Chapter 23 : A wedding, A story, and Diakou finally get's Santa Clause!

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It was Christmas time again. at the D household yet this was different.

D was busy picking out treats for his/Leon's wedding... While Leon slightly sobbed as his wallet getting paper thin...

meanwhile, diakou was busy trying again her luck at getting Santa clause, just for a day, is all she needed...

D other sis was busy finding a dress for herself. while papa d and soufa d grumbled about these stupid bow ties.

Diakou had now sneaked off to the north pole with black crystal... and jade...

Time skip

Santa clause was sweating his worts enemy was coming for him now...


Mrs.clause had left him long ago.......

" Hey, old man! Give me your suit!" diakou said holding a gun.

" AGH! Please I beg you spare my life! " Santa pleaded

" Hmmmmm...What happens if I do?" diakou said

" I let you wear my costume any time and help out on Christmas! Plus you'll get anything you desire please I BEG YOU!" Santa said

" Hmm okay! I'll spare ya! But only if ya do as ya said!" diakou said

Santa nodded

And handed her his costume!

Meanwhile, d was grunting as His other sis was pulling at  ribbon...>

" Pffft!" t chan chuckled in his tuxedo

" TIGHTER!!!!!" d hoarsely whispered

" HUMGH!" d other sis said pulling it as tight as it would go

" HMUPGH! hmmm. Ah better!" d said

Soufa was busy looking at a book.....

Papa D began to worry where diakou was..

" Hey wait a minute aren't we close to the north pole...." Papa d 


" No that you think of it- OMG DIAKOU!!!!!!!!!!!!" they screamed

" WE got to save Santa clause!" T chan said

" I agree!" d said running

" MUWAAGA! FINALLY, I AM SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!" diakou secreted as Santa was wearing a suit

the D's jaws dropped at diakou

Her hair had purple lines and red lines as well as some darker blue lines in her hair.

Santa they said

" Please let her be... I agreed for her to take my job as long as she lets me live.....!" said whispered hoarsely...

D then sweatdropped

Time skip

D was on the aisle looking at a smiling diakou and a terrified Santa clause......

" I now pro-," the priest said

But Leon grabbed d, slid on the rings, and was kissing him before the priest could finish.

" Never mind.,.....You married!" the priest said chuckling

" MGPGHMM!!MMMMMMMMM!!!MGPUGH!!!!!!!! MUGPGH!!!! " d said through moans as well as Leon as they kissed

" OH GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" T chan yelled

" That's my cue!" diakou said

" On rudough! On blister on douner on splizter!..." diakou said wipping the reinderr in to the air

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