Gunning down wattys 2023

By Priceisrightrusher

320 13 1

Okay this is going to be the Kogan story and this setting will be in Vegas cause I am not going to do Disney... More

Coming soon
Vegas retreat and gunfire/the baby
Shopping/first night
Part 2
Part 3
Happy 4th
Part 4
We are continuing
Bringing her home
Part 2
Back on hold
Next Friday

Reason behind this story

42 1 0
By Priceisrightrusher

The reason for this story is I want to shed light on the gun violence that is happening in our country, and something needs to be done to stop it cause it is getting out of control and lives are taken too soon from it as well. The recent shootings that have happened prompted me to write about gun violence, and what needs to happen so we don't have mass shootings anymore. We need laws passed for gun protection and have clearer background checks as well, and the guns don't get in the wrong hands again cause enough is enough of people going on a shooting spree as well. Enough is enough anymore we need better protection from guns and better background checks done as well cause enough has not been done and we keep having shootings like in stores, churches, and public places, and we had enough shootings in school and that many schools have had to install metal detectors and have stricter policies for visitors that come to the school. Families have been ripped apart from these shootings, and the video games have been too violent lately as well so we as a society need to set a better example for the future and quit going on shooting sprees across this great country

The first chapter will come in time as well as the name once I think of them cause I will have more time to do it cause my schedule got changed last minute and I'm going to Bolivar on Saturday and I only close once again next week cause I get those once in a blue moon which I love so more updates are coming for sure maybe this week sometime fingers crossed I can get it up no problems like my laptop keeps having problems  which it might be fixed maybe but it isn't the laptop hates the battery, so I'm getting a new laptop for Christmas  

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