By viviannehillary

669 67 2

Loses,fear and tears are the results of war. The shadow lurks in a corner as it diffuses to the world. The fe... More



36 5 0
By viviannehillary


                                   The morning was glorious, it was filled with the beauty of singing birds and the blue skies no cloud in sight. What a wonderful day...... It would have been even more beautiful day if the air wasn't filled with our little Omega's depressive scent. Stuck to her bed like a rat to a glue trap she stares at the ceiling ignoring the blinding bright white reflection of the sun bouncing in every corner of her room. It was almost as if the universe was laughing at her celebrating her grief. Today was the day. This day she was going to put a stop to everything she shared with Oden and their heightened love. She was going to have to deal with carrying the guilt of having to break up with the love of her life. It had to be today not a second later. She bravely takes her phone and dials Thecla's number. "Please pick up." She urges running her hands depressingly thru her hair tired of the growing splitting headache lurching on to her like a hungry mosquito to a blood vessel.

"Hallo! Ori are you okay?" Thecla answers her voice sounding groggy like she had just woken up. A quick clearing of the throat helped as her voice getting clearer in the end."Umm if by okay you mean having the feeling of being burnt to death then yes I am better than okay." She chuckles at her own joke. This was sad, it was worse than watching a car wreck. Thecla sits up on her bed feeling the burning sensation of the stretch in her back. "Do you want me to come over?" "No!...not that... I was not calling you for that. I need you to do something for me. I need you to send Oden a message. You see am going to do it tonight." "wait am I getting this right, tonight? You want to talk to him tonight. Are you sure you are ready?" "I have no choice, this marriage thing is going to happen whether I like it or not. It's happening very fast too fast for anything to be planned out."

                             Thecla accepts putting down her cell phone. Sitting in her bed for a while afraid for her friend and her plan. No matter what she needed to be there for Oriela just in case things go south.She calculates a number of options. She loved the Odriela relationship, it gave hope to a brighter future even though it was just a fantasy. Why does it have to happen like this? Did all the sacrifices the two made for each other not seem enough for mercy from the universe, had each other's love been for nothing. All the love they had for each other was real too, it didn't deserve to end like this. Thecla knew that sooner or later the make belief fairy tale story was going to bring out chaos, a lot of chaos. So they all lied to each other until they believed it would end up worth something . She would have loved to shove the bloodhound's ass to his face. This was too much to handle. But for her friends sake she leaves for the bathroom to get cleaned up and tell Oden his soon to be beginning of a sad story.

                                   "Hallo Arthur can you please come over fast." "Sure  why me thou? You could have called Jayden." "A little education the phone list starts with alphabetical letter A. Should I proceed genius.Get your ass down here." "Wow my little book worm you are so demanding." The little nickname at the end makes Thecla hang up tired of his annoying behaviour putting a smile on the boy's face. "Such a mood. The omega wolves used to warn us against dating red haired ones Addison was hell but you Thecla are something else." Despite the fact that it was an annoying cold morning to have himself walking out he puts on his shirt and jumper rushing over to the meadow in wolf form. His loud up and about surprises his father who wakes up in need to know what his son was up to so early. He gets out of bed with a well prepared lecture on the essence of silence while they were still sleeping only to sense a presence out the window. His dark eyes just like Arthur's dart around outside the window surprised to see the boy superspeeding in his wolf form unknown to where he was going. "Since when did Arthur fancy taking a run in the morning?" His thoughts get interrupted by his little girl, the youngest pup in the family of four had woken up for her morning feed since he was already alert and his wife was dog tired he stays in to tend to her needs. "I guess I'll ask him later."

