The Arcs fleet of justice

By Warfan100

266K 2.6K 2.6K

When Jaune survives being abandoned and goes into the emerald forest and finds a strange temple after losing... More

Old dog, older war.
First contact
City name
The kingdoms call
CFVY anyone
The spy and the tower
Music question
Atlas vs UNSC
Voting closed
The talk
The arrivals
Harvest season
Order in the court!
War and love
Broker deal
The end of the deal
Character creation
Space battle
Dropping into Atlas
The final fight
Happy thanksgiving
The reclamation pt1
Stuck 2.0
The reclamation pt2
Merry christmas and happy holdiays

The burning

8.2K 102 137
By Warfan100

Cruiser Wisconsin

"Trevor I got a question?" Jaune asked. Him and Trevor were walking to the bridge while the fleet went back to their nation.

"What is it?" Trevor replied.

"You said something about knowing what Blake and Velvet did. Care to explain?" Jaune said.

4 days earlier

Trevor was in his office relaxing since he didn't have to deal with any political B.S. He finished signing off the paperwork to upgrade the scorpion tanks. All the 90mm tank cannons to will be updated to a 140mm gun. To get them better suspension so that they don't break down as much. Finally to add some sort of shielding to the tank. Hey if ships and Spartans can get shields why can tanks or elephants. No to mention Jaune already put the ships in dry docks so their shields can be better than the infinite's.

Speaking of elephants we put one of the two we have in the village with the approval of the mayor Zoey. We set it up there so we have an outpost on the mainland and to and some defense to the surrounding area. With the elephant we sent a battalion of 500 marines, 20 warthogs, 10 mongooses, and two scorpion tanks. With it we sent a company of engineers to build an actual base for us. Then when it is done they will then update and upgrade the village defenses and add some solar panels so they don't have to keep on relying on dust for power.

Trevor was about to head out to the shooting range when he got a call from Velvet. "Hey Velvet. What's wrong?"

"Jaune is our problem." Velvet replied.

"Our?" He replied.

"Ah right. Blake come here." She said. Then Blake appeared on the screen. "She loves Jaune too."

"Velvet!" Blake yelled with a red faced.

"Why tell me?" Trevor asked. "Not to mention isn't this your problem?"

"I've decided that I can share with Blake." Velvet said.

"Blake what's your deal in all of this?" Trevor asked.

"My deal?" She asked.

"Is this your plan." He clarified.

"N no." She said.

"It's mine." Velvet said.

"Okay... but why tell me?" Trevor asked

"You know him better than us. What he went through, what he won and lost. We want to hear what you think." Blake said.

"Hmm... go for it. He's always the one that will take a chance to make things better. I am daring myself but some of the things he does, are things I wouldn't do." Trevor said.

"I think it's a bad idea." A voice said. Trevor looked up and saw Sapphire. "One girlfriend is enough for him."

"I got 100 credits that he says yes." Trevor said.

"Hey our love life is not up for betting!" Velvet and Blake yelled.

"Deal." Sapphire said.

"You got our blessing girls. Make it count." Trevor said before hanging up.


"You absolute asshole." Jaune said.

"No I'm a cunt. There's a difference." Trevor replied with a grin.

"Ugh whatever." Jaune replied. He then felt his data pad shake and looked at it with a look that told of plots.

"Jaune what's up? Why do you look like your planning to fight the entire high charity fleet... again." Trevor said.

"It seems like we are having this 'talk' on Vytal island and Atlas will be providing security. It also says we cannot bring any ships, troops or weapons within a half a mile radius. This seems like they are going to capture us. Don't you agree?" Jaune asked.

"I do agree. But we have a battle cruiser that can cloak. If needed you can pop the dome and the cruiser rain hell on those bastards. The ship captain then can call out to our fleet then we start engaging the kingdoms at will." Trevor said.

"Yes that will work. See if Tos 'Kotam will allow us to have a few pelicans full of marines and ODST's to be on his ship. I would like some friendly faces even though the SOS are with us. I don't fully trust them." Jaune replied.

"I'll get on it." Trevor said before turning down a hallway to his quarters while Jaune went back to the bridge. When Jaune got to the bridge he walked to his terminal and started looking over what he will do.

The next day

Jaune, Trevor, Tos 'Kotam, Schwartz and James (mayor of last light. From the chapter of Order in the court. About halfway into the chapter). Jaune and Schwartz were wearing his white dress uniform. Trevor was wearing his black ODST dress uniform. Tos 'Kotam who wore his new counselor armor. James would wear a black tuxedo with a black fedora with white stripes.

While they were told not to take weapons they were going too. Jaune, Schwartz and Trevor would carry magnums with 3 magazines each. Tos 'Kotam would carry his energy sword. James would use his claws.

