The 2 lone gems lapidot (au v...

By Seals1234

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Lapis lazuli a gem struggling with life abandoned by her mother no friends life was horrible but lapis didn't... More

1: a rough start
2: water witch
3: old life to new one
4: the Chrystal welcome home
5: tours and a dorm!
6: time skip
7 : the themepark
8: Monday catastrophe!
9: big news!
10: celebration! Or truma!
12: wedding bells and promises

11: it's trauma

11 0 0
By Seals1234

Hey! So this chapter is going to be longer and it's my favorite one so far! I can't wait to read it when I'm done!😁😁😁😁




Lapis was in the back of  the car sleeping and was not worrying what time it was or if she needed to eat cause she was tired and she wanted to have enough energy so that she can spend the day celebrating and having fun

Peridot was with lapis unlike her though she was already awake and looking out the window just staring into space but she looked at lapis and chuckled staring at lapis for to long garnet was awake too because she was driving but garnet realized that peridot was staring at lapis and decided to speak with peridot in whisper shouting

"Hey peridot  can I ask you something?" Garnet looked at  peridot through the rear view mirror

peridot looked at garnet"oh yeah sure what's up?"

"I was just wondering it's been  4 months since you guys started dating I was just wondering  anything interesting happening or maybe even  some drama?"

Peridot looked at garnet then to lapis then back"Well there was something happening to lapis she's been having these dreams and little Well little outburst and I've been trying to help her but it keeps getting better but there are some things make her have her out burst like stuff from her past but she's recovering" peridot smiled as lapis still asleep put her head on peridot and snores softly 

"Oh okay that doesn't sound like her usually that's called truma you get it from a experience  in your early life of a scary view" garnet looked at peridot as if peridot had an answer  but peridot was shocked more then  having an answer 

"A traumatic experience? She's never said anything about that before..."peridot was confused  and was puzzled  she didn't think that lapis would  have that much of  a dark past

Peridot and garnet kept talking and soon enough lapis was aWaKe she then realized that they were parked in a parking lot sayin how garnets getting food for everyone and peridot was still awake listening to music on her phone

Peridot didn't realize that lapis was aWaKe but lapis soon enough caught peridots attention with a kiss on peridots forehead and peridot was a little surprised to see lapis awake so early it was 9:00am and garnet went to the big donut to get everyone there food 

"Hii~"lapis snuggled closure to peridot and peridot followed the same way "hellooo~" peridot smiled and kissed lapis soon enough they were both kissing and the others still weren't awake so they deepened the kiss "Should we be doing this now?~" peridot looked at lapis smirking "maybe not now but when I get my chance I will~" they both snuggled and listened to music together 

Peridot and lapis were listening too there favorite song called "one two three"and lapis knowing all the words sang to peridot and peridot did too they didn't know that amethyst,pearl,Connie and Steven were awake listening to everything secretly 

Song starts playing again and peridot and lapis sing

If your ever lost in the middle of the sea~

I'll sail the world to find you~

And if there's ever a room so dark that you can't see ~

I'll be the light to guide you~

You can count on me like 123

I'll be there when you need a friend in need and I can count on you like 432 you'll there cause I can't to live without you~

Ohh ohhh ohhhh ohh ohhhhh ohh yeah yeah~

Lapis and peridot were looking at each other and shared a little kiss then all of a sudden

"Woo how yeah you two sound great!" They looked over to see garnet in the car with a bag of donuts a d the others were awake too "alright can we take it from the top!?" Amythest was clapping while Connie and Steven cheered on

"Gah! How long have you been watching?"

Peridot was studded with nervousness they have never heard her sing same goes to lapis they all smirked at them and they eventually were back on the road when there song came on the radio and they were begged by the others to sing again and after lots of begging they all sang along and they finally made it to the resort

Inside the resort

Woooowww oh wow everyone was surprised to see a huge campsite with a buetiful water fall and the view was amazing too!

They all set up there tents and they were told they get to stay here for an entire week!they were all excited even lapis was surprised 

Okay so. In the next paragraphs there will be a time skip of two days so that means they are on Tuesday keep that in mid please!