                                    "You sure do sleep a lot nowadays. For a king that is so unprofessional for you." Oden announces at Eden's door annoying the poor tired boy. Sure Eden was stress sleeping why you may ask. It's  because just like Oriela he is also in confusion. Marriage, what a stupid idea. Six minds and they all come up with this. They all just agreed with a so called powerful being that can't put the dark forces down without a care of them as individuals. All his training for what. All the pain he went thru just to face all the enemies of his people for what. Apparently he was still weak, despite having half the Ora he was not strong enough. All those years the answer he gets is to what marry an Omegan princess, who he doesn't even know. Forgive him for not being in the mood to do his princely duties, sue him for wanting to literally kick Oden out of his room."Go away!!" he shouts back pulling his blankets over his head. "The Eden I know is an early bird or how I like to call it an early burden. Why are you doing this? Where is my big brother?" "Am sorry for you, I am too tired to start playing big brother right now go amuse yourself with something that wants to get disturbed in the morning." "What are you umm...... What's the word.... pregnant? By the way you sleep too much I presume it may be twins maybe." Oden says his words laced in amusement enjoying every last word but still his brother didn't budge."I would laugh so hard at that bad  joke if I was in the mood for bad jokes but as you can see I prefer to keep calm and not pound you to death." Eden warns him hoping he would go away except that Oden is one persistent pest instead he sits next to his brother grabbing a pillow to squash in his hands to reduce his nervous feeling for he had a question itching to be asked.

"Eden how different would life have been if our two packs were aligned. If the Omegas and Alphas were together as one?" This makes Eden sit up staring at his brother's black hair, looking at him all confused. Did his father already tell him of his upcoming marriage. No Oden is a straightforward person he would have already started teasing him about it there must be something he needs from asking this.  "What makes you ask that?" "Just inquiring. Can't I ask questions or is it too reasonable for someone like me?" Eden throws him a look pretending not to be suspicious at all. What would drive his brother to ask this specific question was it the universe tempting him to check on his answer. He had to think properly inorder to answer this in the best way possible.  "I think it's a stupid question you shouldn't go around tiring that pretty little head brother." "Am serious." "I know..... I don't think it's a bad idea.I don't know how it would be like at all. We have been divided for so long." " It would probably be better  would ever you approve of me having an Omegan girlfriend?"" Ha! You are funny. Now go away." Eden pushes him of his bed. He would have loved to stay awake and help his brother understand the ways of their kingdoms but he still had bigger cakes to bake his father,his people,his soon to be  wife. Oriela was a choice he made but fighting against all odds to be with her was a different choice. Oden sits back at his brother's bed in deep thought wondering if he and his girlfriend had a chance he was the rebellious type,the one whose father wished he never had. Oden was the kind who would put his head before his heart but for now,right now he would rather choose his heart over his mind. "Okay I'll leave you to your sleep brother I have my own tasks to attend to." " You come here destroying my peace and now you want to leave just like that."" Well brother I am a man of many works,excuse me."
Eden stops himself from protesting even further,letting his brother leave the room. "A United kingdom. A white wolf girlfriend,where does he come up with such ideas? This boy!"

                                          Soon Eden's thoughts went back to his unknown fiancee. Questions like Who is she? How is she like ? Kept popping in his head.He asked himself countless times until sleep got the better part of him. "That question is soon going to be answered,quite soon." Xander answers his thoughts making him sit up again ." Tonight." "What do you mean?"" The Omegan princess that is so called betrothed to you. They will be coming over to have dinner with us so get your lazy ass of your bed and clean up. Prepare yourself don't shame me. Queen Griselda is obviously a pain up my ass,I don't want to have her up your ass too." Xander explains his words making Eden chuckle a bit,lighting up his mood. Soon all this was going to be over,he will be obliged to hundreds of responsibilities.

                       "I am super cold Thecla what's so important?" Arthur complains at the sight of Thecla showing up late.

" Hmm cute very cute. Seeing you in the cold."" Yeah well your lands need help all this cold is not my kind of daily bread." Thecla walks up to him. "Arthur I need you to tell Oden something. Go tell him to come at the meadow tonight." "What's going on? Why isn't she the one here to tell me that herself."" She's going thru so many problems lately. But I am not in a position to tell you, let her come and explain it to you instead."" Okay,that doesn't sound serious at all." Arthur's sarcasm kicks in." Arthur just do it." "Fine am going to do it, my little bookworm." "Urgh! Stop calling me that you idiot." "Why it amuses me?"
" Well it doesn't amuse me." Arthur smiles back at her cute angry expression. "Am leaving." She announces turning  away from the smirking fool." She is quite a democracy. Should I be nice to Arthur or not."Arthur says to himself once Thecla leaves. Arthur changes to his wolf form and leaves the forest with a message that would set things to an even more complicated manner.