We They took a pelican to beacon to where Ozpin and Goodwitch were waiting for them. Behind them were a group of students of different years. Among them he saw Teams RWBY, NPR and CFVY.

"Jaune If one of these fuckers make a move on us, I'm taking them down harder than a brute swinging a gravity hammer." Trevor said.

"Don't worry. If they do that Ozpin or Goodwitch will deal with them." Jaune said with an evil smile at the end.

"Okay Jaune. Turn it down a little." James said chuckling.

"Indeed. Though I agree with Trevor. I will not appear weak to these humans." Tos 'Kotam said.

"Let's just take this one step at a time." Schwartz said. Soon the pelican land and the 5 walked out. Ozpin lead them to the bullhead with Goodwitch keeping everyone back. Until Trevor walked up to her and said teams CFVY, NPR and RWBY could come as security but nothing more.

"Are you sure?" Goodwitch asked.

"No not completely. But it will show that we have the support of the hunters. Besides Jaune already cleared it with Ozpin. Just as long as they don't do anything to him we will be fine." Trevor said before going to the bullhead. Soon the three teams with Goodwitch and Crow boarded the bullhead and headed to the island.

Thankfully the bullhead was split so the UNSC personnel were in one section and those from beacon in the other. Jaune and his compatriots talked about this meeting and action if needed while those from beacon just talked amongst each other. Though Blake rarely talked to her team or NPR.

"I count 10 ships and a few hundred bullheads and fighters. Probably a good amount of infantry, robots and mechs down there." Schwartz said.

"This should be good." James growled.

"Don't worry. My ODST's are ready to drop if needed." Trevor said. The doors opened with atlas soldiers were on each side and robots behind them. They made there way to the conference building with them being filmed by camera crews from around the world. They were being hounded for minutes before they reached the building. There they went to the room where there was a large table.

When they entered they all greeted each other but there were hostile opinions against Tos 'Kotam and James being there but the other three shut them up. After hours of debating. No that's 100 tonnes of sugar coating. It was basically a yelling match with them being in a stalemate. Multiple times did the UNSC almost murder the councilors.

"We will not give you our weapons! We will not give you our armor! We will not give you our ship designs! Certainly and not least we will not take your laws! We are an independent nation! So stop being truly babies about and grow the fuck up!" Jaune yelled.

"Why!? With them we can defeat the white fang and grimm. We can bring peace to this land!" A councilor from Mistral I yelled back.

"Peace!" James yelled. "The white fang are like this because you and most of the people can't except us! Unlike the UNSC where everyone has an equal chance. Whether it be human our faunus. A man or a woman. We are all equal to do with as we please. Not to mention they actually protect us. Unlike you atlasians and hunters who run away when they lose a person and leave us to fend for ourselves!" James yelled.

"We did our job! You were supposed to be evacuated!" Ironwood yelled.

"In 5 minutes on 4 bullheads! That will leave 200 people behind without your soldiers help. Some military." James sneered. Before Ironwood could form a rebuttal, Tos 'Kotam stepped in.

"You humans have no honor. You say you will protect them but turn back on your word. While I was in the same situation for many years, I did what I could to protect my people, my soldiers from harm and to bring as many home as possible. If it was up to me, I would glass your planet."

"Is that a threat." Ironwood growled.

"We don't make threats. We make promises. And from the words of our leader and admiral. 'I don't make a promise if I know I can't keep it. So shut up and let's do this thing.' So no it's not a threat it's a goddamn promise." Schwartz said.

"Enough!" Ozpin yelled. "We came here to help each other not yell at each other."

"If they came here to help us then they would give us the tools necessary for us to win!" A counselor from Vale yelled.

"We don't give you shit because you can't protect it! The white fang is destroying your supply routes and stealing your gear. You can't even protect your life line for a war. How do except us to give you gear that you cannot even protect. Because let me tell you something, when they get the gear and they will. They will have gotten it from you and not from us. So no you will never get our military gear." Trevor said.

"Then why do we have this meeting. You will give us nothing that will help us!" A counselor from Vacuo yelled.

"We won't give you anything for your military. But we will help you in another way." Jaune said. The councilors looked at him hoping he would explain further. "We are centuries ahead of you in the medical field. We could train you people to be better and give you some medical equipment. But in doing so you must give us something."

"And what would that be?" Ironwood asked. He knew that a better medical system would save more lives in remnant. Though weapons would be better he understood where they were coming from.

"You don't interfere when we have a meeting with chieftain Belladonna of Menagerie about trade." Jaune said.

"I will not allow that!" Ironwood yelled. "If you trade with them you will be trading with the white fang. I will not allow that to happen!" Jaune just stood up and threw his chair back.

