the silence

By theredviolin

123K 5.1K 4K

an up and coming violinist in brisbane, eddy chen seemingly has everything right where he wants it. he's got... More

read first.
one. (e)
two. (b)
three. (e)
bonus: a surprise for brett


4.6K 176 226
By theredviolin

warning: nsfw content

brett noticed eddy's bruises immediately the next day, and he knew exactly where they came from. the taller boy looked significantly embarrassed to even be out in public. he kept his head down and his jacket on as much as possible in an attempt to hide them, but brett knew better.

whether or not he should say anything was a decision brett struggled with all day. eddy was much quieter than usual and didn't talk unless he had to, even on their ride to lunch. brett was actually unnerved by the silence because of the implications it had. it implied that his suspicions about the bruises were true, because eddy would've told him how he got them if they weren't. it also meant that he was in a bad mood. brett hated it.

"eddy..." brett began as they sat down to eat. eddy put his hand up.

"don't. please. i know," he said simply, his voice breaking. the marks on his skin looked worse than they'd been the previous night. brett sighed sadly and bit his lip.

"come stay with me."

the words escaped his lips without any thought. it startled him when he heard them in his own voice. eddy looked up at him and shook his head, running his hands through his hair frustratedly.

"i can't. it's complicated. she won't let me," eddy laughed bitterly, laying his head on the table. "i'm stuck."

"where is she?" brett asked. eddy lifted his head.

"right now?"

brett nodded.

"she's at work. she gets off a couple of hours before we do. why?" he frowned. brett took a long sip of his drink.

"eat fast. you're not going home tonight," he mumbled. eddy squinted at him.

"brett, i don't know what you're—"

"we're going to your house after we eat and you're getting things to s-stay at my house for at least a few days. i'm not letting you go back to that," brett blurted, his voice shaky. it was the most he'd ever said to eddy at one time.

"brett, you don't have to—"

"stop," brett said firmly, interrupting the other boy's sentence. eddy didn't say anything for awhile.

"okay," he mumbled, blushing slightly. he definitely was not used to anybody trying to take care of him. he wasn't even used to anybody caring about him for any reason other than needing something. brett nodded with satisfaction and smacked the table.

they finished eating and went back to eddy's car. brett was strangely nervous about going to eddy's house. it may have been because he had an underlying fear that mae would be there or it may have been because he was going to someone else's house for the first time in a long time. he'd never gotten this close to someone so fast and he wasn't sure how he felt about it.

    brett's hands were shaking as they pulled into eddy's driveway. he stared up at the large house in admiration, raising his eyebrows. it put his small apartment to shame.

    "it's messy," eddy warned as he unlocked the door. brett scoffed and waved his hand.

    when eddy opened the door, brett wanted to call him a liar. he found the inside of the house absolutely gorgeous and much cleaner than anywhere he'd ever lived. he looked around as they walked inside, biting his lip. the spiral staircase immediately caught his attention and he walked over to it, putting his hand on the wooden railing.

    "what?" eddy asked, watching brett look around his house. brett smiled softly.

"i like it," he replied. eddy shrugged.

"i like it less now than i did before we lived here. it's like she's ruined it for me," he scrunched his nose, resting his hand on the couch. brett didn't say anything.

"i'm going to gather some things. you can sit down if you want," eddy gestured to the couch, shrugging again. brett nodded and sat down.

he didn't mean to fall asleep. he really didn't. but eddy's couch was very comfortable and he was very tired. the smaller boy drifted off almost immediately after eddy left the room, slumping over into a half-sitting, half-laying position. his hair fell in his face and his lips parted, his breathing soft and slow.

"alright, let's..." eddy began as he walked into the room, stopping in his tracks when he saw that brett was asleep. he had no idea what to do. waking him up hadn't been something eddy had liked doing and he didn't want to do it again.

sighing deeply, eddy walked out to his car and loaded his belongings in before going back inside. he bent down and scooped brett up into his arms. he was out. he hadn't even acted like he was tired, but he was sleeping like he'd been awake for days. eddy was worried, but brett was just a very heavy sleeper and could drift off almost anywhere.

as eddy picked him up, brett nuzzled his face in the taller boy's neck and cuddled into his chest. eddy felt his cheeks get hot and his heartbeat speed up as he carried brett to the car. he didn't understand why he was feeling that way, but he didn't want to think about the possibilities. he struggled to open the car door and laid brett in the seat, buckling him up. he winced as his watch beeped, signaling that they were about to be late. brett was not going to be happy.

    speeding with brett in the car was not something eddy wanted to do, so he decided that they were just going to have to be late. brett stayed fast asleep the entire way there and eddy sighed when it was time for him to wake him up.

