right? It's all linked. We're both lucky to be out the pattern, let me tell you."

"Yeah, I've seen. It's horrible."

Dan felt like Quest was more open than last time. Quest looked out of character. It was as if he needed a confident, and he was just spilling out everything he had to say to Dan- or Rupert.

"It's unusual, I'll give you that." Quest said. "I can't lie to you, it's getting very hard. Just 10 minutes ago I was parked near the Underground station spying just to see if there was something unusual. We're getting nowhere."

Dan's body went rigid. He was spying near the Underground station... just 10 minutes ago?

"Really..?" Dan replied nervously.

Quest nodded and chucked down the rest of his beer. A shiver went down Dan's spine. What if Phil hadn't followed him? He would've followed his victim and maybe Quest would've seen him! Everything fell so perfectly.

"Oh, Phil..." Dan thought, grinning inwardly.

"And, if I may," Dan continued, "did you find anything?"

"No." Quest sadly said. "You know kid, I'm not even supposed to be telling you all that. But I feel since you showed up to the crime scene with that weird emo friend of yours and managed to get a local police officer to call me out, you deserve it a little."

"What, people don't normally manage to get to you?" Dan asked, feeling highly pretentious.

"Nope." Quest exclaimed. "They normally don't even get to the local police. But, somehow, you did."

He paused. He considered Dan for a long moment, looking at him from head to toes. He squinted his eyes, thinking. Dan held his breath.

"You've got a charm of your own, I suppose." He finished.

Dan giggled. "Oh, stop flirting with me, you..." He thought.

Dan drank the last bits of his beer before he finally decided he should go. He had drained all the pleasure he could get from talking to Quest and got every information he could possibly have told him. So he hardly got up and put his backpack back on his shoulders.

"Well, I think I should go." Dan announced.

"Yeah, I should go back too." Quest replied, rubbing his stubble. "You want a ride back?"

Dan was caught off guard. He couldn't let Quest find out where he lived, and he certainly didn't want him to see Phil. He knew it wouldn't be good, he could feel it in his stomach. The anger from earlier was beginning to growl again instinctively.

"Oh, no, you don't have to..." Dan began.

"Don't even worry about it, I'm not even on duty right now. I'm doing overtime. I was heading back home, I have nothing more to do here. So?"

Dan smiled nervously.

"Thank you for the offer, but, really, I'm good. I like to walk. It relaxes me." Dan bumbled.

"As you wish." Quest said, inclining his head. "It was nice to see you again, Rupert!"

Quest handed out his hand. Dan grabbed it and shook vigorously.

"You too, agent. Hopefully you'll see clearer in that case."

Quest laughed humorlessly.

"Hopefully." He smiled.

Dan nodded and exited the bar. He began to walk quickly, and when the bar was out of sight, he started running. He didn't know what he was feeling inside. He was still angry at Phil for pushing it that far and making him lose his victim, but he was glad at the same time to have talked to Quest and gotten a few information about his case.

He was still excruciatingly angry, but it had been eased by the words of the agent.

The most important thing in his mind right now wasn't the next victim, or Quest, or the information about the case, or him having to change his path... it was Phil. Why had he followed him? Why?

He knew he would find out soon enough when he slid his key in the front door's lock and entered the flat.


Phil was pacing around his room, his mind racing. His index was twitching nervously. His breath was still sharp from running so fast and so long.

"What was I thinking?" He exclaimed. "Great idea you had there, Phil! Follow Dan! Yeah, great freaking idea!"

He had followed him for a few reasons. Mainly to make sure he wasn't secretly getting more drugs or whatever else. But he also wanted to know what he did during his late night walks.

He never did it, it started recently, why was he doing it? Only to get his drug or go get high somewhere? He needed to know! Dan kept him in the dark too much and it was pissing him off.

But now he felt bad. He was about 85% sure Dan had seen him behind that telephone booth. Yet, there was still a 15% chance he hadn't...