"Maybe the white fang wouldn't be around if you and every faunus hater didn't force them into this path. Should some of the white fang be killed or imprisoned. Yes and that is what we did. But the thing is we haven't attacked anyone in atlas yet because I hoped you and everyone else has changed. Like Jacque Schnee. But I see that won't happen."

"Is that a threat Arc." The counselor from Atlas questioned.

"No it's not." James said. "It's a reality. We are people and the UNSC understand that. I cannot say this for all of faunus kind but Jacque and his supporters must be punished."

"And he will. No one can change that. If you are to blind to see what he has done then let us open your eyes." Trevor finished saying. "Zeta please show them the recordings." Then Zeta appeared shocking everyone.

"Of course General." Zeta said before a video started to play. It showed the working conditions and poorly the faunus were treated compared to the humans. But this went on for only a minute.

"That was one minute of the tape. In total it lasts 24 hours." Jaune said.

"It's a fabrication." The Atlas counselor said as he stood up. "That's it, we will not just sit here and bow to you. We have been here longer than any of you and we should have everything you do. General ironwood place them under arrest by the order of the council!"

That started off a powder keg. Those of the UNSC and SOS pulled out their weapons and in return the guards did the same. A minute later half of the UNSC ships appeared over head ready to fight. Everyone was waiting for the other party to do something while the entire world watched.

"James, Jaune put down your weapons." Ozpin said trying to de escalate the problem.

"I cannot Ozpin. The council ordered us to arrest them and we will." Ironwood said.

"There was no vote." Jaune replied. "Ozpin get the other councilors to the airpad said get them out of here. If this gets violent I don't want civs in the crossfire."

"I understand. Counselors, camera crews please follow me." Ozpin said. The counselors from Vale, Vacuo and Mistral followed while the Atlas one stayed. The camera crews left but one left a camera rolling.

"I will not cower from you barbarians." The Atlas counselor said. After a minute into the standoff an Atlas guard had enough at shot at Tos 'Kotam but the bullet ricocheted off. Tos 'Kotam then turned invisible and started to stab the guards. James grabbed one of the guns dropped and got to cover. Trevor busted down the door and tackled both guards outside of it, pulling them into a fist fight with Trevor showing them how to fight. Jaune and Schwartz started shooting. Jaune shot the Atlas counselor in the groin while Schwartz shot him in the chest. During all of this Ironwood ran outside to his fleet.

Meanwhile there was a small firefight inside the room. Jaune flipped a table and started to fire at the remaining guards that did the same. Trevor on the other hand was outside the room laughing as he kept beating everyone guard that challenged him. Tos 'Kotam was tearing through guards like an energy blade through Emile. Soon all the fighting inside the room stopped with many guards either dead or injured.

Then an older looking Jaune was thrown through the door with Trevor walking back shooting. The older looking Jaune looking up and saw everyone. He grew angry and unsheathed his blade and charged at Jaune. Jaune went forward and dodged the blade and punched him in the face. He then kicked the back of his left leg and kneed him in the head knocking him on his back. He then kicked him in the face and kicked his blade away.

His father got back up and tried to tackle him but Jaune picked him up and threw him down. His father rolled and got back up and sped towards Jaune who kicked him in the face, knocking out a few teeth in the process.

"Schwartz, James help flip the table. Tos 'Kotam let them know what happens when you fuck with the Swords of Sanghelios." Trevor said.

"So my father tries to kill us when he made a mistake. Abandoning me wasn't enough apparently so you try to kill us." Jaune said.

"You brought dishonor to this family. You deserve death you bastard!" Jaune's father said.

"Oh would so shut up you old fuck." Jaune said. "I'm invoking the 10th rule." Jaune then hit his father in the head with his magnum knocking him out. "Consider this a Coup d'éta. Trevor get over here and arrest this fucker before i shoot him in the face."

"Yes sir." Trevor said. He found a pair of aura cuffs on one of the guards and put them on Jaune's father.

"Michel Arc I hereby ban you from the Arc family and place you under arrest for attempted murder." Jaune said before he dragged him to a few wounded guards. Soon there were screams outside the door and then a squad of marines busted it down.

"Sir the area is secure." The marine corporal said.

"Good. Get all wounded and prisoners back home. Now we deal with Atlas." Jaune said.

"Sir the counselors and Ozpin are aboard the Wisconsin as you ordered." The corporal said.

"Good. Now let's go." Jaune said. Unbeknownst to them the rolling camera. Everyone that was watching saw what happened and are now afraid of the UNSC. If Atlas can't even defeat a few What hope do they have.

(Jaune and Schwartz)

(Trevor dress)

(Tos 'Kotam armor)

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