                          " Oriela are you okay?" Griselda asks sleep deprived daughter." I won't lie to you mother I feel like I was ran over by 50 trucks loaded with sand. I wish I could sleep forever. You know you feel like crap but after what am going to tell you,you'll feel even worse than I already um."
Griselda moves towards her daughter's bed. "You finally get to meet the man behind the mask,the Alpha's prince,the man you will marry." Oriela pulls her beautiful baby  pink sheets on her face. " I cannot do this."" We have dinner with them tonight."" Tonight?! what do you mean tonight?" The statement makes her rise to a shocking sitting position. "Yeah tonight Xander is hosting us to his stables. It won't surprise us if he even offers us anything to eat much less drink. Alphas are quite the type to not welcome us with open arms especially that Xander."" I presume that statement is supposed to make me loathe them even more. But I have something I need to do tonight can we do this a date next to never."" I would laugh at that joke if I wasn't chocked up with your disobedience. No I can't have that. It's tonight,not later,not never tonight. Now let me get ready and so will you. Please try to hold to together when we are there,I know,I know it hurts but you have to show them you are a queen." Griselda quickly leaves the room before Oriela lies back down her bed angry at the woman who gave her life,no matter how many times she says she understands she just doesn't. "Sometimes I wish I can kill her and put her in a pot and cook her." She tells herself. This is not what she planned. But maybe she can still pull this of. Go get dinner with the stupid betrothed and then meet up with Oden if he has the patient of a sloth owner who enjoys watching the sloth moving towards the door,So that she can explain everything to him in hope he might understand. Understand,she needs to change the meaning of that word to pulling out her heart once she states her break up to Oden.
Suddenly thinking about him and the love making at that perfect night sadly it had to be considered as a that was is not helping her at all but it will be a  memory that will forever be burnt in her brain. Never to replace it.

                                 Oden lay in his bed eyes closed thoughts unclear when his cellphone awoke him from his fake slumber." Hello! Arthur?!"" Finally I've been trying to reach you. Listen Oriela sent Thecla a message for you."" What is it?"" She wants you to meet her at the meadow tonight. She has something very important to tell you."" Do you know why?"" Um sure of course it starts with you snoring so bad that she can't stand you and You need to shower more....."" Shut up Arthur. If it wasn't the fact that I am too excited to meet my Luna,I would have rushed to your place and taught you a proper lesson."" You do know that's just all bark no bite."" Arthur don't make me swear." The boy hangs  up rushing to grab his raven black leather jacket and finding a way to sneak out.

                                Down stairs was all hell with Maids running very fast doing a lot stuff here and there preparing for the queen and her daughter. Oden oblivious to the rush walks down stairs almost hitting one of them." What the hell is going on here? Are you throwing a retirement party?"" Oden I wish I had time to laugh at your bad humor but no not today. I have a lot in my mind. Now how about you put yourself together and put your neck on a leash cause I can't have you running around tonight."" Okay sure I'll play good boy tonight but I'll need to be somewhere first then I'll come get the best actor's award." " And is that somewhere more important than standing in this room playing sit like a good puppy?"
" First of all never call me puppy. And I'll be back before dinner." And with that Oden makes himself scarce before tables could turn on his father's side. He had to meet Oriela and keeping her waiting was not part of that agreement. "Make sure you come early and  put on your suit on the dinner table."" The monkey suit forget it,I'd rather walk naked."" Okay point home,please stop making plans at night with the bloodhound out there pretending to be quiet when it's loudly contemplating it's deathly plans."" Sure father." Oden quickly leaves the palace in pursuit of his Luna as his father watched the back  of his son leaving." Sometimes I feel like putting him in the same dungeon as the bloodhound."Khalifa mimicks the king. "Khalifa can you disappear from my sight before I turn you into a fur coat." Xander threatens making khalifa mind his own business.