    "brett, hey," he said gently, shaking his shoulder. brett frowned and rubbed his eyes.

    "hmm... what?" he groaned. eddy bit his lip.

    "it's time to go back to rehearsal. you fell asleep," he pushed brett's hair out of his face gently. the smaller man's eyes popped open and he sat straight up, unbuckling his seatbelt.

    "eddy! we're going to be late! why didn't you wake me up earlier?" brett shouted, getting out of the car. eddy frowned.

    "i'm sorry, i—"

    "it's okay. let's go," he interrupted, taking eddy's hand and dragging him towards the building. the taller boy blushed as brett's fingers intertwined with his.

they released each other's hands as they walked into the room together, hurrying as much as they could. the conductor noticed them and stopped what he was doing, crossing his arms.

"and where have you two been?" he said, visibly annoyed. the entire orchestra had turned around to look at them with disapproval clear on their faces.

"we, um.. lost track of time. i'm sorry. it won't happen again," eddy stammered, his heart pounding. brett was frozen to his spot with all those people looking at him. he was still partially asleep, his hair sticking up in every direction.

"is that true, mr. yang?" the conductor asked. brett swallowed hard, unable to form an answer. he could feel everyone's eyes on him and it felt like he'd pass out if it lasted any longer.

"mr. yang?" he repeated. brett managed to nod, sweat rolling down his forehead.

"alright then. sit down, both of you. don't ever make me do that again," he said.

brett was so scared he barely heard him. the two boys made their way to their seats and sat down, violins in hand. eddy watched brett as he discovered that his small hands were too shaky to play or really do much of anything. the taller boy had long since calmed down; it wasn't the first time he'd ever had an entire orchestra staring him down.

"are you okay?" eddy whispered as he watched brett fumble with his bow. the way his hands were shaking made the instrument look unfamiliar in his arms, like he'd never seen a violin in his entire life. he nodded forcefully and stared at the music, refusing to make eye contact. the sweat on his forehead was visible and eddy felt awful for making him late.

brett had barely calmed down by the end of rehearsal. guilt bubbled in eddy's stomach as they walked to their cars. he was going to follow brett to his apartment so his car wouldn't be stuck at the concert hall. before they went their separate ways, eddy grabbed brett's shoulder. he'd been pretty silent for the entirety of the rehearsal after being late.

    "brett," eddy said softly as the smaller man turned to him, glancing at his large hand on his shoulder. brett raised his eyebrows in response.

    "i'm really sorry. i didn't mean to make us late," he apologized, shaking his head. brett scoffed and shook his head.

    "it's okay. promise," he said and stuck out his pinky. eddy smiled and linked their pinkies together. he couldn't help but notice how cute brett looked as they sealed their promise. he shook his head as he thought about it. what was wrong with him?

    they went to their cars and drove to brett's house. eddy's nerves kicked in for reasons he couldn't explain as he parked and got out, watching brett walk to the front door and wait for him. he unlocked it and they walked in together, eddy's bag of clothing in his hand.

    "sorry, it's messy again," he chuckled. eddy shook his head.

    "it's really not," he said, shutting the door behind him. brett shrugged and turned on the lights.

    "hey, can i talk to you about something?" eddy asked, as if he hadn't been doing so without verbal permission for the entirety of their friendship. brett nodded.

