๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusa...

By LittleBunnyDoll

19.7K 288 684

(if I make any mistakes, tell me please haha(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃) •The cover art is not mine, credit to zzoupz on tumb... More

•First meet•
•Friends forever•
•A sleepover and a killer•
•A date to three•
•A little bit fun•
•Who's killing?•
•A new challenger•
•Two good ennemies•
•A bloody party•
•Too fast•
•A surprise meeting•
•The convention•
•A new conflict?•
•My darling•
•Two murders•
•Fake murder•
•☆My only star☆•
♡~Special Valentine's Day~♡

•Crossover Lovers•

1.6K 23 129
By LittleBunnyDoll

•art credit to michanpc on Tumblr

The ring bell and it's lunch time.

In class...(math lesson)

America's POV

The bell ring, I quickly bring my bag and wait Canada in the halls. Russia looked at me when I stand up. Because I was pissed off when I get up. He didn't react, he just look at me go to the exit. I was anxious and mad because of what Canada told me.
Am I really gay?
It's not that I don't like gay people, not at all! Germany is gay and he is my best friend, but it's like a missing part of me when I think about it...

When I was a little kid, I was playing in the playground on my own.
I was not alone, it was just I liked playing alone. I played of course with others but not so much...
I saw a kid, with green, white and red on his flag and a little eagle on the white part. Another kid yell his name "Mexico!!!" he go to him and hug him.
He was cute, that was what I thought about him. I never talked to him, and then never saw him again...
That was the very first time I liked a boy.
End of the flashback

I start questioning my sexuality in the hallway, the first day of school, with a anxious face!... Great!

Canada finally come and look at me with a sad face : "I'm sorry, it was not my attention to made you feel uncomfortable...". I smile to him and say there's nothing wrong, I'm alright. Then Russia come and look at us.

He then look at me and let a little smirk quickly.

I didn't expect that...!

He walk away with his phone in his hand. I don't know if he likes me or not... We just meet, okay, but he knows me a little bit in first grade. I think I'm gay, yeah that's logical now because of Russia, but I can't tell if it's a good feeling or a bad feeling...

Wait...what the hell?! It's the first time I look sad and questioning about myself! Am I on drugs????
I feel okay, but the way I think is just so weird, I'm not like that!!!

Canada and America arrive in the cafeteria and they see Australia and New Zealand. They go to them and sit with them. They talk about what they see at school, the students etc...
But then America see someone that is familiar to him...

Mexico's POV

I go in the cafeteria after my huge lesson of history... It was boring!...
I go take a plat and take my food. I then go find Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador.
But I see someone on a table with three others next to him... Oh f*** it's...


I hate him, him and his family! Well, not his brother, Canada actually, but the others, I don't really like them... America is the first one.
In the morning, I see him with Russia and that pissed me off... Why is he try to get along with Russia??? He doesn't want him...! That's logical! I know that Russia doesn't like annoying people, so he doesn't like America, clear, logic, and TRUE!

I wish Russia can one day accept my confession...~

Russia's POV

When I saw America in the hallways a little frustrated, I smirked at him, I don't know why but that was great to do it...

Wait... What?...
Why am I like that suddenly???
What the... Okay, I'm not gay, that's a fact for me, but why do I think about America now? I don't like him, he's annoying, but cute...


"That's ridiculous..." I whisper to myself before going to my locker and take my bag off.

Then, I go to the cafeteria.
I don't see Ukraine, Belarus or Kazakhstan. But I see Mexico. Yep, he see me too after I look at him...
He run at me and kiss my cheek.
"Hey Russia! How are you? Let's eat the lunch together!♡".
Have I a choice?... Nah, so I just shrugged with a neutral face.

He smile at me and take my hand and his plat in his other hand.
We sit at a empty table and guess who's just next to us???
Yeah, that's right, A M E R I C A.
He look at us and look back down.
Mexico tell me his classmates and teachers, his friends, and about his enemies. Here we go again...

America's POV

I see Russia and Mexico holding hands and sit next to us, where was a empty table. Russia look at me, Mexico look at me too but quickly.

I know that Mexico's going to talk shit about me, because he hated me... I don't know why, but I hear his name one time, but I don't know where...
He doesn't like me, and me either.
That's not s problem, I can live with that in my head.

Mexico talk about his classmates, his teachers and then say something with enemies I don't hear it so clear but i think he say enemies, yes.
He start to look at Russia with angels eyes, I just look at them and notice Russia look at me too when Mexico's eat.
He doesn't want to be with Mexico does he?~. I blush a little bit and give him a little wink. He see it and smile.

I try to tell him that I'm the only person he need it. I start to smile and look at him with love eyes. He notice immediately and like it. While Mexico's eat, Russia say he had to go to the bathroom. Mexico smile and say ok. I look Russia get up and look at me with a smile.
Ooooo...~ does that mean I have to go with him in the bathroom?~
I think so! So I get up and say to my brothers I go to the bathroom.

I see Russia enter in the bathroom and follow him.
It's my chance now! I can tell him that I want him so much!!!~

I open the door...

Russia's POV

I go to the bathroom but didn't expect... America coming after me...!
He open the door and close it carefully. He look at me with a strange look...? I just stand here next the bathroom sink. He approach : "Do you need something?~"America's say with a flirting voice.
I'm confused... So confused... I appreciate his voice...
why??? I'm not gay!!!!
Am I???
He stand really close at me with a smile. I continue to look at him confused.

He start to put his hands on my shoulders and try to kiss me.
I let a little gasp but then let him kissing me. It's a soft kiss, but a really quick one because someone enter in the bathroom.


I go back to the exit with a strawberry taste on my lips... It was good, I can't lie, but weird for me... I. KISS. A. BOY.
I try to breath slowly. I see behind me America go out the bathroom with a smile on his face.

He is cute but I'm not gay WHY DID I ENJOY IT?????

I go back to Mexico, who finish his plate and look at me angry. "Why you take it so long uh?" he say with a sad voice. "I'm sorry, I just wash my hands and take it long. . ." I replie him.
Then he see America coming always with his smile and look at Mexico.

Mexico's got angry, furious, I try to calm down him but, nah nothing's help. He stand up and look at America with rage. Oh no... Did... He want to... Fight? I can't let this happen.
"You better stay away from my boyfriend you disgusting american."
America look at him with surprise and then start to laugh. I'm still at the table and don't want to interfere right now. Let's just,... See what happen now...?

America's POV

Mexico just getting on my nerves... What the hell did he just say? I'm a little confused and act like that. "Whaaaaat?! Me?! Steeling your boyfriend?! I'm not that kind of person darling" I say to him with a smile on my face.
He start to approach me with anger in his eyes and take something out of his pocket and show me. "This is what you looks like. No need to thank me "honey"".
That's it. I can't take this anymore... He show me a picture of a MacDonald's clown...
I jump at him and try to slap him. "Show me again! Show me again if you can!!!!" I scream. Everybody start to look at us and take videos. My brothers try to take me off of him but I won't. I look up and see if Russia was here.
No. Where is he?
'"Mister America. Can you come to my office right now?!"
I stop the fight and look behind me to see the director, EU.
Mexico just laugh and punch me for get up. He then go see Russia... What? No... Russia look at me while he hug Mexico and I can see a really bad look.
I did something wrong... Again.

Well, I'm a little proud of my English uwu I really struggle for speaking and writing in English, in class(/ω\)
Anyway, I hope you like this chapter!!!

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