He had hidden quickly enough behind the telephone booth. He'd seen Dan turn around slowly, and then he saw him take off his hood and keep walking. Phil had gotten so scared that he sprinted until he reached home. And now he was scared.

If Dan had seen him, he would be, oh, so angry. Phil knew it. That's why he was so nervous. He didn't want to even think what Dan could tell or do if he had seen him. He was trying to find something to tell Dan... He hated lying but this time, he had a gut feeling. A huge one. He had to lie. Dan wouldn't be happy. Not happy at all. Phil couldn't just go and tell straight to his friend's face that he had sneakily followed him. No. He had to come up with something.

He would just pretend nothing had ever happened.

"Yes." Phil tried to convince himself. "I was sitting in my bed on my laptop all evening. I didn't move."

Phil laughed nervously to himself. He bit his nail then grabbed his laptop and actually started browsing to convince himself. His hands were shaking. He wasn't ready for Dan's arrival.

After around 30 minutes, he heard the front door creak. His body tensed up and his heartbeat quickened. He stared intensely at his laptop screen, trying to slow down his breath.

He heard Dan's footsteps come into the distance. He looked up and... "Crap!" He thought. His room's door wasn't closed. That was basically an open invitation for Dan to come up and talk to him about... the thing.

He heard his footsteps get closer and he knew he couldn't make it to the door. Sweating, feeling his heart bang against his chest, he embraced what was going to happen.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Dan's silhouette walk past his door and enter his own room. Phil exhaled deeply, convinced it was a narrow escape.

He heard a few noises coming from Dan's room; a bag hit the ground, a coat being taken off and thrown on the ground, a brief cough. Then he heard Dan's footsteps come out of his room. He heard him go past his door.

Dan got out his room, walked past Phil's bedroom and entered the kitchen. He wanted to make Phil believe he hadn't seen him. He wanted to see the look on his face. He wanted to make him pay with guilt. He grinned to himself.

"Phil?" He called.

Phil jerked and his breath cut. "No, no, no, no, no, no, nononononononononononono..."

"Y-yeah?" He replied, feeling like his heart would jump out of his chest how much it was beating.

"Can you come here a second?" Dan said. "I'm in the kitchen."

Phil gulped. There it was. There. Dan knew. He knew. Dan was going to kill him. Oh, no. He wasn't ready for that. Nope, nope, nope, nope.

He got up his bed, his legs shaking, and walked to the kitchen where he found a calm looking Dan. He couldn't even look at him in the eyes.

"W-what is it?" Phil spluttered.

"Look." Dan pointed at the ground. "There's another broken tile."

Phil followed Dan's finger. He saw the cracked tile and frowned. He was so confused. What was happening? Had Dan really just called him out to show him there was another broken tile?

"Uh... yeah... I see..." Phil replied, confused.

Dan turned his head to him. His tall frame looked down at him and Phil felt intimidated. It was the first time in his life that he felt intimidated and scared by Dan. His face flushed crimson.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked with a peaceful voice.

"Y-yeah..." Phil stuttered. "I'm fine."

Dan leaned his shoulder against the wall, a very shy grin plastered on his lip.

"Your face is all flushed." Dan whispered. "Just like a... London telephone booth."

Phil looked at the ground in shame. He knew Dan wasn't just saying this for the simile. He had just told Phil that he had seen him, in his on Dan Howell way.

Dan was delighted by Phil's reaction. But enough with enjoyment. He needed answers. He felt the anger rush back through his veins.

"Why did you follow me?" Dan asked a bit too harshly.

"I didn't..." Phil exclaimed, still looking at the ground. "I didn't follow you..."

"Stop lying to me!" Dan screamed. "Why the hell do you follow me out? How long has this been going on!?"

"Fine! I followed you!" Phil screamed back, finally looking up at Dan. "But it was the first and only time! I promise!"

"Why the fuck did you?!" Dan continued aggressively.