    "i just want to thank you. thank you for being so nice to me, thank you for letting me stay with you, for letting me use your bow.. you've been incredible. no one has ever treated me like this and i just thought you should know how much i appreciate it," he rambled on, staring down at his feet.

    brett bit his lip in thought, looking at the top of eddy's head. he took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around eddy's slender waist, resting his head on the taller boy's shoulder.

    pleasantly surprised by brett's hug, eddy raised his eyebrows and put his arms around brett's shoulders. hugging him felt right and eddy loved the way he felt in his arms, despite his usual distaste for hugs or being touched in general. his heartbeat sped up as brett relaxed into his arms, tightening his grip ever so slightly. something was happening that neither of them could really understand, but they weren't about to question it.

    brett's usual silence was not broken whenever eddy pulled away from their long hug and rested his large hand on brett's cheek. neither of them really knew when the kiss started, when the gap between their lips closed completely as if it had never existed. eddy's fingertips brushed brett's ears as he ran his long fingers through his hair, grabbing at it like his life depended on it. their hearts were nearly beating out of their chests as they stood there in brett's living room, completely entangled in each other.

    brett grabbed fistfuls of eddy's shirt, pulling him impossibly closer. eddy felt like some other force had overcome him and that he was going to die if he ever stopped kissing brett's soft lips. his usual reluctance to be touched or kissed had faded away and he couldn't even remember where he was as he held brett in his arms. it was one of those kisses that you never forget, like the memory of it would forever be ingrained into the back of your eyelids and you'd see it every time you blinked or tried to fall asleep. it felt like there was no time, no space, no anything. all that existed to those two boys in that moment was each other.

    but it had to end sometime. eddy realized the weight of what was happening and pulled away, out of breath. neither of them said a word, resting their foreheads together and listening to the sound of each other's heavy breathing.

"brett, im so sorry—" eddy began, but was cut off by brett's small hand over his mouth.

"it's okay," brett whispered, biting his lip.

"really?" eddy asked, out of breath. he pulled away slightly to look into brett's eyes.


eddy put a hand on either side of brett's face and connected their lips again, squeezing his eyes shut. he'd never felt such a strong desire to be so close to another person. he wanted brett to touch him and kiss him until neither of them could breathe anymore.

grabbing onto eddy's waist, brett felt like he was in heaven. he'd never kissed a boy before and he was glad eddy was the first one. he melted into eddy's strong grip and let the taller boy pull him towards the bedroom. he was completely in control despite having no idea what he was doing.

the two of them kicked their shoes off and climbed into brett's bed, brett laying down on his back and eddy on top of him. brett was dazed as eddy slid his warm tongue into his mouth, his large hands running down his body. a soft grunt escaped brett's lips and he sucked gently on eddy's tongue. being kissed like that was not something he was used to, but he liked it. he liked it a lot.

brett wrapped his arms around eddy's neck and held back a moan as the taller boy bit down on his bottom lip. their legs were intertwined and brett's cheeks turned bright red as he felt something hard against his thigh. it was such a new feeling to him that he couldn't help but get flustered. and it didn't help that he felt like he was about to have the same problem.

eddy's phone began to ring in his pocket. he groaned and pulled away from brett, taking it out and looking at the screen. it was mae. he rolled his eyes and declined the call, turning his phone off and sitting it on brett's nightstand. brett began to feel guilty as he thought about mae and he looked up at eddy, biting his lip.

"what's wrong?" eddy frowned, pushing brett's hair off of his damp forehead. making out with eddy had him all hot and bothered, causing him to sweat. he hated it.

"mae," brett said simply. eddy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"it's over, brett. i'm going to have to end it soon. i just can't find the words yet," he mumbled, looking away. brett grabbed his face and pulled it closer, kissing him gently. a wave of relief washed over eddy and he kissed back, his hands on brett's neck.

brett's cheeks heated up yet again as eddy pulled away and left a trail of wet kisses down his jaw to his neck. his breath was hot on brett's sensitive skin and he leaned his head back, yearning for more. eddy ran his tongue down brett's neck down to the spot where it connected to his shoulder and bit down lightly, causing him to moan louder than he meant to. his whole face was red with arousal and embarrassment and he gasped as eddy's hand slid down to the waistband of his pants.

neither of them expected anything like that to happen, especially after knowing each other for such a short time. but there was just something about both of them that caused the other to be impossibly drawn in. brett never would've let any other person touch him or kiss him or come to his house after such a short period, but eddy was different. it was like they'd known each other forever and were meant to meet a long time ago. he found himself thinking that he'd definitely let eddy do anything he wanted to him that night.

