Love ( count d x Leon a pe...

By Ginersnap2010

829 9 2

One day D gets a call from Papa D saying, that he's dropping something off. That something is a small child... More

Chapter 1 "Where did you come from?"
Chapter 2 : Food.
Chapter 3 : The Little Nightmare
Chapter 4 : Hide in seek with a Fishy
Chapter 5 : Meeting Leon and Chris also Diakou is a Fanfic shipping away !
Chapter 6: How being adorable get's you off the hook.
Chapter 7 : Baku Baku Nya Nya akia Count D has a cute overload attack .
Chapter 8 : Beach day
Chapter 9 : Scary nightmare
Chapter 10 : D's Other Sister
Chapter 11 : Amusement Park Field trip and diakou's birth day!
Chapter 12 : A Snowed in Christmas
Chapter 13 : The Beach Resort
Chapter 14 : The Shadow, The Monster, The Demon Is No More
Chapter 15 : Diakou's Guardian Familars
Chapter 16 : The Man's plan
Chapter 17 : Where's Diakou?!
Chapter 18 : Christmas Shagnanagins and new traditions.
Chapter 19 : Fear
Chapter 20 : The Man's Revenge
Chapter 22 : The Rescue
Chapter 23 : A wedding, A story, and Diakou finally get's Santa Clause!
Chapter 24 : The secret is out of the bag....

Chapter 21 : The ransom

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By Ginersnap2010

Diakou woke up

" Hun!" where am i

" Diakou whatever you do! Don't scream!" d said looking at the locked door

" But where are we?" diakou said

" we're at and old aprement building and being heled hostage!" d said

Diakou eyes widen and she began to scremad

Quickly d held her mouth shut

" Ssh! the lady's asleep! If we careful I think we can get free!" d said

" But she has a gun and!" diakou began as fearful tears fell down her cheecks

" It's gonna be okay!" d said holding her he jumped on with diakou clutching on him...

He slowly opend the window aand was about to jump when.

" if you move! I shoot miss blue beries's head off!" the woman said

D sighed and glared at the woman  as he kept holding her..

Diakou began to cry , the woman growled" shut the bitch up where going to the docks you  boyfriend's coming with money to save ya!" the blonde woman said

D gasped and glared at the woman

" I said get a move on!" the woman yelled firing the gun causing diakou to cry harder

" SHIUT UP BITCH!" the blonde woman scremaed fireing agin

D began sushing diakou as he was forced into a vechile...

Time skip

Leon got out of his car with the fake money.

" Hang on D! I'm coming!" leon said running to the dock

Time skip

D was holding the still crying and scared diakou...

" Sush! It's gonna be okay!' d said rocking her....

" I have your money!" leon said jumping on the  platform

" DECTIVE!" D said standing up


*BANG* The gun rang as she shot leon in the heart and in the head

" LEON!!!!!!!!!" d screamed tears coming out from his eyes

" NOW! D? How does it feel to losse the one you love?" the blonde woman asked

D  just glared at her and fell to the ground sobbing along with diakou....

" GRR! I have it here Bith" the blode woman said grabbing diakou from d

" Diakou!" d scxreame dbut the woman kicked him down

Diakou scremaed trying to get to him but the woman shot her in the head

" DIAKOU!" d sceamed

The woman the dropped the girl into the water

" Now it's your turn!" she said grabing d andd throwing him with leon into the ocean....

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