So lapis and peridot were in there tent and we're heading with the gang to roast some hot dogs on the fire for dinner it was 7:30pm and lapis was needed to get fire wood she was in the middle of it when she heard a snap behind her she smirked "periii I know it's you~"peridot came out of a bush with her hands up chuckling and lapis picked up peridot and pushed her against a tree softly and peridot smirked "do you want to do this now or later tonight~orrr?~"

Peridot was wrapping her arms around lapis's neck and lapis was smirking and ruffled peridots hair before connecting there lips and depend the kiss and they fell deeper in but peri had to pull away for air and lapis did too they smiled and kissed one last time but they knew that the others would question were peridot was so they settled on continuing at night where everyone would be sleeping and dark

Lapis continued to gather fire wood  and it was 7:42pm but she heard footsteps behind her she thought it was peridot but soon realized that there was more then one persons footsteps lapis looked back and was terrified at what she saw three very familiar ... teens? Wait that's not possible the teens when lapis was a Child should have been full adults not teens then lapis realized something horrific 

"So your lapis lazuli the one our parents told us about"one of the kids snickers getting closer to lapis and the 2 others did too

"Stay back I'm warning you" the kids got to close and lapis ran and the kids chased after her as they were running lapis noticed something the kids weren't talking her they were At least a meter to the left of her and her right and behind her but lapis didn't see through it but she realized then it was a trap...

Then she found herself in front of a lake a familiar one lapis felt that feeling again..




That feeling again is it fear or is it insanity 

The kids came closure and closure to lapis until one of them took lapis's hair and dunked her into the water

"DO YOU REMEMBER THIS?!"lapis was dived in and out of the water herself grasping for breaths when she felt it again that rush trough her blood 

"TIME TO DIE!! YOU WATER WITCH!!" The kid was about to dive her head in again when all of a sudden ...

Lapis took the kids hand and then faced the kids face with a old dead stare "w-ha what?!" The kid looked at lapis's eyes with dread blood blue and a cold stare eyes lapis strengthens her grasp on the boy hears a loud crack and after the kid cried of pain she tossed him in the water 

His friends looked at lapis with fear and hate and disgust

"Wh-what are you!?"the two kids came closer and looked as if  they were going to beat her dead when lapis turned around they stopped and a huge wave came up and the kid that fell in the lake slammed into the ground passed out...

The wave stayed in place for five seconds and slammed onto the second and third kid they both were suffocating in water lapis took her hand up opened it and then crushed her hand into a fist and the kids screamed and fell too the ground they were all passed out lapis let the wave go back and lapis blinked got her fire wood and left she felt the power drain out of her and she was tired when she came back too camp she collapsed onto her chair and fell 

"LAPIS!!"everyone ran to her and lapis sobbed she sobbed and sobbed and she told them everything everyone wasn't mad but not happy either they were excited and so impressed 

"Wait you used water to help you hows is that physicals possible ?!"peridot looked at lapis her face beaming with excitement

Lapis was confused "don't you think I'm a freak?"

Peridot looked at lapis confused "what no?! You stopped 3 kids with a incredibly strong force your so cool!" Everyone was amazed by lapis and asking so many questions but lapis felt at home she was happy...

Thank you everyone those words is what lapis thought at that moment she couldn't be more happy in her life... 

After dinner it was 12:46pm 

Everyone was asleep that except for lapis and peridot


"YOUR SO COOL LAPIS"!! Peridot was still telling lapis how amazing lapis is when lapis remembers something peridot said a long time before and lapis smirked and talked peridot "don't you remember what you said~" peridot smiled "i don't think so maybe you should remind  me~?" Lapis smirked and proceeded to caress the small teen when peridot kissed her and lapis kissed back preferring to making out passionately and the small teen stood up and went to the front of the tent and put sound proof mats and then sat in front of lapis 

Lapis leaned in and kissed the small teen with passion they both stopped for air and lapis looked at peridots shirt she unbuttons it slowly while peridot kissed lapis's neck softly lapis moaned a little and peridots shirt came off