eddy's mind was full of both confusion and utter arousal. he wasn't even completely sure how to touch brett, but he knew that he wanted to more than anything. sexual desire and homosexual tendencies had been scarce in his life, but he found that he was full of both of them in that moment. brett was just so irresistible; his soft hair, his pink lips, his small frame—everything. everything about him made eddy feel things that he'd never felt in his entire life.

the two boys didn't know what they were doing, but they liked it. eddy pulled away and pulled brett's shirt over his head, tossing it across the room before removing his own. brett blushed at the sight of eddy's muscular torso. it was almost too much for his gay heart to take. he tangled his hands in eddy's hair and pulled him impossibly closer, quiet moans slipping out of him as eddy kissed his neck. he used his lips to change the color of brett's skin from pale nude to deep violet and blue, not caring about who might see his masterpiece. he wanted it to be seen. he wanted everyone who passed brett to see the marks on his neck and know that he had a night full of desire, in contrast to what people thought when they saw the marks on eddy's face.

    "is this okay?" eddy asked in brett's ear, his fingers sliding under the waistband of his pants. brett took a deep breath and nodded.

    the taller boy unbuttoned brett's jeans and slid them off of his legs, his own pants following suit. brett inhaled sharply as eddy's large hand moved over his underwear. eddy was glad his face was buried in brett's neck because he blushed as he felt brett against his hand. he'd never imagined doing anything like this to a boy, let alone his stand partner in an orchestra. yet here they were.

    "can i touch you?" eddy mumbled, hands on brett's hips. he nodded.


    it was the first time eddy had ever enjoyed sex. he'd wanted brett more that night than he had ever wanted any girl and he finally understood why people actually liked to be touched that way. he rolled off of brett onto the bed beside him, listening to his breathing. biting his lip nervously, he slid his hand into brett's and intertwined their fingers.

    now that he'd had a taste of being touched by someone he actually wanted to be touched by, he craved it. something inside of him needed to feel brett's skin against his in any way possible. he turned his head to look at the smaller man, whose hair was matted to his sweaty forehead and lips were an even darker shade of pink than usual. hickeys littered his neck and chest. his skin glistened and his eyes were closed, his lips parted so he could breathe through them. he turned his head and opened his eyes whenever eddy grabbed his hand.

    neither of them said anything. they didn't have to. they rolled onto their sides and their lips were connected again before they knew it. their lips were softened from so much kissing and wet with saliva, sliding across each other almost too smoothly. eddy put one of his legs between brett's and pulled him closer, wrapping his long arms around him.

    they pulled away from the kiss and stared into each other's eyes in silence. there were no words coming to either of their minds that were necessary to be said, so they just laid there and enjoyed each other quietly. eddy leaned in and planted a soft kiss on brett's cheek, pushing his hair off of his sweaty forehead.

    it wasn't long before eddy fell asleep, but brett couldn't get his mind to shut off. he was absolutely freaking out. he'd just had sex. with a boy. that had a girlfriend. that he barely knew. in his bed. in his house. his heart pounded and he shivered as he thought about how good eddy had made him feel.

    logically, there was only one thing for brett to do. it was his answer to every problem he had.

    being careful not to wake eddy, he reached for his phone on the table. the taller boy grunted softly at the movement and wrapped his arm tighter around brett's waist. brett blushed and bit his lip, pressing the call button on jamie's number. he answered almost immediately.

    "bretty! i was just about to call you. listen, do you like grape juice? because i fucking don't. and nicolas bought, like, a shit ton. for no reason. i have never once told this man that i liked grape juice and i come home to, like, five bottles in the fridge. not cool. anyways, what's up?" jamie rambled, his voice full of energy as always. brett sighed.

    "you're not going to believe this," he whispered, turning his head away from eddy.

    "well, don't make me wait! spill it, baby. you know i love drama," jamie responded excitedly. brett bit his lip and looked at the boy in his bed.

    "i just had sex with eddy," he whispered. jamie screamed so loud that brett thought his eardrum was going to burst. he yanked the phone away from his ear and away from eddy, praying that he wouldn't wake up. he stayed still and quiet, snoring softly.

