Love in the Dark

By chubbyalejandra

18.6K 528 293

Can demons love? It isn't a question most people ask because most people don't encounter demons. But for 23 y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

369 11 15
By chubbyalejandra

And in the last days, good and evil will have a war.


"Azrael, will you stop." I whined.

He grinned, "No."

He licked my stomach again, making me squirm under him.

"But I'm ticklish!" I screamed as he blew in my stomach.

He laughed with me, "I love seeing my flower smile." He said lovingly.

I blushed, he was so sweet for a demon.

He kissed my cheeks, "I love you."

"Aww, I love you too."

He laughed and went back to my belly.

"P-please Azrael! It t-tickles!" I laughed as he blew harder.

I pushed him off me and ran off the bed, laughing like crazy.

Azrael was right behind me though.

I ran for the door but my short legs failed me.

He caught me just as I was about to hold the door knob.


He grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall.

I bit my lips as I saw him look at them.

"Stop doing that Lyla. It's so damn sexy." He murmured in my ear.

I shivered as he licked my neck. Oh god....

He kissed my neck and butterflies erupted my stomach.

He gently moved against my lips, sparks flying.

He sucked on my lip and slid his tongue inside my mouth.

He tasted like coffee as usual.

His hands gripped me tighter and I pulled him closer.

I tugged at his hair and he groaned.

I smiled, I love his reactions. The sounds he makes just makes me want to do things.

"Wanna go another round Flower?" He asked on my lips.

"Oh fuck no!" I said and pushed him off.

Last time I agreed to that shit, I had to stay in bed all day. My legs felt like jelly and my womb felt like it shifted from its original spot, if that's even possible!

"Go away with your monster penis!" I screamed as he came for me again.

He kissed my neck, "No." He said stubbornly.


"Please what?" He demanded, his hand trailing on my stomach. He pulled on the waist band of my panties and my stomach clenched in excitement.

I wanted to. God knows I wanted to but I was spent.

"Please daddy." I moaned in his ears.

He let me go and kissed my forehead, grinning.

Suddenly there was a loud crash downstairs.

My head whipped around to look at the door. Azrael looked more confused than scared.

"Stay." He told me sternly.

I nodded and watched as he went downstairs.

Would I really let him go down stairs alone? What if there was a man with a gun?

Can demons die? I didn't want to find out.

I yanked open the door and run down the stairs two at a time.

I stopped at the bottom and stared. My door was gone. Completely ripped off the hinges.

There was a silver woman standing in my living room.

Glowing and looking angry as fuck.

A silver woman?

What the hell?

She was suddenly in front of Azrael and threw a punch to his face.

He flew into the wall and left a huge dent.

There was a huge hole in my wall. Azrael's body made a hole in my wall.

I stared in shock. What was happening?

Then I felt something cold and hard against my face.

My head whipped around and I was face to face to the silver woman. My eyes widen in shock and fear.

She was fucking silver. Her skin was silver.

She stroked my face with a curious look. I slapped away her hands from me in disgust.

Who the fuck was this?

"Didn't you think there was more to Rael than good looks and a big cock?" She asked with a sick smile on her face.

Wait.... silver.

I looked at her closely.

This was Sliver.

Well. I can see why Azrael didn't want me to know about her. This bitch was crazy.

"But of course you didn't. You don't even know him like I do. You don't love him as much as I do!" She screamed at me.


She suddenly slapped me across my face. My head whipped to the side as I heard my neck crack.

Blood dripped from my mouth and I gasp.

This bitch.

I wiped off the blood straightened my self up. I didn't care if she was a fucking demon. She wasn't going to get away with slapping me and punching Azrael.

I turned to her and grabbed her hair and pushed her head in my knee and threw her to the ground.

Her screams were muffled as I body slammed into her chest.

I smiled with satisfaction as I heard a snap.

I used my elbow and hit her in the face. Thick black blood ran from her nose.

I quickly got up and kicked her in the face as much as I could. She screamed out in pain and suddenly grabbed my foot.

"You fucking bitch!" She screamed as she pulled me down.

She was on top of me before I could react.

She pinned me down and punched me. Blood ran from my nose and my vision was getting blurry.

I lifted my knee and landed it in her back.

I rolled us and pinned her, punching her face repeatedly. I heard her nose break. My knuckles were bare and raw.

Blood was all over me. "How dare you!" I yelled in her face, punching her over and over.

I grabbed the vase from the table next to us and smashed it in her head.

