Daddy Wooseok | Kim Wooseok


41.7K 1.5K 915

A melancholic night that brought two sobbing hearts together in the most.. unexpected way possible. Consequen... More

Chapter One: The Night
Chapter Two: Consequence
Chapter Three: Blessing... or maybe not.
Chapter Four: Daddy Hangyul?
Chapter Five: Different Worlds
Chapter Six: Whispers, Gossips
Chapter Seven: Daddy Wooseok
Chapter Eight: Eavesdropped
Chapter Nine: Save Me
Chapter Ten: Disgrace
Chapter Eleven: Reality
Chapter Thirteen: Home
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Chapter Fifteen: Family
Chapter Sixteen: Who's doing what?
Chapter Seventeen: Lockdown
Chapter Eighteen: What Happened?
Chapter Nineteen: Shit Happens
Chapter Twenty: Never Over
Chapter Twenty One: Unfathomable
Chapter Twenty Two: Trust
Chapter X

Chapter Twelve: Courage

1.4K 62 44



I can't seem to cease myself from looking around. I left a duplicate key to my house in yuri's room last night, and she left earlier in the morning without telling me. Well, she left a note on the fridge saying I'll go ahead. Breakfast is on the table. See you at school!

If that ain't the cutest.

A smile curbed on my face as I think about our current state. It's like, we live together, but we're discreet about it. Just the thought of waking up knowing yuri is just somewhere around, it feels nice. It makes me very happy. Who would have believed that this girl would make me feel happy and contented? It's a pity I haven't met her in my life before.

"Wooseok!" I looked back when I heard someone called me from behind. It was eunbi.

"E-eunbi. Why are you still here? Aren't you late for your first class?" I asked her. I noticed that eunbi's eyes looked puffy as if she cried all night. Her face as well is swollen.

"I woke up late. How about you? How's your sleep?" Eunbi stated, emphasizing the word sleep. My forehead scrunched in her remarks. Why is she being sarcastic all of a sudden?

"Fine... why did you ask?" I said. Of course, I have to be cautious. I don't know why but eunbi has this attitude of having great senses and instincts when it comes to things and I know I should be careful.

"Oh, good. Anyway, I don't have someone with me tonight. Can I visit you at home?" She insisted. 

Eunbi's eyes are as sharp as if she were searching for responses. I don't understand why she's being that way, but I'm getting nervous for some reason. I've tried my best to look calm and relaxed, but I can't stop sweating. She can't visit, or else she'll know yuri is staying at my place right now.

"Tonight? S-sorry, eunbi. I won't stay at home tonight. Yohan and I were invited to attend a bachelor's party tonight as guests." I lied. She should not visit me if I don't want to screw everything up. I am so close to set everything in its place.

"Bachelor's party? Really? Well, okay then. Maybe next time." A smirk formed on her face. This is not the usual eunbi I know. It's like... she's hiding a lot.

"You know that I hate liars the most. Right, wooseok?" Her gaze pierced mine. My heart thuds loudly and I started breathing heavily.

"I mean, people are so good at hiding the truth but guess what, the truth will always come out anyway. What's the point of covering everything up?"

Eunbi whispered as she trailed around me. I am panicking inside! Why does she have to act like this? Does she know anything by now?

"What do you mean? You know what, eunbi? Just go to your class now and forget this nonsense." I said, trying to avoid the conversation to go even further. For a reason, I feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, wait. I am not yet done asking you. Why are you being aloof? Don't tell me I'm hitting you right in the nerves? Are you hiding something, wooseok?"

Shit. Now I can sense that she is really up to something. Can't she be straightforward? This is making me sick! If she wants to expose something, then go ahead.

"Don't you hate it too when people lie? When people don't tell you the truth? When people are being... dishonest?" Eunbi trailed while looking in my eyes directly.

"Don't you hate it when people won't go straight with you? When people leave you with hints and all but end up not telling you anything? Don't you hate it when people fuck your mind for a reason that you can't comprehend? Because I do! Now, tell me what you want to tell me before I run out of patience."

I'm sure I sounded frightening, which would usually make eunbi flinch. But it's just different this time. Her facial expression didn't alter a bit and she remained standing with a cold stare lingering at mine.

"I don't know what to do about the fact that people are so good at hiding the truth, how about help me out?"

"Help you where?" I'm getting annoyed. She won't tell me what she's up to and I can't stop overthinking.

"I badly want to laugh right now, wooseok. Are you really that clueless? Or just trying to act all clueless when actually, you're not." Eunbi's eyes are infuriating with anger and there's power in her voice. I never saw her like this but she's actually creeping me out.

"Why don't you just tell me?! Quit playing around!" I retorted.

"What can you say about someone who... obviously has a fiance already but then, you just found out he's becoming a father to another woman. How is that? How are you gonna take that in?"

Fuck. It's positive. She knows it already! How the hell did she find out...

