Player 2

By dancing_lombre

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Player 2, an infamous serial killer that terrorises the once peaceful streets of the Mushroom Kingdom. Player... More

Cyanide and Suicide
Slit Throats
Skull Smashed
Pushed Down the Stairs
Princess Peach
Ludwig Von Koopa
Koopa Troopa
The Fun Facts to Distract You


173 9 7
By dancing_lombre

Victims: Daisy, Luigi, Toad, Toadette, Mona, Wario, Bowser, Kamek, Pauline, Boo, DK, Bowser JR, Diddy, Birdo, Yoshi, Wendy, Morton, Roy, Waluigi, Lemmy, Larry, Iggy

Suspects: Mario, Peach, Rosalina, Ludwig, Dixie, Koopa

Tears streamed down Dixie Kong's cheeks as Player 2 tied their body to the wooden stake, humming a tune that rung a bell in Dixie's mind but she couldn't place where she'd heard it before. Player 2 finished tying the girl to the stake and stood back, admiring the wooden structure that would soon be set ablaze. They snatched up the gas canister and giggled softly, it was a menacing giggle. A giggle that sent chills running down Dixie's spine. They doused the wood in gas and discarded the canister, sending a metallic clang bouncing from wall to wall. Then, the matchbox emerged. But there were no matched inside. Only sheets of paper that contained questions. Questions for Dixie.

"Oh, Dixie. You knew who I was from the start, didn't you?" Player 2 drawled, sifting through their question cards like a TV show presenter. 

"Cut the questions, just get it over with." Dixie snarled.

"No need to get hissy just because I caught you." Player 2 grinned. Dixie was acting exactly as they wanted her to. 

"Shut up. I figured you out before anyone else did." Dixie snapped, writhing as she desperately tried to free herself from the rope that bound her to the stake. Her attempts were useless.

"You can't escape, Dixie. You should know this," Player 2 smiled, "After all, you are oh-so-smart."

Dixie grimaced, she knew Player 2 was enjoying this. Sick fuck, she thought. How could someone enjoy taking the lives of others?

"It's rather simple to enjoy death, Dixie. Killing your enemies is such a satisfying experience." Player 2 said, loading another bullet into the chamber of their gun. They weren't going to shoot Dixie, they just wanted to scare her.

"How'd you know what I was thinking?" Dixie asked, her voice shaking.

"I am above society. A god, if you will. I know everything." Player 2 explained matter-of-factly. They were a god, to them at least. Others believed people like Player 2 were psychopaths, yet they weren't. Psychopaths killed out of raw fury, Player 2's people killed because it was necessary. And it was necessary.

"A god? What kind of stuff are you on? You belong in a mental hospital, not heaven!" Dixie exclaimed, turning up her nose in pure disgust at Player 2.

"A fool like you would never understand this. Gods like me don't need heaven. We have the otherworld." Player 2 rolled their eyes. Dixie may be smarter than she appeared, but that didn't mean she wasn't still stupid.

"Oh fuck off with your 'otherworldly' shit. You're crazy." she snapped. Player 2 became enraged, snatching their lighter and setting the wood ablaze as they chanted words in a language Dixie had never heard before. Their eyes had turned a deep black hue, and Dixie swore a shadow of a demonic entity stood behind them.

"Burn like the witch you are!" Player 2 screamed as the flames swallowed Dixie, roaring in her ears like the engine of a particularly noisy vehicle.

Player 2 danced around the flames, chanting in the unknown language. It was truly a horrific sight for poor Dixie as she burned to death. Nobody's last sight of the world should ever be a maniac screaming and laughing at their creation. No one deserved it, except perhaps those sick individuals who enjoyed such creations of evil and death.

Finally, Dixie succumbed to the flames but Player 2 was long gone, having returned to society and the image that everyone had portrayed them as. Player 2's 'other' side would be tucked away until the next kill. And the next kill would be a sight that burned into the back of the minds of the remainders until Player 2 swept their lives under the carpet and moved on to become the god that the Overlord had promised them they'd be.

"You should have stayed away from the vents." were the last words Dixie Kong ever heard.