"I wanted to know what you get up to when you leave the house at night and come back hours later!" Phil replied truthfully. "With everything that's been going on lately, you keeping me in the shadow and not telling me anything! I've been finding out horrible things about you, the drugs, the sex, the self-harm, and-" Phil sniffed. "Your breath smells like booze! Have you been drinking?"

"Don't change the subject!" Dan cut him.

"Damn it, Dan, I just want to know what you do! That's so unusual of you!"

"I told you to stop trying to get inside my head!" Dan yelled.

"No, Dan, that's enough!"

Phil finally found the courage he needed. He couldn't go on and fear his friend. No. He had to confront him.

"If you don't tell me what you do, I will forcefully take you to a therapist and get it out of you. I don't even care anymore. This is all getting out of hands, you need help!"

"Shut up." Dan breathed.

"No, Dan, you shut up!" Phil exclaimed. "Tell me what you do!"

"Shut up..." Dan repeated, his voice getting unsteady.

"Tell me!" Phil screamed. "Tell me or I'm going to suggest things until I'm right!"

"Shut up..."

"Alright!" Phil continued angrily. "Are you buying drugs? Are you getting high somewhere I don't know? Do you meet up with a bunch of junkies?"

"Too many questions." Dan inwardly cried. "Too many questions."

"Are you going to a whorehouse? Are you paying people to have sex with you? Do you have orgies with people you don't know every two days?"

"Too many questions. Too many questions. Too many questions."

"Do you go and get drunk? Do you go to bars until you get kicked out? Do you hit on random people you see in there?"

"Too many questions. Too many questions. Too many questions. Too many questions."

"Do you steal banks? Do you vandalize things? Did you join a street gang? Are you a part of some satanic cult?"

"Too many questions. Too many questions. Too many questions. Too many questions. Too many questions."

"Do you go on the bridge and contemplate death? Was every night a suicide attempt? Or is it the opposite and you go around killing random people?"


Overwhelmed, Dan stepped forward and pressed his lips against Phil's.

Phil's body froze. His eyes were wide open. He was too surprised to stop him and stared at Dan's face kissing his lips. When Dan pulled away, Phil opened his mouth in shock.

He didn't have time to add anything before Dan grabbed the back of his head with his left hand and his arm with his right and pressed his lips against his neck. He left wet kisses on the soft and sensitive skin, sending shivers down Phil's spine.

"Dan..." Phil whispered. "No, Dan... stop... what are you doing..."

Dan kissed on the lower part of his neck and started sucking on the skin. He knew his soft spots by heart. A moan escaped Phil's mouth without his consent.

"Dan..." He repeated, losing control over his steady voice. "Please, you know I can't resist when you start doing that..."

Dan smiled on the skin. Of course he knew. He had one idea in mind: make Phil forget about all the questions.

Dan sucked harder and Phil's legs weakened. He breathed on the skin and Phil shoved a moan down his throat. He was immobile, unsure of how to react. He was mad at Dan and still had a lot more questions to get answers from. But the sensations he was getting were contradicting everything he was feeling right now.

Dan hovered his lips upon Phil's skin and crawled up his neck. He landed them behind his earlobe and kissed delicately, gracefully. Phil's whole body tingled. Dan continued his way onto his jaw, leaving a gentle kiss behind until he reached Phil's lips again. He was breathing heavily and Dan could feel his heart beat against his chest.

"Dan... I..." Phil whispered.

Dan looked up at him directly in the eyes. Phil was still looking hesitant, but Dan knew how to be persuasive. Dan cheekily grinned and saw Phil's eyes shine with defeat.


Their lips collided with a roughness that was far from new to them. Phil's hands gripped Dan's head to get a better hold as he pushed him against the wall, forcing his tongue in and kissing him fiercely. Phil responded with the same might, forgetting completely about what they were both arguing about not only 3 minutes ago.