"How about, having someone carry the burden of being accused as the father of the child when in fact, it was you..." Eunbi trailed. I know that she's pertaining to hangyul but we already talked about this! I'm fixing things already and we just have to carry on a little more.

"What are you talking about, eunbi? Can't you be straightforward?"

"Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you be telling me?! You should be telling me, wooseok! I want to hear it from your own mouth!"

"You seriously wanna hear it coming from me?!"

"If you must! Don't be a fucking coward and man up, wooseok! I wanna hear how you betrayed me, how you lied to everyone!" 

Eunbi is so fucking angry, and it's showing up. Her voice echoes around, catching everyone's attention. They might act as if they don't care about it, but it's evident they're listening. Fuck this, I'm going to screw it all up.

"Fine! You wanna hear it?! Yes! I am the father if yuri's child! It's not even a fucking betrayal, because I don't want to be committed to you in the first place. We're engaged merely because of a fucking deal! Okay? Because of that, everything occurred! And how can you say that I'm lying to everyone? Did I deny that I was the dad?! I didn't! The rumors that hangyul is the father surfaced first before we could tell everyone the truth!"

I stopped. Everyone fell into silence upon hearing my statement. Shock is evident in their faces and I'm pretty sure this ain't gonna come out well. This is unexpected to everyone but I don't see the point of holding it in any longer when eunbi already knows in the first place. I just have to face up to the implications and the choices of my parents. But whatever it is, I'm going to remain with yuri.

"I don't even understand who's spreading that fucking rumor! Was it you, by any chance?!" I asked.

"Don't ever accuse me of that, wooseok. I didn't do anything about it, but someone requested me to assist them to spread the information, but I refused! And why are you changing the topic?! This is not about hangyul! This is all about you and yuri!"

"What about it? Didn't I told you everything already!? Yes, I am the father of her child!" I halt before looking around everyone. Their glances are away but I can see that they're all ears into our conversation.

"Everyone heard that? You heard it all right! I am the father and not hangyul so stop bothering his ass. People are just quick to judge without knowing the truth. So now, feel free to drag me in all the issues you wish to. But I'm not backing up."

"You will not get away with this, wooseok. I'm making sure your parents will know." Eunbi stated in a firm voice.

"Who cares? Tell them everything you want to tell them, do whatever pleases you. I'll even help you."



Nayeon, hangyul and I are currently on the school's open field. The professor for our first class was absent so we decided to hang out for a while since we're not doing anything.

"Yuri, I heard from wooseok that you were kicked out? Where did you stay last night? You should have informed me. Our house is always welcome you know." Nayeon said as I let out a sheepish smile.

"Yuri, stop smiling like that, you're making me nervous."

"I-i'm sorry." I said trying to act normal. Well, I wonder what will their reaction be once they found out I'm temporarily staying at wooseok's place right now.

"You're not gonna tell me you're currently staying at wooseok's right now, aren't you?" Hangyul suddenly said, out of nowhere which made me choke on my drink. How can he guess everything accurately?!

"Oh no, you don't," Nayeon said while shaking her head, refusing to believe hangyul's assumption.

"A-actually, yes..."

Nayeon's eyes grew wider in surprise while hangyul just chuckled.

"Well, I'm not surprised. Knowing wooseok, he's never going to let you go alone, particularly knowing that the two of you were together last night." Hangyul said calmly. Oh, yeah, how could I forget that I was supposed to meet him last night, but wooseok arrived, making hangyul leave us behind.

"You were together last night?! What else should I know?" I can't help but laugh at nayeon's reaction. She's pretty busy that's why we don't talk that much right now. But that doesn't make her less of my best friend.

"Keep your voice down nayeon. We don't want any other people to find out right?" I said, trying to remind her. Nayeon nodded and laughed timidly.

"You know what? I'm happy for you. Just always remember to put your happiness first on the list. Okay, yuri?" Nayeon insisted as she held my hand. I can feel her sincerity and I am so thankful to have her always.

"Anyway, what did the two of you talked about last night?" Hangyul asked, leaning closer. Okay, I get it. Of course, he's interested.

"Well, he just told me he's already taking care of everything and that I d-don't have to worry about things," I told them. Honestly, that's what wooseok said. I don't know what he's doing as of now but I'm hoping for the best.

"Oh, that's good. I told you. Wooseok has his own ways, we just have to trust him." Hangyul retorted. He has a smile on his face and I can see that he is genuinely happy as well.

"Are you really okay, hangyul?" Nayeon said, playfully. Oh, God. We all know that hangyul feels something for me but teasing him will just... I don't know... make things awkward? And I don't want that.

"Nayeon, stop..." I said as I glared at her. This is making me embarrassed for some reason.

"No, it's all right. Of course, I'm all right. I've been telling you since we first talked, I'm just going to be here until wooseok makes up his mind. Plus, he's the child's dad, and we can all agree to that. I'm just pleased that he's finally knocking back on his senses." Hangyul explained. I am so thankful for hangyul. He did everything without expecting anything in return.