"And where the fuck have you been?" Peach yelled at Ludwig, but her question fell upon deaf ears. Ludwig wandered into the room he'd once shared with 5 others and sat in the armchair that stood in the corner of the room, beckoning her to come closer. She took a step back, but held her tough demeanor and strong posture in place.

"I don't trust you, I'm not moving from here. Answer my question. Where the fuck have you been?" she asked, changing her tone to soft and icy to try and get her message across.

"I could ask you the same thing, princess." he countered, leaning forward and staring into her eyes, making a feeling of unsettlement wash over her. 

"Do not start playing word games with me." Peach hissed, planting her hands firmly on her hips. She was beginning to become angered with the smug koopaling. He thought he was oh-so-smart, didn't he? She'd show him that she could be oh-so-smart too.

"Alright, princess. No need to throw a hissy fit. Dumb blondes..." Ludwig said, not even trying to keep his voice low. She felt the anger rising. Despite being trained to be patient and to keep a level-head during such situations with such people, Peach found it rather difficult to not want to fight someone who annoyed her in such ways Ludwig was displaying.

"For the record, dying your hair constantly a horrific shade of blue is dumber than keeping it a natural colour, such as blonde." Peach snapped, raking her hand through her yellow locks.

Ludwig sneered, "Oh, princess. I didn't think you'd stoop so low as to argue. Your mother would be oh-so-disappointed to hear this. Such delinquency. Is our perfect little princess rebelling? Shocking." he mocked, rolling his eyes. 

Peach saw red. Nobody got away with mocking her mother. She flew at him, pummelling his egotistical grin into a distorted mess of bruises and pain. She could dish out a good hiding if she wanted to. Ludwig deserved the swollen bruises that would decorate his egotistical, smug, entitled, shit-eating face. 

"Quite a beating you're giving out there, princess. Mind if I ask why?" Koopa ominously asked from the doorway. Peach whipped around, fury still blazing in her eyes.

"Fucking psycho..." Ludwig muttered, nursing his sore jaw with one hand and glaring distastefully at Peach's back.

"Never bring up my mother ever again. Next time I won't hold back." the princess snarled, her voice cold and dripping with threat. Ludwig reluctantly nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Crazy fucking bitch," he muttered. Koopa chuckled and tapped the ash off his cigarette into a stray glass.

"So this whole shitshow is over you being a cunt? Your 'father' would be raging if you insulted his lady friend like that again." Koopa smirked, earning himself a disgusted glare and an insult muttered about him.

Ludwig shoved Peach out of the room and locked the door behind her, still furious that his pride had been damaged. He didn't think that such a petite individual could dish out such strong blows. He was mad, really mad. He wouldn't leave this matter to rest. Oh no, Ludwig wasn't one to forgive. He'd get revenge on Peach. Even if it was the last thing he did.

"Did you find anything?" Peach quietly asked Koopa, her voice hushed and secretive.

"On Rosalina? Yup. Quite a bit, actually." Koopa said, walking down the corridor and leaving Peach with no choice except to follow him. He wasn't trustworthy, but at least he hadn't tried to kill her. Yet.

"What did you find?" Peach eagerly questioned, clasping her hands together excitedly. 

"Well, she has an unhealthy obsession with Waluigi and she's extremely difficult to track. She likes staying in the library and going into the basement, presumably to visit her deceased pal. Some nights she does walk around the corridors to everyone's rooms and some nights, she just disappears and I can't find her at all." Koopa recalls the information he'd gathered. 

"What do you mean by 'disappeared'?" she asked, worry brewing in the pit of her stomach.

"Disappeared as in I can't find her. At all. I check every room but no, can't find her. I have a feeling you're digging yourself a grave by prying into this, Peachy. And I don't say that often. I'll keep watching." Koopa said before sullenly walking away, hands tucked deep in pockets.

A feeling of deep dread set into Peach's mind.

One more part left until the final four! I will explain what the final four is in the next chapter, don't worry. I hope you enjoy this part! Sorry for leaving an update for so long. And I'm sorry that the chapters are so short.

Hint: Player 2 is a social outcast

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