Dan's hands travelled up and down Phil's body sensually as he tugged strongly at his hair, trying to keep his balance. Their tongues met and explored each other's mouths like there was no tomorrow. Dan could feel Phil's erection grow on his thigh.

They were still kissing, taking sharp breaths in between to bring back air to their lungs. Dan licked the inside of Phil's bottom lip and he felt him shiver under his grip. Feeling his own jeans tighten, Dan pushed his body closer to Phil's. Without breaking the heated kiss, Dan took Phil's leg and wrapped it around his hips. Phil jumped and repeated the move with his other leg. Taking in Phil's weight, Dan stepped away from the kitchen wall.

He scurried through the hallway, their lips still glued together. He bumped against a few walls, making them both smile through the kiss before he finally reached their bedroom doors. Dan entered Phil's room, as the door was slightly more open and gave easy access.

He tore his lips off of Phil's and threw him on the bed. He landed roughly but grinned cheekily as Dan immediately leaned back over him and kissed him hungrily. He grabbed the bottom of Phil's shirt and pulled it over his head hastily, throwing it in the air. He then hovered his lips again over his skin and placed them on the sensitive part of his neck. Dan started sucking on the skin, provoking a few quiet moans to escape Phil's lips as he ruffled his hands through his hair. When he released the pressure, he admired the delicate purple spot he had just made. He breathed hot air onto it and he felt Phil shiver under him. He repeated the same thing on different parts of his neck and a few times on his collarbones, making Phil quiver and groan uncontrollably each time.

Dan had complete power over Phil and he was sure that he had probably forgotten about all the questions by now. But he didn't stop. He continued. He hadn't touched Phil in a long while... but he also needed to thank him for following him, for stopping him from exposing himself to Quest.

Dan grasped Phil's sides strongly and left a trail of wet kisses down his chest and stomach, until he reached his waist. Dan smiled to himself before unbuttoning the jeans while listening to Phil's sharp breathing. Slowly, teasingly, he pulled the jeans down Phil's legs, making him giggle.

Smirking, Phil raised from the bed, leaned over, grabbed his jeans and pulled them down in one go.

"What a tease..." He whispered as he fell back on the bed, making Dan giggle.

Dan then delicately started massaging and pecking Phil's inner thighs, slowly and sensually. He climbed up closer to his crotch, feeling Phil's skin starting to bump under his touch. When he finally reached the top, he tore his lips off Phil's skin. He could see his erection through his boxers, and it sent hot waves through his body, feeling his own grow bigger inside his tight jeans.

And with all the possible care, Dan peeled off Phil's underwear, sliding them off his legs gracefully. Phil raised his head to look at Dan. They looked at each other deep in the eyes, and Dan, not breaking the stare for one second, carefully grabbed Phil's cock and licked the tip sensually. Phil closed his eyes and threw his head back as he moaned, making Dan smile with satisfaction.

Phil immediately raised back up from the bed and grabbed Dan's collar, making him jump.

"That's not how it's going to happen..." Phil whispered before crushing his lips onto Dan and forcefully turning him around.

Dan found himself lying on the bed with a naked Phil above him. He grinned cheekily at Phil's dominant manners. Phil started undressing him with more haste than earlier, and they were soon a hot naked mess. They snogged heatedly until they both couldn't breathe. They exchanged a questioning look, and they both nodded.

Dan felt Phil's fingers waltz down his stomach and brush against his cock lighlty, making him shiver. He felt a finger against his entrance and held his breath when it slid in. He was thinking that Phil had most definitely forgotten about all the questions now, and that's what mainly made him moan when he felt a second and a third finger slide in his entrance, pumping in and out carefully to prepare him for what was coming.

His eyes were closed. He had too many thoughts in mind. So many things were contributing to his sexual pleasure at this moment as well as Phil. He didn't want him to know, though. He didn't want to make him feel like he was thinking about other things.

Maybe he was a heartless mass murderer, but he didn't want to make Phil feel like he didn't desire him. Because he did.