It shattered across her face with a few pieces sticking in her leathery skin.

I grabbed the biggest piece I could reach and dig it deep in her heart. Her screams echoed through the whole house.

Her body jerked beneath me as I pushed the glass as I deep as I could. Blood oozed from her and formed a pool under her.

Once she stopped moving, I got up, panting.

Tears ran down my face as I stared at her lifeless body.

What the fuck just happened?

I looked over at Azrael. He stirred. Oh God, he was ok.

I was about to go over to him when I felt something grab my ankle.

I looked down in horror and I saw Sliver smiling at me.

She grabbed my foot, screaming at me, and pulled me down.

My head slammed on the ground and everything suddenly got fuzzy. I groaned in pain.

I saw as she struggled to get up, stumbling, tying to remove the shard. Black blood dripping from her hand.

She glared at me, "I'm going to make you pay for this." She hissed.

I tried to get up, but things were still hazy. I couldn't feel my legs and my body was so heavy.

Suddenly, something whizzed past me and slammed right into Silver.

She crashed into the wall with a scream and a loud thud.

Oh Lord. My house.

I looked over to where she was. It was Azrael. wasn't.

Long leathery wings obstructed my view around him. His skin was a dark gray with little cracks of black on it.

He suddenly looked back at me. He look so different.

Two fangs showed them selves on his thin black lips. He had long claws and two black horns.

He growled and charged after her.

I scurried towards the wall and watched in horror.

He ripped out her hair and her scalp bled as she screamed in sheer pain.

My heart raced as I watched the man I love turn into a blood thirsty demon.

My heart beat sounded in my ears and I shivered in fear.

I watched as he beat her.

He held her by the few strands of hair she had left. Her hands were broken, her jaw was lean, she was missing a few teeth and her face......wasn't a face anymore.

After he was done, he threw her limp body on the ground like she was dead meat.

This was not Azrael.

He turned to me I gasped and tried to disappear in the wall.

His eyes, they were midnight black.

He stared at me and I stared back, frozen in fear. Would he hurt me when he was like this?

My throat was dry, my breaths deep and heavy, my heart was beating so hard it hurt and my limps felt like jelly.

Suddenly, out of no where, Silver threw a knife at him. It stuck him in his back. I screamed in fear.

He fell to his knees with a grunt.

Black blood ran from his open wound unto the ground behind him.

I looked at Silver. She gave me an evil smirk as she pulled out gun.

I stared in horror as I realized, that didn't look like any man made gun.

Was it custom made? And if so, was it custom made to kill demons?

To kill Azrael?

Oh god! Azrael could die. That fucking mad woman could kill my mate!

I could really lose him.

I watched as she aimed for his head. "If I can't have him. No else will." She whispered. A tear slipped from her bloody eye.

Azrael was still on his knees, grunting in pain. His wound wasn't healing as quick as it should.

He didn't realize what she was doing.

Oh god no!

"No!" I screamed.

I used the wall to give my weak body a push and I jumped in front of Azrael.

At that moment, Sliver pulled the trigger. The sound was deafening.

Something pierce right through my chest.

I saw the blood first, then felt the pain right after.

It hurted so much it took my breath away.

I gasped for air as I felt my self slipping. My breaths came in rapid short bursts as I tried to hold on.

I could feel my heart beat weaken.

I felt so tired.

So much fucking pain.

I saw Azrael's blurry head come in view.

He was ok.

I saw his tears. They fell on my face and mixed with mine.

I was dying.

But he was ok. That's all that mattered.

He gripped my hand with so much desperation, it broke me.

I let out a strangled sob as I realised.

I broke the promise.

"Promise me you'll stay with me forever."

"Pinky promise."

I took the last of my strength and held his face. He leaned in on my touch, holding my hand there. I gave him my pinky and he held on to it with so need.

I swallowed the hard lump in my throat. Pushing past the burning, dry feeling.

I could feel the gaping hole in my chest. My heartbeat was much slower. The pain got worst all over.

I ignored the pounding in my head. And the heavy strain on my chest. I ignored the pain. I ignored the fact that I was dying.

"I-I'm sorry." I choked out. Blood trickled from my mouth as I tried to breathe.

But all I could taste was the blood. I coughed and coughed. But still, there was no air.

Darkness took over. My hand fell limply to my side and my eyes closed.

I heard his howls of anguish.

I tried, God knows I tried.

At least I can go, knowing I tried.

Chubbyalejandra 💖

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