"Just always remember that I'm here for you..." Hangyul said as he pointed at me.

"" he added, pointing to nayeon.

"And for wooseok and X1 as well." he finished his sentence with a smile on his face. I don't know how else can we get back to hangyul for doing all of these for us. He's been very reliable and he never left our side. X1 is so lucky to have him as their friend.

I smiled at him.

"Thank you, hangyul. We can never--"

"Hey yuri, congrats!" I wasn't able to finish what I was about to say when seungyoun and the rest of the X1 members... well, without wooseok showed up.

"Oh, seungyoun. Why are you congratulating me? Did something happen? Did the SNU top achievers released a new list?" I asked. Well, what could be the reason why they're congratulating me?

"Didn't you know? Wooseok just announced to everyone that he's the real father of that child earlier. Haven't you heard about it?" My eyes grew wider with seungyoun's statement.

"Wooseok did what?" God, I refuse to believe what I heard. It's impossible.

"You heard it right, yuri. Wooseok just told everyone that he is the father of your child.  Kind of an impulsive decision but we're happy to see him get that bread."

It seems like I stopped functioning. I wasn't able to move an inch, my eyes are wide open and my jaw literally... dropped.

"Yuri! Hello, earth to yuri!" I was taken aback when yohan waved in front of me.

"Aren't you happy?" Seungwoo asked.

"No... I mean, it's not that I'm not happy. More like, I'm surprised. But of course, I'm happy." I explained. Of course, I am happy! But I can't seem to think about what eunbi will feel, how will wooseok's family respond to this, and how will their deal turn out.

"I see you're overthinking. You should just enjoy things now, noona. You deserve to be happy as well." Eunsang said then smiled brightly. He looks so cute I wanna pinch his cheeks! X1's maknae line is literally cute babies and I bet no one can resist their cute charms.

"You better take us as the child's godparents or we'll really get sad!" Seungyoun said as he pouted. Oh god, seungyoun trying to act cute is so cringy! But at the same time, he's cute as well. X1's like that though. No one can resist them.

We all laughed together. This day is great so far, how I wish it can always be like this.

"It seems like you're having a great time. Mind if I join?" We all turned around to see who spoke.

Kim Wooseok.

Everyone looked at me with teasing eyes and a playful smile. Oh god.

"Hey! Why are you guys looking at me like that?!" No one gave me an answer. Instead, they just continued giving me that teasing gaze as a smile curbed their lips and I swear, I felt my cheeks burning. I hope I don't look so red because I'm too embarrassed!

Wooseok started walking slowly to where I was standing and I am not liking how my heartbeat is racing once again. Damn, the only kim wooseok can make me feel like this and I don't know if that's a good thing or bad.

"Can I take you out for a while?" Wooseok asked while staring at my eyes completely. I can't seem to answer right away because he is making my heart flutter. I am lost for words!

"What do you mean to take me out? W-we have classes!" I insisted. I gulped a lump in my throat, still feeling nervous.

"Well, later. After class. But for now, let's eat." Wooseok suddenly grabbed my hand, making everyone, including me, gasp in surprise. What the hell ... This isn't the first time he's grabbed me in the hand, but this is actually the first time he's done it in front of everyone.

"Woah, woah. Since when did our wooseok hyung become so aggressive, huh?" Junho teasingly said as he laughed. His eye smile is so nice to me. I can see that he's happy for his wooseok hyung.

"I'm afraid I'm gonna have to borrow my wife for a while. Bye everyone, see you around." Wooseok said as he completely turned around, walking away from nayeon and the rest of the X1 members.

"W-wife?!" I exclaimed. My reaction is kinda late but I'm surprised as to what he called me. Damn, why is he doing this to me? He is making me feel... things!

"Technically, yes. You're pregnant with my kid and we're living with each other. The only thing we're lacking right now is marriage and papers. Maybe shortly, okay?" He said then winked at me. Oh my God, where does all this bravery come from all of a sudden? I still can't process it all. I think I need some time.

"Actually, that's not the only thing we lack right now." I firmly told him.

"What do you mean? Everything's going to place, I just need my parents' opinions. Yes, opinions because whatever their reactions will be, the decision is still upon me." Wooseok said as he started walking again, still holding my hand.

"Okay ..." I murmured. Wooseok intertwined his hands with mine, and the spaces between them were a perfect fit. I don't understand what else to say about that. It's the best, whenever I got a chance to be with wooseok. But, I can't stay still because ...

"You still haven't told me that you love me," I whispered. Fortunately, he didn't hear that. Well, I love him, and he makes me feel like he loves me too, but ... I just want to hear it from him. Just once. I don't want to believe I'm just interpreting stuff in an incorrect manner. I've got to hear it from him.

Maybe not now, but soon. Whenever he's ready.


Wow, we reached 1K already? Thank you so much for reading this! I'll do my best to make this even better. Thank you, once again!

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