His eyes still closed, he felt Phil's fingers slide out. He breathed out sharply and heard a draw open, then close. He heard a rustling noise, followed by another weird sound, until he felt Phil's lips on his cheek. He breathed next to Dan's ear before whispering: "Ready?"

Dan nodded shyly and held his breath. He kept his eyes closed as he felt Phil slowly enter him, a groan escaping both of their lips. Gently, Phil started moving his hips, sending waves of pleasure through their bodies.

Dan could feel Phil's hot breath against his bare skin. His movements fastened and he heard a few moans escape his mouth.

Agana's face hovered in Dan's mind. It was followed by Bradley, then Carrie and Dave joined in. Emily and Favor finally arrived, six pairs of dead eyes staring directly at Dan. He bit his lip, moaning quietly.

Phil's lips landed on Dan's, smiling widely as his hips moved quicker. He lightly brushed against Dan's prostate, making him shudder and shove a strangled moan down his throat.

Quest Kadner popped up in his mind. His confused and frustrated look plastered on his face, looking for Dan but never finding him. Puppet strings were attached to his arms and legs, and he was running in all directions as Dan controlled the strings, a devilish grin on his face.

Dan's cheeks turned bright red and his breath got heavier. He wrapped his arms around Phil's neck and moved his hips at the same pace as Phil's.

He remembered stabbing Agana, and Bradley, and butchering Carrie and Dave, and gauging Emily's eyes out and watching Favor convulse on the ground as the hydrogen peroxide dissolved her blood...

He moaned fully and loudly this time, digging his nails into Phil's skin. Phil buried his head in the hollow of Dan's neck, cussing and groaning.

Dan remembered the blood. All the blood. That thick red liquid pouring out the wounds, having the same effect on Dan as powerful drugs. He dipped his hands in the blood and smeared it on his whole body, moaning, shaking with pleasure.

His nails dug deeper in Phil's back and, when he thrust directly onto his prostate, he yelled and ran his fingers down the back, scratching the skin. Phil followed his scream. Dan could feel his sweaty forehead against his neck. He hadn't opened his eyes once to look at Phil.

Automatically, Dan's hand slid from Phil's back and started stroking his cock. He rolled around the dead bodies, licking the blood off their wounds as Quest Kadner ran around in circles, never seeing the puddle of blood surrounding Dan and the six dead bodies.

He felt his hand being pushed away from his cock. He let go and Phil started stroking gently, friction sending excruciatingly pleasurable waves through his whole body.

Dan was close to his climax. He threw his head back, unable to handle all the pleasure. Phil's hips moved as fast as he could and touched Dan's prostate each time. He tried to articulate that he was going to come, that he was so close to the edge, but Phil's sensual groaning and the thoughts from his pattern only made moans escape his mouth each time he tried to speak.

"I- I'm..." He managed to breathe out, his eyes still shut. "I'm..."

Dan grabbed the bed sheets strongly, almost biting his own arm. Phil's movements were becoming sloppy, but he gave one last thrust that sent them both over the edge.

They broke in a loud moan as ultimate pleasure crashed upon them. Dan came on his stomach and Phil's hand, still imagining his six dead victims bleeding profusely and licking the blood. He wrapped his arms around Phil's chest and pulled him closer as he rode out his orgasm. Phil tugged at Dan's hair, his whining quieting down slowly.

The tension released, he melted onto Dan's hot and sweaty body. He tried to catch his breath whilst listening to his fast heartbeat.

Dan finally opened his eyes. He glanced at Phil resting his head on his chest before staring back at the ceiling.

Despite feeling extremely good, a feeling of guilt pinched his heart. Phil looked so peaceful there, satisfied, happy. But Dan hadn't even thought about him. He hadn't even looked at him.

"I love you..." He heard Phil whisper next to his ear.

Dan bit his lip. As he stared at the ceiling emptily, a salty tear slid down his cheek.

Phil had forgotten about all the questions. 

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