                              Oden arrives at the open field enjoying the sight of the night sky. Happy that his Luna will be in his arms soon. He sits on the green grass waiting thinking deeply. Looking at the options like right now it's easy for them to be together. Easy for them to hide but as time goes by their forbidden relationship will be exposed. They need to change their fate. The kingdoms will never let them be together much less their parents may be they could ran away together. Far away. But the question is where?

                                Eden comes down stairs looking like an F.B.I agent in a full black suit."Hahahaha you said I'd rather die than put on the monkey suit. Look at you now, Now will you stay in the dinning room until our guests arrive. Can you do that? I don't want you disappearing like your brother."" Where did he go?" "I wish I knew Eden do I look like a drawn out map to you. He is not one to open his mouth when it come to his whereabouts."" I thought you talked about your trust issues."" Yes we did,well I did,he was wondering into his fake world of being an impure genius. Now clearly you have a better answer to your blame game. Oden is a tough job. I wish the Maker was paying parental salaries,I would be the richest."

Arrival of Queen Griselda and Princess Oriela.

                                At the door stands Khalifa, Valvida and some of the palace official guards. One of the guards opens the door receiving the princess and her mom." Good evening queen Griselda."" Good evening to you to. Where is king Xander?" " He is awaiting you and your daughter at the living room area." Khalifa informs as he guides her to the palace doors."welcome to my humble domain."" Sure at least it's not a pig sty." Sneers Griselda looking at the place decorations."Don't hate hater,my home is much better than your and by far sister." Xander's voice echoes in the large halls as the queen and Griselda appear at the living room area. " Sister? Is your fur glorious white or evil black.""I'll just have to ignore you for now. You must be this naive Queen's daughter. You are even more beautiful than I imagined."" Thanks kind sir am not used to receiving such kind words."Oriela humbly informs."well I give compliments according to age."Snicker's Xander throwing Griselda a side look making her throw him a sharp glare. " I won't have to open my mouth for entertainment."the words put a smile on Xander's face as Griselda shuts her mouth. "Opps! Did I hit a soft spot,right this way my unhappy queen." Griselda was this close to slapping Xander's handsome face but controlled herself avoiding a scene. A fight she knew she would loose. Urgh! This man gets on her freaking nerves. If only she was given time to beat him to a pulp there was no chance of her wasting it on thinking twice. And now he was about to be family." You have a nice castle ." Oriela compliments. "Consider it your home." He gets closer to Oriela and whispers." I hardly get that comment from your mother. She mostly just looks around ready to tell what I need and what I don't need." Meanwhile Griselda walks around,looking at the place disturbed by very many things " You need to get rid of that shield and this armour my Maker  how ugly where is your sense of taste. Interior decorating is your weakness."" I told you so." Xander whispers again making Oriela laugh. They appear at the dinning room where a glorious set up has been done. At the end sat a boy,sorry a man. Handsome,his features resembled that of Xander his hair black with a shade of brown. He looked young but also older at the same time. His eyes a shade of blue,he was definitely not what Oriela pictured or expected." Here is my son,your soon to be Husband." " Nice to meet you." Eden stretches out his hand to greet her. "Am Oriela." Oriela takes his hands in hers smiling at her beauty for she was also what he didn't expect.

As they touch a shocking feeling goes through her arm forcing  her to  let go immediately rubbing her hand . "What's wrong? Am I sweaty?"" No,it's nothing,I guess the Ora is in full power now being in the same room as the other half."she explains her sudden behaviour giving the prince an assuring smile." The two look at each other,deep into his eyes she saw purity,she saw someone who wanted to save his people more than ever. A span of guilt went thru her heart,why was she thinking about how good this XY standing in front of her is when her heart belonged to someone else. The person who was busy waiting patiently for her at the cold green meadow.