"Are you okay with this?"peridot said "oh yeah it's ok~"lapis said while peridot smiled and leaned in they were close to connecting lips when lapis pulls away and peridot looked confused "are you-"before peridot could finish her sentence lapis said " hey I wanna try something" lapis then crushed her lips against peridots and lapis put her hands on peridots back and down to her waist and peridot didn't mind she wanted ...more peridot put her hands ruffling through her hair  and passionately kissed with more force and lapis let her tongue explore  peridots mouth and peridot did too lapis was on top of peridot and while still kissing lapis felt peridots stomach and peridot started taking off lapis's shirt and lapis let it happen 

they snuggled and kissed and made out soon enough they were in a blanket lapis took peridots jeans off and peridot moaned and took off lapis's sports bra and bit and kissed in the same place lapis's moaned and pushed peridot more harder on her with more friction peridot wanted more she went lower to lapis's stomach and left a purple mark on her stomach lapis moaned louder then before and peridot wanted to hear more 

peridot went lower to lapis's feminine spot and liked with a little force lapis moaned louder and told peri to go harder and faster peridot did as told she kept going and lapis said harder And moaned peridot looked up and lapis was drooling lapis was overwhelmed but wasn't done yet lapis said to go again and peridot was about to when she was almost there she said to lapis that she wants her to order me around and lapis moaned when peridot started again Gah go harder then before and don't stop gah! Lapis moaned and moaned peridot wanted to hear more lapis continued lapis spoke again gah peridot go harder and faster your s-so good please don't s-stop lapis rocked back and forth with peridots movements and peridot moaned after hearing lapis order her around she loved it 

lapis spoke again ahhh ohh hahah I l-love you gah lapis moaned harder and peridot did too but she wanted to hear one more thing from lapis ..lapis moaned and drooled but what peridot did was surprising she kissed and liked and bit lapis's part and lapis moaned louder then before peridot said what's my name~ lapis drooled more and moaned more she was reaching her climax but still kept going back and forth for peridot lapis said periahh pergah hah ahh peridot was waiting for her answer and decided to speed up lapis continued ahhhh gah periagh p-peridottt she kept saying  peridots name louder and moaner and peridot loved it she  went faster and lapis continued to shout peridots name and drool over her 

soon enough she reached her climax and peridot  ate lapis already was panting over herself when peridot was done she stood up and climbed on lapis "so how was it~"peridot licked her self and smirked "it was great~"lapis licked peridots neck  and peri moaned a bit lapis pinned peridot to the bed and peridot took off her sports bra and lapis needled gently lapis bit and licked and went lower more quicker lapis took off peridots pants and bit and liked her thighs peridot was sick off all the teasing but when lapis kissed her part peridot moaned And panted lapis began with only a little force but peridot then wanted more she kept saying harder and lapis went harder and faster but that might have been too much for peridot because she drooled and lapis enjoyed seeing here like that

 she went up to peridots face and lifted up peridots legs to her female part and peridot moaned to the friction that she  got from lapis and lapis started to rock back and forth and they both moaned and peridot said to go harder and faster and lapis did as told and went harder and faster peridot moaned lapis biting her lip in pleasure lapis went harder and peridot said to go harder and moaned lapis went harder and faster gahhh hah please don't stop lazuli ahh lapis didn't stop she started to sweat though and pant ahh I'm gonna-ahhh peridot was close to her climax and lapis wanted to feel eat so she went harder and harder she needed help so peridot started rocking back and forth with lapis and didn't stop lapis moaned and peridot was shouting lapis's name haaaa l-lazuli gah lazuli lapis! Hahhh lapis had peridot on the edge of her climax and she had got to her climax and lapis was enjoying how peridot was inside her and that didn't make lapis stop she kept going but she did stop after a while and they fell tired and panting "I-that felt good~" lapis kissed peridots neck and peridot started putting on her clothes it was morning!? It was 12:am no one was awake but they got out there tent and were making breakfast for the others the others woke up to the smell of eggs toast and some fruit 

"Woah you guys made breakfast!" Steven and Connie went to get food but amythest and pearl beat them to it 

"Hey aren't you guys gonna eat Orr?"Connie looked at peridot 

"No thanks I ate enough last night~"peridot looked at lapis and smiled she smiled back 

Connie smirked "oh okkk I won't tell~ but if your not gonna eat can I have some more fruit?"connie put her plate out 

"Sure thing here you go"peridot gave Connie a smile and a high five and some fruit 

"Heh heh can't wait for another day here!"peridot smiled as lapis handed her an apple she was a little hungry still..

Sooo what did you think~!!!😁😁😁😁this was my longest and my most favorite chapter so far!!!half of it is fighting action and the other is lapidot I love it truly the best chapter I've ever wrote!!!😁😁😁😄😄😄😄😁😁😁

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