    "what the FUCK, bretty!? what the fuck? didn't you, like, just try to tell me he wasn't gay!? oh my god! what the fuck? was it good? does he have a big dick? did he eat your ass? oh my god, did you eat his ass? how the fuck did this happen? oh my god. ohhhhh my god. brett. oh my god. you fucked him. where is he? where are you? what about that one bitch? bretty! oh my god!" jamie shouted. brett's face was bright red as he listened to him ramble on, asking way too many questions.

    "it was very good. but no ass eating," brett replied.

    "first of all, that didn't answer most of my questions. second of all, why not? i would've let him eat my ass. it's classy," jamie scoffed. brett rolled his eyes.

    "you asked too many questions. one at a time, please," he countered, looking back at eddy to make sure he was still asleep.

    "okay, fine. what the fuck happened? how did you go from not thinking this guy is gay to fucking him?"

  brett explained to jamie what had happened with mae in the restaurant the previous day and how eddy had shown up to rehearsal with bruises and a busted lip. he told him that he'd made eddy come to his house and that they'd kissed and it had escalated from there. jamie was in complete shock.

    "brett yang, who are you? this dude has got to be something special. you wouldn't even look me in the eye for, like, a week... but, anyways, do you think you guys are going to, like, date? or something? what about that stupid bitch?" he asked. brett winced.

    "i don't know, jamie.. he said it was over between them and that he's going to end it sometime, but i'm kind of afraid. i don't know if she'll even let him leave her, based on what i've seen. she's super controlling," he whispered, stroking eddy's hair and looking at the bruises on his handsome face. he hated that she'd done that to him.

    "baby, she can't stop him. it doesn't work that way," jamie said. brett shrugged.

    "she lives with him. in his house. she can just refuse to leave and hurt him when he tries to kick her out because she knows he won't fight back. i'm really scared for him. the bruises on his arms are bad and i'm scared that she'll hurt him again if he goes back there. but it's his house. she doesn't pay for anything."

    "what have you gotten yourself into, babylove? god damn. i leave you alone for a few days and you get yourself involved in some soap opera type shit," jamie teased. brett sighed, hating how right he was.

    "i'm sorry," he mumbled, shaking his head. jamie scoffed.

    "i'm just kidding, sweetheart. you know i could never be mad at you. but, seriously, this is kind of bad. you need to talk to eddy tomorrow and let him know that you're not some toy. i know that it takes a lot for you to let anyone in and you've basically ripped your door off its hinges for this boy, for whatever reason. do not let him play with your feelings. because i will come to sydney and i will kick his ass before you even have a chance to eat it," jamie warned. brett's cheeks reddened when jamie pointed out how quickly he'd come to trust eddy. he didn't understand it, either, but it was true.

    "that's not fair. i can't expect him to just drop everything for me. he barely even knows me, jamie," he frowned, tracing eddy's collarbones with his fingertips.

    "bretty. i don't care how long you've known each other, okay? this has all gotten very deep very fucking fast and now you have to deal with it. he obviously trusts you and likes you a lot or he wouldn't have told you any of this nor would he have had sex with you. where is he? let me talk to him. i have some words for him."

    "he's asleep. in my bed. with me," brett said slowly, biting his lip. jamie groaned.

    "ugh, typical. can i talk to him tomorrow?"

    "no, you can not," brett shook his head.

    "yeah, you're right," he admitted, "i'd probably threaten him too much. but, seriously, baby, you need to talk to him. okay?"

    "okay, fine. but i can't promise anything," brett sighed.

    "alright, alright. you need to get some sleep, honey. it's late and it sounds like you've had a, um.. tiring day," he teased. brett nodded and yawned, rubbing his eyes.

    "okay. thank you, jamie," he said softly, running his hands down eddy's chest and planting a soft kiss on his collarbone. jamie fake gagged.

    "i don't know what you just kissed, but it better have been pg-13. no fucking while i'm on the phone," he scolded.

    "it was his collarbone, doofus. he's asleep."

    "okay, love. you go to bed. i love you," jamie replied.

    "i love you, too. goodnight."

    "goodnight, baby."

    they hung up and brett laid his phone on the table, cuddling into eddy's chest and hugging his waist. eddy wrapped his strong arm tighter around brett and mumbled incoherently. the smaller man smiled and fell asleep, happy to have eddy safe in his bed.

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