                                    Oden's patience slowly turn into impatience. Thirty , forty,fifty,one hour time was quickly fading and yet no sign of his luna. 'What urgent matter did she want to tell him' that was the question that was continuously hunting his mind. As he sits patiently awaiting when a sudden scent of distress fills his nose that one of an Alpha. Behind the trees a black wolf appears in front of Oden. The wolf transforms slowly into a boy,a familiar face . "Arthur,what are you doing here?"" Me wolfing out."
" Hmm! Why?"" My baby sister fell asleep I thought I need a run. Exercise my feet it's late why are you still here?"" Patience is in my blood Arthur that's a fact. But I am getting tired and all I want is to know is what urgent information does she have to tell me."" Well keep at it,she might pop out eventually."" You want to know something. I asked my brother what he would think of if I get a white wolf as my girlfriend." "And what did he say,that you are probably out of your mind and need mental health care." " No not a chance. He thought it was a good idea as long as my cold heart mellowed."" Yeah right Eden must have really had an off day to say that." Arthur's sarcasm again comes around. "Leave right now my nerves are struggling to stay in check." Oden warns the smiling boy. "What's been happening lately? I don't think the bloodhound is sitting still."" It's true your father has been keeping things from you."" What things are you talking about?"" Things like the bloodhound teens. Things are bad."
" Bloodhound teens?"" Oden the bloodhound is controlling people at the age of thirteen to eighteen. Young werewolf minds. It's forcing weak young Alpha's to fight for him. Every night is a new horror. Right now as we speak Jayden is with his mom beating up and locking down rogue wolves. The trek are gone the one group that helped us draw our battle plans accurately. Now we are fighting blind. Your father is keeping so many secrets from you and soon he will be unable to keep his mouth shut. Because you'll get to see all that for yourself. This war is bigger than we thought , it is bigger than us."" He must have his reasons." Defends Oden " I don't think Oriela is coming let's just get out of here go home Oden get your questions answered. "You are probably right. Omega's are usually in time something must have come up."

                                   Oden gets in the warm palace. People we are minutes away from getting gutted by the amount of shock he will be in when he unlocks the dinning room door. If you are freaking out raise your hand. "Sir Oden,where were you? Our guests have are already here."" Okay,this is new." Khalifa gets in the room followed by Oden. Then boom like train it hits him,Eye to eye,her blue eyes and his silver grey eyes. What was she doing here?

"Son welcome."" Son did he just say son. Oden a prince. No she must have heard wrong "Queen Griselda,Princess Oriela this is my second born son prince Oden. He is the stubborn one and he is also late ,I told you to hurry it up."'HA!' that's all that went thru Oden's mind he must be dreaming. Who? Wrote this why,? Umm . The betrayal,prince! Princess! What is going on? Oden was about to go into a major panic attack while Oriela felt like the world was shaking and opening up to swallow her. No! This is too much. "Um welcome." "He is quite charming Xander I almost wish my daughter was marrying him instead of Eden." Griselda jokes not knowing that she was adding salt to the already bleeding wound.
" Marrying?!" "Xander didn't you tell him?" Griselda asks noticing the boys confused look."No ,our first meeting was meant to lay food and secrets on the table." Xander elaborates." Um I don't understand. What do you mean secrets?"" Oden this is lot to take in but Eden is betrothed to Oriela. So how about you stop asking questions and meet up with your sister-in-law."
His mind was baggled,confused may be this was a fake reality. What movie is this? He was in his worst ,pain a strong hurting pain filled his heart. He needed space and lots of air. Oriela sat on her chair tension rising from her feet to her head. The whole prince thing still not making sense. Oden,was Eden's younger brother. Things did not make sense. Not even that, Oden found out her secret before she could even tell him,before she could explain it in a calm position. They both did not plan for this. "I need some air please excuse me." Oden opens the double doors making himself scarce leaving Xander and Eden at a confused state. Griselda was still calm at her position while Oriela well she was far from okay. No not like this. This is not happening.

The end of true love and the beginning of a contracted marriage. The bloodhound did more damage to the two kingdoms,which was far much worse and the it's dark roots are digging deeper into the alpha soil . Oden and Oriela had to pay the price of a raging war. A war that felt blinded. Their hearts broken their hope destroyed. Plans of a future were no longer on the table instead tears of pain rolled down cheeks. The terror of their enemy was now in motion. 'ORACLE'.

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